Пример #1
   * Runs the test case.
  void runTest()
     Document doc;
     NodeList acronymList;
     Node testNode;
     NamedNodeMap attributes;
     Attr titleAttr;
     String value;
     Text textNode;
     Node retval;
     Node lastChild;
     doc = (Document) baseT::load("hc_staff", true);
     titleAttr = doc.createAttribute(SA::construct_from_utf8("title"));
     textNode = doc.createTextNode(SA::construct_from_utf8("Yesterday"));
     retval = titleAttr.appendChild(textNode);
     value = titleAttr.getValue();
     baseT::assertEquals("Yesterday", value, __LINE__, __FILE__);
 value = titleAttr.getNodeValue();
     baseT::assertEquals("Yesterday", value, __LINE__, __FILE__);
 value = retval.getNodeValue();
     baseT::assertEquals("Yesterday", value, __LINE__, __FILE__);
 lastChild = titleAttr.getLastChild();
     value = lastChild.getNodeValue();
     baseT::assertEquals("Yesterday", value, __LINE__, __FILE__);
Пример #2
    * Runs the test case.
   void runTest()
      Document doc;
      NodeList acronymList;
      Node testNode;
      NamedNodeMap attributes;
      Attr titleAttr;
      String value;
      Node textNode;
      Node retval;
      Node lastChild;
      Document otherDoc;
      doc = (Document) baseT::load("hc_staff", true);
      otherDoc = (Document) baseT::load("hc_staff", true);
      acronymList = doc.getElementsByTagName(SA::construct_from_utf8("acronym"));
      testNode = acronymList.item(3);
      attributes = testNode.getAttributes();
      titleAttr = (Attr) attributes.getNamedItem(SA::construct_from_utf8("title"));
      textNode = otherDoc.createTextNode(SA::construct_from_utf8("terday"));
         boolean success = false;
         try {
            retval = titleAttr.appendChild(textNode);
          } catch (const DOMException& ex) {
            success = (ex.code() == DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR);

Пример #3
Node* Attr::cloneNodeExport(Document* ownerDocument, bool deep) const
	Attr* pNewAttr = new Attr;

	pNewAttr->m_ownerDocument = ownerDocument;

	pNewAttr->m_nodeName = m_nodeName;
	pNewAttr->m_prefix = m_prefix;
	pNewAttr->m_localName = m_localName;
	pNewAttr->m_namespaceURI = m_namespaceURI;

	// TODO: specified

	// Clone children (regardless of deep since we're an attribute (?))
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_childNodes->m_items.GetSize(); i++)
		Node* node = m_childNodes->m_items[i]->cloneNodeExport(ownerDocument, true);


	return pNewAttr;