Пример #1
void Test_ZipUnzip::zipUnzip()
	auto path = createTemporaryFilePath();
	QString testString = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
		QFile file(path);
		ZipArchive zipArchive(&file);
		ZipFile zipFile(&zipArchive, "test.txt");
		QTextStream stream(&zipFile);
		stream << testString;
		QFile file(path);
		UnzipArchive unzArchive(&file);
		UnzipFile unzipFile(&unzArchive, "test.txt");
		QTextStream stream(&unzipFile);
		QCOMPARE(stream.readAll(), testString);
Пример #2
void CDiskCacheZip::restore(const QString& key, QImage& img)
    //    qDebug()  << "restore img " << key;

    int index1 = key.indexOf("file:");
    //QString url = key.right(key.size() - 6);
    QString url = QUrl(key.trimmed()).toLocalFile();

    int index2 = url.lastIndexOf('/');
    index1 = url.lastIndexOf('/',index2 - 1);

    //    qDebug()  << "restore img " << index2 << " " << index1;
    QString inZipFile = url.right(url.size() - index1 - 1);
    QString zipFile = url.left(index2) + ".zip";

    //    qDebug()  << "inZipFile" << inZipFile;
    //    qDebug()  << "zipFile" << zipFile;

    QLGT::QZipReader zipArchive(zipFile);
    if ( zipArchive.exists() )

        QByteArray b = zipArchive.fileData(inZipFile);
        //        qDebug()  << "ZIP " << zipFile;

        if ( b.size() > 0 && img.loadFromData(b) )
            //            qDebug()  << "Tile " << inZipFile << " in zip-cache " << zipFile;
            //            qDebug()  << "No Tile " << inZipFile << " in zip-cache " << zipFile << " " << b.size();


    if ( QFileInfo(url).exists())
        QFile f(url);
        if ( f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) && img.loadFromData(f.readAll()) )
            //            qDebug()  << "Tile " << url << " in local file ";

    img = QImage();

Пример #3
bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::unarchiveFiles( const wxString& aFullFileName, REPORTER* aReporter )
    wxString msg;

    // Extract the path of aFullFileName. We use it to store temporary files
    wxFileName fn( aFullFileName );
    wxString unzipDir = fn.GetPath();

    wxFFileInputStream zipFile( aFullFileName );

    if( !zipFile.IsOk() )
        if( aReporter )
            msg.Printf( _( "Zip file \"%s\" cannot be opened" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
            aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

        return false;

    // Update the list of recent zip files.
    UpdateFileHistory( aFullFileName, &m_zipFileHistory );

    // The unzipped file in only a temporary file. Give it a filename
    // which cannot conflict with an usual filename.
    // TODO: make Read_GERBER_File() and Read_EXCELLON_File() able to
    // accept a stream, and avoid using a temp file.
    wxFileName temp_fn( "$tempfile.tmp" );
    temp_fn.MakeAbsolute( unzipDir );
    wxString unzipped_tempfile = temp_fn.GetFullPath();

    bool success = true;
    wxZipInputStream zipArchive( zipFile );
    wxZipEntry* entry;
    bool reported_no_more_layer = false;

    while( ( entry = zipArchive.GetNextEntry() ) )
        wxString fname = entry->GetName();
        wxFileName uzfn = fname;
        wxString curr_ext = uzfn.GetExt().Lower();

        // The archive contains Gerber and/or Excellon drill files. Use the right loader.
        // However it can contain a few other files (reports, pdf files...),
        // which will be skipped.
        // Gerber files ext is usually "gbr", but can be also an other value, starting by "g"
        // old gerber files ext from kicad is .pho
        // drill files do not have a well defined ext
        // It is .drl in kicad, but .txt in Altium for instance
        // Allows only .drl for drill files.
        if( curr_ext[0] != 'g' && curr_ext != "pho" && curr_ext != "drl" )
            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _( "Info: skip file <i>\"%s\"</i> (unknown type)\n" ),
                            GetChars( entry->GetName() ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_WARNING );


        int layer = GetActiveLayer();

        if( layer == NO_AVAILABLE_LAYERS )
            success = false;

            if( aReporter )
                if( !reported_no_more_layer )
                    aReporter->Report( MSG_NO_MORE_LAYER, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

                reported_no_more_layer = true;

                // Report the name of not loaded files:
                msg.Printf( MSG_NOT_LOADED, GetChars( entry->GetName() ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

            delete entry;

        // Create the unzipped temporary file:
            wxFFileOutputStream temporary_ofile( unzipped_tempfile );

            if( temporary_ofile.Ok() )
                temporary_ofile.Write( zipArchive );
                success = false;

                if( aReporter )
                    msg.Printf( _( "<b>Unable to create temporary file \"%s\"</b>\n"),
                                GetChars( unzipped_tempfile ) );
                    aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

        bool read_ok = true;

        if( curr_ext[0] == 'g' || curr_ext == "pho" )
            // Read gerber files: each file is loaded on a new GerbView layer
            read_ok = Read_GERBER_File( unzipped_tempfile );
        else // if( curr_ext == "drl" )
            read_ok = Read_EXCELLON_File( unzipped_tempfile );

        delete entry;

        // The unzipped file is only a temporary file, delete it.
        wxRemoveFile( unzipped_tempfile );

        if( !read_ok )
            success = false;

            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _("<b>unzipped file %s read error</b>\n"),
                            GetChars( unzipped_tempfile ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
            GERBER_FILE_IMAGE* gerber_image = GetGbrImage( layer );

            if( gerber_image )
                gerber_image->m_FileName = fname;

            layer = getNextAvailableLayer( layer );
            SetActiveLayer( layer, false );

    return success;
Пример #4
aBackup::exportData(const QString& rcfile, const QString &archfile, bool withTemplates )
	QDir dir;
	int prg=0;
	int totalSteps=10;
        QString temp;
	QString tmpDirName;
	QString srcDirName;
	QStringList templatesName;

#ifndef _Windows
	temp = getenv("TMPDIR");
	if(temp=="" || temp.isEmpty())
		temp = P_tmpdir;
	temp = getenv("TEMP");
	tmpDirName = QString(temp+"/%1").arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t());
	tmpDirName = QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName);
	//printf("copy name = %s\n",tmpDirName.ascii());
		setLastError(tr("Can't create directory %s").arg(tmpDirName));
		aLog::print(aLog::Error, tr("aBackup create temporary directory"));
		return true;
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup create temporary directory %1").arg(tmpDirName));

		setLastError(tr("Can't create directory %s").arg(tmpDirName+"/META-INF"));
		aLog::print(aLog::Error, tr("aBackup create temporary directory"));
		cleanupTmpFiles(tmpDirName, &templatesName);
		return true;
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup create temporary directory %1").arg(tmpDirName+"/META-INF"));
	aCfg cfg;
	// create copy of metadata
	if(cfg.readrc( rcfile ))
		setLastError(tr("Invalid resource file"));
		aLog::print(aLog::Error, tr("aBackup invalid *.rc file"));
		cleanupTmpFiles(tmpDirName, &templatesName);
		return true;
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup valid *.rc file"));

		srcDirName = QDir::convertSeparators(cfg.rc.value("workdir"));
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup workdir=%1").arg(srcDirName));
		templatesName = dir.entryList("templ_*.odt;templ_*.ods");
		for(uint i=0; i<templatesName.count(); i++)
			//ayTests::print2log("f:\\ERROR.log", "aBackup", tmpDirName + "/templates/"+templatesName[i]);
			aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup template %1 %2").arg(i).arg(tmpDirName + "/templates/"+templatesName[i]));
//			file.remove();

	if(cfg.write( tmpDirName+"/busines-schema.cfg" ))
		setLastError(tr("Can't write resource file"));
		aLog::print(aLog::Error, tr("aBackup write %1 file").arg(tmpDirName+"/busines-schema.cfg"));
		cleanupTmpFiles(tmpDirName, &templatesName);
		return true;
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup write %1 file").arg(tmpDirName+"/busines-schema.cfg"));

	// create dump
	if(dumpBase(rcfile,tmpDirName, prg, totalSteps )==true)
		cleanupTmpFiles(tmpDirName, &templatesName);
		aLog::print(aLog::Error, tr("aBackup dump base error"));
		return true;
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup bump base"));

	if(writeXml(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName+"/META-INF/manifest.xml"), createManifest(templatesName))==true)
		setLastError(tr("Can't write file META-INF/manifest.xml"));
		aLog::print(aLog::Error, tr("aBackup write manifest.xml"));
		cleanupTmpFiles(tmpDirName, &templatesName);
		return true;
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup write manifest.xml"));
//	printf("%s\n",(createManifest(templatesName)).toString().ascii());
		QString destNamePref = tmpDirName + "/templates";
		bool res = false;
		for(uint i=0; i<templatesName.count(); i++)
//				printf("copy %s to %s\n", QString(srcDirName+"/"+templatesName[i]).ascii(), QString(destNamePref+"/"+templatesName[i]).ascii());
			if(!aService::copyFile(QDir::convertSeparators(srcDirName+"/"+templatesName[i]), QDir::convertSeparators(destNamePref+"/"+templatesName[i]), true))
				setLastError(tr("Can't copy template file"));


	if(zipArchive(archfile + ".bsa", tmpDirName)==true)
//		setLastError(tr("Can't zip archive"));
		cleanupTmpFiles(tmpDirName, &templatesName);
		aLog::print(aLog::Error, tr("aBackup zip archive"));
		return true;
		aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup zip archive"));
	// remove files and directories
	cleanupTmpFiles(tmpDirName, &templatesName);
	emit (progress(++prg,totalSteps));
	setLastError(tr("Data export done without errors"));
	aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup export data ok"));

	return false;
Пример #5
int DNGWriter::convert()
    d->cancel = false;

        if (inputFile().isEmpty())
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: No input file to convert. Aborted..." << endl;
            return -1;

        QFileInfo inputInfo(inputFile());
        QString   dngFilePath = outputFile();

        if (dngFilePath.isEmpty())
            dngFilePath = QString(inputInfo.baseName() + QString(".dng"));

        QFileInfo          outputInfo(dngFilePath);
        QByteArray         rawData;
        DcrawInfoContainer identify;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Loading RAW data from " << inputInfo.fileName() << endl;

        KDcraw rawProcessor;
        if (!rawProcessor.extractRAWData(inputFile(), rawData, identify))
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Loading RAW data failed. Aborted..." << endl;
            return -1;

        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        int width      = identify.imageSize.width();
        int height     = identify.imageSize.height();
        int pixelRange = 16;

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Raw data loaded:" << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Data Size:     " << rawData.size() << " bytes" << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Date:          " << identify.dateTime.toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Make:          " << identify.make << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Model:         " << identify.model << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Size:          " << width << "x" << height << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Orientation:   " << identify.orientation << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Top margin:    " << identify.topMargin << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Left margin:   " << identify.leftMargin << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Filter:        " << identify.filterPattern << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Colors:        " << identify.rawColors << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- Black:         " << identify.blackPoint << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- White:         " << identify.whitePoint << endl;
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "--- CAM->XYZ:" << endl;

        QString matrixVal;
        for(int i=0; i<12; i+=3)
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "                   "
                     << QString().sprintf("%03.4f  %03.4f  %03.4f", identify.cameraXYZMatrix[0][ i ],
                     << endl;

        // Check if CFA layout is supported by DNG SDK.
        int bayerMosaic;

        if (identify.filterPattern == QString("GRBGGRBGGRBGGRBG"))
            bayerMosaic = 0;
        else if (identify.filterPattern == QString("RGGBRGGBRGGBRGGB"))
            bayerMosaic = 1;
        else if (identify.filterPattern == QString("BGGRBGGRBGGRBGGR"))
            bayerMosaic = 2;
        else if (identify.filterPattern == QString("GBRGGBRGGBRGGBRG"))
            bayerMosaic = 3;
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Bayer mosaic not supported. Aborted..." << endl;
            return -1;

        // Check if number of Raw Color components is supported.
        if (identify.rawColors != 3)
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Number of Raw color components not supported. Aborted..." << endl;
            return -1;

/*      // NOTE: code to hack RAW data extraction

        QString   rawdataFilePath(inputInfo.baseName() + QString(".dat"));
        QFileInfo rawdataInfo(rawdataFilePath);

        QFile rawdataFile(rawdataFilePath);
        if (!rawdataFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Cannot open file to write RAW data. Aborted..." << endl;
            return -1;
        QDataStream rawdataStream(&rawdataFile);
        rawdataStream.writeRawData(rawData.data(), rawData.size());
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Formating RAW data to memory" << endl;

        std::vector<unsigned short> raw_data;
        const unsigned short* dp = (const unsigned short*)rawData.data();
        for (uint i = 0; i < raw_data.size()/2; i++)
            raw_data[i] = *dp;

        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG memory allocation and initialization" << endl;

        dng_memory_allocator memalloc(gDefaultDNGMemoryAllocator);
        dng_memory_stream stream(memalloc);
        stream.Put(&raw_data.front(), raw_data.size()*sizeof(unsigned short));

        dng_rect rect(height, width);
        DNGWriterHost host(d, &memalloc);

        // Unprocessed raw data.

        // Linearized, tone curve processed data.

        AutoPtr<dng_image> image(new dng_simple_image(rect, 1, ttShort, 1<<pixelRange, memalloc));

        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG IFD structure creation" << endl;

        dng_ifd ifd;

        ifd.fUsesNewSubFileType        = true;
        ifd.fNewSubFileType            = 0;
        ifd.fImageWidth                = width;
        ifd.fImageLength               = height;
        ifd.fBitsPerSample[0]          = pixelRange;
        ifd.fBitsPerSample[1]          = 0;
        ifd.fBitsPerSample[2]          = 0;
        ifd.fBitsPerSample[3]          = 0;
        ifd.fCompression               = ccUncompressed;
        ifd.fPredictor                 = 1;
        ifd.fCFALayout                 = 1;                 // Rectangular (or square) layout.
        ifd.fPhotometricInterpretation = piCFA;
        ifd.fFillOrder                 = 1;
        ifd.fOrientation               = identify.orientation;
        ifd.fSamplesPerPixel           = 1;
        ifd.fPlanarConfiguration       = 1;
        ifd.fXResolution               = 0.0;
        ifd.fYResolution               = 0.0;
        ifd.fResolutionUnit            = 0;

        ifd.fUsesStrips                = true;
        ifd.fUsesTiles                 = false;

        ifd.fTileWidth                 = width;
        ifd.fTileLength                = height;
        ifd.fTileOffsetsType           = 4;
        ifd.fTileOffsetsCount          = 0;

        ifd.fSubIFDsCount              = 0;
        ifd.fSubIFDsOffset             = 0;
        ifd.fExtraSamplesCount         = 0;
        ifd.fSampleFormat[0]           = 1;
        ifd.fSampleFormat[1]           = 1;
        ifd.fSampleFormat[2]           = 1;
        ifd.fSampleFormat[3]           = 1;

        ifd.fLinearizationTableType    = 0;
        ifd.fLinearizationTableCount   = 0;
        ifd.fLinearizationTableOffset  = 0;

        ifd.fBlackLevelRepeatRows      = 1;
        ifd.fBlackLevelRepeatCols      = 1;
        ifd.fBlackLevel[0][0][0]       = identify.blackPoint;
        ifd.fBlackLevelDeltaHType      = 0;
        ifd.fBlackLevelDeltaHCount     = 0;
        ifd.fBlackLevelDeltaHOffset    = 0;
        ifd.fBlackLevelDeltaVType      = 0;
        ifd.fBlackLevelDeltaVCount     = 0;
        ifd.fBlackLevelDeltaVOffset    = 0;
        ifd.fWhiteLevel[0]             = identify.whitePoint;
        ifd.fWhiteLevel[1]             = identify.whitePoint;
        ifd.fWhiteLevel[2]             = identify.whitePoint;
        ifd.fWhiteLevel[3]             = identify.whitePoint;

        ifd.fDefaultScaleH             = dng_urational(1, 1);
        ifd.fDefaultScaleV             = dng_urational(1, 1);
        ifd.fBestQualityScale          = dng_urational(1, 1);

        ifd.fCFARepeatPatternRows      = 0;
        ifd.fCFARepeatPatternCols      = 0;

        ifd.fBayerGreenSplit           = 0;
        ifd.fChromaBlurRadius          = dng_urational(0, 0);
        ifd.fAntiAliasStrength         = dng_urational(100, 100);

        ifd.fActiveArea                = rect;
        ifd.fDefaultCropOriginH        = dng_urational(0, 1);
        ifd.fDefaultCropOriginV        = dng_urational(0, 1);
        ifd.fDefaultCropSizeH          = dng_urational(width, 1);
        ifd.fDefaultCropSizeV          = dng_urational(height, 1);

        ifd.fMaskedAreaCount           = 0;
        ifd.fLosslessJPEGBug16         = false;
        ifd.fSampleBitShift            = 0;

        ifd.ReadImage(host, stream, *image.Get());

        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG Negative structure creation" << endl;

        AutoPtr<dng_negative> negative(host.Make_dng_negative());

        negative->SetDefaultScale(ifd.fDefaultScaleH, ifd.fDefaultScaleV);
        negative->SetDefaultCropOrigin(ifd.fDefaultCropOriginH, ifd.fDefaultCropOriginV);
        negative->SetDefaultCropSize(ifd.fDefaultCropSizeH, ifd.fDefaultCropSizeV);

        negative->SetLocalName(QString("%1 %2").arg(identify.make).arg(identify.model).toAscii());

        negative->SetColorKeys(colorKeyRed, colorKeyGreen, colorKeyBlue);

        negative->SetWhiteLevel(identify.whitePoint, 0);
        negative->SetWhiteLevel(identify.whitePoint, 1);
        negative->SetWhiteLevel(identify.whitePoint, 2);
        negative->SetBlackLevel(identify.blackPoint, 0);
        negative->SetBlackLevel(identify.blackPoint, 1);
        negative->SetBlackLevel(identify.blackPoint, 2);


        dng_orientation orientation;
        switch (identify.orientation)
            case DcrawInfoContainer::ORIENTATION_180:
                orientation = dng_orientation::Rotate180();

            case DcrawInfoContainer::ORIENTATION_90CCW:
                orientation = dng_orientation::Rotate90CCW();

            case DcrawInfoContainer::ORIENTATION_90CW:
                orientation = dng_orientation::Rotate90CW();

            default:   // ORIENTATION_NONE
                orientation = dng_orientation::Normal();

        negative->SetAntiAliasStrength(dng_urational(100, 100));
        negative->SetShadowScale( dng_urational(1, 1) );

        negative->SetAnalogBalance(dng_vector_3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Set Camera->XYZ Color matrix as profile.
        dng_matrix_3by3 matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        dng_matrix_3by3 camXYZ;

        AutoPtr<dng_camera_profile> prof(new dng_camera_profile);
        prof->SetName(QString("%1 %2").arg(identify.make).arg(identify.model).toAscii());

        camXYZ[0][0] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[0][0];
        camXYZ[0][1] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[0][1];
        camXYZ[0][2] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[0][2];
        camXYZ[1][0] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[0][3];
        camXYZ[1][1] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[1][0];
        camXYZ[1][2] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[1][1];
        camXYZ[2][0] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[1][2];
        camXYZ[2][1] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[1][3];
        camXYZ[2][2] = identify.cameraXYZMatrix[2][0];

        if (camXYZ.MaxEntry() == 0.0)
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Warning, camera XYZ Matrix is null" << endl;
            matrix = camXYZ;

        prof->SetColorMatrix1((dng_matrix) matrix);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Clear "Camera WhiteXY"

        // This settings break color on preview and thumbnail
        //negative->SetCameraNeutral(dng_vector_3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));

        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Updating metadata to DNG Negative" << endl;

        dng_exif *exif = negative->GetExif();

        // Time from original shot
        dng_date_time dt;
        dt.fYear   = identify.dateTime.date().year();
        dt.fMonth  = identify.dateTime.date().month();
        dt.fDay    = identify.dateTime.date().day();
        dt.fHour   = identify.dateTime.time().hour();
        dt.fMinute = identify.dateTime.time().minute();
        dt.fSecond = identify.dateTime.time().second();

        dng_date_time_info dti;
        exif->fDateTimeOriginal  = dti;
        exif->fDateTimeDigitized = dti;

        long int num, den;
        long     val;
        QString  str;
        KExiv2   meta;
        if (meta.load(inputFile()))
            // String Tags

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.Image.Software");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fSoftware.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.Image.ImageDescription");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fImageDescription.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.Image.Artist");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fArtist.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.Image.Copyright");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fCopyright.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.Photo.UserComment");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fUserComment.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.Image.CameraSerialNumber");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fCameraSerialNumber.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSLatitudeRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSLongitudeRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSSatellites");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSSatellites.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSStatus");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSStatus.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSMeasureMode");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSMeasureMode.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSSpeedRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSSpeedRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSTrackRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSTrackRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSSpeedRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSSpeedRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSImgDirectionRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSSpeedRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSMapDatum");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSMapDatum.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestLatitudeRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSDestLatitudeRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestLongitudeRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSDestLongitudeRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestBearingRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSDestBearingRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestDistanceRef");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSDestDistanceRef.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSProcessingMethod");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSProcessingMethod.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAreaInformation");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSAreaInformation.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            str = meta.getExifTagString("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDateStamp");
            if (!str.isEmpty()) exif->fGPSDateStamp.Set_ASCII(str.toAscii());

            // Rational Tags

            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.ExposureTime", num, den))          exif->fExposureTime          = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.FNumber", num, den))               exif->fFNumber               = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.ShutterSpeedValue", num, den))     exif->fShutterSpeedValue     = dng_srational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.ApertureValue", num, den))         exif->fApertureValue         = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.BrightnessValue", num, den))       exif->fBrightnessValue       = dng_srational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.ExposureBiasValue", num, den))     exif->fExposureBiasValue     = dng_srational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.MaxApertureValue", num, den))      exif->fMaxApertureValue      = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.FocalLength", num, den))           exif->fFocalLength           = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.DigitalZoomRatio", num, den))      exif->fDigitalZoomRatio      = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.SubjectDistance", num, den))       exif->fSubjectDistance       = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Image.BatteryLevel", num, den))          exif->fBatteryLevelR         = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolution", num, den)) exif->fFocalPlaneXResolution = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolution", num, den)) exif->fFocalPlaneYResolution = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude", num, den))         exif->fGPSAltitude           = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDOP", num, den))              exif->fGPSDOP                = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSSpeed", num, den))            exif->fGPSSpeed              = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSTrack", num, den))            exif->fGPSTrack              = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSImgDirection", num, den))     exif->fGPSImgDirection       = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestBearing", num, den))      exif->fGPSDestBearing        = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestDistance", num, den))     exif->fGPSDestDistance       = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude", num, den))         exif->fGPSLatitude[0]        = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude", num, den))        exif->fGPSLongitude[0]       = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSTimeStamp", num, den))        exif->fGPSTimeStamp[0]       = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestLatitude", num, den))     exif->fGPSDestLatitude[0]    = dng_urational(num, den);
            if (meta.getExifTagRational("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDestLongitude", num, den))    exif->fGPSDestLongitude[0]   = dng_urational(num, den);

            // Integer Tags

            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.ExposureProgram", val))          exif->fExposureProgram          = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.MeteringMode", val))             exif->fMeteringMode             = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.LightSource", val))              exif->fLightSource              = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.Flash", val))                    exif->fFlash                    = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.SensingMethod", val))            exif->fSensingMethod            = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.FileSource", val))               exif->fFileSource               = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.SceneType", val))                exif->fSceneType                = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.CustomRendered", val))           exif->fCustomRendered           = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.ExposureMode", val))             exif->fExposureMode             = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.WhiteBalance", val))             exif->fWhiteBalance             = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.SceneCaptureType", val))         exif->fSceneCaptureType         = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.GainControl", val))              exif->fGainControl              = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.Contrast", val))                 exif->fContrast                 = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.Saturation", val))               exif->fSaturation               = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.Sharpness", val))                exif->fSharpness                = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.SubjectDistanceRange", val))     exif->fSubjectDistanceRange     = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", val))    exif->fFocalLengthIn35mmFilm    = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.ComponentsConfiguration", val))  exif->fComponentsConfiguration  = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.PixelXDimension", val))          exif->fPixelXDimension          = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.PixelYDimension", val))          exif->fPixelYDimension          = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.Photo.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", val)) exif->fFocalPlaneResolutionUnit = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSVersionID", val))           exif->fGPSVersionID             = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef", val))         exif->fGPSAltitudeRef           = (uint32)val;
            if (meta.getExifTagLong("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDifferential", val))        exif->fGPSDifferential          = (uint32)val;

        // Markernote backup.

        QByteArray mkrnts = meta.getExifTagData("Exif.Photo.MakerNote");
        if (!mkrnts.isEmpty())
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Backup Makernote (" << mkrnts.size() << " bytes)" << endl;

            dng_memory_allocator memalloc(gDefaultDNGMemoryAllocator);
            dng_memory_stream stream(memalloc);
            stream.Put(mkrnts.data(), mkrnts.size());
            AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> block(host.Allocate(mkrnts.size()));
            stream.Get(block->Buffer(), mkrnts.size());

        if (d->backupOriginalRawFile)
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Backup Original RAW file (" << inputInfo.size() << " bytes)" << endl;

            // Compress Raw file data to Zip archive.

            QTemporaryFile zipFile;
            if (!zipFile.open())
                kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Cannot open temporary file to write Zip Raw file. Aborted..." << endl;
                return -1;
            KZip zipArchive(zipFile.fileName());
            zipArchive.addLocalFile(inputFile(), inputFile());

            // Load Zip Archive in a byte array

            QFileInfo zipFileInfo(zipFile.fileName());
            QByteArray zipRawFileData;
            QDataStream dataStream(&zipFile);
            dataStream.readRawData(zipRawFileData.data(), zipRawFileData.size());
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Zipped RAW file size " << zipRawFileData.size() << " bytes" << endl;

            // Pass byte array to DNG sdk and compute MD5 fingerprint.

            dng_memory_allocator memalloc(gDefaultDNGMemoryAllocator);
            dng_memory_stream stream(memalloc);
            stream.Put(zipRawFileData.data(), zipRawFileData.size());
            AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> block(host.Allocate(zipRawFileData.size()));
            stream.Get(block->Buffer(), zipRawFileData.size());

            dng_md5_printer md5;
            md5.Process(block->Buffer(), block->LogicalSize());


        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Build DNG Negative" << endl;

        // Assign Raw image data.

        // Compute linearized and range mapped image

        // Compute demosaiced image (used by preview and thumbnail)


        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        dng_preview_list previewList;

// NOTE: something is wrong with Qt < 4.4.0 to import TIFF data as stream in QImage.
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x40400

        if (d->previewMode != DNGWriter::NONE)
            kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG preview image creation" << endl;

            // Construct a preview image as TIFF format.
            AutoPtr<dng_image> tiffImage;
            dng_render tiff_render(host, *negative);
            tiff_render.SetMaximumSize(d->previewMode == MEDIUM ? 1280 : width);

            dng_image_writer tiff_writer;
            AutoPtr<dng_memory_stream> dms(new dng_memory_stream(gDefaultDNGMemoryAllocator));

            tiff_writer.WriteTIFF(host, *dms, *tiffImage.Get(), piRGB,
                                  ccUncompressed, negative.Get(), &tiff_render.FinalSpace());

            // Write TIFF preview image data to a temp JPEG file
            std::vector<char> tiff_mem_buffer(dms->Length());
            dms->Get(&tiff_mem_buffer.front(), tiff_mem_buffer.size());

            QImage pre_image;
            if (!pre_image.loadFromData((uchar*)&tiff_mem_buffer.front(), tiff_mem_buffer.size(), "TIFF"))
                kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Cannot load TIFF preview data in memory. Aborted..." << endl;
                return -1;

            QTemporaryFile previewFile;
            if (!previewFile.open())
                kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Cannot open temporary file to write JPEG preview. Aborted..." << endl;
                return -1;

            if (!pre_image.save(previewFile.fileName(), "JPEG", 90))
                kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Cannot save file to write JPEG preview. Aborted..." << endl;
                return -1;

            // Load JPEG preview file data in DNG preview container.
            AutoPtr<dng_jpeg_preview> jpeg_preview;
            jpeg_preview.Reset(new dng_jpeg_preview);
            jpeg_preview->fPhotometricInterpretation = piYCbCr;
            jpeg_preview->fPreviewSize.v             = pre_image.height();
            jpeg_preview->fPreviewSize.h             = pre_image.width();

            QDataStream previewStream( &previewFile );
            previewStream.readRawData(jpeg_preview->fCompressedData->Buffer_char(), previewFile.size());

            AutoPtr<dng_preview> pp( dynamic_cast<dng_preview*>(jpeg_preview.Release()) );


#endif /* QT_VERSION >= 0x40400 */

        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG thumbnail creation" << endl;

        dng_image_preview thumbnail;
        dng_render thumbnail_render(host, *negative);

        if (d->cancel) return -2;

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: Creating DNG file " << outputInfo.fileName() << endl;

        dng_image_writer writer;
        dng_file_stream filestream(QFile::encodeName(dngFilePath), true);

        writer.WriteDNG(host, filestream, *negative.Get(), thumbnail, 
                        d->jpegLossLessCompression ? ccJPEG : ccUncompressed,

    catch (const dng_exception &exception)
        int ret = exception.ErrorCode();
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG SDK exception code (" << ret << ")" << endl;
        return ret;

    catch (...)
        kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG SDK exception code unknow" << endl;
        return dng_error_unknown;

    kDebug( 51000 ) << "DNGWriter: DNG conversion complete..." << endl;

    return dng_error_none;