static StackFrame *
PushInlinedFrame(JSContext *cx, StackFrame *callerFrame)
    // Grab the callee object out of the caller's frame, which has already been restored.
    // N.B. we currently assume that the caller frame is at a JSOP_CALL pc for the caller frames,
    // which will not be the case when we inline getters (in which case it would be a
    // JSOP_GETPROP). That will have to be handled differently.
    FrameRegs &regs = cx->regs();
    JS_ASSERT(JSOp(*regs.pc) == JSOP_CALL || JSOp(*regs.pc) == JSOP_NEW);
    int callerArgc = GET_ARGC(regs.pc);
    const Value &calleeVal = regs.sp[-callerArgc - 2];

    JSFunction *fun = calleeVal.toObject().toFunction();
    JSScript *script = fun->script();
    CallArgs inlineArgs = CallArgsFromSp(callerArgc, regs.sp);
    // Bump the stack pointer to make it look like the inline args have been pushed, but they will
    // really get filled in by RestoreOneFrame.
    regs.sp = inlineArgs.end();

    InitialFrameFlags flags = INITIAL_NONE;
    if (JSOp(*regs.pc) == JSOP_NEW)
        flags = INITIAL_CONSTRUCT;

    if (!cx->stack.pushInlineFrame(cx, regs, inlineArgs, *fun, script, flags, DONT_REPORT_ERROR))
        return NULL;

    StackFrame *fp = cx->stack.fp();
    JS_ASSERT(fp == regs.fp());
    JS_ASSERT(fp->prev() == callerFrame);

    return fp;
Пример #2
ContextStack::pushInvokeFrame(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args,
                              InitialFrameFlags initial, InvokeFrameGuard *ifg)
    JS_ASSERT(space().firstUnused() == args.end());

    JSObject &callee = args.callee();
    JSFunction *fun = callee.toFunction();
    JSScript *script = fun->script();

    StackFrame::Flags flags = ToFrameFlags(initial);
    StackFrame *fp = getCallFrame(cx, REPORT_ERROR, args, fun, script, &flags);
    if (!fp)
        return false;

    fp->initCallFrame(cx, *fun, script, args.length(), flags);
    ifg->regs_.prepareToRun(*fp, script);

    ifg->prevRegs_ = seg_->pushRegs(ifg->regs_);
    JS_ASSERT(space().firstUnused() == ifg->regs_.sp);
    return true;