static bool testRandomLinearity (Field &F, const char *text, VectorStream<Row> &A_stream, VectorStream<Vector> &stream1, VectorStream<Vector> &stream2) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing linearity (" << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandomLinearity", stream1.m ()); Blackbox A (F, A_stream); A_stream.reset (); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Input matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); bool ret = testLinearity (F, A, stream1, stream2); stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandomLinearity"); return ret; }
void blockSizeTimingTest(Blackbox & A, size_t size) { typedef typename Blackbox::MatrixDomain Dom; typedef typename Dom::Block Block; Dom MD = A.domain(); size_t m = A.rowdim(); LinBox::UserTimer timer; Block B(m,m), C(m,m), D(m,m); MD.random(B); MD.random(D); cout << size << " " << m << " "; timer.clear(); timer.start(); A.unpackingApply(C,B,size); timer.stop(); cout << timer << " "; timer.clear(); timer.start(); A.unpackingApplyTranspose(C,B,size); timer.stop(); cout << timer << " "; timer.clear(); timer.start(); MD.mul(C,D,B); timer.stop(); cout << timer << " "; cout << endl; } //blockSizeTimingTest()
bool testRandomApply1 (Field &F, const char *text, unsigned int iterations, VectorStream<Row> &A_stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing sparse random apply (1, " << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandomApply1", iterations); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed; size_t i, k; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); StandardBasisStream<Field, Vector> stream (F, A_stream.n ()); Vector e_j, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (e_j, A_stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, A_stream.m ()); for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); iter_passed = true; Blackbox A (F, A_stream); A_stream.reset (); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); stream.reset (); while (stream) { (e_j); A.apply (w, e_j); for (k = 0; k < A_stream.m (); k++) if (!F.areEqual (A.getEntry (k, stream.j () - 1), VectorWrapper::constRef<Field> (w, k))) ret = iter_passed = false; report << "Output vector " << stream.j () << ": "; VD.write (report, w) << endl; } if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Output vectors were incorrect" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandomApply1"); return ret; }
void stressTest (Blackbox & A) { //Note that the rowdim/coldim of A must be 30000 typedef typename Blackbox::MatrixDomain Dom; typedef typename Dom::Block Block; Dom MD = A.domain(); size_t m = 30000; size_t n = 2000; LinBox::UserTimer timer; Block B(m,n), C(m,n); MD.random(B); cout << "Test: 30000x30000 matrix multiplied by 30000x2000 matrix\nblock size = 2048\n\n"; timer.clear(); timer.start(); A.unpackingApply(C,B,2048); timer.stop(); cout << "unpacking apply time: " << timer << endl; Block D(m,m); MD.random(D); timer.clear(); timer.start(); MD.mul(C,D,B); timer.stop(); cout << "domain mul time: " << timer << endl; cout << endl; } //end stressTest()
static bool testIdentityApply (Field &F, const char *text, VectorStream<Vector> &stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing identity apply (" << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testIdentityApply", stream.m ()); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed = true; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); StandardBasisStream<Field, Row> f1 (F, stream.n ()); Blackbox A (F, f1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); Vector v, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, stream.n ()); while (stream) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream.j ()); iter_passed = true; (v); ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); Report << "Input vector: "; VD.write (Report, v); Report << endl; A.apply (w, v); Report << "Output vector: "; VD.write (Report, w); Report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (v, w)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Vectors are not equal" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testIdentityApply"); return ret; }
void largeTest (Blackbox & A) { //Use for large blackboxes typedef typename Blackbox::MatrixDomain Dom; typedef typename Dom::Block Block; Dom MD = A.domain(); size_t m = A.coldim(); size_t n = 2000; LinBox::UserTimer timer; Block B(m,n), C(m,n); MD.random(B); cout << "Test: " << A.rowdim() << "x" << m << "blackbox multiplied by " << m << "x" << n << "block\nblock size: 2048\n\n"; timer.clear(); timer.start(); A.unpackingApply(C,B,2048); timer.stop(); cout << "unpacking apply time: " << timer << endl; } //end largeTest
static bool testTransposeBlackbox(Blackbox & A) { typedef typename Blackbox::Field Field; commentator().start ("Testing Transpose", "testTranspose", 1); Transpose<Blackbox> B(A); bool ret = true, ret1; size_t m = A.rowdim(), n = A.coldim(); const Field & F = A.field(); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); BlasVector<Field> x(F,n), y(F,m), z(F,n), w(F,m); VD.random(x); A.apply(y, x); B.applyTranspose(w, x); ret1 = VD.areEqual(y, w); if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "A and B^T disagree, FAIL" << std::endl; ret = ret and ret1; VD.random(y); A.applyTranspose(x, y); B.apply(z, y); ret1 = VD.areEqual(x, z); if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "A^T and B disagree, FAIL" << std::endl; ret = ret and ret1; ret1 = testBlackboxNoRW(B); if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "testBlackbox A^T FAIL" << std::endl; ret = ret and ret1; commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testTranspose"); return ret; }
void testTiming(Blackbox & A) { typedef typename Blackbox::MatrixDomain Dom; typedef typename Dom::Block Block; Dom MD = A.domain(); size_t m = A.rowdim(), n = A.coldim(); size_t k = (m + n)/2; LinBox::UserTimer timer; Block B(n,k), C(m,k), D(k,m), E(k,n), F(k,k); MD.random(B); MD.random(D); vector<typename Dom::Element> v1, v2(m); typename Dom::RandIter r(MD); typename Dom::Element x; for(size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i){ r.random(x); v1.push_back(x); } //Tests: cout << "Timing tests:" << endl << endl; timer.clear(); timer.start(); for(size_t j = 0; j != m; ++j) A.apply(v2,v1); timer.stop(); cout << "apply using vectors time: " << timer << endl; timer.clear(); timer.start(); A.applyTranspose(C,B); timer.stop(); cout << "apply using row addin time: " << timer << endl; timer.clear(); timer.start(); A.unpackingApplyTranspose(C,B); timer.stop(); cout << "apply using block axpy time: " << timer << endl; timer.clear(); timer.start(); MD.mul(F, D, C); timer.stop(); cout << "Matrix Domain mul time: " << timer << endl; cout << "End of timing tests" << endl << endl; } // testTiming
bool testQLUP(const Field &F, size_t n, unsigned int iterations, int rseed, double sparsity = 0.05) { bool res = true; commentator().start ("Testing Sparse elimination qlup", "testQLUP", iterations); size_t Ni = n; size_t Nj = n; integer card; F.cardinality(card); typename Field::RandIter generator (F,card,rseed); RandStream stream (F, generator, sparsity, n, n); for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); stream.reset(); Blackbox A (F, stream); std::ostream & report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); F.write( report ) << endl; A.write( report,Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; DenseVector<Field> u(F,Nj), v(F,Ni), w1(F,Nj), w2(F,Ni), w3(F,Ni), w(F,Ni); for(auto it=u.begin();it!=u.end();++it) generator.random (*it); A.apply(v,u); unsigned long rank; Method::SparseElimination SE; SE.strategy(Specifier::PIVOT_LINEAR); GaussDomain<Field> GD ( F ); typename Field::Element determinant; Blackbox L(F, A.rowdim(), A.coldim()); Permutation<Field> Q((int)A.rowdim(),F); Permutation<Field> P((int)A.coldim(),F); GD.QLUPin(rank, determinant, Q, L, A, P, A.rowdim(), A.coldim() ); Q.apply(w, L.apply(w3, A.apply(w2, P.apply(w1,u) ) ) ); bool error = false; auto itv=v.begin(); auto itw=w.begin(); for( ; itw!=w.end();++itw,++itv) { if (! F.areEqual(*itw,*itv) ) { error = true; } } if (error) { res = false; report << "ERROR : matrix(" << u.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=u.begin(); itu!=u.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; for(auto itv2=v.begin(); itv2!=v.end();++itv2) report << *itv2 << ' '; report << "] != ["; for(auto itw2=w.begin(); itw2!=w.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; report << "w1: ["; for(auto itw2=w1.begin(); itw2!=w1.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; report << "w2: ["; for(auto itw2=w2.begin(); itw2!=w2.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; report << "w3: ["; for(auto itw2=w3.begin(); itw2!=w3.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (res), (const char *) 0, "testQLUP"); return res; }
static bool testNilpotentApply (Field &F, const char *text, VectorStream<Vector> &stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing nilpotent apply (" << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testNilpotentApply", stream.m ()); bool ret = true; bool even, iter_passed; StandardBasisStream<Field, Row> f1 (F, stream.n ()); Row tmp; (tmp); // Small trick: pull the first vector out to shift elements up one row Blackbox A (F, f1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); size_t j; NonzeroRandIter<Field> r (F, typename Field::RandIter (F)); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); Vector v, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, stream.n ()); while (stream) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream.j ()); iter_passed = true; even = false; (v); // Make sure last element is nonzero r.random (VectorWrapper::ref<Field> (v, stream.n () - 1)); ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); Report << "Input vector: "; VD.write (Report, v); Report << endl; commentator().start ("Applying vectors"); for (j = 0; j < stream.n () - 1; j++, even = !even) if (even) A.apply (v, w); else A.apply (w, v); commentator().stop ("Done"); Report << "A^(n-1) v: "; VD.write (Report, even ? w : v); Report << endl; if (VD.isZero (even ? w : v)) { ret = false; commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: A^(n-1) v is prematurely zero" << endl; } if (even) A.apply (v, w); else A.apply (w, v); Report << "A^n v: "; VD.write (Report, even ? v : w); Report << endl; if (!VD.isZero (even ? v : w)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: A^n v is non-zero" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testNilpotentApply"); return ret; }
bool testRandomApply2 (Field &F, const char *text, unsigned int iterations, VectorStream<Row> &A_stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing sparse random apply (2, " << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandomApply2", iterations); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed; size_t i, j, k; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); typename Field::RandIter r (F); typename Field::Element sum; integer c; // long width; F.characteristic (c); // width = logp (c, 10) + 1; Vector v, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, A_stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, A_stream.m ()); for (k = 0; k < A_stream.n (); k++) F.init (VectorWrapper::ref<Field> (v, k), 1); for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); iter_passed = true; Blackbox A (F, A_stream); A_stream.reset (); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); A.apply (w, v); for (j = 0; j < A_stream.m (); j++) { F.init (sum, 0); for (k = 0; k < A_stream.n (); k++) F.addin (sum, A.getEntry (j, k)); if (!F.areEqual (sum, VectorWrapper::constRef<Field> (w, j))) ret = iter_passed = false; } report << "Output vector: "; VD.write (report, w) << endl; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Output vector was incorrect" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandomApply2"); return ret; }
static bool testSingularInconsistentSolve (const Field &F, VectorStream<Vector> &stream1, VectorStream<Vector> &stream2, const char *text, MethodTraits method) { typedef Diagonal <Field, Vector> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing singular inconsistent solve (" << text << ")"; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testSingularInconsistentSolve", stream1.m ()); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); typename WiedemannSolver<Field>::ReturnStatus status; bool ret = true; Vector d1, d, b, x, y, u; typename Field::Element uTb; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, stream2.dim ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, stream2.dim ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, stream2.dim ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (y, stream2.dim ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d1, stream1.dim ()); MethodTraits traits (method); traits.preconditioner (MethodTraits::NONE); while (stream1 && stream2) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ()); (d1); (b); VD.copy (d, d1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Diagonal entries: "; VD.write (report, d); report << endl; report << "Right-hand side: "; VD.write (report, b); report << endl; BlasVector<Field> dd(F,d); Blackbox D (dd); //Blackbox D (d); status = solve (D, x, b, u, F, traits); if (status == WiedemannSolver<Field>::INCONSISTENT) { D.applyTranspose (y, u); report << "Certificate of inconsistency found." << endl; report << "Certificate is: "; VD.write (report, u) << endl; report << "u^T A = "; VD.write (report, y) << endl; (uTb, u, b); report << "u^T b = "; F.write (report, uTb) << endl; if (!VD.isZero (y)) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: u is not in the right nullspace of D" << endl; ret = false; } if (F.isZero (uTb)) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: u^T b = 0" << endl; ret = false; } } else if (status == WiedemannSolver<Field>::FAILED) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Solver refused to certify inconsistency" << endl; ret = false; } else { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Solver gave solution even though system is inconsistent" << endl; ret = false; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testSingularInconsistentSolve"); return ret; }
bool testAssociativity(Blackbox& A) { typedef typename Blackbox::MatrixDomain Dom; Dom MD = A.domain(); size_t m = A.rowdim(), n = A.coldim() - 100; size_t k = (m + n)/2; typename Dom::Block B(A.field(),k,m), C(A.field(),m,n); MD.random(B); MD.random(C); typename Dom::Block D(A.field(),m,n), E(A.field(),k,n); A.apply(D, C); // D = AC MD.mul(E,B,D); // E = B(AC) typename Dom::Block F(A.field(),k,m), G(A.field(),k,n); A.unpackingApplyTranspose(F,B); // F = BA MD.mul(G,F,C); // G = (BA)C return MD.areEqual(E,G); } // testAssociativity
static bool testSingularConsistentSolve (const Field &F, unsigned int n, VectorStream<Vector> &stream1, VectorStream<Vector> &stream2, const char *text, MethodTraits method) { typedef Diagonal <Field, Vector> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing singular consistent solve (" << text << ")"; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testSingularConsistentSolve", stream1.m ()); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); bool ret = true; Vector d1, b1, d, b, x, y; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (y, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d1, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b1, n); MethodTraits traits (method); traits.preconditioner (MethodTraits::NO_PRECONDITIONER); while (stream1 && stream2) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ()); ActivityState state = commentator().saveActivityState (); (d1); (b1); VD.copy (d, d1); VD.copy (b, b1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Diagonal entries: "; VD.write (report, d); report << endl; report << "Right-hand side: "; VD.write (report, b); report << endl; BlasVector<Field> dd(F,d); Blackbox D (dd); //Blackbox D (d); try { bool iter_passed = true; solve (D, x, b, F, traits); report << "System solution: "; VD.write (report, x); report << endl; D.apply (y, x); report << "Output: "; VD.write (report, y); report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (y, b)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Computed solution is incorrect" << endl; } catch (SolveFailed) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: System solution failed" << endl; ret = false; } catch (InconsistentSystem<Vector> e) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR); Report << "ERROR: Inconsistent system exception" << endl; Report << "Certificate is: "; VD.write (Report, e.u ()) << endl; ret = false; commentator().restoreActivityState (state); } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testSingularConsistentSolve"); return ret; }
void BlackboxResource::load(Blackbox& blackbox) { if (screen_resources == 0) { screen_resources = new ScreenResource[blackbox.screenCount()]; } bt::Resource res(rc_file); menu_file = bt::expandTilde("session.menuFile", "Session.MenuFile", DEFAULTMENU)); style_file = bt::expandTilde("session.styleFile", "Session.StyleFile", DEFAULTSTYLE)); unsigned int maxcolors ="session.maximumColors", "Session.MaximumColors", ~0u); if (maxcolors != ~0u) bt::Image::setMaximumColors(maxcolors); double_click_interval ="session.doubleClickInterval", "Session.DoubleClickInterval", 250l); auto_raise_delay.tv_usec ="session.autoRaiseDelay", "Session.AutoRaiseDelay", 400l); auto_raise_delay.tv_sec = auto_raise_delay.tv_usec / 1000; auto_raise_delay.tv_usec -= (auto_raise_delay.tv_sec * 1000); auto_raise_delay.tv_usec *= 1000; bt::DitherMode dither_mode; std::string str ="session.imageDither", "Session.ImageDither", "OrderedDither"); if (!strcasecmp("ordered", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("fast", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("ordereddither", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("fastdither", str.c_str())) { dither_mode = bt::OrderedDither; } else if (!strcasecmp("floydsteinberg", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("quality", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("diffuse", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("floydsteinbergdither", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("qualitydither", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("diffusedither", str.c_str())) { dither_mode = bt::FloydSteinbergDither; } else if (!strcasecmp("no", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("nodither", str.c_str()) || !strcasecmp("off", str.c_str())) { dither_mode = bt::NoDither; } else { dither_mode = bt::OrderedDither; } bt::Image::setDitherMode(dither_mode); _cursors.pointer = XCreateFontCursor(blackbox.XDisplay(), XC_left_ptr); _cursors.move = XCreateFontCursor(blackbox.XDisplay(), XC_fleur); _cursors.resize_top_left = XCreateFontCursor(blackbox.XDisplay(), XC_top_left_corner); _cursors.resize_bottom_left = XCreateFontCursor(blackbox.XDisplay(), XC_bottom_left_corner); _cursors.resize_top_right = XCreateFontCursor(blackbox.XDisplay(), XC_top_right_corner); _cursors.resize_bottom_right = XCreateFontCursor(blackbox.XDisplay(), XC_bottom_right_corner); // window options str ="session.focusModel", "Session.FocusModel","session.screen0.focusModel", "Session.Screen0.FocusModel", "ClickToFocus")); if (str.find("ClickToFocus") != std::string::npos) { focus_model = ClickToFocusModel; auto_raise = false; click_raise = false; } else { focus_model = SloppyFocusModel; auto_raise = (str.find("AutoRaise") != std::string::npos); click_raise = (str.find("ClickRaise") != std::string::npos); } str ="session.windowPlacement", "Session.WindowPlacement","session.screen0.windowPlacement", "Session.Screen0.WindowPlacement", "RowSmartPlacement")); if (strcasecmp(str.c_str(), "ColSmartPlacement") == 0) window_placement_policy = ColSmartPlacement; else if (strcasecmp(str.c_str(), "CenterPlacement") == 0) window_placement_policy = CenterPlacement; else if (strcasecmp(str.c_str(), "CascadePlacement") == 0) window_placement_policy = CascadePlacement; else window_placement_policy = RowSmartPlacement; str ="session.rowPlacementDirection", "Session.RowPlacementDirection","session.screen0.rowPlacementDirection", "Session.Screen0.RowPlacementDirection", "lefttoright")); row_direction = (strcasecmp(str.c_str(), "righttoleft") == 0) ? RightLeft : LeftRight; str ="session.colPlacementDirection", "Session.ColPlacementDirection","session.screen0.colPlacementDirection", "Session.Screen0.ColPlacementDirection", "toptobottom")); col_direction = (strcasecmp(str.c_str(), "bottomtotop") == 0) ? BottomTop : TopBottom; ignore_shaded ="session.placementIgnoresShaded", "Session.placementIgnoresShaded", true); opaque_move ="session.opaqueMove", "Session.OpaqueMove", true); opaque_resize ="session.opaqueResize", "Session.OpaqueResize", true); full_max ="session.fullMaximization", "Session.FullMaximization","session.screen0.fullMaximization", "Session.Screen0.FullMaximization", false)); focus_new_windows ="session.focusNewWindows", "Session.FocusNewWindows","session.screen0.focusNewWindows", "Session.Screen0.FocusNewWindows", true)); focus_last_window_on_workspace ="session.focusLastWindow", "Session.focusLastWindow","session.screen0.focusLastWindow", "Session.Screen0.focusLastWindow", true)); change_workspace_with_mouse_wheel ="session.changeWorkspaceWithMouseWheel", "session.changeWorkspaceWithMouseWheel", true); shade_window_with_mouse_wheel ="session.shadeWindowWithMouseWheel", "session.shadeWindowWithMouseWheel", true); toolbar_actions_with_mouse_wheel ="session.toolbarActionsWithMouseWheel", "session.toolbarActionsWithMouseWheel", true); allow_scroll_lock ="session.disableBindingsWithScrollLock", "Session.disableBindingsWithScrollLock","session.screen0.disableBindingsWithScrollLock", "Session.Screen0.disableBindingsWithScrollLock", false)); edge_snap_threshold ="session.edgeSnapThreshold", "Session.EdgeSnapThreshold","session.screen0.edgeSnapThreshold", "Session.Screen0.EdgeSnapThreshold", 0)); window_snap_threshold ="session.windowSnapThreshold", "Session.windowSnapThreshold", 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blackbox.screenCount(); ++i) screen_resources[i].load(res, i); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { // commentator().setMaxDetailLevel (-1); // commentator().setMaxDepth (-1); // commentator().setReportStream (std::cerr); if (argc < 2 || argc > 4) { std::cerr << "Usage: omp_smithvalence <matrix-file-in-supported-format> [-ata|-aat|valence] [coprime]" << std::endl; std::cerr << " Optional parameters valence and coprime are integers." << std::endl; std::cerr << " Prime factors of valence will be used for local computation." << std::endl; std::cerr << " coprime will be used for overall rank computation." << std::endl; return -1; } std::ifstream input (argv[1]); if (!input) { std::cerr << "Error opening matrix file " << argv[1] << std::endl; return -1; } Givaro::ZRing<Integer> ZZ; MatrixStream< Givaro::ZRing<Integer> > ms( ZZ, input ); typedef SparseMatrix<Givaro::ZRing<Integer>> Blackbox; Blackbox A (ms); input.close(); std::cout << "A is " << A.rowdim() << " by " << A.coldim() << std::endl; Givaro::ZRing<Integer>::Element val_A; LinBox::Timer chrono; chrono.start(); if (argc >= 3) { Transpose<Blackbox> T(&A); if (strcmp(argv[2],"-ata") == 0) { Compose< Transpose<Blackbox>, Blackbox > C (&T, &A); std::cout << "A^T A is " << C.rowdim() << " by " << C.coldim() << std::endl; valence(val_A, C); } else if (strcmp(argv[2],"-aat") == 0) { Compose< Blackbox, Transpose<Blackbox> > C (&A, &T); std::cout << "A A^T is " << C.rowdim() << " by " << C.coldim() << std::endl; valence(val_A, C); } else { std::cout << "Suppose primes are contained in " << argv[2] << std::endl; val_A = LinBox::Integer(argv[2]); } } else { if (A.rowdim() != A.coldim()) { std::cerr << "Valence works only on square matrices, try either to change the dimension in the matrix file, or to compute the valence of A A^T or A^T A, via the -aat or -ata options." << std::endl; exit(0); } else valence (val_A, A); } std::cout << "Valence is " << val_A << std::endl; std::vector<Givaro::Integer> Moduli; std::vector<size_t> exponents; Givaro::IntFactorDom<> FTD; typedef std::pair<Givaro::Integer,unsigned long> PairIntRk; std::vector< PairIntRk > smith; Givaro::Integer coprimeV=2; if (argc >= 4) { coprimeV =Givaro::Integer(argv[3]); } while ( gcd(val_A,coprimeV) > 1 ) { FTD.nextprimein(coprimeV); } if (argc >= 4) { std::cout << "Suppose " << argv[3] << " is coprime with Smith form" << std::endl; } std::cout << "Integer rank: " << std::endl; unsigned long coprimeR; LRank(coprimeR, argv[1], coprimeV); smith.push_back(PairIntRk(coprimeV, coprimeR)); // std::cerr << "Rank mod " << coprimeV << " is " << coprimeR << std::endl; std::cout << "Some factors (50000 factoring loop bound): "; FTD.set(Moduli, exponents, val_A, 50000); std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator eit=exponents.begin(); for(std::vector<Givaro::Integer>::const_iterator mit=Moduli.begin(); mit != Moduli.end(); ++mit,++eit) std::cout << *mit << '^' << *eit << ' '; std::cout << std::endl; std::vector<Givaro::Integer> SmithDiagonal(coprimeR,Givaro::Integer(1)); std::cout << "num procs: " << omp_get_num_procs() << std::endl; std::cout << "max threads: " << omp_get_max_threads() << std::endl; #pragma omp parallel for shared(SmithDiagonal, Moduli, coprimeR) for(size_t j=0; j<Moduli.size(); ++j) { unsigned long r; LRank(r, argv[1], Moduli[j]); std::cerr << "Rank mod " << Moduli[j] << " is " << r << " on thread: " << omp_get_thread_num() << std::endl; smith.push_back(PairIntRk( Moduli[j], r)); for(size_t i=r; i < coprimeR; ++i) SmithDiagonal[i] *= Moduli[j]; } /* for(std::vector<Givaro::Integer>::const_iterator mit=Moduli.begin(); mit != Moduli.end(); ++mit) { unsigned long r; LRank(r, argv[1], *mit); std::cerr << "Rank mod " << *mit << " is " << r << std::endl; smith.push_back(PairIntRk(*mit, r)); for(size_t i=r; i < coprimeR; ++i) SmithDiagonal[i] *= *mit; } */ eit=exponents.begin(); std::vector<PairIntRk>::const_iterator sit=smith.begin(); for( ++sit; sit != smith.end(); ++sit, ++eit) { if (sit->second != coprimeR) { std::vector<size_t> ranks; ranks.push_back(sit->second); size_t effexp; if (*eit > 1) { if (sit->first == 2) PRankPowerOfTwo(ranks, effexp, argv[1], *eit, coprimeR); else PRank(ranks, effexp, argv[1], sit->first, *eit, coprimeR); } else { // if (sit->first == 2) PRank(ranks, effexp, argv[1], sit->first, 2, coprimeR); // else // PRank(ranks, effexp, argv[1], sit->first, 2, coprimeR); } if (ranks.size() == 1) ranks.push_back(coprimeR); if (effexp < *eit) { for(size_t expo = effexp<<1; ranks.back() < coprimeR; expo<<=1) { if (sit->first == 2) PRankIntegerPowerOfTwo(ranks, argv[1], expo, coprimeR); else PRankInteger(ranks, argv[1], sit->first, expo, coprimeR); } } else { for(size_t expo = (*eit)<<1; ranks.back() < coprimeR; expo<<=1) { if (sit->first == 2) PRankPowerOfTwo(ranks, effexp, argv[1], expo, coprimeR); else PRank(ranks, effexp, argv[1], sit->first, expo, coprimeR); if (ranks.size() < expo) { std::cerr << "It seems we need a larger prime power, it will take longer ..." << std::endl; // break; if (sit->first == 2) PRankIntegerPowerOfTwo(ranks, argv[1], expo, coprimeR); else PRankInteger(ranks, argv[1], sit->first, expo, coprimeR); } } } std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator rit=ranks.begin(); // unsigned long modrank = *rit; for(++rit; rit!= ranks.end(); ++rit) { if ((*rit)>= coprimeR) break; for(size_t i=(*rit); i < coprimeR; ++i) SmithDiagonal[i] *= sit->first; // modrank = *rit; } } } Givaro::Integer si=1; size_t num=0; for( std::vector<Givaro::Integer>::const_iterator dit=SmithDiagonal.begin(); dit != SmithDiagonal.end(); ++dit) { if (*dit == si) ++num; else { std::cerr << '[' << si << ',' << num << "] "; num=1; si = *dit; } } std::cerr << '[' << si << ',' << num << "] " << std::endl; chrono.stop(); std::cerr << chrono << std::endl; return 0; }
bool testQLUPnullspace(const Field &F, size_t n, unsigned int iterations, int rseed, double sparsity = 0.05) { bool res = true; commentator().start ("Testing Sparse elimination qlup nullspacebasis", "testQLUPnullspace", iterations); size_t Ni = n; size_t Nj = n; integer card; F.cardinality(card); typename Field::RandIter generator (F,card,rseed); RandStream stream (F, generator, sparsity, n, n, rseed); for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); stream.reset(); Blackbox A (F, stream); std::ostream & report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); F.write( report ) << endl; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; Method::SparseElimination SE; SE.strategy(Specifier::PIVOT_LINEAR); GaussDomain<Field> GD ( F ); Blackbox CopyA ( A ); Blackbox X(F, A.coldim(), A.coldim() ); GD.nullspacebasisin(X, CopyA ); size_t nullity = X.coldim(); DenseVector<Field> u(F,nullity); for(auto it=u.begin();it!=u.end();++it) generator.random (*it); DenseVector<Field> v(F,Nj); X.apply(v,u); report << "Random combination of the rows of the NullSpace basis" << std::endl; DenseVector<Field> w(F,Ni); A.apply(w, v); VectorDomain<Field> VD(F); if (! VD.isZero(w)) { res=false; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; report << "ERROR u: matrix(" << u.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=u.begin(); itu!=u.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; report << "ERROR v: matrix(" << v.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=v.begin(); itu!=v.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; for(auto itv=w.begin(); itv!=w.end();++itv) report << *itv << ' '; report << "] != 0" << std::endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (res), (const char *) 0, "testQLUPnullspace"); return res; }
bool testQLUPsolve(const Field &F, size_t n, unsigned int iterations, int rseed, double sparsity = 0.05) { bool res = true; commentator().start ("Testing Sparse elimination qlup solve", "testQLUPsolve", iterations); size_t Ni = n; size_t Nj = n; integer card; F.cardinality(card); typename Field::RandIter generator (F,card,rseed); RandStream stream (F, generator, sparsity, n, n); GF2 F2; GF2::RandIter bitgenerator(F2,2,rseed); // GF2::Element randomsolve; for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); stream.reset(); Blackbox A (F, stream); std::ostream & report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); F.write( report ) << endl; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; DenseVector<Field> u(F,Nj), v(F,Ni), x(F,Nj), y(F,Ni); for(auto it=u.begin();it!=u.end();++it) generator.random (*it); A.apply(v,u); Method::SparseElimination SE; SE.strategy(Specifier::PIVOT_LINEAR); GaussDomain<Field> GD ( F ); Blackbox CopyA ( A ); GD.solvein(x, A, v /*, bitgenerator .random(randomsolve) */ ); // report << "Random solving: " << randomsolve << std::endl; CopyA.apply(y, x); VectorDomain<Field> VD(F); if (! VD.areEqual(v,y)) { res=false; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; report << "ERROR v: matrix(" << v.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=v.begin(); itu!=v.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; report << "ERROR y: matrix(" << y.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=y.begin(); itu!=y.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; for(auto itv=x.begin(); itv!=x.end();++itv) report << *itv << ' '; report << "] != ["; for(auto itw=y.begin(); itw!=y.end();++itw) report << *itw << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (res), (const char *) 0, "testQLUPsolve"); return res; }
static bool testNonsingularSolve (const Field &F, VectorStream<Vector> &stream1, VectorStream<Vector> &stream2, const char *text, MethodTraits method) { typedef Diagonal <Field> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing nonsingular solve (" << text << ")"; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testNonsingularSolve", stream1.m ()); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); bool ret = true; size_t n= stream1.n (); Vector d(F,n), b(F,n), x(F,n), y(F,n); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, stream1.n ()); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, stream1.n ()); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, stream1.n ()); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (y, stream1.n ()); MethodTraits traits (method); while (stream1 && stream2) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ()); ActivityState state = commentator().saveActivityState (); bool iter_passed = true; (d); (b); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Diagonal entries: "; VD.write (report, d); report << endl; report << "Right-hand side: "; VD.write (report, b); report << endl; BlasVector<Field> dd(F,d); Blackbox D (dd); try { solve (x, D, b, method); } catch (SolveFailed) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: System solution failed" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } catch (InconsistentSystem<Vector> e) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: solve reported inconsistent system" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } if (iter_passed) { report << "System solution: "; VD.write (report, x); report << endl; D.apply (y, x); report << "Output: "; VD.write (report, y); report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (y, b)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Computed solution is incorrect" << endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testNonsingularSolve"); return ret; }
void BlackboxResource::save(Blackbox& blackbox) { bt::Resource res; { if (bt::Resource(rc_file).read("session.cacheLife", "Session.CacheLife", -1) == -1) { res.merge(rc_file); } else { // we are converting from 0.65.0 to 0.70.0, let's take the liberty // of generating a brand new rc file to make sure we throw out // undeeded entries } } res.write("session.menuFile", menuFilename()); res.write("session.styleFile", styleFilename()); res.write("session.maximumColors", bt::Image::maximumColors()); res.write("session.doubleClickInterval", double_click_interval); res.write("session.autoRaiseDelay", ((auto_raise_delay.tv_sec * 1000ul) + (auto_raise_delay.tv_usec / 1000ul))); std::string str; switch (bt::Image::ditherMode()) { case bt::OrderedDither: str = "OrderedDither"; break; case bt::FloydSteinbergDither: str = "FloydSteinbergDither"; break; default: str = "NoDither"; break; } res.write("session.imageDither", str); // window options switch (focus_model) { case SloppyFocusModel: default: str = "SloppyFocus"; if (auto_raise) str += " AutoRaise"; if (click_raise) str += " ClickRaise"; break; case ClickToFocusModel: str = "ClickToFocus"; break; } res.write("session.focusModel", str); switch (window_placement_policy) { case CascadePlacement: str = "CascadePlacement"; break; case CenterPlacement: str = "CenterPlacement"; break; case ColSmartPlacement: str = "ColSmartPlacement"; break; case RowSmartPlacement: default: str = "RowSmartPlacement"; break; } res.write("session.windowPlacement", str); res.write("session.rowPlacementDirection", (row_direction == LeftRight) ? "LeftToRight" : "RightToLeft"); res.write("session.colPlacementDirection", (col_direction == TopBottom) ? "TopToBottom" : "BottomToTop"); res.write("session.placementIgnoresShaded", ignore_shaded); res.write("session.opaqueMove", opaque_move); res.write("session.opaqueResize", opaque_resize); res.write("session.fullMaximization", full_max); res.write("session.focusNewWindows", focus_new_windows); res.write("session.focusLastWindow", focus_last_window_on_workspace); res.write("session.changeWorkspaceWithMouseWheel", change_workspace_with_mouse_wheel); res.write("session.shadeWindowWithMouseWheel", shade_window_with_mouse_wheel); res.write("session.toolbarActionsWithMouseWheel", toolbar_actions_with_mouse_wheel); res.write("session.disableBindingsWithScrollLock", allow_scroll_lock); res.write("session.edgeSnapThreshold", edge_snap_threshold); res.write("session.windowSnapThreshold", window_snap_threshold); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blackbox.screenCount(); ++i) screen_resources[i].save(res, blackbox.screenNumber(i));; }