Пример #1
ALERROR CWeaponFireDesc::InitFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc, const CString &sUNID, bool bDamageOnly)

//	InitFromXML
//	Loads shot data from an element

	ALERROR error;
	int i;

	m_pExtension = Ctx.pExtension;
	m_fVariableInitialSpeed = false;
	m_bFragment = false;

	//	Load basic attributes

	m_sUNID = sUNID;
	int iMaxLifetime = m_Lifetime.GetMaxValue();
	m_bCanDamageSource = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(CAN_HIT_SOURCE_ATTRIB);
	m_bAutoTarget = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(AUTO_TARGET_ATTRIB);
	m_bNoFriendlyFire = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE_ATTRIB);

	//	Load missile speed

	CString sData;
	if (pDesc->FindAttribute(MISSILE_SPEED_ATTRIB, &sData))
		if (error = m_MissileSpeed.LoadFromXML(sData))
			Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Invalid missile speed attribute");
			return ERR_FAIL;

		m_fVariableInitialSpeed = !m_MissileSpeed.IsConstant();
		m_rMissileSpeed = (double)m_MissileSpeed.GetAveValue() * LIGHT_SPEED / 100;
		m_fVariableInitialSpeed = false;
		m_rMissileSpeed = LIGHT_SPEED;

	//	Load the effect to use

	if (error = m_pEffect.LoadEffect(Ctx, 
			strPatternSubst("%s:e", sUNID),
		return error;

	//	Load stealth

	m_iStealth = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(STEALTH_ATTRIB);
	if (m_iStealth == 0)
		m_iStealth = CSpaceObject::stealthNormal;

	//	Other properties

	m_iSplashChance = pDesc->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PARTICLE_SPLASH_CHANCE_ATTRIB, 0, 100, 0);
	m_iMissChance = pDesc->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PARTICLE_MISS_CHANCE_ATTRIB, 0, 100, 0);

	//	Load specific properties

	CString sValue = pDesc->GetAttribute(FIRE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
	if (strEquals(sValue, FIRE_TYPE_MISSILE) || strEquals(sValue, FIRE_TYPE_BEAM))
		m_iFireType = (strEquals(sValue, FIRE_TYPE_BEAM) ? ftBeam : ftMissile);

		//	For backwards compatibility, if we don't have an effect, assume
		//	a beam effect.

		if (m_iFireType == ftBeam && m_pEffect == NULL)
			if (error = m_pEffect.CreateBeamEffect(Ctx, pDesc, strPatternSubst("%s:e", sUNID)))
				return error;

			//	Backwards compatibility in case a CBeam object is loaded from
			//	an old save file.

			m_iBeamType = beamLaser;
			m_wPrimaryColor = CG16bitImage::RGBValue(0xf1, 0x5f, 0x2a);
			m_wSecondaryColor = CG16bitImage::RGBValue(0xff, 0x00, 0x00);
			m_iIntensity = 1;

		//	Load the image for the missile

		CXMLElement *pImage = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(IMAGE_TAG);
		if (pImage)
			if (error = m_Image.InitFromXML(Ctx, pImage))
				return error;

		m_bDirectional = pDesc->GetAttributeBool(DIRECTIONAL_ATTRIB);
		if (m_bDirectional && m_pEffect)

		m_iAccelerationFactor = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(ACCELERATION_FACTOR_ATTRIB);
		int iMaxSpeed = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(MAX_MISSILE_SPEED_ATTRIB);
		if (iMaxSpeed == 0)
			m_rMaxMissileSpeed = m_rMissileSpeed;
			m_rMaxMissileSpeed = (Metric)iMaxSpeed * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0;

		//	Hit points and interaction

		m_iHitPoints = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(HIT_POINTS_ATTRIB);
		CString sInteraction;
		if (pDesc->FindAttribute(INTERACTION_ATTRIB, &sInteraction))
			m_iInteraction = strToInt(sInteraction, 100);
			m_iInteraction = (m_iFireType == ftBeam ? 0 : 100);

		//	Load exhaust data

		CXMLElement *pExhaust = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(MISSILE_EXHAUST_TAG);
		if (pExhaust)
			m_iExhaustRate = pExhaust->GetAttributeInteger(EXHAUST_RATE_ATTRIB);
			m_iExhaustLifetime = pExhaust->GetAttributeInteger(EXHAUST_LIFETIME_ATTRIB);
			m_rExhaustDrag = pExhaust->GetAttributeInteger(EXHAUST_DRAG_ATTRIB) / 100.0;

			CXMLElement *pImage = pExhaust->GetContentElementByTag(IMAGE_TAG);
			if (error = m_ExhaustImage.InitFromXML(Ctx, pImage))
				return error;
			m_iExhaustRate = 0;
			m_iExhaustLifetime = 0;
			m_rExhaustDrag = 0.0;
	else if (strEquals(sValue, FIRE_TYPE_AREA))
		m_iFireType = ftArea;

		m_rMaxMissileSpeed = m_rMissileSpeed;

		//	Load expansion speed

		if (pDesc->FindAttribute(EXPANSION_SPEED_ATTRIB, &sData))
			if (error = m_ExpansionSpeed.LoadFromXML(sData))
				Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Invalid expansionSpeed attribute");
				return ERR_FAIL;

		//	Area damage density

		if (pDesc->FindAttribute(AREA_DAMAGE_DENSITY_ATTRIB, &sData))
			if (error = m_AreaDamageDensity.LoadFromXML(sData))
				Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Invalid areaDamageDensity attribute");
				return ERR_FAIL;

		//	Must have effect

		if (m_pEffect == NULL)
			Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Must have <Effect> for area damage.");
			return ERR_FAIL;
	else if (strEquals(sValue, FIRE_TYPE_PARTICLES))
		m_iFireType = ftParticles;

		m_rMaxMissileSpeed = m_rMissileSpeed;

		if (error = m_ParticleCount.LoadFromXML(pDesc->GetAttribute(PARTICLE_COUNT_ATTRIB)))
			Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Invalid particle count.");
			return error;

		if (error = m_ParticleEmitTime.LoadFromXML(pDesc->GetAttribute(PARTICLE_EMIT_TIME_ATTRIB)))
			Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Invalid particle emit time.");
			return error;

		m_iParticleSpread = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(PARTICLE_SPREAD_ANGLE_ATTRIB);
		m_iParticleSpreadWidth = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(PARTICLE_SPREAD_WIDTH_ATTRIB);
	else if (strEquals(sValue, FIRE_TYPE_RADIUS))
		m_iFireType = ftRadius;

		m_rMaxMissileSpeed = m_rMissileSpeed;

		m_rMinRadius = LIGHT_SECOND * (Metric)pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(MIN_RADIUS_ATTRIB);
		m_rMaxRadius = LIGHT_SECOND * (Metric)pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(MAX_RADIUS_ATTRIB);

		//	For radius, lifetime attribute is not required. We always set the lifetime
		//	to the effect lifetime.

		if (m_pEffect && iMaxLifetime == 0)
			int iEffectLifetime = m_pEffect->GetLifetime();

			//	If the effect lifetime is infinite then change it
			//	to something more finite (this is technically an error condition)

			if (iEffectLifetime == -1)
				iEffectLifetime = 666;

			iMaxLifetime = iEffectLifetime;
	else if (!bDamageOnly)
		Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("Invalid weapon fire type");
		return ERR_FAIL;

	//	The effect should have the same lifetime as the shot
	//	Note: For radius damage it is the other way around (we set iMaxLifetime based on
	//	the effect--see above)

	if (m_pEffect)

	//	We initialize this with the UNID, and later resolve the reference
	//	during OnDesignLoadComplete

	m_pAmmoType.LoadUNID(Ctx, pDesc->GetAttribute(AMMO_ID_ATTRIB));

	//	Maneuverability

	m_iManeuverability = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(MANEUVERABILITY_ATTRIB);
	m_iManeuverRate = pDesc->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(MANEUVER_RATE_ATTRIB, 1, 180, -1);
	if (m_iManeuverRate == -1 && m_iManeuverability > 0)
		m_iManeuverRate = g_RotationAngle;
	else if (m_iManeuverability == 0 && m_iManeuverRate > 0)
		m_iManeuverability = 1;

	//	Load continuous and passthrough

	m_iContinuous = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(BEAM_CONTINUOUS_ATTRIB);
	if (pDesc->FindAttributeInteger(PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIB, &m_iPassthrough))
		//	In previous versions passthrough was a boolean value, so for backwards
		//	compatibility we treat 0 as 50%.
		//	Note: We don't do this for ftArea because we need a way to specify
		//	passthrough=0 (since ftArea defaults to non-zero passthrough). Also,
		//	ftArea has no backwards compatibility issues (passthrough is only
		//	supported for 1.1 and above).

		if (m_iPassthrough == 0 && m_iFireType != ftArea)
			m_iPassthrough = 50;
		//	If this is an area weapon, we set passthrough to a default value
		//	(for backwards compatibility)

		if (m_iFireType == ftArea)
			m_iPassthrough = 80;
			m_iPassthrough = 0;

	//	Load damage

	if (error = m_Damage.LoadFromXML(Ctx, pDesc->GetAttribute(DAMAGE_ATTRIB)))
		Ctx.sError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Invalid damage specification: %s"), pDesc->GetAttribute(DAMAGE_ATTRIB));
		return error;

	//	Fragments

	m_pFirstFragment = NULL;
	SFragmentDesc *pLastFragment = NULL;
	int iFragCount = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < pDesc->GetContentElementCount(); i++)
		CXMLElement *pFragDesc = pDesc->GetContentElement(i);
		if (!strEquals(FRAGMENT_TAG, pFragDesc->GetTag()))

		//	Create a new fragmentation descriptor

		SFragmentDesc *pNewDesc = new SFragmentDesc;
		pNewDesc->pNext = NULL;
		if (pLastFragment)
			pLastFragment->pNext = pNewDesc;
			m_pFirstFragment = pNewDesc;

		pLastFragment = pNewDesc;

		//	Load fragment data

		pNewDesc->pDesc = new CWeaponFireDesc;
		CString sFragUNID = strPatternSubst("%s/f%d", sUNID, iFragCount++);
		if (error = pNewDesc->pDesc->InitFromXML(Ctx, pFragDesc, sFragUNID))
			return error;

		pNewDesc->pDesc->m_bFragment = true;

		//	Set the fragment count

		CString sCount = pFragDesc->GetAttribute(COUNT_ATTRIB);
		if (sCount.IsBlank())
			sCount = pDesc->GetAttribute(FRAGMENT_COUNT_ATTRIB);

		//	Set MIRV flag

		pNewDesc->bMIRV = (pFragDesc->GetAttributeBool(MULTI_TARGET_ATTRIB) 
				|| pDesc->GetAttributeBool(FRAGMENT_TARGET_ATTRIB));

	//	If we have fragments, then set proximity appropriately
	//	NOTE: We set the fail safe value even if we don't set the proximity
	//	blast because we might set m_bProximityBlast later if there
	//	is an OnFragment event.

	m_bProximityBlast = (iFragCount != 0);
	m_iProximityFailsafe = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(FAILSAFE_ATTRIB);

	//	Compute max effective range

	if (m_iFireType == ftArea)
		m_rMaxEffectiveRange = (m_ExpansionSpeed.GetAveValue() * LIGHT_SECOND / 100.0) * Ticks2Seconds(iMaxLifetime) * 0.75;
		Metric rEffectiveLifetime;
		if (m_iManeuverability > 0)
			rEffectiveLifetime = Ticks2Seconds(iMaxLifetime) * 0.75;
			rEffectiveLifetime = Min(Ticks2Seconds(iMaxLifetime), 100.0);

		Metric rSpeed = (m_rMissileSpeed + m_rMaxMissileSpeed) / 2;
		m_rMaxEffectiveRange = rSpeed * rEffectiveLifetime;

		//	If we have fragments, add to the effective range

		if (m_pFirstFragment)
			m_rMaxEffectiveRange += m_pFirstFragment->pDesc->m_rMaxEffectiveRange;

	//	Effects

	if (error = m_pHitEffect.LoadEffect(Ctx,
			strPatternSubst("%s:h", sUNID),
		return error;

	if (error = m_pFireEffect.LoadEffect(Ctx,
			strPatternSubst("%s:f", sUNID),
		return error;

	//	Vapor trail

	if (!pDesc->FindAttributeInteger(VAPOR_TRAIL_WIDTH_ATTRIB, &m_iVaporTrailWidth))
		m_iVaporTrailWidth = 100 * pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(VAPOR_TRAIL_ATTRIB);

	if (m_iVaporTrailWidth)
		m_wVaporTrailColor = LoadRGBColor(pDesc->GetAttribute(VAPOR_TRAIL_COLOR_ATTRIB));
		m_iVaporTrailLength = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(VAPOR_TRAIL_LENGTH_ATTRIB);
		if (m_iVaporTrailLength <= 0)
			m_iVaporTrailLength = 64;

		if (!pDesc->FindAttributeInteger(VAPOR_TRAIL_WIDTH_INC_ATTRIB, &m_iVaporTrailWidthInc))
			m_iVaporTrailWidthInc = 25;
		m_iVaporTrailLength = 0;

	//	Sound

	DWORD dwSoundID = LoadUNID(Ctx, pDesc->GetAttribute(SOUND_ATTRIB));
	if (dwSoundID)
		m_iFireSound = g_pUniverse->FindSound(dwSoundID);
		m_iFireSound = -1;

	//	Events

	CXMLElement *pEventsDesc = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EVENTS_TAG);
	if (pEventsDesc)
		if (error = m_Events.InitFromXML(Ctx, pEventsDesc))
			return error;

	//	Check to see if this element has an enhanced sub-element. If so, then we
	//	recurse.

	CXMLElement *pEnhanced = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(ENHANCED_TAG);
	if (pEnhanced)
		m_pEnhanced = new CWeaponFireDesc(*this);
		if (error = m_pEnhanced->OverrideDesc(Ctx, pEnhanced))
			return error;
		m_pEnhanced = NULL;

	return NOERROR;
Пример #2
bool IDockScreenDisplay::GetDisplayOptions (SInitCtx &Ctx, SDisplayOptions *retOptions, CString *retsError)

//	GetDisplayOptions
//	Initializes the display options structure, which is used by list and 
//	selector displays.


	//	Initialize background image options

	CString sBackgroundID;
	if (Ctx.pDesc->FindAttribute(BACKGROUND_ID_ATTRIB, &sBackgroundID))
		//	If the attribute exists, but is empty (or equals "none") then
		//	we don't have a background

		if (sBackgroundID.IsBlank() || strEquals(sBackgroundID, CONSTLIT("none")))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundNone;

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, TYPE_HERO))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjHeroImage;
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = Ctx.pLocation;

		//	If the ID is "object" then we should ask the object

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, TYPE_OBJECT))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = Ctx.pLocation;
            if (Ctx.pLocation->IsPlayer())
			    retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
			    retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjHeroImage;

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, TYPE_SCHEMATIC))
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = Ctx.pLocation;

		//	If the ID is "player" then we should ask the player ship

		else if (strEquals(sBackgroundID, DATA_FROM_PLAYER))
			CSpaceObject *pPlayer = g_pUniverse->GetPlayerShip();
			if (pPlayer)
				retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundObjSchematicImage;
				retOptions->BackgroundDesc.pObj = pPlayer;

		//	Otherwise, we expect an integer

			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType = backgroundImage;
			retOptions->BackgroundDesc.dwImageID = strToInt(sBackgroundID, 0);

	//	Initialize control rect. If we have a background, then initialize to
	//	backwards compatible position. Otherwise, we take up the full range.

	if (retOptions->BackgroundDesc.iType != backgroundDefault)
		retOptions->rcControl.left = 4;
		retOptions->rcControl.top = 12;
		retOptions->rcControl.right = 548;
		retOptions->rcControl.bottom = 396;
		retOptions->rcControl.left = 0;
		retOptions->rcControl.top = 23;
		retOptions->rcControl.right = 600;
		retOptions->rcControl.bottom = 502;

	//	Get the type

	if (Ctx.pDisplayDesc
			&& Ctx.pDisplayDesc->FindAttribute(TYPE_ATTRIB, &retOptions->sType))
		retOptions->sType = Ctx.pDesc->GetAttribute(TYPE_ATTRIB);

	//	There are a couple of different ways to get options (for backwards
	//	compatibility).

	CXMLElement *pOptions;
	if ((pOptions = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_OPTIONS_TAG)) == NULL
			&& (pOptions = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_TAG)) == NULL
			&& (pOptions = Ctx.pDisplayDesc) == NULL)
		return true;

	retOptions->pOptions = pOptions;

	//	Read from the element

	retOptions->sDataFrom = pOptions->GetAttribute(DATA_FROM_ATTRIB);
	if (!pOptions->FindAttribute(CRITERIA_ATTRIB, &retOptions->sItemCriteria))
		retOptions->sItemCriteria = pOptions->GetAttribute(LIST_ATTRIB);
	retOptions->sInitialItemCode = pOptions->GetAttribute(INITIAL_ITEM_ATTRIB);
	retOptions->sRowHeightCode = pOptions->GetAttribute(ROW_HEIGHT_ATTRIB);

	//	Init code

	CXMLElement *pInitCode = pOptions->GetContentElementByTag(ON_DISPLAY_INIT_TAG);
	if (pInitCode == NULL)
		pInitCode = pOptions;

	retOptions->sCode = pInitCode->GetContentText(0);

	//	List options

	retOptions->bNoArmorSpeedDisplay = pOptions->GetAttributeBool(NO_ARMOR_SPEED_DISPLAY_ATTRIB);
	retOptions->bActualItems = pOptions->GetAttributeBool(DISPLAY_ACTUAL_ATTRIB);
	retOptions->cxIcon = pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(ICON_WIDTH_ATTRIB, 0, -1, ICON_WIDTH);
	retOptions->cyIcon = pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(ICON_HEIGHT_ATTRIB, 0, -1, ICON_HEIGHT);
	retOptions->rIconScale = pOptions->GetAttributeDoubleBounded(ICON_SCALE_ATTRIB, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0);

    //  Selector options

    retOptions->bNoEmptySlots = pOptions->GetAttributeBool(NO_EMPTY_SLOTS_ATTRIB);
    retOptions->sSlotNameCode = pOptions->GetAttribute(SLOT_NAME_ATTRIB);

	//	See if we have control position

	if (pOptions->FindAttributeInteger(POS_X_ATTRIB, (int *)&retOptions->rcControl.left))
		retOptions->rcControl.top = pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(POS_Y_ATTRIB, 0, -1);
		retOptions->rcControl.right = retOptions->rcControl.left + pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(WIDTH_ATTRIB, 0, -1);
		retOptions->rcControl.bottom = retOptions->rcControl.top + pOptions->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(HEIGHT_ATTRIB, 0, -1);

	return true;

Пример #3
static void ParseCommandLine (char *pszCmdLine, SCommandLineOptions *retOptions)

//	ParseCommandLine
//	Parses the command line
//	/debug				Use debug ship and starting system
//	/windowed			Run in windowed mode (as opposed to full screen)
//	/nosound			No music or sound
//	/nolog				Do not output Debug.log
//	/useTDB				Use Transcendence.tdb instead of .xml
//	/debugVideo			Output debug info on video system
//	/debugNonExclusive	No exclusive mode in DirectX
//	/debugManualBlt		Do not use DirectX to blt to screen buffer

	ALERROR error;

	//	Initialize defaults (in case of error parsing, we still end up
	//	with valid values).

	memset(retOptions, 0, sizeof(SCommandLineOptions));

	//	Parse

	char *argv[2];
	argv[0] = "Transcendence";
	argv[1] = pszCmdLine;
	CXMLElement *pCmdLine;
	if ((error = CreateXMLElementFromCommandLine(2, argv, &pCmdLine)))

	//	If we're in debug mode then there are various game changes

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("debug")))
		retOptions->bDebugMode = true;
		retOptions->bDebugGame = true;

	//	Turn debug log off

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("nolog")))
		retOptions->bNoDebugLog = true;

	//	No sound

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("nosound")))
		retOptions->bNoSound = true;

	//	Debug video problems

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("debugVideo")))
		retOptions->bDebugVideo = true;

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("debugNonExclusive")))
		retOptions->bDebugNonExclusive = true;

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("debugManualBlt")))
		retOptions->bDebugManualBlt = true;

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("dx")))
		retOptions->bDirectX = true;

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("windowed")))
		retOptions->bWindowedMode = true;

	if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("useTDB")))
		retOptions->bUseTDB = true;

	delete pCmdLine;
Пример #4
void CDockingPorts::InitPortsFromXML (CSpaceObject *pOwner, CXMLElement *pElement)

//	InitPortsFromXML
//	InitPortsFromXML 

	int i;

	//	See if we've got a special element with docking port geometry

	CXMLElement *pDockingPorts = pElement->GetContentElementByTag(DOCKING_PORTS_TAG);
	if (pDockingPorts)
		//	Initialize max dist
		//	NOTE: pOwner can be NULL because sometimes we init ports from a ship class 
		//	(without an object).

		int iDefaultDist = Max(DEFAULT_DOCK_DISTANCE_LS, (pOwner ? 8 + (int)((pOwner->GetBoundsRadius() / LIGHT_SECOND) + 0.5) : 0));
		m_iMaxDist = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(MAX_DIST_ATTRIB, 1, -1, iDefaultDist);

		//	If we have sub-elements then these are port definitions.

		m_iPortCount = pDockingPorts->GetContentElementCount();
		if (m_iPortCount > 0)
			m_pPort = new SDockingPort[m_iPortCount];

			for (i = 0; i < m_iPortCount; i++)
				CXMLElement *pPort = pDockingPorts->GetContentElement(i);
				CVector vDockPos((pPort->GetAttributeInteger(X_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel),
						(pPort->GetAttributeInteger(Y_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel));

				m_pPort[i].vPos = vDockPos;

				if (pPort->FindAttributeInteger(ROTATION_ATTRIB, &m_pPort[i].iRotation))
					m_pPort[i].iRotation = (m_pPort[i].iRotation % 360);
					m_pPort[i].iRotation = (VectorToPolar(vDockPos) + 180) % 360;

				if (pPort->GetAttributeBool(BRING_TO_FRONT_ATTRIB))
					m_pPort[i].iLayer = plBringToFront;
				else if (pPort->GetAttributeBool(SEND_TO_BACK_ATTRIB))
					m_pPort[i].iLayer = plSendToBack;

		//	Otherwise, we expect a port count and radius

		else if ((m_iPortCount = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PORT_COUNT_ATTRIB, 0, -1, 0)) > 0)
			int iRadius = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PORT_RADIUS_ATTRIB, 0, -1, DEFAULT_PORT_POS_RADIUS);
			int iAngle = 360 / m_iPortCount;

			//	We need the image scale to adjust coordinates

			int iScale = (pOwner ? pOwner->GetImage().GetImageViewportSize() : 512);

			//	Initialize ports

			m_pPort = new SDockingPort[m_iPortCount];
			for (i = 0; i < m_iPortCount; i++)
				C3DConversion::CalcCoord(iScale, i * iAngle, iRadius, 0, &m_pPort[i].vPos);
				m_pPort[i].iRotation = ((i * iAngle) + 180) % 360;

		//	Otherwise, no ports

			m_iPortCount = 0;
			m_pPort = NULL;

	//	Otherwise, initialize ports based on a count

				64 * g_KlicksPerPixel);