Пример #1
// Parameter access
bool CSubsystem::accessValue(CPathNavigator& pathNavigator, string& strValue, bool bSet, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    // Deal with Endianness

    return base::accessValue(pathNavigator, strValue, bSet, parameterAccessContext);
// Conversion (tuning)
bool CEnumParameterType::toBlackboard(const string &strValue, uint32_t &uiValue,
                                      CParameterAccessContext &parameterAccessContext) const
    int32_t iParsedUserValue = 0;

    // Try to read the user-provided string as an integer
    if (not convertTo(strValue, iParsedUserValue)) {
        // If it fails to parse as an integer, first try to convert it from
        // lexical to numerical space.
        int32_t iNumerical;
        if (not getNumerical(strValue, iNumerical)) {

            parameterAccessContext.setError("Provided value '" + strValue +
                                            "' is not part of the lexical space"
                                            " or not within the numerical range.");

            return false;
        iParsedUserValue = iNumerical;

    // Once it has been converted to a number (either through parsing or
    // through lexical->numerical conversion), call the numerical overload of
    // toBlackboard.
    return toBlackboard(iParsedUserValue, uiValue, parameterAccessContext);
// Conversion
bool CBitParameterType::toBlackboard(const string& strValue, uint64_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    // Hexa
    bool bValueProvidedAsHexa = !strValue.compare(0, 2, "0x");

    // Get value
    uint64_t uiConvertedValue = strtoull(strValue.c_str(), NULL, 0);

    if (uiConvertedValue > _uiMax) {

        // Range exceeded
        std::ostringstream strStream;

        strStream << "Value " << strValue << " standing out of admitted range [";

        if (bValueProvidedAsHexa) {

            strStream << "0x0, " << "0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase;
        } else {

            strStream << "0, ";
        strStream << _uiMax << "] for " + getKind();


        return false;

    // Do bitwise RMW operation
    uiValue = (uiValue & ~getMask()) | (uiConvertedValue << _uiBitPos);

    return true;
void CFixedPointParameterType::setOutOfRangeError(const string& strValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    std::ostringstream strStream;

    strStream << "Value " << strValue << " standing out of admitted ";

    if (!parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) {

        // Min/Max computation
        double dMin = 0;
        double dMax = 0;
        getRange(dMin, dMax);

        strStream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(_uiFractional)
                  << "real range [" << dMin << ", " << dMax << "]";
    } else {

        // Min/Max computation
        int32_t iMax = getMaxValue<uint32_t>();
        int32_t iMin = -iMax - 1;

        strStream << "raw range [";

        if (isHexadecimal(strValue)) {

            // Format Min
            strStream << "0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase <<
                      std::setw(getSize() * 2) << std::setfill('0') << makeEncodable(iMin);
            // Format Max
            strStream << ", 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase <<
                      std::setw(getSize() * 2) << std::setfill('0') << makeEncodable(iMax);

        } else {

            strStream << iMin << ", " << iMax;

        strStream << "]";
    strStream << " for " << getKind();

// Sync
bool CInstanceConfigurableElement::sync(CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    ISyncer* pSyncer = getSyncer();

    if (!pSyncer) {

        parameterAccessContext.setError("Unable to synchronize modification. No Syncer object associated to configurable element:");

        return false;
    string strError;

    if (!pSyncer->sync(*parameterAccessContext.getParameterBlackboard(), false, strError)) {


        return false;
    return true;
bool CEnumParameterType::fromBlackboard(string& strValue, const uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    // Take care of format
    if (parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) {

        // Format
	std::ostringstream strStream;

        // Numerical format requested
        if (parameterAccessContext.outputRawFormatIsHex()) {

            // Hexa display with unecessary bits cleared out
            strStream << "0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setw(getSize()*2) << std::setfill('0') << makeEncodable(uiValue);

            strValue = strStream.str();
        } else {

            // Integer display
            int32_t iValue = uiValue;

            // Sign extend

            strStream << iValue;

            strValue = strStream.str();
    } else {

        // Integer display
        int32_t iValue = uiValue;

        // Sign extend

        // Literal display requested (should succeed)
        getLiteral(iValue, strValue);
    return true;
// Parameter access
bool CConfigurableElement::accessValue(CPathNavigator& pathNavigator, string& strValue, bool bSet, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    string* pStrChildName = pathNavigator.next();

    if (!pStrChildName) {

        parameterAccessContext.setError("Non accessible element");

        return false;

    const CConfigurableElement* pChild = static_cast<const CConfigurableElement*>(findChild(*pStrChildName));

    if (!pChild) {

        parameterAccessContext.setError("Path not found: " + pathNavigator.getCurrentPath());

        return false;

    return pChild->accessValue(pathNavigator, strValue, bSet, parameterAccessContext);
bool CFixedPointParameterType::fromBlackboard(string& strValue, const uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    int32_t iData = uiValue;

    // Check encodability
    assert(isEncodable((uint32_t)iData, false));

    // Format
    std::ostringstream strStream;

    // Raw formatting?
    if (parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) {

        // Hexa formatting?
        if (parameterAccessContext.outputRawFormatIsHex()) {

            strStream << "0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setw(getSize()*2) << std::setfill('0') << (uint32_t)iData;
        } else {

            // Sign extend

            strStream << iData;
    } else {

        // Sign extend

        // Conversion
        double dData = binaryQnmToDouble(iData);

        strStream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(_uiFractional) << dData;

    strValue = strStream.str();

    return true;
Пример #9
bool CParameter::doGet(type &value, size_t offset,
                       CParameterAccessContext &parameterAccessContext) const
    uint32_t uiData = 0;

    // Read blackboard
    const CParameterBlackboard *pBlackboard = parameterAccessContext.getParameterBlackboard();

    // Beware this code works on little endian architectures only!
    pBlackboard->readInteger(&uiData, getSize(), offset);

    return static_cast<const CParameterType *>(getTypeElement())
        ->fromBlackboard(value, uiData, parameterAccessContext);
bool CFixedPointParameterType::toBlackboard(const string& strValue, uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    bool bValueProvidedAsHexa = isHexadecimal(strValue);

    // Check data integrity
    if (bValueProvidedAsHexa && !parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) {

        parameterAccessContext.setError("Hexadecimal values are not supported for " + getKind() + " when selected value space is real:");

        return false;

    if (parameterAccessContext.valueSpaceIsRaw()) {

        if (bValueProvidedAsHexa) {

            return convertFromHexadecimal(strValue, uiValue, parameterAccessContext);

        return convertFromDecimal(strValue, uiValue, parameterAccessContext);
    return convertFromQnm(strValue, uiValue, parameterAccessContext);
Пример #11
bool CParameter::doSet(type value, size_t offset,
                       CParameterAccessContext &parameterAccessContext) const
    uint32_t uiData;

    if (!static_cast<const CParameterType *>(getTypeElement())
             ->toBlackboard(value, uiData, parameterAccessContext)) {

        return false;
    // Write blackboard
    CParameterBlackboard *pBlackboard = parameterAccessContext.getParameterBlackboard();

    // Beware this code works on little endian architectures only!
    pBlackboard->writeInteger(&uiData, getSize(), offset);

    return true;
// Numerical validity of the enum value
bool CEnumParameterType::isValid(int iNumerical, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    // Check that the value is part of the allowed values for this kind of enum
    size_t uiChild;
    size_t uiNbChildren = getNbChildren();

    for (uiChild = 0; uiChild < uiNbChildren; uiChild++) {

        const CEnumValuePair* pValuePair = static_cast<const CEnumValuePair*>(getChild(uiChild));

        if (pValuePair->getNumerical() == iNumerical) {

            return true;

    parameterAccessContext.setError("Provided value not part of numerical space");

    return false;
// Value access
bool CFixedPointParameterType::toBlackboard(double dUserValue, uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    // Check that the value is within the allowed range for this type
    if (!checkValueAgainstRange(dUserValue)) {

        // Illegal value provided
        parameterAccessContext.setError("Value out of range");

        return false;

    // Do the conversion
    int32_t iData = doubleToBinaryQnm(dUserValue);

    // Check integrity
    assert(isEncodable((uint32_t)iData, true));

    uiValue = iData;

    return true;
// Conversion (tuning)
bool CEnumParameterType::toBlackboard(const string& strValue, uint32_t& uiValue, CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext) const
    int64_t iData;

    if (isNumber(strValue)) {

        /// Numerical value provided

        // Hexa
        bool bValueProvidedAsHexa = !strValue.compare(0, 2, "0x");

        errno = 0;
        char *pcStrEnd;

        // Get value
        iData = strtoll(strValue.c_str(), &pcStrEnd, 0);

        // Conversion error when the input string does not contain any digit or the number is out of range (int32_t type)
        bool bConversionSucceeded = !errno && (strValue.c_str() != pcStrEnd);

        // Check validity against type
        if (!checkValueAgainstRange(strValue, iData, parameterAccessContext, bValueProvidedAsHexa, bConversionSucceeded)) {

            return false;

        if (bValueProvidedAsHexa) {

            // Sign extend

        // Check validity against lexical space
        string strError;
        if (!isValid(iData, parameterAccessContext)) {


            return false;
    } else {
        /// Literal value provided

        // Check validity against lexical space
        int iNumerical;
        if (!getNumerical(strValue, iNumerical)) {

            parameterAccessContext.setError("Provided value not part of lexical space");

            return false;
        iData = iNumerical;

        // Check validity against type
        if (!checkValueAgainstRange(strValue, iData, parameterAccessContext, false, isEncodable((uint64_t)iData, true))) {

            return false;

    // Return data
    uiValue = (uint32_t)iData;

    return true;