Пример #1
// String comes in as
// say blah blah blah
// or as
// blah blah blah
void Host_Say( edict_t *pEdict, const CCommand &args, bool teamonly )
	CBasePlayer *client;
	int		j;
	char	*p;
	char	text[256];
	char    szTemp[256];
	const char *cpSay = "say";
	const char *cpSayTeam = "say_team";
	const char *pcmd = args[0];
	bool bSenderDead = false;

	// We can get a raw string now, without the "say " prepended
	if ( args.ArgC() == 0 )

	if ( !stricmp( pcmd, cpSay) || !stricmp( pcmd, cpSayTeam ) )
		if ( args.ArgC() >= 2 )
			p = (char *)args.ArgS();
			// say with a blank message, nothing to do
	else  // Raw text, need to prepend argv[0]
		if ( args.ArgC() >= 2 )
			Q_snprintf( szTemp,sizeof(szTemp), "%s %s", ( char * )pcmd, (char *)args.ArgS() );
			// Just a one word command, use the first word...sigh
			Q_snprintf( szTemp,sizeof(szTemp), "%s", ( char * )pcmd );
		p = szTemp;

	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL;
	if ( pEdict )
		pPlayer = ((CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ));
		Assert( pPlayer );

		// make sure the text has valid content
		p = CheckChatText( pPlayer, p );

	if ( !p )

	if ( pEdict )
		if ( !pPlayer->CanSpeak() )

		// See if the player wants to modify of check the text
		pPlayer->CheckChatText( p, 127 );	// though the buffer szTemp that p points to is 256, 
											// chat text is capped to 127 in CheckChatText above

		Assert( strlen( pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ) > 0 );

		bSenderDead = ( pPlayer->m_lifeState != LIFE_ALIVE );
		bSenderDead = false;

	const char *pszFormat = NULL;
	const char *pszPrefix = NULL;
	const char *pszLocation = NULL;
	if ( g_pGameRules )
		pszFormat = g_pGameRules->GetChatFormat( teamonly, pPlayer );
		pszPrefix = g_pGameRules->GetChatPrefix( teamonly, pPlayer );	
		pszLocation = g_pGameRules->GetChatLocation( teamonly, pPlayer );

	const char *pszPlayerName = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetPlayerName():"Console";

	if ( pszPrefix && strlen( pszPrefix ) > 0 )
		if ( pszLocation && strlen( pszLocation ) )
			Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%s %s @ %s: ", pszPrefix, pszPlayerName, pszLocation );
			Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%s %s: ", pszPrefix, pszPlayerName );
		Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%s: ", pszPlayerName );

	j = sizeof(text) - 2 - strlen(text);  // -2 for /n and null terminator
	if ( (int)strlen(p) > j )
		p[j] = 0;

	Q_strncat( text, p, sizeof( text ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	Q_strncat( text, "\n", sizeof( text ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	// loop through all players
	// Start with the first player.
	// This may return the world in single player if the client types something between levels or during spawn
	// so check it, or it will infinite loop

	client = NULL;
	for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
		client = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
		if ( !client || !client->edict() )
		if ( client->edict() == pEdict )

		if ( !(client->IsNetClient()) )	// Not a client ? (should never be true)

		if ( teamonly && g_pGameRules->PlayerCanHearChat( client, pPlayer ) != GR_TEAMMATE )

		if ( pPlayer && !client->CanHearAndReadChatFrom( pPlayer ) )

		if ( pPlayer && GetVoiceGameMgr() && GetVoiceGameMgr()->IsPlayerIgnoringPlayer( pPlayer->entindex(), i ) )

		CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( client );

		if ( pszFormat )
			UTIL_SayText2Filter( user, pPlayer, true, pszFormat, pszPlayerName, p, pszLocation );
			UTIL_SayTextFilter( user, text, pPlayer, true );

	if ( pPlayer )
		// print to the sending client
		CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( pPlayer );

		if ( pszFormat )
			UTIL_SayText2Filter( user, pPlayer, true, pszFormat, pszPlayerName, p, pszLocation );
			UTIL_SayTextFilter( user, text, pPlayer, true );

	// echo to server console
	// Adrian: Only do this if we're running a dedicated server since we already print to console on the client.
	if ( engine->IsDedicatedServer() )
		 Msg( "%s", text );

	Assert( p );

	int userid = 0;
	const char *networkID = "Console";
	const char *playerName = "Console";
	const char *playerTeam = "Console";
	if ( pPlayer )
		userid = pPlayer->GetUserID();
		networkID = pPlayer->GetNetworkIDString();
		playerName = pPlayer->GetPlayerName();
		CTeam *team = pPlayer->GetTeam();
		if ( team )
			playerTeam = team->GetName();
	if ( teamonly )
		UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" say_team \"%s\"\n", playerName, userid, networkID, playerTeam, p );
		UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" say \"%s\"\n", playerName, userid, networkID, playerTeam, p );

	IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_say" );

	if ( event )	// will be null if there are no listeners!
		event->SetInt("userid", userid );
		event->SetString("text", p );
		event->SetInt("priority", 1 );	// HLTV event priority, not transmitted
		gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );