static void OpenURLThread(void *arg) { TOpenUrlInfo *hUrlInfo = (TOpenUrlInfo*)arg; // wack a protocol on it CMString tszUrl; if ((isalpha(hUrlInfo->szUrl[0]) && hUrlInfo->szUrl[1] == ':') || hUrlInfo->szUrl[0] == '\\') tszUrl.Format(_T("file:///%s"), hUrlInfo->szUrl); else { int i; for (i = 0; _istalpha(hUrlInfo->szUrl[i]); i++); if (hUrlInfo->szUrl[i] == ':') tszUrl = hUrlInfo->szUrl; else if (!_tcsnicmp(hUrlInfo->szUrl, _T("ftp."), 4)) tszUrl.Format(_T("ftp://%s"), hUrlInfo->szUrl); else tszUrl.Format(_T("http://%s"), hUrlInfo->szUrl); } // check user defined browser for opening urls ptrT tszBrowser(db_get_tsa(NULL, "Miranda", "OpenUrlBrowser")); if (tszBrowser) ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), tszBrowser, tszUrl, NULL, (hUrlInfo->newWindow) ? SW_NORMAL : SW_SHOWDEFAULT); else ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), tszUrl, NULL, NULL, (hUrlInfo->newWindow) ? SW_NORMAL : SW_SHOWDEFAULT); delete hUrlInfo; }
void CJabberProto::FormatMirVer(pResourceStatus &resource, CMString &res) { res.Empty(); if (resource == NULL) return; // jabber:iq:version info requested and exists? if (resource->m_dwVersionRequestTime && resource->m_tszSoftware) { debugLog(_T("JabberUpdateMirVer: for iq:version rc %s: %s"), resource->m_tszResourceName, resource->m_tszSoftware); if (!resource->m_tszSoftwareVersion || _tcsstr(resource->m_tszSoftware, resource->m_tszSoftwareVersion)) res = resource->m_tszSoftware; else res.Format(_T("%s %s"), resource->m_tszSoftware, resource->m_tszSoftwareVersion); } // no version info and no caps info? set MirVer = resource name else if (!resource->m_tszCapsNode || !resource->m_tszCapsVer) { debugLog(_T("JabberUpdateMirVer: for rc %s: %s"), resource->m_tszResourceName, resource->m_tszResourceName); if (resource->m_tszResourceName) res = resource->m_tszResourceName; } // XEP-0115 caps mode else { debugLog(_T("JabberUpdateMirVer: for rc %s: %s#%s"), resource->m_tszResourceName, resource->m_tszCapsNode, resource->m_tszCapsVer); int i; // search through known software list for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(sttCapsNodeToName_Map); i++) if (_tcsstr(resource->m_tszCapsNode, sttCapsNodeToName_Map[i].node)) { res.Format(_T("%s %s"), sttCapsNodeToName_Map[i].name, resource->m_tszCapsVer); break; } // unknown software if (i == SIZEOF(sttCapsNodeToName_Map)) res.Format(_T("%s %s"), resource->m_tszCapsNode, resource->m_tszCapsVer); } // attach additional info for fingerprint plguin if (resource->m_tszCapsExt && _tcsstr(resource->m_tszCapsExt, JABBER_EXT_PLATFORMX86) && !_tcsstr(res, _T("x86"))) res.Append(_T(" x86")); if (resource->m_tszCapsExt && _tcsstr(resource->m_tszCapsExt, JABBER_EXT_PLATFORMX64) && !_tcsstr(res, _T("x64"))) res.Append(_T(" x64")); if (resource->m_tszCapsExt && _tcsstr(resource->m_tszCapsExt, JABBER_EXT_SECUREIM) && !_tcsstr(res, _T("(SecureIM)"))) res.Append(_T(" (SecureIM)")); if (resource->m_tszCapsExt && _tcsstr(resource->m_tszCapsExt, JABBER_EXT_MIROTR) && !_tcsstr(res, _T("(MirOTR)"))) res.Append(_T(" (MirOTR)")); if (resource->m_tszCapsExt && _tcsstr(resource->m_tszCapsExt, JABBER_EXT_NEWGPG) && !_tcsstr(res, _T("(New_GPG)"))) res.Append(_T(" (New_GPG)")); if (resource->m_tszResourceName && !_tcsstr(res, resource->m_tszResourceName)) if (_tcsstr(res, _T("Miranda IM")) || _tcsstr(res, _T("Miranda NG")) || m_options.ShowForeignResourceInMirVer) res.AppendFormat(_T(" [%s]"), resource->m_tszResourceName); }
//打电话 void CMGlobal::MakeCall(const CMString& sNumber) { //PHONEMAKECALLINFO makeCallInfo; //makeCallInfo.cbSize=sizeof(PHONEMAKECALLINFO); //makeCallInfo.dwFlags=PMCF_PROMPTBEFORECALLING; //makeCallInfo.pszComment=(const WCHAR*)sNumber; //makeCallInfo.pszAppName=NULL; //makeCallInfo.pszCalledParty=NULL; //makeCallInfo.pszComment=NULL; //PhoneMakeCall(&makeCallInfo); SHELLEXECUTEINFO info; memset(&info,0,sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO)); info.cbSize = sizeof(info); info.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; info.hwnd = NULL; info.lpVerb = _T("open"); info.lpFile = _T("\\windows\\cprog.exe"); CMString sParam; sParam.Format(L"-n -url tel:%s", (const WCHAR*)sNumber); // info.lpParameters = (const WCHAR*)sParam; info.lpDirectory = _T(""); info.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; info.hInstApp = NULL; ShellExecuteEx(&info); }
void SetSRMMIcon(MCONTACT hContact, SRMM_ICON_TYPE type, time_t time) { if (hContact && arMonitoredWindows.getIndex((HANDLE)hContact) != -1) { StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) }; sid.szModule = MODULENAME; sid.dwId = 1; sid.flags = MBF_TCHAR; switch (type) { case ICON_HIDDEN: { sid.flags |= MBF_HIDDEN; break; } case ICON_READ: { sid.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon("read_icon"); CMString tooltip; if (db_get_dw(hContact, MODULENAME, DBKEY_MESSAGE_READ_TIME_TYPE, -1) == MRD_TYPE_READTIME) { TCHAR ttime[64]; _locale_t locale = _create_locale(LC_ALL, ""); _tcsftime_l(ttime, _countof(ttime), _T("%X %x"), localtime(&time), locale); _free_locale(locale); tooltip.Format(L"%s %s", TranslateT("Last message read at"), ttime); } else { tooltip = TranslateT("Last message read (unknown time)"); } sid.tszTooltip = tooltip.Detach(); break; } case ICON_UNREAD: { sid.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon("unread_icon"); sid.tszTooltip = TranslateT("Last message is not read"); break; } case ICON_FAILED: { sid.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon("fail_icon"); sid.tszTooltip = TranslateT("Last message was not sent."); break; } case ICON_NOSENT: { sid.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon("nosent_icon"); sid.tszTooltip = TranslateT("Sending..."); break; } default: return; } Srmm_ModifyIcon(hContact, &sid); } }
void CJabberDlgNoteItem::OnInitDialog() { CSuper::OnInitDialog(); WindowSetIcon(m_hwnd, m_proto, "notes"); if (m_fnProcess) { CMString buf; if (m_fnProcess == &CJabberProto::ProcessIncomingNote) buf.Format(TranslateT("Incoming note from %s"), m_pNote->GetFrom()); else buf.Format(TranslateT("Send note to %s"), m_pNote->GetFrom()); SetWindowText(m_hwnd, buf); } m_txtTitle.SetText(m_pNote->GetTitle()); m_txtText.SetText(m_pNote->GetText()); m_txtTags.SetText(m_pNote->GetTagsStr()); }
CVkChatInfo* CVkProto::AppendChat(int id, JSONNODE *pDlg) { if (id == 0) return NULL; CVkChatInfo *c = m_chats.find((CVkChatInfo*)&id); if (c != NULL) return c; ptrT tszTitle; c = new CVkChatInfo(id); if (pDlg != NULL) { tszTitle = json_as_string(json_get(pDlg, "title")); c->m_tszTopic = mir_tstrdup((tszTitle != NULL) ? tszTitle : _T("")); } CMString sid; sid.Format(_T("%S_%d"), m_szModuleName, id); c->m_tszId = mir_tstrdup(sid); GCSESSION gcw = { sizeof(gcw) }; gcw.iType = GCW_CHATROOM; gcw.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcw.ptszName = tszTitle; gcw.ptszID = sid; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_NEWSESSION, NULL, (LPARAM)&gcw); GC_INFO gci = { 0 }; gci.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gci.pszID = sid; gci.Flags = BYID | HCONTACT; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&gci); c->m_hContact = gci.hContact; setTString(gci.hContact, "Nick", tszTitle); m_chats.insert(c); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, sid, GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP }; GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd }; for (int i = SIZEOF(sttStatuses)-1; i >= 0; i--) { gce.ptszStatus = TranslateTS(sttStatuses[i]); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, NULL, (LPARAM)&gce); } gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.ptszStatus = 0; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, (m_bHideChats) ? WINDOW_HIDDEN : SESSION_INITDONE, (LPARAM)&gce); CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_ONLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); RetrieveChatInfo(c); return c; }
//发短信 void CMGlobal::OpenSMSG(const CMString& sNumber) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO sheci = {0}; sheci.cbSize = sizeof(sheci); sheci.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; sheci.hwnd = NULL; sheci.lpVerb = TEXT("OPEN"); sheci.nShow = SW_SHOW; sheci.lpFile = _T("\\Windows\\tmail.exe"); CMString sParam; sParam.Format(L"-service \"SMS\" -to \"%s\"", (const WCHAR*)sNumber); sheci.lpParameters = (const WCHAR*)sParam; ShellExecuteEx(&sheci); }
static int FAV_OnContactMenuBuild(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { BYTE bContactRate = db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Rate", 0); if (bContactRate > _countof(rates) - 1) bContactRate = _countof(rates) - 1; CMString tszName; if (!bContactRate) tszName = FAVMENUROOTNAME; else tszName.Format(_T("%s (%s)"), TranslateTS(FAVMENUROOTNAME), TranslateTS(rates[bContactRate])); Menu_ModifyItem(hFavoriteContactMenu, tszName); for (int i = 0; i < _countof(rates); i++) Menu_SetChecked(hFavoriteContactMenuItems[i], bContactRate == i); Menu_SetChecked(hShowIfOflineItem, db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "noOffline", 0) != 0); return 0; }
INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcSetListeningTo(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcSetListeningTo"); if (m_vkOptions.iMusicSendMetod == MusicSendMetod::sendNone) return 1; LISTENINGTOINFO *pliInfo = (LISTENINGTOINFO*)lParam; CMString tszListeningTo; if (pliInfo == NULL || pliInfo->cbSize != sizeof(LISTENINGTOINFO)) db_unset(NULL, m_szModuleName, "ListeningTo"); else if (pliInfo->dwFlags & LTI_UNICODE) { if (ServiceExists(MS_LISTENINGTO_GETPARSEDTEXT)) tszListeningTo = ptrT((LPWSTR)CallService(MS_LISTENINGTO_GETPARSEDTEXT, (WPARAM)_T("%artist% - %title%"), (LPARAM)pliInfo)); else tszListeningTo.Format(_T("%s - %s"), pliInfo->ptszArtist ? pliInfo->ptszArtist : _T(""), pliInfo->ptszTitle ? pliInfo->ptszTitle : _T("")); setTString("ListeningTo", tszListeningTo); } RetrieveStatusMusic(tszListeningTo); return 0; }
void CMHttpSNotify::OnRecv(UINT32 nCode, INT32 nLen) { if (nCode == MER_OK) { //是不是请求头 INT32 nTmp = nLen; if (!m_cReqHeader.Parse(m_pHeadBuf, nTmp)) { m_nHeadPos += nLen; if (nTmp == -1 && m_nHeadPos < REQ_HEAD_MAX_LEN) { //可能头还没收全,继续收 CM_LOGP(CM_LOGL_DEBUG, "CMHttpSNotify::OnRecv header part %d", nLen); m_pSocketC->Recv(m_pHeadBuf + m_nHeadPos , REQ_HEAD_MAX_LEN - m_nHeadPos); return; } CM_LOGP(CM_LOGL_DEBUG, "CMHttpSNotify::OnRecv header failed is %s", (const CHAR*)CMString((const CHAR*)m_pHeadBuf, nLen)); return; } CMString sRange; m_cReqHeader.GetValue(HH_RANGER, sRange); //是外部请求,构造CMHttp请求 m_rUrl = m_pHttpS->ToRemote(m_cReqHeader.GetUrl()); if (!m_rUrl.Url().IsEmpty()) { CMHTTPReqHeader header; header.CreateDefault(); if (sRange.IsEmpty()) { if(CMNetConnMgr::Instance().CurrentType() == CMNetConnMgr::CMWAP) { sRange.Format(L"bytes = 0-%d", REQ_SIZE - 1); header.AddValue(HH_RANGER, sRange); } else { //请求没有指定range,不发送此参数 } } else { //暂时此流程不支持 ASSERT(FALSE); // if(CMGlobal::TheOne().NetConnMgr().CurrentType() == CMNetConnMgr::CMWAP) //{ // //如果请求包含range信息,对于跨CMWAP网关也需要处理 // UINT32 nStart = 0; // UINT32 nEnd = 0; // INT32 nPos1 = sRange.Find(L"-"); // if (nPos1 > 0) // { // INT32 nPos2 = sRange.Find(L"="); // nStart= _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sRange.Mid(nPos2 + 2, nPos1 - nPos2 - 2)); // INT32 nLen = sRange.GetLength(); // if (nLen > nPos1 + 1) // { // nEnd = _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sRange.Mid(nPos2 + 1, nLen - 1)); // } // } // if (nEnd != 0) // { // m_nSendSize = nEnd - nStart + 1; // } // else // { // m_nSendSize = m_pFile->GetLength() - nStart; // nEnd = nStart + m_nSendSize - 1; // } // } // else // header.AddValue(HH_RANGER, sRange); } header.SetUrl(m_rUrl); m_pHttpC->Request(header); m_nStatus = 1; return; } //是本地文件请求,构造发送信息 //const CMString* pFile = m_pHttpS->GetFile(m_cReqHeader.GetUrl()); //if (pFile) //{ // if (!m_pFile) // { // m_pFile = new CMFile(); // } // if (!m_pFile->Open(*pFile, CMFile::OPEN_R_EXIST, CMFile::SHARE_R)) // { // //打开失败 // CM_ERRP("CMHttpSNotify::OnRecv Open file %s not exist", (const CHAR*)CMString(*pFile)); // return; // } // UINT32 nStart = 0; // UINT32 nEnd = 0; // if (!sRange.IsEmpty()) // { // INT32 nPos1 = sRange.Find(L"-"); // if (nPos1 > 0) // { // INT32 nPos2 = sRange.Find(L"="); // nStart= _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sRange.Mid(nPos2 + 2, nPos1 - nPos2 - 2)); // INT32 nLen = sRange.GetLength(); // if (nLen > nPos1 + 1) // { // nEnd = _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sRange.Mid(nPos2 + 1, nLen - 1)); // } // } // } // if (nStart != 0) // m_pFile->Seek(nStart); // if (nEnd != 0) // { // m_nSendSize = nEnd - nStart + 1; // } // else // { // m_nSendSize = m_pFile->GetLength() - nStart; // nEnd = nStart + m_nSendSize - 1; // } // //获取成功,返回响应头结果到Socket处 // CMHTTPRspHeader resp; // resp.SetRet(200, CMString("OK")); // if (!sRange.IsEmpty()) // { // //如果有range,就要返回range, bytes 0-2668566/2668567 // CMString sSendRange; // sSendRange.Format(L"bytes %d-%d/%d", nStart, nEnd, m_nSendSize); // resp.AddValue(HH_CRANGE, sSendRange); // } // else // { // //否则返回content-lengthW // CMString sSendSize; // sSendSize.Format(L"%d", m_nSendSize); // resp.AddValue(HH_CLENGTH, sSendSize); // } // resp.AddValue(HH_CTYPE, L"application/x-shockwave-flash"); // CMString sHeader = resp.ToString(); // CM_LOGP(CM_LOGL_DEBUG, "%s", (const CHAR*)sHeader); // m_pSocketC->Send((const INT8*)(const CHAR*)sHeader, sHeader.GetLength()); // m_nStatus = 3; // return; //} } else { CM_ERRP("CMHttpSNotify::OnRecv ret %d error", nCode); } err: //未成功获取信息,清理,等待下次获取 m_bInService = FALSE; m_nSize = 0; if (nCode == MERN_TIMEOUT) { m_pSocketC->Close(); } else { char response[] = "HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\r\n\r\n"; m_pSocketC->Send((INT8*)response, strlen(response)); } //重置http m_pHttpC->Cancel(); }
void CMHttpSNotify::OnResponse(UINT32 nCode, const CMHTTPRspHeader* pRespHeader) { UINT32 nRet = MER_OK; if (nCode == MER_OK) { ASSERT(pRespHeader != NULL); UINT32 httpRet = pRespHeader->GetHttpReturn(); if (httpRet == 200 || httpRet == 206) { CMString sVal; //判断是否wap网关的无聊返回,如果是则继续请求一次 if (pRespHeader->GetValue(HH_CTYPE, sVal)) { if (sVal.Find(L"text/vnd.wap.wml") >= 0) { m_pHttpC->Request(); return; } } sVal.Empty(); pRespHeader->GetValue(HH_CRANGE, sVal); sVal.Trim(); CMHTTPRspHeader header; header.SetRet(200, CMString("OK")); header.AddValue(HH_CTYPE, L"application/x-shockwave-flash"); if (!sVal.IsEmpty()) { INT32 nPos1 = sVal.Find(L" "); INT32 nPos2 = sVal.Find(L"-"); INT32 nPos3 = sVal.Find(L"/"); if (nPos1 <= 0 || nPos2 <= 0 || nPos3 <= 0) { CM_ERRP("CMHttpSNotify::OnResponse wrong content-range %s", (const CHAR*)sVal); goto err; } m_nStart= _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sVal.Mid(nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1)); m_nEnd = _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sVal.Mid(nPos2 + 1, nPos3 - nPos2 - 1)); m_nSize = m_nEnd - m_nStart + 1; if (m_nTotalSize == 0) { //对于第一次http返回,需要返回结果给socket m_nTotalSize = _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sVal.Mid(nPos3 + 1)); CMString sSendSize; sSendSize.Format(L"%d", m_nTotalSize); header.AddValue(HH_CLENGTH, sSendSize); CMString sHeader = header.ToString(); CM_LOGP(CM_LOGL_INFO, "%s", (const CHAR*)sHeader); m_pSocketC->Send((INT8*)(const CHAR*)sHeader, sHeader.GetLength()); } else { ASSERT(m_nTotalSize == _mwtoi((const WCHAR*)sVal.Mid(nPos3 + 1))); ASSERT(m_nStatus == 2); ASSERT(m_nEnd - m_nStart < REQ_SIZE); UINT32 nLen = m_nSize; if (m_nSize > BUF_SIZE) { nLen = BUF_SIZE; } m_pHttpC->Read(m_pBuf, nLen); } } else { if (!pRespHeader->GetValue(HH_CLENGTH, sVal)) { CM_ERR("CMHttpSNotify::OnResponse no content-length"); goto err; } m_nTotalSize = 0; //此值无效 m_nSize = _mwtoi(sVal); //获取响应头成功,返回结果到Socket处 CMString sSendSize; sSendSize.Format(L"%d", m_nSize); header.AddValue(HH_CLENGTH, sSendSize); CMString sHeader = header.ToString(); CM_LOGP(CM_LOGL_INFO, "%s", (const CHAR*)sHeader); m_pSocketC->Send((INT8*)(const CHAR*)sHeader, sHeader.GetLength()); } return; } else { CM_ERRP("CMHttpSNotify::OnResponse http ret %d error", httpRet); nRet = httpRet; } } else { CM_ERRP("CMHttpSNotify::OnResponse ret %d error", nCode); nRet = nCode; } err: //未成功获取信息,清理,等待下次获取 //if (m_pBuf) //{ // delete m_pBuf; // m_pBuf = NULL; //} m_bInService = FALSE; //if (nCode == MERN_TIMEOUT) //{ // m_pSocketC->Close(); //} //else //{ char response[] = "HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\r\n\r\n"; m_nSize = 0; m_pSocketC->Send((INT8*)response, strlen(response)); //} //重置http m_pHttpC->Cancel(); }
void CMHttpSNotify::OnSend(UINT32 nCode, INT32 nLen) { if (nCode == MER_OK) { switch(m_nStatus) { case 1: if (m_nSize != 0) { nLen = m_nSize; //重用nLen if (m_nSize > BUF_SIZE) { nLen = BUF_SIZE; } m_pHttpC->Read(m_pBuf, nLen); m_nStatus = 2; } else { //m_nSize为0表示有错误,中止继续操作 CM_ERR("CMHttpSNotify::OnSend 0"); m_pSocketC->Close(); } break; case 2: if (nLen < m_nSendSize) { m_nPos += nLen; m_nSendSize -= nLen; m_pSocketC->Send(m_pBuf + m_nPos, m_nSendSize); } else { //判断是否完成 if (m_nSize > 0) { //还有剩余,继续请求 nLen = m_nSize; //nLen无意义了,复用下 if (m_nSize > BUF_SIZE) { nLen = BUF_SIZE; } m_pHttpC->Read(m_pBuf, nLen); } else if (m_nTotalSize > 0 && m_nEnd < m_nTotalSize - 1) { //仅当前http请求完毕, CMHTTPReqHeader header; header.CreateDefault(); CMString sRange; if (m_nEnd + REQ_SIZE < m_nTotalSize - 1) sRange.Format(L"bytes = %d-%d", m_nEnd + 1, m_nEnd + REQ_SIZE); else sRange.Format(L"bytes = %d-", m_nEnd + 1); header.AddValue(HH_RANGER, sRange); header.SetUrl(m_rUrl); m_pHttpC->Request(header); } else { //已完成,开始等待后续接收 Start(); //m_bInService = FALSE; //m_pSocketC->Close(); //m_pHttpC->Cancel(); } } break; case 3: if (m_nSendSize > BUF_SIZE) { nLen = BUF_SIZE; } else { nLen = m_nSendSize; } //if (m_pBuf) //{ // delete m_pBuf; // m_pBuf = NULL; //} //m_pBuf = new INT8[nLen + 1]; m_nPos = 0; m_pFile->Read((CHAR*)m_pBuf, nLen); m_pSocketC->Send(m_pBuf, nLen); m_nStatus = 4; break; case 4: if (nLen < m_nSendSize && m_nPos + nLen < BUF_SIZE) { //没有发送完 m_nPos += nLen; m_nSendSize -= nLen; m_pSocketC->Send(m_pBuf + m_nPos, m_nSendSize); } else { m_nSendSize -= nLen; if (m_nSendSize > 0) { nLen = m_nSendSize; if (m_nSendSize > BUF_SIZE) { nLen = BUF_SIZE; } m_nPos = 0; m_pFile->Read((CHAR*)m_pBuf, nLen); m_pSocketC->Send(m_pBuf, nLen); } else { //已完成,开始等待后续接收 Start(); //m_bInService = FALSE; //m_pHttpC->Cancel(); } } break; default: CM_ERR("CMHttpSNotify::OnSend status 0"); } return; } CM_ERRP("CMHttpSNotify::OnSend ret %d error", nCode); m_bInService = FALSE; m_pSocketC->Close(); m_pHttpC->Cancel(); }
int CJabberProto::OnPrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { if (hContact == NULL) return 0; bool bIsChatRoom = isChatRoom(hContact); bool bIsTransport = getBool(hContact, "IsTransport", false); if ((bIsChatRoom == GCW_CHATROOM) || bIsChatRoom == 0) { if (ptrT(getTStringA(hContact, bIsChatRoom ? (char*)"ChatRoomID" : (char*)"jid")) != NULL) { Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuConvert, TRUE); Menu_ModifyItem(g_hMenuConvert, bIsChatRoom ? LPGENT("&Convert to Contact") : LPGENT("&Convert to Chat Room")); } } if (!m_bJabberOnline) return 0; Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuDirectPresence[0], TRUE); for (int i = 0; i < _countof(PresenceModeArray); i++) Menu_ModifyItem(g_hMenuDirectPresence[i + 1], NULL, Skin_LoadProtoIcon(m_szModuleName, PresenceModeArray[i].mode)); if (bIsChatRoom) { ptrT roomid(getTStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); if (roomid != NULL) { Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuRosterAdd, FALSE); if (ListGetItemPtr(LIST_BOOKMARK, roomid) == NULL) if (m_ThreadInfo && m_ThreadInfo->jabberServerCaps & JABBER_CAPS_PRIVATE_STORAGE) Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuAddBookmark, TRUE); } } if (bIsChatRoom == GCW_CHATROOM) return 0; if (bIsTransport) { Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuLogin, TRUE); Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuRefresh, TRUE); } ptrT jid(getTStringA(hContact, "jid")); if (jid == NULL) return 0; JabberCapsBits jcb = GetTotalJidCapabilites(jid); JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListGetItemPtr(LIST_ROSTER, jid); if (item == NULL) return 0; bool bCtrlPressed = (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) != 0; Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuRequestAuth, item->subscription == SUB_FROM || item->subscription == SUB_NONE || bCtrlPressed); Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuGrantAuth, bCtrlPressed); Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuRevokeAuth, item->subscription == SUB_FROM || item->subscription == SUB_BOTH || bCtrlPressed); Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuCommands, ((jcb & JABBER_CAPS_COMMANDS) != 0) || bCtrlPressed); Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuSendNote, TRUE); if (item->arResources.getCount() == 0) return 0; Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuResourcesRoot, TRUE); Menu_ModifyItem(g_hMenuResourcesRoot, NULL, m_hProtoIcon); Menu_ModifyItem(g_hMenuResourcesActive, NULL, m_hProtoIcon, (item->resourceMode == RSMODE_LASTSEEN) ? CMIF_CHECKED : 0); Menu_ModifyItem(g_hMenuResourcesServer, NULL, m_hProtoIcon, (item->resourceMode == RSMODE_SERVER) ? CMIF_CHECKED : 0); int nMenuResourceItemsNew = m_nMenuResourceItems; if (m_nMenuResourceItems < item->arResources.getCount()) { m_phMenuResourceItems = (HGENMENU*)mir_realloc(m_phMenuResourceItems, item->arResources.getCount() * sizeof(HGENMENU)); nMenuResourceItemsNew = item->arResources.getCount(); } char text[256]; CMenuItem mi; mi.pszService = text; CMString szTmp; for (int i = 0; i < nMenuResourceItemsNew; i++) { mir_snprintf(text, "/UseResource_%d", i); if (i >= m_nMenuResourceItems) { CreateProtoServiceParam(text, &CJabberProto::OnMenuHandleResource, MENUITEM_RESOURCES + i); = ""; mi.position = i; mi.root = g_hMenuResourcesRoot; m_phMenuResourceItems[i] = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi, m_szModuleName); } if (i < item->arResources.getCount()) { pResourceStatus r(item->arResources[i]); HICON hIcon = (HICON)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Menu_SetChecked(m_phMenuResourceItems[i], item->resourceMode == RSMODE_MANUAL && item->m_pManualResource == r); if (ServiceExists(MS_FP_GETCLIENTICONT)) { FormatMirVer(r, szTmp); hIcon = Finger_GetClientIcon(szTmp, 0); } szTmp.Format(_T("%s [%s, %d]"), r->m_tszResourceName, pcli->pfnGetStatusModeDescription(r->m_iStatus, 0), r->m_iPriority); Menu_ModifyItem(m_phMenuResourceItems[i], szTmp, hIcon); DestroyIcon(hIcon); } else Menu_ShowItem(m_phMenuResourceItems[i], FALSE); } m_nMenuResourceItems = nMenuResourceItemsNew; return 0; }