Пример #1
void CAutoNoteLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
	CRect rect;
	int	step = -1;
	listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, L"log index", LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );
	CString textDate;
	textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );
	CString textType;
	textType.LoadString( IDS_STRING4 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textType, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	CString textReportPlayer;
	textReportPlayer.LoadString( IDS_STRING441 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReportPlayer, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.2f ) );
	CString textReportPlayerIndex;
	textReportPlayerIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING442 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReportPlayerIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.1f ) );
	CString textAutoPlayer;
	textAutoPlayer.LoadString( IDS_STRING443 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textAutoPlayer, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.2f ) );
	CString textAutoPlayerIndex;
	textAutoPlayerIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING444 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textAutoPlayerIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.1f ) );
Пример #2
BOOL CLESampleGuiDlg::OnInitDialog()

	// 设置此对话框的图标。当应用程序主窗口不是对话框时,框架将自动
	//  执行此操作
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// 设置大图标
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// 设置小图标

	// TODO: 在此添加额外的初始化代码
	CListCtrl* lst = (CListCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_DEVICE_LIST);
	lst->ModifyStyle( 0, LVS_REPORT );               // 报表模式  

	lst->InsertColumn(1,_T("Device Name"));  

	CRect rect;
	lst->GetClientRect(rect); //获得当前客户区信息
	lst->SetColumnWidth(0, rect.Width() / 2); //设置列的宽度。  
	lst->SetColumnWidth(1, rect.Width() / 2);  

	return TRUE;  // 除非将焦点设置到控件,否则返回 TRUE
Пример #3
void CTcpView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
	__super::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
	CRect rcClient;
	int nHeight = rcClient.Height();
	int nWidth = rcClient.Width();
	CRect rect;
	CListCtrl* pListCtrl = (CListCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ENTRUST);
	if (pListCtrl
		&& pListCtrl->GetSafeHwnd()
		&& pListCtrl->IsWindowEnabled())
		int nLeftWidth = rect.Width();
		pListCtrl->MoveWindow(rect.left, rect.top, nLeftWidth, nHeight);
		if(((GetWindowStyle(pListCtrl->m_hWnd)) & WS_VSCROLL) == WS_VSCROLL)
		m_stSplitter.MoveWindow(rect.left + nLeftWidth, rect.top, rect.Width(), nHeight);*/
		nLeftWidth =+ rect.Width();
		m_trData.MoveWindow(nLeftWidth, rect.top, nWidth - nLeftWidth, nHeight);
void CFamilyPointLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
	CRect	rect;
	int		step = -1;

	listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step,  _T( "log index" ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );

	CString textDate;
	textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textType;
	textType.LoadString( IDS_STRING4 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textType, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textPoint;
	textPoint.LoadString( IDS_STRING34 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textPoint, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textMemo;
	textMemo.LoadString( IDS_STRING17 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMemo, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );
void CSelectFilesOnCDDlg::SetListHeader()
	int i;
	char *colums[] = {"File","Size"};
	RECT rc;
	CListCtrl	*pList;

	pList = (CListCtrl	*)(GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST));


	for(i=0;i<sizeof(colums)/sizeof(char *);++i)
Пример #6
void CSiegeLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
	CRect	rect;
	int		step = -1;

	listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step,  _T( "log index" ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );

	CString textDate;
	textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textType;
	textType.LoadString( IDS_STRING4 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textType, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textGuild;
	textGuild.LoadString( IDS_STRING164 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textGuild, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textPlayer;
	textPlayer.LoadString( IDS_STRING54 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textPlayer, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textMemo;
	textMemo.LoadString( IDS_STRING17 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMemo, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );
//----------------------------- FUNCTION -------------------------------------*
void PropGSDModule::InitListCrtls()
    CRect   rect;
    CString sTitle;
	int iWidth;
	int iThird;
	CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_AVAILABLE_EXT_USER_PARAM);
	if (pList)	{
		iWidth = rect.Width();
		iThird = iWidth / 3;
		pList->InsertColumn(0, sTitle, LVCFMT_LEFT, iWidth, 0 );	// Create 1st Column
	//	sTitle.LoadString(IDS_MODULE_CONFIGBYTES);
	//	pListAvai->InsertColumn(1, sTitle, LVCFMT_LEFT, iThird, 0 );	// Create 2nd Column

	pList = (CListCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_USED_EXT_USER_PARAMS);
	if (pList)	{
		iWidth = rect.Width();
		iThird = iWidth/3;
		pList->InsertColumn(0, sTitle, LVCFMT_LEFT, iWidth, 0 );	// Create 1st Column
	//	sTitle.LoadString(IDS_MODULE_CONFIGBYTES);
	//	pListUsed->InsertColumn(1, sTitle, LVCFMT_LEFT, iThird, 0 );	// Create 2nd Column

	pList = (CListCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_AVAIL_MOD_EXTPRM);
	if (pList)	{
		iWidth = rect.Width();
		iThird = iWidth/3;
		pList->InsertColumn(0, sTitle, LVCFMT_LEFT, iWidth, 0 );	// Create 1st Column

	pList = (CListCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_USED_MOD_EXTPRM);
	if (pList)	{
		iWidth = rect.Width();
		iThird = iWidth/3;
		pList->InsertColumn(0, sTitle, LVCFMT_LEFT, iWidth, 0 );	// Create 1st Column
Пример #8
static void BasicList( CListCtrl& List )
	List.InsertColumn( 0, "Filename" );
	List.InsertColumn( 1, "Size", LVCFMT_RIGHT );
	CRect R;
	List.GetClientRect( R );
	int iWidth = R.Width( ) / 5;
	List.SetColumnWidth( 0, iWidth * 4 );
	List.SetColumnWidth( 1, iWidth * 1 );
Пример #9
int CPrefsID3V2HidePage::GetWidthForCol(int ncol)
	CListCtrl* pListCtrl = &(pMainDlg->m_lvtabPage1.m_ID3v2ListCtrl);
	CRect rect;
	int nColInterval = rect.Width()/4;

	case 0:
		return nColInterval*2;
	case 1:
	case 2:
	case 3:
	case 5:
		return nColInterval;
	case 4:
	case 6:
	case 18:
	case 19:
	case 20:
	case 21:
	case 22:
	case 23:
		return nColInterval/4;
	case 7:
	case 8:
	case 9:
	case 10:
	case 14:
	case 16:
		return nColInterval/2;
	case 11:
	case 12:
	case 15:
	case 17:
		return nColInterval/3;
	case 13:
		return nColInterval*2/3;
		return nColInterval;
Пример #10
void CNameLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
    CRect	rect;
    int		step = -1;

    listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

    CString textDate;
    textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.4f ) );
    CString textPlayer;
    textPlayer.LoadString( IDS_STRING54 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textPlayer, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.2f ) );
    CString textName;
    textName.LoadString( IDS_STRING20 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textName, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.6f ) );
Пример #11
void CQuestLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
    CRect	rect;
    int		step = -1;

    listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step,  _T( "log index" ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );

    CString textDate;
    textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textType;
    textType.LoadString( IDS_STRING4 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textType, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textQuest;
    textQuest.LoadString( IDS_STRING190 );

    CString textMain;
    textMain.LoadString( IDS_STRING191 );
    CString textIndex;
    textIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING22 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textQuest + _T( " " ) + textMain + _T( " " ) + textIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textSub;
    textSub.LoadString( IDS_STRING192 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textQuest + _T( " " ) + textSub + _T( " " ) + textIndex, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textName;
    textName.LoadString( IDS_STRING20 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textName, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textValue;
    textValue.LoadString( IDS_STRING152 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textValue + _T( "1" ), LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textValue + _T( "2" ), LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textMemo;
    textMemo.LoadString( IDS_STRING17 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMemo, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );
Пример #12
void CStatLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
	CRect	rect;
	int		step = -1;

	listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step,  _T( "log index" ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );

	CString textDate;
	textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textLevel;
	textLevel.LoadString( IDS_STRING5 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textLevel, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textStrength;
	textStrength.LoadString( IDS_STRING70 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textStrength, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textDexterity;
	textDexterity.LoadString( IDS_STRING71 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDexterity, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textVitality;
	textVitality.LoadString( IDS_STRING72 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textVitality, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textIntelligence;
	textIntelligence.LoadString( IDS_STRING73 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textIntelligence, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textWisdom;
	textWisdom.LoadString( IDS_STRING74 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textWisdom, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textExperience;
	textExperience.LoadString( IDS_STRING9 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textExperience, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
Пример #13
void CItemShopLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
    CRect	rect;
    int		step = -1;

    listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step,  _T( "log index" ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );

    CString textDate;
    textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textType;
    textType.LoadString( IDS_STRING4 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textType, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textUser;
    textUser.LoadString( IDS_STRING301 );
    CString textIndex;
    textIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING22 );
    // 080403 LUJ, 사용자 인덱스 표시
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textUser + _T( " " ) + textIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, 0 );
    // 080403 LUJ, 사용자 아이디 표시
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textUser, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.1f ) );

    CString textItem;
    textItem.LoadString( IDS_STRING189 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textItem, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

    CString textDbIndex;
    textDbIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING13 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textItem + _T( " " ) + textDbIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.2f ) );

    CString textQuantity;
    textQuantity.LoadString( IDS_STRING42 );
    listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textQuantity, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.1f ) );
ArxDbgUiTdcRxObjectBase::buildColumns(CListCtrl& dataList)
        // get the width of the window
    CRect lvRect;
    int col1_width, col2_width;
    col1_width = lvRect.Width() / 2;
    col2_width = lvRect.Width() - col1_width - ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);

        // initialize the columns
    LV_COLUMN lvc;
    lvc.cx = col1_width;
    lvc.pszText = _T("Field");
    lvc.iSubItem = 0;
    dataList.InsertColumn(0, &lvc);

    lvc.cx = col2_width;
    lvc.iSubItem = 1;
    lvc.pszText = _T("Value");
    dataList.InsertColumn(1, &lvc);
Пример #15
void CSkillLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
	CRect	rect;
	int		step = -1;

	listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step,  _T( "log index" ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );

	CString textDate;
	textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textType;
	textType.LoadString( IDS_STRING4 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textType, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textSkillPoint;
	textSkillPoint.LoadString( IDS_STRING96 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textSkillPoint, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textDbIndex;
	textDbIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING13 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDbIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.12f ) );

	CString textName;
	textName.LoadString( IDS_STRING20 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textName, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );

	CString textLevel;
	textLevel.LoadString( IDS_STRING5 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textLevel, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.12f ) );

	CString textMemo;
	textMemo.LoadString( IDS_STRING17 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMemo, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.25f ) );
void CListCtrlComboBox::ShowEdit(int nItem,int nSubItem) {
    if (nItem < 0 || nSubItem < 0) return;
    if (m_pParentList == NULL) return ;
    CListCtrl *pCtrl = m_pParentList;
    CRect rect;
    m_pParentList = pCtrl;
//	m_pParentList->GetSubItemRect(nItem,nIndex,LVIR_LABEL,rcCtrl);

    // 列可见
    CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)pCtrl->GetDlgItem(0);
    int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();
    if( nSubItem >= nColumnCount || pCtrl->GetColumnWidth(nSubItem) < 5 )
        return ;

    // 列偏移
    int offset = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < nSubItem; i++ )
        offset += pCtrl->GetColumnWidth( i );

    pCtrl->GetItemRect( nItem, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS );
    rect.top -= 2;
    if (rect.top < 0) rect.top = 0;
    // 滚动列,便于操作
    CRect rcClient;
    CSize size;
    pCtrl->GetClientRect( &rcClient );
//	if( offset + rect.left < 0 || offset + rect.left > rcClient.right )
    if( offset + rect.left < 0 ) {
        size.cx = offset + rect.left;
        size.cy = 0;
        pCtrl->Scroll( size );
        rect.left -= size.cx;
    } else if(offset + rect.left > rcClient.right ) {
        size.cx = offset + rect.left;
        size.cy = 0;
        pCtrl->Scroll( size );
        rect.left -= size.cx;
    // 获取列的对齐方式
    LV_COLUMN lvcol;
    lvcol.mask = LVCF_FMT;
    pCtrl->GetColumn( nSubItem, &lvcol );
    DWORD dwStyle;
        dwStyle = ES_LEFT;
    else if((lvcol.fmt&LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) == LVCFMT_RIGHT)
        dwStyle = ES_RIGHT;
    else dwStyle = ES_CENTER;

    rect.left += offset + 1;
    if (nSubItem > 0)
        rect.right = rect.left + pCtrl->GetColumnWidth( nSubItem );
        rect.right = rect.left + pCtrl->GetColumnWidth( nSubItem );

    if( rect.right > rcClient.right)
        rect.right = rcClient.right;

    rect.bottom = rect.top + 12 * rect.Height();

    CString strItem = pCtrl->GetItemText(nItem,nSubItem);
//	SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.left,rect.top,rect.Width(),rect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
//	pCtrl->ClientToScreen(rcClient);
//	GetParent()->ScreenToClient(rcClient);
//	pCtrl->SetWindowPos(this, rcClient.left,rcClient.top,rcClient.Width(),rcClient.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
    int nIndex =  FindStringExact(0, strItem);
    if (nIndex < 0) nIndex = 0;
    m_nCurrentItem = nItem;
    m_nCurrentSubItem = nSubItem;
Пример #17
void CItemOptionLogCommand::Initialize( CListCtrl& listCtrl ) const
	CRect	rect;
	int		step = -1;

	listCtrl.GetClientRect( rect );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step,  _T( "log index" ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 0 );

	CString textDate;
	textDate.LoadString( IDS_STRING3 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textDate, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textType;
	textType.LoadString( IDS_STRING4 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textType, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textItemDbIndex;
	textItemDbIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING13 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textItemDbIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textStrength;
	textStrength.LoadString( IDS_STRING70 );

	CString textDexterity;
	textDexterity.LoadString( IDS_STRING71 );

	CString textVitality;
	textVitality.LoadString( IDS_STRING72 );

	CString textIntelligence;
	textIntelligence.LoadString( IDS_STRING73 );

	CString textWisdom;
	textWisdom.LoadString( IDS_STRING74 );

	CString textLife;
	textLife.LoadString( IDS_STRING75 );

	CString textMana;
	textMana.LoadString( IDS_STRING76 );

	CString textLifeRecovery;
	textLifeRecovery.LoadString( IDS_STRING77 );

	CString textManaRecovery;
	textManaRecovery.LoadString( IDS_STRING78 );

	CString textPhysicalAttack;
	textPhysicalAttack.LoadString( IDS_STRING79 );

	CString textPhysicalDefence;
	textPhysicalDefence.LoadString( IDS_STRING80 );

	CString textMagicalAttack;
	textMagicalAttack.LoadString( IDS_STRING81 );

	CString textMagicalDefence;
	textMagicalDefence.LoadString( IDS_STRING82 );

	CString textMoveSpeed;
	textMoveSpeed.LoadString( IDS_STRING83 );

	CString textEvade;
	textEvade.LoadString( IDS_STRING84 );

	CString textAccuracy;
	textAccuracy.LoadString( IDS_STRING85 );

	CString textCriticalDamage;
	textCriticalDamage.LoadString( IDS_STRING86 );

	CString textCriticalRate;
	textCriticalRate.LoadString( IDS_STRING87 );

	CString textReinforce;
	textReinforce.LoadString( IDS_STRING89 );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textStrength, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textDexterity, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textVitality, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textIntelligence, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textWisdom, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textLife, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textMana, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textLifeRecovery, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textManaRecovery, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textPhysicalAttack, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textPhysicalDefence, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textMagicalAttack, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textMagicalDefence, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textCriticalRate, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textCriticalDamage, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textMoveSpeed, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textEvade, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textReinforce + _T( ": " ) + textAccuracy, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textMix;
	textMix.LoadString( IDS_STRING90 );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMix + _T( ": " ) + textStrength, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMix + _T( ": " ) + textIntelligence, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMix + _T( ": " ) + textDexterity, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMix + _T( ": " ) + textWisdom, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMix + _T( ": " ) + textVitality, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textEnchant;
	textEnchant.LoadString( IDS_STRING91 );

	CString textLevel;
	textLevel.LoadString( IDS_STRING5 );
	CString textIndex;
	textIndex.LoadString( IDS_STRING22 );

	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textEnchant + _T( ": " ) + textIndex, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textEnchant + _T( ": " ) + textLevel, LVCFMT_RIGHT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );

	CString textMemo;
	textMemo.LoadString( IDS_STRING17 );
	listCtrl.InsertColumn( ++step, textMemo, LVCFMT_LEFT, int( rect.Width() * 0.15f ) );