Value RetrieveJointNames::doExecute () { RosJointState& entity = static_cast<RosJointState&> (owner ()); std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues (); std::string name = values[0].value (); if (!dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance ()->existEntity (name)) { std::cerr << "invalid entity name" << std::endl; return Value (); } dynamicgraph::sot::Dynamic* dynamic = dynamic_cast<dynamicgraph::sot::Dynamic*> (&dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance ()->getEntity (name)); if (!dynamic) { std::cerr << "entity is not a Dynamic entity" << std::endl; return Value (); } CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* robot = dynamic->m_HDR; if (!robot) { std::cerr << "no robot in the dynamic entity" << std::endl; return Value (); } entity.jointState ().name.resize (robot->numberDof()); buildJointNames (entity.jointState (), robot->rootJoint()); return Value (); }
TEST(TestSuite, oneDofRevoluteX) { const char* ffJointName = "base_footprint_joint"; jrl::dynamics::urdf::Parser parser; CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* robot = parser.parse (TEST_MODEL_DIRECTORY "/one_dof_revolute_x.urdf", ffJointName); CjrlJoint* root = robot->rootJoint (); ASSERT_TRUE (root); ASSERT_EQ (1, root->countChildJoints()); ASSERT_EQ (ffJointName, root->getName()); CjrlJoint* joint = root->childJoint (0); ASSERT_TRUE (joint); ASSERT_EQ ("joint1", joint->getName()); // Create robot configuration. const int ndofs = 7; vectorN q (ndofs); vectorN dq (ndofs); vectorN ddq (ndofs); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ndofs; ++i) q (i) = dq (i) = ddq (i) = 0.; // Check configuration at zero. std::cout << q << std::endl; ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentConfiguration(q)); ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentVelocity(dq)); ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentAcceleration(ddq)); ASSERT_TRUE (robot->computeForwardKinematics()); matrix4d jointPosition; jointPosition.setIdentity (); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) ASSERT_EQ(jointPosition (i, j), root->currentTransformation () (i, j)); jointPosition.setIdentity (); jointPosition (1, 3) = 1.; // std::cout << "current value:" << std::endl; // std::cout << joint->currentTransformation () << std::endl; // std::cout << "expected value:" << std::endl; // std::cout << jointPosition << std::endl; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) ASSERT_NEAR (jointPosition (i, j), joint->currentTransformation () (i, j), 1e-9); // Check configuration at pi/2. q (6) = M_PI / 2.; std::cout << q << std::endl; ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentConfiguration(q)); ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentVelocity(dq)); ASSERT_TRUE (robot->currentAcceleration(ddq)); ASSERT_TRUE (robot->computeForwardKinematics()); jointPosition.setIdentity (); jointPosition (1, 1) = 0.; jointPosition (1, 2) = -1.; jointPosition (2, 1) = 1.; jointPosition (2, 2) = 0.; jointPosition (1, 3) = 1.; std::cout << "current value:" << std::endl; std::cout << joint->currentTransformation () << std::endl; std::cout << "expected value:" << std::endl; std::cout << jointPosition << std::endl; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) ASSERT_NEAR (jointPosition (i, j), joint->currentTransformation () (i, j), 1e-9); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string aPath; string aName; string JointToRank; string aSpecificitiesFileName; int InitialPosition = POSITION_STILL; if (argc!=5) { aPath="./"; aName="sample.wrl"; aSpecificitiesFileName = "sampleSpecificities.xml"; JointToRank = "sampleLinkJointRank.xml"; } else { aPath=argv[1]; aName=argv[2]; JointToRank = argv[4]; aSpecificitiesFileName = argv[3]; } int VerboseMode = 0; // Read the first humanoid. CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot * aHDR = robotDynamicsObjectConstructor.createHumanoidDynamicRobot(); string RobotFileName = aPath+aName; dynamicsJRLJapan::parseOpenHRPVRMLFile(*aHDR,RobotFileName,JointToRank, aSpecificitiesFileName); // The second humanoid is constructed through the abstract interface // CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* a2HDR = robotDynamicsObjectConstructor.createHumanoidDynamicRobot(); // The third humanoid is also constructed through the abstract interface // CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot* a3HDR = robotDynamicsObjectConstructor.createHumanoidDynamicRobot(); // Test the new humanoid structure. double dInitPos[40] = { 0.0, 0.0, -26.0, 50.0, -24.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -26.0, 50.0, -24.0, 0.0, // legs 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // chest and head 15.0, -10.0, 0.0, -30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, // right arm 15.0, 10.0, 0.0, -30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, // left arm -20.0, 20.0, -20.0, 20.0, -20.0, // right hand -10.0, 10.0, -10.0, 10.0, -10.0 // left hand }; // This is mandatory for this implementation of computeForwardKinematics // to compute the derivative of the momentum. { string inProperty[4]={"TimeStep","ComputeAcceleration", "ComputeBackwardDynamics", "ComputeZMP"}; string inValue[4]={"0.005","false","false","true"}; for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;i++) { aHDR->setProperty(inProperty[i],inValue[i]); a2HDR->setProperty(inProperty[i],inValue[i]); a3HDR->setProperty(inProperty[i],inValue[i]); } } int NbOfDofs = aHDR->numberDof(); MAL_VECTOR_DIM(aCurrentConf,double,NbOfDofs); MAL_VECTOR_DIM(aCurrentVel,double,NbOfDofs); MAL_VECTOR_FILL(aCurrentVel,0.0); MAL_VECTOR_DIM(aCurrentAcc,double,NbOfDofs); MAL_VECTOR_FILL(aCurrentAcc,0.0); int lindex=0; for(int i=0;i<6;i++) aCurrentConf[lindex++] = 0.0; for(int i=0;i<(NbOfDofs-6 < 40 ? NbOfDofs-6 : 40) ;i++) { if (InitialPosition==POSITION_STILL) aCurrentConf[lindex++] = 0.0; else if (InitialPosition==POSITION_HALF_SITTING) aCurrentConf[lindex++] = dInitPos[i]*M_PI/180.0; } aHDR->currentConfiguration(aCurrentConf); aHDR->currentVelocity(aCurrentVel); aHDR->currentAcceleration(aCurrentAcc); aHDR->computeForwardKinematics(); HumanoidCopy aHumanoidCopier; aHumanoidCopier.PerformCopyFromJointsTree(aHDR, a2HDR); aHumanoidCopier.PerformCopyFromJointsTree(a2HDR, a3HDR); NbOfDofs = a2HDR->numberDof(); if (VerboseMode>2) std::cout << "NbOfDofs :" << NbOfDofs << std::endl; a2HDR->currentConfiguration(aCurrentConf); a2HDR->currentVelocity(aCurrentVel); a2HDR->currentAcceleration(aCurrentAcc); a2HDR->computeForwardKinematics(); a3HDR->currentConfiguration(aCurrentConf); a3HDR->currentVelocity(aCurrentVel); a3HDR->currentAcceleration(aCurrentAcc); a3HDR->computeForwardKinematics(); // Initial Humanoid ofstream initialhumanoid;"initialhumanoid.output"); if (initialhumanoid.is_open()) { DisplayHumanoid(aHDR,initialhumanoid); initialhumanoid.close(); } // Copied Humanoid ofstream copiedhumanoid;"copiedhumanoid.output"); if (copiedhumanoid.is_open()) { DisplayHumanoid(a2HDR,copiedhumanoid); copiedhumanoid.close(); } // 2nd copied humanoid ofstream copied2ndhumanoid;"copied2ndhumanoid.output"); if (copied2ndhumanoid.is_open()) { DisplayHumanoid(a3HDR,copied2ndhumanoid); copied2ndhumanoid.close(); } MAL_S3_VECTOR(ZMPval,double); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { aHDR->currentVelocity(aCurrentVel); aHDR->currentAcceleration(aCurrentAcc); aHDR->computeForwardKinematics(); ZMPval = aHDR->zeroMomentumPoint(); if (VerboseMode>4) { cout << i << "-th value of ZMP : " << ZMPval <<endl; cout << "Should be equal to the CoM: " << aHDR->positionCenterOfMass() << endl; } a2HDR->currentVelocity(aCurrentVel); a2HDR->currentAcceleration(aCurrentAcc); a2HDR->computeForwardKinematics(); ZMPval = a2HDR->zeroMomentumPoint(); if(VerboseMode>4) { cout << i << "-th value of ZMP : " << ZMPval <<endl; cout << "Should be equal to the CoM: " << aHDR->positionCenterOfMass() << endl; } } delete aHDR; delete a2HDR; delete a3HDR; string iho("copiedhumanoid.output"); string cho("copied2ndhumanoid.output"); string rho("reportcopy.output"); if (CompareTwoFiles(iho.c_str(), cho.c_str(), rho.c_str())) { return 0; } return -1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string aSpecificitiesFileName; string aPath; string aName; string aMapFromCjrlJointToRank; string RefLogFile; string ActualLogFile; if (argc!=5) { const char *envrobotpath="ROBOTPATH"; char *robotpath = 0; const char *envrobotname="ROBOT"; char *robotname = 0; robotpath = getenv(envrobotpath); robotname = getenv(envrobotname); if ((robotpath==0) || (robotname==0)) { cerr << " This program takes 6 arguments: " << endl; cerr << "./TestHumanoidDynamicRobot PATH_TO_VRML_FILE VRML_FILE_NAME "<< endl; cerr << " PATH_TO_SPECIFICITIES_XML PATH PATH_TO_MAP_JOINT_2_RANK" << endl; cerr << " ReferenceLogFile ActualLogFile" << endl; exit(-1); } else { aPath=robotpath; aName=robotname; aName+="main.wrl"; aSpecificitiesFileName = robotpath; aSpecificitiesFileName +="/../etc/"; aSpecificitiesFileName += robotname; aSpecificitiesFileName += "Specificities.xml"; aMapFromCjrlJointToRank = robotpath; aMapFromCjrlJointToRank += "/../etc/"; aMapFromCjrlJointToRank += robotname; aMapFromCjrlJointToRank += "JointRank.xml"; } if (argc==3) { RefLogFile = argv[1]; ActualLogFile = argv[2]; } } else { aPath=argv[1]; aName=argv[2]; aSpecificitiesFileName = argv[3]; aMapFromCjrlJointToRank = argv[4]; } dynamicsJRLJapan::ObjectFactory dynFactory; CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot * aHDR = dynFactory.createHumanoidDynamicRobot(); CjrlHumanoidDynamicRobot * aHDR2 = dynFactory.createHumanoidDynamicRobot(); if (aHDR==0) { cerr<< "Dynamic cast on HDR failed " << endl; exit(-1); } cout << "Robot's model file:" << aPath << aName << endl; cout << "Specificities file:" << aSpecificitiesFileName << endl; cout << "Map from joint to rank:" << aMapFromCjrlJointToRank << endl; string RobotFileName = aPath + aName; parseOpenHRPVRMLFile(*aHDR,RobotFileName, aMapFromCjrlJointToRank,aSpecificitiesFileName); parseOpenHRPVRMLFile(*aHDR2,RobotFileName, aMapFromCjrlJointToRank,aSpecificitiesFileName); // Display tree of the joints. int NbOfDofs = aHDR->numberDof(); std::cout << "NbOfDofs :" << NbOfDofs << std::endl; MAL_VECTOR_DIM(aCurrentConf,double,NbOfDofs); int lindex=0; for(int i=0;i<6;i++) aCurrentConf[lindex++] = 0.0; for(int i=0;i<(NbOfDofs-6 < 41 ? NbOfDofs-6 : 40) ;i++) aCurrentConf[lindex++] = 0.0; aHDR->currentConfiguration(aCurrentConf); aHDR2->currentConfiguration(aCurrentConf); const CjrlJoint * LeftFoot = aHDR->leftFoot()->associatedAnkle(); const CjrlJoint * RightFoot = aHDR->rightFoot()->associatedAnkle(); const CjrlJoint * LeftFoot2 = aHDR2->leftFoot()->associatedAnkle(); const CjrlJoint * RightFoot2 = aHDR2->rightFoot()->associatedAnkle(); CjrlJoint * Waist2 = aHDR2->waist(); // Read the data file. ifstream ActualStateFile;,ifstream::in); if (!ActualStateFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Unable to open actual state file: " << ActualLogFile << endl; exit(-1); } ifstream RefStateFile;,ifstream::in); if (!RefStateFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Unable to open reference state file: " << RefLogFile << endl; exit(-1); } ofstream RebuildZMP;"RebuildZMP.dat",ofstream::out); RebuildZMP.close(); ofstream RebuildForces;"RebuildForces.dat",ofstream::out); RebuildForces.close(); ofstream RebuildWaist;"RebuildWaist.dat",ofstream::out); RebuildWaist.close(); // Set properties for the first model. { string inProperty[4]={"TimeStep","ComputeAcceleration", "ComputeBackwardDynamics", "ComputeZMP"}; string inValue[4]={"0.005","true","true","true"}; for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;i++) aHDR->setProperty(inProperty[i],inValue[i]); } // Set properties for the second model. { string inProperty[4]={"TimeStep","ComputeAcceleration", "ComputeBackwardDynamics", "ComputeZMP"}; string inValue[4]={"0.005","false","false","false"}; for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;i++) aHDR2->setProperty(inProperty[i],inValue[i]); } // Read the first line of actual state: ofstream ASD("ActualStateDescription.dat"); if (ASD.is_open()) { for(unsigned int i=0;i<126;i++) { string tmp; ActualStateFile>> tmp; ASD << i << " : " << tmp << endl; } ASD.close(); } ofstream RSD("ReferenceStateDescription.dat"); if (RSD.is_open()) { for(unsigned int i=0;i<95;i++) { string tmp; RefStateFile>> tmp; RSD << i << " : " << tmp << endl; } RSD.close(); } unsigned long int NbIt=0; double WaistFromRef[6]; double WaistFromActual[6]; matrix4d AbsSupportFootPos; // We set the first support foot as being the left one. int PreviousSupportFoot=-1; while(!ActualStateFile.eof()) { double NormalForces[2]={0.0,0.0}; double ActualData[131]; double RefData[100]; double RotationFreeFlyer[9]; for(unsigned int i=0;i<131;i++) { ActualStateFile >> ActualData[i]; if (i<40) aCurrentConf[i+6] = ActualData[i]; if (i==82) NormalForces[1]=ActualData[i]; if (i==88) NormalForces[0]=ActualData[i]; } ExtractRefWaist(RefStateFile,WaistFromRef,RotationFreeFlyer,RefData); for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;i++) aCurrentConf[i]=WaistFromRef[i]; for(unsigned int i=0;i<40;i++) aCurrentConf[i+6]=RefData[i]; aHDR2->currentConfiguration(aCurrentConf); aHDR2->computeForwardKinematics(); ExtractActualWaist(LeftFoot2, RightFoot2, Waist2, AbsSupportFootPos, WaistFromRef, RotationFreeFlyer, NbIt, WaistFromActual, PreviousSupportFoot); SaveWaistPositions(WaistFromRef, WaistFromActual); if (1) { for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;i++) aCurrentConf[i] = WaistFromActual[i]; } else { for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;i++) aCurrentConf[i] = WaistFromRef[i]; } aHDR->currentConfiguration(aCurrentConf); aHDR->computeForwardKinematics(); vector3d ZMPval; ZMPval = aHDR->zeroMomentumPoint(); matrix4d TrLF = LeftFoot->currentTransformation(); matrix4d TrRF = RightFoot->currentTransformation(); matrix4d TrLF2 = LeftFoot2->currentTransformation(); matrix4d TrRF2 = RightFoot2->currentTransformation(); double lnorm = NormalForces[0] + NormalForces[1];"RebuildZMP.dat",ofstream::app); RebuildZMP << (MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF,0,3) * NormalForces[0] + MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF,0,3) * NormalForces[1])/ lnorm << " " << (MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF,1,3) * NormalForces[0] + MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF,1,3) * NormalForces[1])/ lnorm << " " << ZMPval(0) << " " << ZMPval(1) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF,0,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF,1,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF,2,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF,0,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF,1,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF,2,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(AbsSupportFootPos,0,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(AbsSupportFootPos,1,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(AbsSupportFootPos,2,3) << " " << PreviousSupportFoot << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF2,0,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF2,1,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrLF2,2,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF2,0,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF2,1,3) << " " << MAL_S4x4_MATRIX_ACCESS_I_J(TrRF2,2,3) << endl; //92 RebuildZMP.close(); NbIt++; } ActualStateFile.close(); delete aHDR; }