Пример #1
void HBlockWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
  Channel *active = gdata->getActiveChannel();
  if(active) {
    AnalysisData *theData = active->dataAtCurrentChunk();
    if(theData) {
      //get a copy of theData so we don't hold the mutex for too long
      AnalysisData data = *theData;
      // We have harmonicFreq - the actual frequencies of the harmonies - and harmonicAmp, their amplitude
      //std::vector<float> harmonicFreq = active->lookup[frame].harmonicFreq;
      std::vector<float> harmonicFreq = data.harmonicFreq;
      // harmonicAmp values range between 0-1
      //std::vector<float> harmonicAmp = active->lookup[frame].harmonicAmp;
      std::vector<float> harmonicAmp = data.harmonicAmp;
      // Get the frame's fundamental frequency
      //float fund = active->lookup[frame].fundamentalFreq;
      float fund = data.fundamentalFreq;
      // Work out the bar height for each harmonic
      double barHeight = double(height()) / double(harmonicFreq.size());
      QColor fillColor = colorBetween(colorGroup().background(), active->color, data.volumeValue());
      QColor outlineColor = colorBetween(colorGroup().background(), Qt::black, data.volumeValue());
      int barStart = 0;
      float barWidth = 0;
      int diff = 0;
      * Each note has a fundamental frequency f, which comes from the lookup table.
      * The harmonic frequencies are defined as f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f...
      * harmonicFreq stores what the harmonics have been calculated to be.
      for (uint i = 0; i < harmonicFreq.size(); i++) {
        p.setBrush(colorBetween(fillColor, Qt::black, data.harmonicNoise[i]));
        // Work out how many pixels wide the harmonic should be
        barWidth = (harmonicAmp.at(i)) * width();
        /* Work out how many pixels the harmonic should be offset from where it would be
        * if it were exactly (i+1)f   */
        //diff = toInt( (harmonicFreq.at(i) - (i+1) * fund) / fund * width() / 10.0 );
        diff = toInt( (harmonicFreq.at(i) - (i+1) * fund) / fund * barWidth );
        // Work out the starting position, and draw the bar
        barStart = toInt( ((width() / 2) + diff) - barWidth / 2);
	     int barBottom = height() - toInt(barHeight * i);
        p.drawRect(barStart, barBottom, toInt(barWidth), -toInt(barHeight));
        // Draw the centre line on the bar
        p.drawLine((width() / 2) + diff, barBottom, (width() / 2) + diff, barBottom - toInt(barHeight));
      // Draw the exact line (f, 2f, 3f...)
      p.drawLine(width() / 2, 0, width() /2, height());