Пример #1
void CSliderControl::ShrinkRects(TRect aRect,TInt aDir)
	CCoeControlArray::TCursor cursor = Components().Begin();
	CCoeControl* ctrl = NULL;
	TInt i=0;
	TRect r;
	while ((ctrl = cursor.Control<CCoeControl>()) != NULL)
		if (aDir==EDirectionHorizontal)
			TInt w=aRect.Size().iWidth/Components().Count();
			TInt h=aRect.Size().iHeight;
		else if (aDir==EDirectionVertical)
			TInt w=aRect.Size().iWidth;
			TInt h=aRect.Size().iHeight/Components().Count();
Пример #2
  Sets the size of the component objects based on the present size of the container window.\n
  Calculates the present size of the container control and also the number of component objects.\n
  Sets the component object dimensions accordingly.\n
void CCtlContainer::SizeChanged() 
	// set the size of the children
	TRect rect = Rect() ;
	TSize size = rect.Size() ;
	TPoint tl = rect.iTl ;
	TInt childCount = CountComponentControls() ;
	if ( childCount > 0 )
		size.iWidth = size.iWidth/childCount ;
		size.iHeight = size.iHeight/childCount ;
		CCoeControl* child ;
		for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < childCount ; ++ii )
			child = ComponentControl( ii ) ;
			child->SetRect( TRect( tl, size ) ) ;
			tl.iX += size.iWidth ;
			tl.iY += size.iHeight ;
Пример #3
  Auxilliary Function performing the layout for a control.\n
  Checks if the used up width and height are less that than the available width and height respectively.\n
  If yes, initializes the top left and bottom right coordinates of the control 
  and assigns the same to the control's extent.\n
  @return KErrNone if successful else KErrTooBig
TInt CLayoutTest::LayoutControl(TUint aCurCtrlIndex, TSize aCtrlSize)
	TInt layoutSuccess = KErrNone;
	// check that we haven't used all the space left on the screen
	if (((iSizeUsed.iWidth + aCtrlSize.iWidth + KHorizontalBorder) <= iLayoutRect.Width()) &&
		((iSizeUsed.iHeight + aCtrlSize.iHeight + KVerticalBorder) <= iLayoutRect.Height()))
		TPoint topLeft(iSizeUsed.iWidth + KHorizontalBorder, iSizeUsed.iHeight + KVerticalBorder);
		TPoint bottomRight(iSizeUsed.iWidth + aCtrlSize.iWidth + KHorizontalBorder, 
						   iSizeUsed.iHeight + aCtrlSize.iHeight + KVerticalBorder);
		TRect ctrlRect(topLeft, bottomRight);
		CCoeControl* ctrl = iCtrlArray[aCurCtrlIndex];
		layoutSuccess = KErrTooBig;
	return layoutSuccess;
Пример #4
void AknPopupLayouts::HandleSizeChanged( TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
                                         TAknPopupLayouts aLayout_1,
                                         TAknPopupLayoutsNode *aNode)
    CAknPopupHeadingPane *aHeading = (CAknPopupHeadingPane*)FindControl(aNode, EHeadingNode);
    CEikListBox *aListBox = (CEikListBox*)FindControl(aNode, EListNode);
    CCoeControl *aWindowOwningControl = FindControl(aNode, EWindowOwningNode);
    CAknMessageQueryControl *aMsgQueryCtrl = (CAknMessageQueryControl*)FindControl(aNode, EMessageBoxNode);
    TInt aLayout = aLayout_1;
    TInt numofitems = aListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems();

    TInt maxListHeight = GetMaxListHeight();

    // position popup window's bottom correctly
    TRect clientRect;
    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EPopupParent, clientRect);
    // set windowrect to minimum size - this will be adjusted later    
    TAknLayoutRect windowRect;
    windowRect.LayoutRect( clientRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_menu_window(8));
    aDef.iWindowRect = windowRect.Rect();
    TRAP_IGNORE( aListBox->View()->ItemDrawer()->SetSkinEnabledL(ETrue) );
    // Popup window when the size does not change based on
    // the number of items.
    TBool fixedWindowSize = EFalse;
    if ( (aLayout & EAknPopupLayoutsDynamic) || numofitems == 0 ||
         (aLayout & EAknPopupLayoutsFind) )
        aLayout &= ~EAknPopupLayoutsDynamic;
        fixedWindowSize = ETrue;
    // heading =============================================================
    TInt spaceForHeading = 0;
    if (aHeading)
        aHeading->SetLayout( CAknPopupHeadingPane::EListHeadingPane ); 
        TAknLayoutRect tempHeadingRect;
        spaceForHeading = tempHeadingRect.Rect().Height();
        maxListHeight -= spaceForHeading;
    // findbox =============================================================
    TBool windowSizeFind = EFalse;
    TInt spaceForFind = 0;
    if (aLayout & EAknPopupLayoutsFind)
        aLayout &= ~EAknPopupLayoutsFind;
        windowSizeFind = ETrue;
        // calculate space needed for find
        TAknLayoutRect tempFindRect;
        spaceForFind = tempFindRect.Rect().Height();
        maxListHeight -= spaceForFind;
    // messagebox ==========================================================
    TRect messageRect;
    TInt messageNumOfLines = 0;
    TBool messageBox = EFalse;
    if (aMsgQueryCtrl && aMsgQueryCtrl->Lines() > 0)
        messageBox = ETrue;
        messageNumOfLines = aMsgQueryCtrl->Lines();
        TInt varietyIndex = 0;
            case (0):
            case (1): varietyIndex = 0;
            case (2): varietyIndex = 1;
            default : varietyIndex = 2;
        TAknWindowLineLayout lay = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::loc_type_pane(varietyIndex).LayoutLine();
        TAknLayoutRect layout;
        layout.LayoutRect( TRect(0,0,0,0), lay );           
        messageRect =  layout.Rect();           
        maxListHeight -= messageRect.Height();
    TInt minItems = 1;
    TRect scrollBarRect(0,0,0,0);
    TAknWindowLineLayout listLayout;
    TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listLimits;
        case EPopupSNotePopupWindow:
        case EMenuUnknownColumnWindow:
        case EMenuUnknownFormattedCellWindow:
        case EMenuWindow:
            minItems = aHeading ? 5 : 6;
            listLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_pane_cp2(0);
            listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_pane_cp2_ParamLimits();
        case EMenuGraphicWindow:
            minItems = 5;
            listLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_graphic_pane_cp2(0);
            listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits();
        case EMenuGraphicHeadingWindow:
            minItems = 5;
            listLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_graphic_heading_pane_cp2(0);
            listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_graphic_heading_pane_cp2_ParamLimits();
        case EMenuDoubleWindow:
            minItems = 3;
            listLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_double_pane_cp2(0);
            listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_double_pane_cp2_ParamLimits();
        case EMenuDoubleLargeGraphicWindow:
            minItems = 3;
            listLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_double_large_graphic_pane_cp2(0);
            listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_double_large_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits();
    if (!fixedWindowSize)
        minItems = 1;

    TInt maxLayoutItems = listLimits.LastRow() + 1; // last row is a zero based index, we need num items which is 1 based
    //aDef.iVertLineExt1.LayoutRect(TRect(1,1,1,1), 0, 0,0, ELayoutEmpty, ELayoutEmpty, 0,0);
    //aDef.iVertLineExt2.LayoutRect(TRect(1,1,1,1), 0, 0,0, ELayoutEmpty, ELayoutEmpty, 0,0);
    TAknLayoutRect listItemRect;
    listItemRect.LayoutRect( aDef.iWindowRect, listLayout);
    TInt listItemHeight = listItemRect.Rect().Height();
    TInt maxItems = maxListHeight / listItemHeight;
    // minItems == 1 only if the popuplist is dynamically changeable
    if ( (numofitems > 1) && (minItems == 1) )
        minItems = numofitems;
    if (minItems > maxItems)
        minItems = maxItems;
    // maxItems might be greater than max items from layout -> use layout's maximum
    if (minItems > maxLayoutItems)
        minItems = maxLayoutItems;

    TRect window_rect = AknPopupLayouts::MenuRect(aDef);

    TAknLayoutRect temp, layout;
    TRect screenRect;
    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenRect ); 
    TAknWindowLineLayout lineLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::listscroll_menu_pane(0).LayoutLine();
    // Layout data of listscroll_menu_pane are changed for CR 417-35260.
    // The change is just for QHD landscape model.
    // The CR makes listscroll_menu_pane's ir or il bigger than normal,
    // so that width of list item is smaller than needs. Then, first cell 
    // of list item can not be drawn on proper position.
    // Adjustment of layout is a solution for this problem. This is not a perfect idea, but
    // creating a new layout for popuplist is too complex to do that. Adjustment is a must.
        TInt offset  = AknListBoxLayouts::AdjustPopupLayoutData( screenRect );
        if (!AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
            lineLayout.ir -= offset;
            lineLayout.il -= offset;
    temp.LayoutRect( window_rect, lineLayout);        

    layout.LayoutRect( temp.Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_menu_pane(0));
    TRect tempListRect = layout.Rect(); // this is list's rect for the whole window
    // subtract heading, findbox and messagebox from tempListRect
    tempListRect.iBr.iY -= spaceForFind;
    tempListRect.iTl.iY += spaceForHeading;
    tempListRect.iTl.iY += messageRect.Height();
    // We really don't want parent relative list layout here because findbox will be overwritten.
    // Just calculate list height and use that.
    TRect nullRect(0,0,0,0);
    listLayout.iH = (TInt16)(minItems * listItemHeight);
    listLayout.ib = ELayoutEmpty;


    // we have to scale iWindowRect to list rect - layout is not (yet) correct
    TInt usedHeight = aDef.iListRect.Rect().Height()
        + spaceForFind
        + spaceForHeading
        + messageRect.Height();
    // popupwindow's inside area
    TInt varietyIndex = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation();
    TAknLayoutRect insideArea;
        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::bg_popup_window_pane_g1(varietyIndex) );

    if (layout.Rect().Height() < usedHeight)
        aDef.iWindowRect.iTl.iY -= (usedHeight - layout.Rect().Height());
    AknLayoutUtils::TAknCbaLocation cbaLocation = AknLayoutUtils::CbaLocation();    
    // In landscape we have to center (on y-axis) popup window (but not with bottom CBA)
    if (varietyIndex == 1 && cbaLocation != AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationBottom)
        TRect mainPane;
        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EPopupParent, mainPane );
        TInt diff = (mainPane.Height()-aDef.iWindowRect.Height()) / 2;
        aDef.iWindowRect.iTl.iY -= diff;
        aDef.iWindowRect.iBr.iY -= diff;
        // with right CBA, move window to the right side of the screen
        if (cbaLocation == AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationRight)
            TInt offset = mainPane.Width()-aDef.iWindowRect.iBr.iX;
            aDef.iWindowRect.iTl.iX += offset;
            aDef.iWindowRect.iBr.iX += offset;
        //should this be uncommented??
        // If we have left CBA, we move window to left side of screen (on x-axis).       
        /*else if (cbaLocation == AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationLeft)
            TInt xOffset = aDef.iWindowRect.iTl.iX;
            if ( xOffset > 0 )
                aDef.iWindowRect.iTl.iX = 0;
                aDef.iWindowRect.iBr.iX -= xOffset;
    TRect screen;
        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screen );
    TAknLayoutRect cbaRect;
    cbaRect.LayoutRect( screen, 
        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_sk_window( 0  ).LayoutLine() );
    if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
        TSize size( aDef.iWindowRect.Size() );
        // add softkey height
        size.iHeight += cbaRect.Rect().Height();
        // Reduce listbox's and popup's height if total height is more than
        // screen height.
        if ( size.iHeight > screen.Height() )
            listLayout.iH -= ( size.iHeight - screen.Height() );
            aDef.iListRect.LayoutRect( tempListRect, listLayout );
            size.iHeight = screen.Height();

        aDef.iWindowRect.SetRect( AknPopupUtils::Position( size, ETrue ), size );

    // now we finally know the window rect: first setup heading
    if (aHeading)
    HandleSizeAndPositionOfComponents(aDef, aListBox, aHeading);

    layout.LayoutRect(MenuRect(aDef), lineLayout);
    TRect scrollBarClientRect(layout.Rect());
    if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
        // remove softkey height that was added earlier so that
        // scroll bar doesn't get behind the softkey 
        scrollBarClientRect.iBr.iY -= cbaRect.Rect().Height();

    if (aHeading)
        scrollBarClientRect.iTl.iY += spaceForHeading;                
    if (windowSizeFind)
        scrollBarClientRect.iBr.iY -= spaceForFind;
    if (messageBox)
        scrollBarClientRect.iTl.iY += messageRect.Height();
    varietyIndex = 0;
        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::scroll_pane_cp25(varietyIndex).LayoutLine() ) ;
    if (messageBox)
        TAknLayoutRect msgQuery;
        TInt varietyIndex = 0;
            case (0):
            case (1): varietyIndex = 0;
            case (2): varietyIndex = 1;
            default : varietyIndex = 2;
        msgQuery.LayoutRect( AknPopupLayouts::MenuRect(aDef),
           AknLayoutScalable_Apps::loc_type_pane(varietyIndex).LayoutLine() );

    window_rect = WindowRect(aDef);
    MAknsControlContext *cc = AknsDrawUtils::ControlContext( aListBox );
    TBool defaultContext = EFalse;
    if (!cc)
        cc = aListBox->View()->ItemDrawer()->SkinBackgroundControlContext();
        defaultContext = ETrue;
    if (cc)
        CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext *bcc = (CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext*)cc;
        TAknLayoutRect popupBgRect;
        if (defaultContext) bcc->SetRect(popupBgRect.Rect());
        if (defaultContext)
// handled in CFormattedCellListBoxDataExtension, since listbox does not always cover whole
// window rect (listquery/popup list), especially when items are added after construction        
    // note, that cleanup is done in ~CFormattedCellListBoxData()
    // or ( shudder ) in ~CColumnListBoxData()
    MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
    if( feedback )
        feedback->SetFeedbackArea( aListBox, 0, aListBox->Rect(), 
                    ETouchFeedbackBasic, ETouchEventStylusDown );                                   