Пример #1
HRESULT Guest::taskCopyFileFromGuest(GuestTask *aTask)

    AutoCaller autoCaller(this);
    if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc();

     * Do *not* take a write lock here since we don't (and won't)
     * touch any class-specific data (of IGuest) here - only the member functions
     * which get called here can do that.

    HRESULT rc = S_OK;

        ComObjPtr<Guest> pGuest = aTask->pGuest;

        /* Does our source file exist? */
        BOOL fFileExists;
        rc = pGuest->FileExists(Bstr(aTask->strSource).raw(),
                                Bstr(aTask->strUserName).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strPassword).raw(),
        if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
            if (!fFileExists)
                rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                     Guest::tr("Source file \"%s\" does not exist, or is not a file"),
            rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest);

        /* Query file size to make an estimate for our progress object. */
        if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
            LONG64 lFileSize;
            rc = pGuest->FileQuerySize(Bstr(aTask->strSource).raw(),
                                       Bstr(aTask->strUserName).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strPassword).raw(),
            if (FAILED(rc))
                rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest);

            com::SafeArray<IN_BSTR> args;
            com::SafeArray<IN_BSTR> env;

            if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                 * Prepare tool command line.
                char szSource[RTPATH_MAX];
                if (RTStrPrintf(szSource, sizeof(szSource), "%s", aTask->strSource.c_str()) <= sizeof(szSource) - 1)
                     * Normalize path slashes, based on the detected guest.
                    Utf8Str osType = mData.mOSTypeId;
                    if (   osType.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)
                        || osType.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive))
                        /* We have a Windows guest. */
                        RTPathChangeToDosSlashes(szSource, true /* Force conversion. */);
                    else /* ... or something which isn't from Redmond ... */
                        RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szSource, true /* Force conversion. */);

                    args.push_back(Bstr(szSource).raw()); /* Tell our cat tool which file to output. */
                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                         Guest::tr("Error preparing command line"));

            ComPtr<IProgress> execProgress;
            ULONG uPID;
            if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                LogRel(("Copying file \"%s\" to host \"%s\" (%u bytes) ...\n",
                        aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str(), lFileSize));

                 * Okay, since we gathered all stuff we need until now to start the
                 * actual copying, start the guest part now.
                rc = pGuest->executeAndWaitForTool(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw(),
                                                   Bstr("Copying file to host").raw(),
                                                   | ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForStdOut,
                                                   NULL, NULL,
                                                   execProgress.asOutParam(), &uPID);
                if (FAILED(rc))
                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest);

            if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                BOOL fCompleted = FALSE;
                BOOL fCanceled = FALSE;

                RTFILE hFileDest;
                int vrc = RTFileOpen(&hFileDest, aTask->strDest.c_str(),
                                     RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_OPEN_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE);
                if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                         Guest::tr("Unable to create/open destination file \"%s\", rc=%Rrc"),
                                                         aTask->strDest.c_str(), vrc);
                    size_t cbToRead = lFileSize;
                    size_t cbTransfered = 0;
                    while (   SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted)))
                           && !fCompleted)
                        SafeArray<BYTE> aOutputData;
                        rc = pGuest->GetProcessOutput(uPID, ProcessOutputFlag_None /* StdOut */,
                                                      0 /* No timeout. */,
                                                      _64K, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aOutputData));
                        if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                            if (aOutputData.size())
                                vrc = RTFileWrite(hFileDest, aOutputData.raw(), aOutputData.size(), NULL /* No partial writes */);
                                if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
                                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                         Guest::tr("Error writing to file \"%s\" (%u bytes left), rc=%Rrc"),
                                                                         aTask->strSource.c_str(), cbToRead, vrc);

                                Assert(cbToRead >= aOutputData.size());
                                cbToRead -= aOutputData.size();
                                cbTransfered += aOutputData.size();

                                aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(cbTransfered / (lFileSize / 100.0));

                            /* Nothing read this time; try next round. */
                            rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest);


                    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                        if (   cbTransfered
                            && (cbTransfered != lFileSize))
                             * Only bitch about an unexpected end of a file when there already
                             * was data read from that file. If this was the very first read we can
                             * be (almost) sure that this file is not meant to be read by the specified user.
                            rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                 Guest::tr("Unexpected end of file \"%s\" (%u bytes total, %u bytes transferred)"),
                                                                 aTask->strSource.c_str(), lFileSize, cbTransfered);

                        if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
    catch (HRESULT aRC)
        rc = aRC;

    /* Clean up */
    aTask->rc = rc;

    LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc));

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
HRESULT Guest::taskCopyFileToGuest(GuestTask *aTask)

    AutoCaller autoCaller(this);
    if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc();

     * Do *not* take a write lock here since we don't (and won't)
     * touch any class-specific data (of IGuest) here - only the member functions
     * which get called here can do that.

    HRESULT rc = S_OK;

        ComObjPtr<Guest> pGuest = aTask->pGuest;

        /* Does our source file exist? */
        if (!RTFileExists(aTask->strSource.c_str()))
            rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                 Guest::tr("Source file \"%s\" does not exist, or is not a file"),
            RTFILE fileSource;
            int vrc = RTFileOpen(&fileSource, aTask->strSource.c_str(),
                                 RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE);
            if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
                rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                     Guest::tr("Could not open source file \"%s\" for reading (%Rrc)"),
                                                     aTask->strSource.c_str(),  vrc);
                uint64_t cbSize;
                vrc = RTFileGetSize(fileSource, &cbSize);
                if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                         Guest::tr("Could not query file size of \"%s\" (%Rrc)"),
                                                         aTask->strSource.c_str(), vrc);
                    com::SafeArray<IN_BSTR> args;
                    com::SafeArray<IN_BSTR> env;

                     * Prepare tool command line.
                    char szOutput[RTPATH_MAX];
                    if (RTStrPrintf(szOutput, sizeof(szOutput), "--output=%s", aTask->strDest.c_str()) <= sizeof(szOutput) - 1)
                         * Normalize path slashes, based on the detected guest.
                        Utf8Str osType = mData.mOSTypeId;
                        if (   osType.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)
                            || osType.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive))
                            /* We have a Windows guest. */
                            RTPathChangeToDosSlashes(szOutput, true /* Force conversion. */);
                        else /* ... or something which isn't from Redmond ... */
                            RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szOutput, true /* Force conversion. */);

                        args.push_back(Bstr(szOutput).raw());             /* We want to write a file ... */
                        rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                             Guest::tr("Error preparing command line"));

                    ComPtr<IProgress> execProgress;
                    ULONG uPID;
                    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                        LogRel(("Copying file \"%s\" to guest \"%s\" (%u bytes) ...\n",
                                aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str(), cbSize));
                         * Okay, since we gathered all stuff we need until now to start the
                         * actual copying, start the guest part now.
                        rc = pGuest->executeAndWaitForTool(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw(),
                                                           Bstr("Copying file to guest").raw(),
                                                           NULL, NULL,
                                                           execProgress.asOutParam(), &uPID);
                        if (FAILED(rc))
                            rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest);

                    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                        BOOL fCompleted = FALSE;
                        BOOL fCanceled = FALSE;
                        uint64_t cbTransferedTotal = 0;

                        SafeArray<BYTE> aInputData(_64K);
                        while (   SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted)))
                               && !fCompleted)
                            size_t cbToRead = cbSize;
                            size_t cbRead = 0;
                            if (cbSize) /* If we have nothing to read, take a shortcut. */
                                /** @todo Not very efficient, but works for now. */
                                vrc = RTFileSeek(fileSource, cbTransferedTotal,
                                                 RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL /* poffActual */);
                                if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
                                    vrc = RTFileRead(fileSource, (uint8_t*)aInputData.raw(),
                                                     RT_MIN(cbToRead, _64K), &cbRead);
                                     * Some other error occured? There might be a chance that RTFileRead
                                     * could not resolve/map the native error code to an IPRT code, so just
                                     * print a generic error.
                                    if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
                                        rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                             Guest::tr("Could not read from file \"%s\" (%Rrc)"),
                                                                             aTask->strSource.c_str(), vrc);
                                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                         Guest::tr("Seeking file \"%s\" failed; offset = %RU64 (%Rrc)"),
                                                                         aTask->strSource.c_str(), cbTransferedTotal, vrc);
                            /* Resize buffer to reflect amount we just have read.
                             * Size 0 is allowed! */

                            ULONG uFlags = ProcessInputFlag_None;
                            /* Did we reach the end of the content we want to transfer (last chunk)? */
                            if (   (cbRead < _64K)
                                /* Did we reach the last block which is exactly _64K? */
                                || (cbToRead - cbRead == 0)
                                /* ... or does the user want to cancel? */
                                || (   SUCCEEDED(aTask->pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled)))
                                    && fCanceled)
                                uFlags |= ProcessInputFlag_EndOfFile;

                            ULONG uBytesWritten = 0;
                            rc = pGuest->SetProcessInput(uPID, uFlags,
                                                         0 /* Infinite timeout */,
                                                         ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aInputData), &uBytesWritten);
                            if (FAILED(rc))
                                rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest);

                            Assert(cbRead <= cbToRead);
                            Assert(cbToRead >= cbRead);
                            cbToRead -= cbRead;

                            cbTransferedTotal += uBytesWritten;
                            Assert(cbTransferedTotal <= cbSize);
                            aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(cbTransferedTotal / (cbSize / 100.0));

                            /* End of file reached? */
                            if (cbToRead == 0)

                            /* Did the user cancel the operation above? */
                            if (fCanceled)

                            /* Progress canceled by Main API? */
                            if (   SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled)))
                                && fCanceled)
                                rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                     Guest::tr("Copy operation of file \"%s\" was canceled on guest side"),

                        if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                             * If we got here this means the started process either was completed,
                             * canceled or we simply got all stuff transferred.
                            ExecuteProcessStatus_T retStatus;
                            ULONG uRetExitCode;

                            rc = executeWaitForExit(uPID, execProgress, 0 /* No timeout */,
                                                    &retStatus, &uRetExitCode);
                            if (FAILED(rc))
                                rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest);
                                if (   uRetExitCode != 0
                                    || retStatus    != ExecuteProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally)
                                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                         Guest::tr("Guest process reported error %u (status: %u) while copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\""),
                                                                         uRetExitCode, retStatus, aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str());

                        if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                            if (fCanceled)
                                 * In order to make the progress object to behave nicely, we also have to
                                 * notify the object with a complete event when it's canceled.
                                                                Guest::tr("Copying file \"%s\" canceled"), aTask->strSource.c_str());
                                 * Even if we succeeded until here make sure to check whether we really transfered
                                 * everything.
                                if (   cbSize > 0
                                    && cbTransferedTotal == 0)
                                    /* If nothing was transfered but the file size was > 0 then "vbox_cat" wasn't able to write
                                     * to the destination -> access denied. */
                                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                         Guest::tr("Access denied when copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\""),
                                                                         aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str());
                                else if (cbTransferedTotal < cbSize)
                                    /* If we did not copy all let the user know. */
                                    rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorInfo(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress,
                                                                         Guest::tr("Copying file \"%s\" failed (%u/%u bytes transfered)"),
                                                                         aTask->strSource.c_str(), cbTransferedTotal, cbSize);
                                else /* Yay, all went fine! */
    catch (HRESULT aRC)
        rc = aRC;

    /* Clean up */
    aTask->rc = rc;

    LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc));

    return VINF_SUCCESS;