Пример #1
void zrtp_session_down(zrtp_session_t *session)
	int i =0;
    if (!session) {

	/* Stop ZRTP engine and clear all crypto sources for every stream in the session. */
	for(i=0; i<ZRTP_MAX_STREAMS_PER_SESSION; i++) {
		zrtp_stream_t *the_stream = &session->streams[i]; 		

	/* Release memory allocated on initialization */
	if (session->secrets.rs1) {
	if (session->secrets.rs2) {
	if (session->secrets.auxs) {
	if (session->secrets.pbxs) {

	/* We don't need the session key anymore - clear it */

	/* Removing session from the global list */    
Пример #2
zrtp_status_t _zrtp_machine_enter_secure(zrtp_stream_t* stream)
     * When switching to SECURE all ZRTP crypto values were already computed by
	 * state-machine. Then we need to have logic to manage SAS value and shared
	 * secrets only. So: we compute SAS, refresh secrets flags and save the
	 * secrets to the cache after RS2 and RS1 swapping.  We don't need any
	 * crypto sources any longer - destroy them.

	zrtp_status_t s				= zrtp_status_ok;
	zrtp_proto_crypto_t* cc		= stream->protocol->cc;
	zrtp_session_t *session		= stream->session;
	zrtp_secrets_t *secrets		= &stream->session->secrets;
	uint8_t was_exp   = 0;
	uint64_t exp_date = 0;

	ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tEnter state SECURE (%s).\n", zrtp_log_mode2str(stream->mode)));

	_zrtp_cancel_send_packet_later(stream, ZRTP_NONE);

	 * Compute the SAS value if it isn't computed yet. If there are several
	 * streams running in parallel - stream with the biggest hvi should
	 * generate the SAS.
	if (!session->sas1.length) {
		s = session->sasscheme->compute(session->sasscheme, stream, session->hash, 0);
		if (zrtp_status_ok != s) {
			_zrtp_machine_enter_initiatingerror(stream, zrtp_error_software, 1);
			return s;

		ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tThis is the very first stream in sID GENERATING SAS value.\n", session->id));
		ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tSAS computed: <%.16s> <%.16s>.\n", session->sas1.buffer, session->sas2.buffer));

	 * Compute a new value for RS1 and store the prevoious one.
	 * Compute result secrets' flags.
	if (ZRTP_IS_STREAM_DH(stream))
		ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tCheck expiration interval: last_use=%u ttl=%u new_ttl=%u exp=%u now=%u\n",
					(secrets->rs1->lastused_at + secrets->rs1->ttl),
		if (secrets->rs1->ttl != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
			exp_date = secrets->rs1->lastused_at;
			exp_date += secrets->rs1->ttl;						
			if (ZRTP_IS_STREAM_DH(stream) && (exp_date < zrtp_time_now()/1000)) {
				ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tUsing EXPIRED secrets: last_use=%u ttl=%u exp=%u now=%u\n",
								(secrets->rs1->lastused_at + secrets->rs1->ttl),
				was_exp = 1;
		if (!was_exp) {
			secrets->wrongs = secrets->matches ^ secrets->cached;
			secrets->wrongs &= ~ZRTP_BIT_RS2;
			secrets->wrongs &= ~ZRTP_BIT_PBX;
	 * We going to update RS1 and change appropriate secrets flags. Let's back-up current values.
	 * Back-upped values could be used in debug purposes and in the GUI to reflect current state of the call
	if (!ZRTP_IS_STREAM_MULT(stream)) {
		secrets->cached_curr = secrets->cached;
		secrets->matches_curr = secrets->matches;
		secrets->wrongs_curr = secrets->wrongs;
	ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tFlags C=%x M=%x W=%x ID=%u\n",
				secrets->cached, secrets->matches, secrets->wrongs, stream->id));

	_zrtp_change_state(stream, ZRTP_STATE_SECURE);
	 * Alarm user if the following condition is TRUE for both RS1 and RS2:
	 * "secret is wrong if it has been restored from the cache but hasn't matched
	 * with the remote one".
	if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) {
		session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_IS_SECURE);
	if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_secure) {
	/* Alarm user if possible MiTM attack detected */
	if (secrets->wrongs) {
		session->mitm_alert_detected = 1;
		if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_security_event) {
			session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_security_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_MITM_WARNING);

	/* Check for unenrollemnt first */
	if ((secrets->cached & ZRTP_BIT_PBX) && !(secrets->matches & ZRTP_BIT_PBX)) {
		ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"\tINFO! The user requires new un-enrolment - the nedpint may clear"
					" the cache or perform other action. ID=%u\n", stream->id));

		if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) {
			session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_USER_UNENROLLED);

	 * Handle PBX registration, if required: If PBX already had a shared secret
	 * for the ZID it leaves the cache entry unmodified. Else, it computes a new
	 * one. If the PBX detects cache entry for the static shared secret, but the
	 * phone does not have a matching cache entry - the PBX generates a new one.
	if (ZRTP_MITM_MODE_REG_SERVER == stream->mitm_mode)
		if (secrets->matches & ZRTP_BIT_PBX) {
			ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"\tINFO! User have been already registered - skip enrollment ritual. ID=%u\n", stream->id));
			if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) {
				session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_USER_ALREADY_ENROLLED);
		} else {			
			ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"\tINFO! The user requires new enrolment - generate new MiTM secret. ID=%u\n", stream->id));
			if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) {
				stream->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_NEW_USER_ENROLLED);
	else if (ZRTP_MITM_MODE_REG_CLIENT == stream->mitm_mode)
		if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) {
			session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_IS_CLIENT_ENROLLMENT);

	 * Compute new RS for FULL DH streams only. Don't update RS1 if cache TTL is 0
	if (ZRTP_IS_STREAM_DH(stream))
		static const zrtp_string32_t rss_label = ZSTR_INIT_WITH_CONST_CSTRING(ZRTP_RS_STR);
		if (stream->cache_ttl > 0) {			
			/* Replace RS2 with RS1 */
			secrets->rs2 = secrets->rs1;

			secrets->rs1 = _zrtp_alloc_shared_secret(session);
			if (!secrets->rs1) {
				_zrtp_machine_enter_initiatingerror(stream, zrtp_error_software, 1);
				return zrtp_status_fail;

			 * Compute new RS1 based on previous one and S0:
			 * rs1 = KDF(s0, "retained secret", KDF_Context, negotiated hash length)
			_zrtp_kdf( stream,

			 * Mark secrets as cached: RS1 have been just generated and cached;
			 * RS2 is cached if previous secret was cached as well.
			secrets->rs1->_cachedflag = 1;
			secrets->cached |= ZRTP_BIT_RS1;
			secrets->matches |= ZRTP_BIT_RS1;
			if (secrets->rs2->_cachedflag) {
				secrets->cached |= ZRTP_BIT_RS2;

			/* Let's update the TTL interval for the new secret */
			secrets->rs1->ttl = stream->cache_ttl;
			secrets->rs1->lastused_at = (uint32_t)(zrtp_time_now()/1000);

			/* If possible MiTM attach detected - postpone storing the cache until after the user verify the SAS */
			if (!session->mitm_alert_detected) {
				zrtp_cache_put(session->zrtp->cache, ZSTR_GV(session->peer_zid), secrets->rs1);

			uint32_t verifiedflag = 0;
			char buff[128];
			zrtp_cache_get_verified(session->zrtp->cache, ZSTR_GV(session->peer_zid), &verifiedflag);

			ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tNew secret was generated:\n"));
			ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\t\tRS1 value:<%s>\n",
						hex2str(secrets->rs1->value.buffer, secrets->rs1->value.length, buff, sizeof(buff))));
			ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\t\tTTL=%u, flags C=%x M=%x W=%x V=%d\n",
						secrets->rs1->ttl, secrets->cached, secrets->matches, secrets->wrongs, verifiedflag));
		} /* for TTL > 0 only */
		else {
			secrets->rs1->ttl = 0;
			zrtp_cache_put(session->zrtp->cache, ZSTR_GV(session->peer_zid), secrets->rs1);
	} /* For DH mode only */

	if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) {
		session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_IS_SECURE_DONE);

	/* We have computed all subkeys from S0 and don't need it any longer. */

	/* Clear DH crypto context */
	if (ZRTP_IS_STREAM_DH(stream)) {
	 * Now, let's check if the transition to CLEAR was caused by Active/Passive rules.
	 * If local endpoint is a MitM and peer MiTM linked stream is Unlimited, we
	 * could break the rules and send commit to Passive endpoint.
	if (stream->zrtp->is_mitm && stream->peer_super_flag) {
		if (stream->linked_mitm && stream->linked_mitm->peer_passive) {
			if (stream->linked_mitm->state == ZRTP_STATE_CLEAR) {
				ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"INFO: Linked Peer stream id=%u suspended in CLEAR-state due to"
							" Active/Passive restrictions, but we are running in MiTM mode and "
							"current peer endpoint is Super-Active. Let's Go Secure for the linked stream.\n", stream->id));
				/* @note: don't use zrtp_secure_stream() wrapper as it checks for Active/Passive stuff. */
	 * Increase calls counter for Preshared mode and reset it on DH
	uint32_t calls_counter = 0;
	zrtp_cache_get_presh_counter(session->zrtp->cache, ZSTR_GV(session->peer_zid), &calls_counter);
	if (ZRTP_IS_STREAM_DH(stream)) {
		zrtp_cache_set_presh_counter(session->zrtp->cache, ZSTR_GV(session->peer_zid), 0);
	} else if ZRTP_IS_STREAM_PRESH(stream) {
		zrtp_cache_set_presh_counter(session->zrtp->cache, ZSTR_GV(session->peer_zid), ++calls_counter);

	return zrtp_status_ok;