Пример #1
void RangeImpl::checkReadOnly(DOM_Node& start, DOM_Node& end,
                              unsigned int startOffset, unsigned int endOffset)
    if ((start == null) || (end == null) ) return;
    //if both start and end are text check and return
    if (start.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE) {
        if (start.fImpl->isReadOnly()) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(
                DOM_DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, null);
        if (start == end)
    //set the start and end nodes to check
    DOM_Node sNode = start.getFirstChild();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i<startOffset; i++)
        sNode = sNode.getNextSibling();

    DOM_Node eNode;
    if (end.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE) {
        eNode = end; //need to check only till this node
    else { //need to check all the kids that fall before the end offset value
        eNode = end.getFirstChild();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i<endOffset-1; i++)
            eNode = eNode.getNextSibling();
    //recursivly search if any node is readonly
    recurseTreeAndCheck(sNode, eNode);
Пример #2
DOM_Node XMLDocument::getNode(DOM_Node currNode, char* path, DataTypeAttribute** dtAttributes)
	if (path == NULL)
		return NULL_DOM_Node;

	char* currName = currNode.getNodeName().transcode();

  if (strcmp(currName, path) == 0 && (dtAttributes == NULL || doAttributesMatch(currNode, dtAttributes))) {
    delete[] currName;
		return currNode;
  delete[] currName;

	char* cp = strchr(path, '.');
	char pathName[256];
	if (cp == NULL)
		strcpy(pathName, path);
		strncpy(pathName, path, cp - path);
		pathName[cp - path] = '\0';

	DOM_Node child = currNode.getFirstChild();
	while (child != NULL)
		char* childName = child.getNodeName().transcode();
		if (child.getNodeType() != DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
			child = child.getNextSibling();
      delete[] childName;

		if (strcmp(pathName, childName) == 0)
      if (cp != NULL) {
        delete[] childName;
				return getNode(child, cp+1, dtAttributes);

			if (dtAttributes != NULL)
				if (!doAttributesMatch(child, dtAttributes))
					child = child.getNextSibling();
          delete[] childName;

      delete[] childName;
			return child;

    delete[] childName;
		child = child.getNextSibling();
 	return NULL_DOM_Node;
Пример #3
 * Visits the nodes selected by this range when we know
 * a-priori that the start and end containers are not the
 * same, but the end container is an ancestor of the start container
DOM_DocumentFragment RangeImpl::traverseCommonEndContainer( DOM_Node startAncestor, int how )
    DOM_DocumentFragment frag = null;
    if ( how!=DELETE_CONTENTS)
        frag = fDocument.createDocumentFragment();
    DOM_Node n = traverseLeftBoundary( startAncestor, how );
    if ( frag!=null )
        frag.appendChild( n );
    int startIdx = indexOf( startAncestor, fEndContainer );
    ++startIdx;  // Because we already traversed it....

    int cnt = fEndOffset - startIdx;
    n = startAncestor.getNextSibling();
    while( cnt > 0 )
        DOM_Node sibling = n.getNextSibling();
        DOM_Node xferNode = traverseFullySelected( n, how );
        if ( frag!=null )
            frag.appendChild( xferNode );
        n = sibling;

    if ( how != CLONE_CONTENTS )
        setStartAfter( startAncestor );
        collapse( true );

    return frag;
Пример #4
void RangeImpl::checkIndex(const DOM_Node& node, unsigned int offset) const
    if (offset < 0) {
        throw DOM_DOMException( DOM_DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, null );

    short type = node.getNodeType();

    if((type == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE
        || type == DOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE
        || type == DOM_Node::COMMENT_NODE
        || type == DOM_Node::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)) {
        if (offset > node.getNodeValue().length())
            throw DOM_DOMException( DOM_DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, null );
        else  return;

    DOM_Node child = node.getFirstChild();
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (; child != null; i++) {
        child = child.getNextSibling();
    if (i < offset) {
        throw DOM_DOMException( DOM_DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, null );

Пример #5
char* XMLDocument::getValue(DOM_Node currNode, char* path, DataTypeAttribute** dtAttributes)
	if (mDoc == NULL)
		return NULL;

	if (path == NULL)
		return NULL;

	DOM_Node child = getNode(currNode, path, dtAttributes);
	if (child == NULL)
		return NULL;

	child = child.getFirstChild();
	if (child == NULL)
		return NULL;

	// If siblings exist, this is not an leaf, but a branch
	DOM_Node sib  = child.getNextSibling();
	if (sib != NULL)
		return NULL;

	if (child.getNodeType() != DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE && child.getNodeType() != DOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
		return NULL;

	return child.getNodeValue().transcode();
Пример #6
void RangeImpl::selectNode(const DOM_Node& refNode)
    if ( !isLegalContainedNode(refNode)) {
        throw DOM_RangeException(
            DOM_RangeException::INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR, null);
    //First check for the text type node
    if (refNode.getNodeType() ==  DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE)
        //The node itself is the container.
        fStartContainer = refNode;
        fEndContainer   = refNode;

        //Select all the contents of the node
        fStartOffset = 0;
        fEndOffset = ((DOM_Text &)refNode).getLength();

    DOM_Node parent = refNode.getParentNode();
    if (parent != null ) // REVIST: what to do if it IS null?
        fStartContainer = parent;
        fEndContainer = parent;

        unsigned int i = 0;
        for (DOM_Node n = parent.getFirstChild(); n!=null, n!=refNode; n = n.getNextSibling()) {

        fStartOffset = i;
        fEndOffset = fStartOffset+1;
Пример #7
 * Traverses the "left boundary" of this range and
 * operates on each "boundary node" according to the
 * how parameter.  It is a-priori assumed
 * by this method that the left boundary does
 * not contain the range's end container.
 * A "left boundary" is best visualized by thinking
 * of a sample tree:
 *                 A
 *                /|\
 *               / | \
 *              /  |  \
 *             B   C   D
 *            /|\     /|\
 *           E F G   H I J
 * Imagine first a range that begins between the
 * "E" and "F" nodes and ends between the
 * "I" and "J" nodes.  The start container is
 * "B" and the end container is "D".  Given this setup,
 * the following applies:
 * Partially Selected Nodes: B, D<br>
 * Fully Selected Nodes: F, G, C, H, I
 * The "left boundary" is the highest subtree node
 * that contains the starting container.  The root of
 * this subtree is always partially selected.
 * In this example, the nodes that are traversed
 * as "left boundary" nodes are: F, G, and B.
DOM_Node RangeImpl::traverseLeftBoundary( DOM_Node root, int how )
    DOM_Node next = getSelectedNode( getStartContainer(), getStartOffset() );
    bool isFullySelected = ( next!=getStartContainer() );

    if ( next==root )
        return traverseNode( next, isFullySelected, true, how );

    DOM_Node parent = next.getParentNode();
    DOM_Node clonedParent = traverseNode( parent, false, true, how );

    while( parent!=null )
        while( next!=null )
            DOM_Node nextSibling = next.getNextSibling();
            DOM_Node clonedChild =
                traverseNode( next, isFullySelected, true, how );
            if ( how!=DELETE_CONTENTS )
            isFullySelected = true;
            next = nextSibling;
        if ( parent==root )
            return clonedParent;

        next = parent.getNextSibling();
        parent = parent.getParentNode();
        DOM_Node clonedGrandParent = traverseNode( parent, false, true, how );
        if ( how!=DELETE_CONTENTS )
            clonedGrandParent.appendChild( clonedParent );
        clonedParent = clonedGrandParent;


    // should never occur
    return null;

Пример #8
DOM_Node RangeImpl::nextNode(const DOM_Node& node, bool visitChildren) const

    if (node == null) return null;

    DOM_Node result;
    if (visitChildren) {
        result = node.getFirstChild();
        if (result != null) {
            return result;

    // if hasSibling, return sibling
    result = node.getNextSibling();
    if (result != null) {
        return result;

    // return parent's 1st sibling.
    DOM_Node parent = node.getParentNode();

    while ( (parent != null) && (parent != fDocument) )
        result = parent.getNextSibling();
        if (result != null) {
            return result;
        } else {
            parent = parent.getParentNode();
            if (parent == fEndContainer) return parent;


    // end of list, return null
    return null;
Пример #9
 * Visits the nodes selected by this range when we know
 * a-priori that the start and end containers are not
 * the same, and we also know that neither the start
 * nor end container is an ancestor of the other.
DOM_DocumentFragment RangeImpl::traverseCommonAncestors( DOM_Node startAncestor, DOM_Node endAncestor, int how )
    DOM_DocumentFragment frag = null;
    if ( how!=DELETE_CONTENTS)
        frag = fDocument.createDocumentFragment();

    DOM_Node n = traverseLeftBoundary( startAncestor, how );
    if ( frag!=null )
        frag.appendChild( n );

    DOM_Node commonParent = startAncestor.getParentNode();
    int startOffset = indexOf( startAncestor, commonParent );
    int endOffset = indexOf( endAncestor, commonParent );

    int cnt = endOffset - startOffset;
    DOM_Node sibling = startAncestor.getNextSibling();

    while( cnt > 0 )
        DOM_Node nextSibling = sibling.getNextSibling();
        n = traverseFullySelected( sibling, how );
        if ( frag!=null )
            frag.appendChild( n );
        sibling = nextSibling;

    n = traverseRightBoundary( endAncestor, how );
    if ( frag!=null )
        frag.appendChild( n );

    if ( how != CLONE_CONTENTS )
        setStartAfter( startAncestor );
        collapse( true );
    return frag;
Пример #10
DOM_Node NodeIteratorImpl::nextNode (DOM_Node node, bool visitChildren) {
	if (fDetached)
		throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::INVALID_STATE_ERR, null);

    if (node.isNull()) return fRoot;

    DOM_Node result;
    // only check children if we visit children.
    if (visitChildren) {
        //if hasChildren, return 1st child.
        if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
            result = node.getFirstChild();
            return result;

    // if hasSibling, return sibling
    if (node != fRoot) {
        result = node.getNextSibling();
        if (! result.isNull()) return result;

        // return parent's 1st sibling.
        DOM_Node parent = node.getParentNode();
        while (!parent.isNull() && parent != fRoot) {
            result = parent.getNextSibling();
            if (!result.isNull()) {
                return result;
            } else {
                parent = parent.getParentNode();

        } // while (parent != null && parent != fRoot) {
    // end of list, return null
    DOM_Node aNull;
    return aNull;
Пример #11
/** This is the master routine invoked to visit the nodes
*   selected by this range.  For each such node, different
*   actions are taken depending on the value of the TraversalType argument.
DOM_DocumentFragment RangeImpl::traverseContents(TraversalType how)
    if (fDetached)
        throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::INVALID_STATE_ERR, null);

    if (fStartContainer == null || fEndContainer == null) {
        return DOM_DocumentFragment(); // REVIST: Throw exception?

    /* Traversal is accomplished by first determining the
       relationship between the endpoints of the range.
       For each of four significant relationships, we will
       delegate the traversal call to a method that
       can make appropriate assumptions.

    // case 1: same container
    if ( fStartContainer == fEndContainer )
        return traverseSameContainer( how );

    // case 2: Child C of start container is ancestor of end container
    for (DOM_Node node = fStartContainer.getFirstChild(); node != null; node=node.getNextSibling()) {
        if (isAncestorOf(node, fEndContainer))
            return traverseCommonStartContainer( node, how );

    // case 3: Child C of end container  is ancestor of start container
    for (DOM_Node nd = fEndContainer.getFirstChild(); nd != null; nd=nd.getNextSibling()) {
        if (isAncestorOf(nd, fStartContainer))
            return traverseCommonEndContainer( nd, how );

    // case 4: preorder traversal of context tree.
    // There is a common ancestor container.  Find the
    // ancestor siblings that are children of that container.
    DOM_Node ancestor = commonAncestorOf(fStartContainer, fEndContainer);
    return traverseCommonAncestors( ancestor, ancestor, how );
Пример #12
 * Visits the nodes selected by this range when we know
 * a-priori that the start and end containers are the same.
DOM_DocumentFragment RangeImpl::traverseSameContainer( int how )
    DOM_DocumentFragment frag = null;
    if ( how!=DELETE_CONTENTS)
        frag = fDocument.createDocumentFragment();

    // If selection is empty, just return the fragment
    if ( fStartOffset==fEndOffset )
        return frag;

    DOM_Node current = fStartContainer;
    DOM_Node cloneCurrent = null;

    // Text node needs special case handling
    if ( fStartContainer.getNodeType()== DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE )
        cloneCurrent = fStartContainer.cloneNode(false);
            cloneCurrent.getNodeValue().substringData(fStartOffset, fEndOffset - fStartOffset));

        // set the original text node to its new value
        if ( how != CLONE_CONTENTS )
            ((DOM_Text &)fStartContainer).deleteData(fStartOffset, fEndOffset-fStartOffset);
        if ( how != DELETE_CONTENTS)
    else {
        // Copy nodes between the start/end offsets.
        DOM_Node n = getSelectedNode( fStartContainer, fStartOffset );
        int cnt = fEndOffset - fStartOffset;
        while( cnt > 0 )
            DOM_Node sibling = n.getNextSibling();
            DOM_Node xferNode = traverseFullySelected( n, how );
            if ( frag!=null )
                frag.appendChild( xferNode );
            n = sibling;

    // Nothing is partially selected, so collapse to start point
    if ( how != CLONE_CONTENTS )
    return frag;
Пример #13
 * Utility method to retrieve a child node by index.  This method
 * assumes the caller is trying to find out which node is
 * selected by the given index.  Note that if the index is
 * greater than the number of children, this implies that the
 * first node selected is the parent node itself.
DOM_Node RangeImpl::getSelectedNode( DOM_Node container, int offset )
    if ( container.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE )
        return container;

    // This case is an important convenience for
    // traverseRightBoundary()
    if ( offset<0 )
        return container;

    DOM_Node child = container.getFirstChild();
    while( child!=null && offset > 0 )
        child = child.getNextSibling();
    if ( child!=null )
        return child;
    return container;
Пример #14
DOM_Node XMLDocument::clone(DOM_Node currNode)
	switch (currNode.getNodeType())
		case DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE:
			DOM_Element elem = mDoc.createElement(currNode.getNodeName());
			DOM_NamedNodeMap nnodeMap = currNode.getAttributes();
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nnodeMap.getLength(); i++)
				DOM_Node attNode = nnodeMap.item(i);
				elem.setAttribute(attNode.getNodeName(), attNode.getNodeValue());
			DOM_Node child = currNode.getFirstChild();
			while (child != NULL)
				DOM_Node cNode = clone(child);
				if (cNode != NULL)
				child = child.getNextSibling();
			return (DOM_Node)elem;
		case DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE:
			DOM_Text childText = mDoc.createTextNode(currNode.getNodeValue());
			return (DOM_Node)childText;
			DOM_CDATASection childCData = mDoc.createCDATASection(currNode.getNodeValue());
			return (DOM_Node)childCData;
			return NULL_DOM_Node;
Пример #15
DOM_Node TreeWalkerImpl::getNextSibling (DOM_Node node) {
	DOM_Node result;

    if (node.isNull() || node == fRoot) return result;

    DOM_Node newNode = node.getNextSibling();
    if (newNode.isNull()) {

        newNode = node.getParentNode();

        if (newNode.isNull() || node == fRoot)  return result;

        short parentAccept = acceptNode(newNode);

        if (parentAccept == DOM_NodeFilter::FILTER_SKIP) {
            return getNextSibling(newNode);

        return result;

    short accept = acceptNode(newNode);

    if (accept == DOM_NodeFilter::FILTER_ACCEPT)
        return newNode;
    if (accept == DOM_NodeFilter::FILTER_SKIP) {
        DOM_Node fChild =  getFirstChild(newNode);
        if (fChild.isNull()) {
            return getNextSibling(newNode);
        return fChild;
    return getNextSibling(newNode);

Пример #16
void RangeImpl::selectNodeContents(const DOM_Node& node)

    fStartContainer = node;
    fEndContainer = node;

    fStartOffset = 0;
    if (node.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE ) {
        fEndOffset = ((DOM_Text &)node).getLength();

    DOM_Node first = node.getFirstChild();
    if (first == null) {
        fEndOffset = 0;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (DOM_Node n = first; n!=null; n = n.getNextSibling()) {
    fEndOffset = i;
Пример #17
	char* fileName = strdup( descriptor_.c_str() );
	parser_->parse( fileName );
	document_ = parser_->getDocument();
	DOM_Element property = document_.getDocumentElement();
	Components::ConfigValues* config = new Components::ConfigValues();
	int len = 0;
	DOM_Node child = property.getFirstChild();
    while( child != 0)
		// simple
		if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) &&
			( child.getNodeName().equals( "simple" ) ) )
			DOM_NodeList nodeList;
			DOM_Element simple = ( DOM_Element& )child;
			std::string type = simple.getAttribute( "type" ).transcode();
			std::string name = simple.getAttribute( "name" ).transcode();

			nodeList = simple.getElementsByTagName( "value" );
			DOM_Element value = ( const DOM_Element& )nodeList.item( 0 );

			CORBA::Any any;
			std::string val = value.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().transcode();
			if( type == "boolean" )
				CORBA::Boolean v;
				if( val == "true" )
					v = true;
					v = false;
				any <<= CORBA::Any::from_boolean( v );

			if( type == "char" )
				CORBA::Char v = val[0];
				any <<= CORBA::Any::from_char( v );

			if( type == "double" )
				CORBA::Double v = atof( val.c_str() );
				any <<= v;

			if( type == "float" )
				CORBA::Float v = atof( val.c_str() );
				any <<= v;

			if( type == "short" )
				CORBA::Short v = atoi( val.c_str() );
				any <<= v;

			if( type == "long" )
				CORBA::Long v = atol( val.c_str() );
				any <<= v;

			if( type == "objref" )
				// TODO

			if( type == "octet" )
				CORBA::Octet v = val[0];
				any <<= CORBA::Any::from_octet( v );

			if( type == "string" )
				any <<= val.c_str();

			if( type == "ulong" )
				CORBA::ULong v = atol( val.c_str() );
				any <<= v;

			if( type == "ushort" )
				CORBA::UShort v = atol( val.c_str() );
				any <<= v;

			// new config entry
			config->length( ++len );
			( *config )[len - 1] = new ConfigValue_impl( CORBA::string_dup( name.c_str() ), any );

		// sequence
		if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) &&
			( child.getNodeName().equals( "sequence" ) ) )

		// struct
		if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) &&
			( child.getNodeName().equals( "struct" ) ) )

		// value
		if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) &&
			( child.getNodeName().equals( "valuetype" ) ) )

		// next element
		child = child.getNextSibling();

	return config;
Пример #18
DOMString RangeImpl::toString() const
    if( fDetached) {
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::INVALID_STATE_ERR, null);

    DOM_Node node = fStartContainer;
    DOM_Node stopNode = fEndContainer;

    DOMString tempString;
    if ( (fStartContainer.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE)
            || (fStartContainer.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) ) {
        if (fStartContainer == fEndContainer) {
            tempString.appendData(fStartContainer.getNodeValue().substringData(fStartOffset, fEndOffset-fStartOffset));
            return tempString;
        } else {
            int length = fStartContainer.getNodeValue().length();
            tempString.appendData(fStartContainer.getNodeValue().substringData(fStartOffset, length - fStartOffset));
            node = nextNode(node, true);
    } else { //fStartContainer is not a TextNode
        if (fStartOffset>0) { //find a first node within a range, specified by fStartOffset
            unsigned int counter = 0;
            while (counter<fStartOffset && node!=null) {
        if (node == null) {
            node = nextNode(fStartContainer,false);

    if ( fEndContainer.getNodeType()!= DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE &&
            fEndContainer.getNodeType()!= DOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE ) {
        int i=fEndOffset;
        stopNode = fEndContainer.getFirstChild();
        while( i>0 && stopNode!=null ) {
            stopNode = stopNode.getNextSibling();
        if ( stopNode == null )
            stopNode = nextNode( fEndContainer, false );

    while (node != stopNode) {  //look into all kids of the Range
        if (node == null) break;
        if (node.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE
                ||  node.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
        node = nextNode(node, true);

    if (fEndContainer.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE
            || fEndContainer.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
    return tempString;
Пример #19
void RangeImpl::insertNode(DOM_Node& newNode)
    if (newNode == null) return; //don't have to do anything

    for (DOM_Node aNode = fStartContainer; aNode!=null; aNode = aNode.getParentNode()) {
        if (aNode.fImpl->isReadOnly()) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(
                DOM_DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, null);

    if (fDocument != newNode.getOwnerDocument()) {
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, null);

    // Prevent cycles in the tree.
    //isKidOK() is not checked here as its taken care by insertBefore() function
    if (isAncestorOf( newNode, fStartContainer)) {
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, null);

    if( fDetached) {
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::INVALID_STATE_ERR, null);

    int type = newNode.getNodeType();
    if (type == DOM_Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE
            || type == DOM_Node::ENTITY_NODE
            || type == DOM_Node::NOTATION_NODE
            || type == DOM_Node::DOCUMENT_NODE)
        throw DOM_RangeException(
            DOM_RangeException::INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR, null);

    DOM_Node parent;
    DOM_Node next;

    if (fStartContainer.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE) {

        //set 'parent' and 'next' here
        parent = fStartContainer.getParentNode();

        //split the text nodes
        if (fStartOffset > 0)
            ((DOM_Text &)fStartContainer).splitText(fStartOffset);

        //update the new start information later. After inserting the first newNode
        if (fStartOffset == 0)
            next = fStartContainer;
            next = fStartContainer.getNextSibling();

    } // end of text handling
    else {
        parent = fStartContainer;

        next = fStartContainer.getFirstChild();
        for(unsigned int i = 0; (i < fStartOffset) && (next != null); i++) {

    if (parent != null) {
        if (next != null)
            parent.insertBefore(newNode, next);
Пример #20
short RangeImpl::compareBoundaryPoints(DOM_Range::CompareHow how, RangeImpl* srcRange) const
    if (fDocument != srcRange->fDocument) {
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, null);
    if( fDetached) {
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::INVALID_STATE_ERR, null);

    DOM_Node pointA, pointB;
    int offsetA, offsetB;

    switch (how)
    case (DOM_Range::START_TO_START) :
        pointB = srcRange->getStartContainer();
        pointA = fStartContainer;
        offsetB = srcRange->getStartOffset();
        offsetA = fStartOffset;
    case (DOM_Range::START_TO_END) :
        pointB = srcRange->getStartContainer();
        pointA = fEndContainer;
        offsetB = srcRange->getStartOffset();
        offsetA = fEndOffset;
    case (DOM_Range::END_TO_START) :
        pointB = srcRange->getEndContainer();
        pointA = fStartContainer;
        offsetB = srcRange->getEndOffset();
        offsetA = fStartOffset;
    case (DOM_Range::END_TO_END) :
        pointB = srcRange->getEndContainer();
        pointA = fEndContainer;
        offsetB = srcRange->getEndOffset();
        offsetA = fEndOffset;
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::INVALID_STATE_ERR, null);

    // case 1: same container
    if (pointA == pointB) {
        if (offsetA < offsetB) return -1; //A before B
        if (offsetA == offsetB) return 0; //A equal to B
        return 1; // A after B
    // case 2: Child C of container A is ancestor of B
    for (DOM_Node node = pointA.getFirstChild(); node != null; node=node.getNextSibling()) {
        if (isAncestorOf(node, pointB)) {
            int index = indexOf(node, pointA);
            if (offsetA <=  index) return -1;
            return 1;
    // case 3: Child C of container B is ancestor of A
    for (DOM_Node nd = pointB.getFirstChild(); nd != null; nd=nd.getNextSibling()) {
        if (isAncestorOf(nd, pointA)) {
            int index = indexOf(nd, pointB);
            if (index < offsetB ) return -1;
            return 1; //B strictly before A

    // case 4: preorder traversal of context tree.
    DOM_Node ancestor = commonAncestorOf(pointA, pointB);
    DOM_Node current = ancestor;

    do {
        if (current == pointA) return -1;
        if (current == pointB) return 1;
        current = nextNode(current, true);
    while (current!=null && current!=ancestor);

    return -2; // this should never happen
Пример #21
char* XMLDocument::encode(DOM_Node currNode)
	string result = "";

	if (currNode == NULL)
		return strclone((char*)result.c_str());

	switch (currNode.getNodeType())
		case DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE:
      char* tmp = currNode.getNodeName().transcode();
			result += (string)"<" + (string)tmp;
      delete[] tmp;
			DOM_NamedNodeMap nnodeMap = currNode.getAttributes();
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nnodeMap.getLength(); i++)
				DOM_Node attNode = nnodeMap.item(i);
        tmp = attNode.getNodeName().transcode();
        char* tmp1 = attNode.getNodeValue().transcode();
				result += (string)" " + (string)tmp + (string)"=\"" + (string)tmp1 + (string)"\"";
        delete[] tmp;
        delete[] tmp1;
			result += (string)">";
			DOM_Node child = currNode.getFirstChild();
			while (child != NULL)
				char *childStr = encode(child);
				result += childStr;
				delete[] childStr;
				child = child.getNextSibling();
      tmp = currNode.getNodeName().transcode();
			result += (string)"</" + (string)tmp + ">";
      delete[] tmp;

			return strclone((char*)result.c_str());
		case DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE:
			static char reservedChars[] = "<>&'\"";
			char *str = currNode.getNodeValue().transcode();
			bool bSpecialChars = false;
			int len = strlen(str);
			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
				if (strchr(reservedChars, str[i]) != NULL)
					bSpecialChars = true;
			if (bSpecialChars == false)
				result += (string)str;
				result += (string)"<![CDATA[" + (string)str + (string)"]]>";
      delete[] str;
			return strclone((char*)result.c_str());
			return strclone((char*)result.c_str());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  ostream << DOM_Node
//  Stream out a DOM node, and, recursively, all of its children. This
//  function is the heart of writing a DOM tree out as XML source. Give it
//  a document node and it will do the whole thing.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ostream& operator<<(ostream& target, DOM_Node& toWrite)
    // Get the name and value out for convenience
    DOMString   nodeName = toWrite.getNodeName();
    DOMString   nodeValue = toWrite.getNodeValue();
    unsigned long lent = nodeValue.length();

    switch (toWrite.getNodeType())
        case DOM_Node::TEXT_NODE:
                                  lent, XMLFormatter::CharEscapes);

            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartPI  << nodeName;
            if (lent > 0)
                *gFormatter << chSpace << nodeValue;
            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gEndPI;

        case DOM_Node::DOCUMENT_NODE :

            DOM_Node child = toWrite.getFirstChild();
            while( child != 0)
                target << child;
                // add linefeed in requested output encoding
                *gFormatter << chLF;
                target << flush;
                child = child.getNextSibling();

        case DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE :
            // The name has to be representable without any escapes
            *gFormatter  << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
                         << chOpenAngle << nodeName;

            // Output the element start tag.

            // Output any attributes on this element
            DOM_NamedNodeMap attributes = toWrite.getAttributes();
            int attrCount = attributes.getLength();
            for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++)
                DOM_Node  attribute = attributes.item(i);

                //  Again the name has to be completely representable. But the
                //  attribute can have refs and requires the attribute style
                //  escaping.
                *gFormatter  << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
                             << chSpace << attribute.getNodeName()
                             << chEqual << chDoubleQuote
                             << XMLFormatter::AttrEscapes
                             << attribute.getNodeValue()
                             << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes
                             << chDoubleQuote;

            //  Test for the presence of children, which includes both
            //  text content and nested elements.
            DOM_Node child = toWrite.getFirstChild();
            if (child != 0)
                // There are children. Close start-tag, and output children.
                // No escapes are legal here
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle;

                while( child != 0)
                    target << child;
                    child = child.getNextSibling();

                // Done with children.  Output the end tag.
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gEndElement
                            << nodeName << chCloseAngle;
                //  There were no children. Output the short form close of
                //  the element start tag, making it an empty-element tag.
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chForwardSlash << chCloseAngle;

                DOM_Node child;
#if 0
                for (child = toWrite.getFirstChild();
                child != 0;
                child = child.getNextSibling())
                    target << child;
                // Instead of printing the refernece tree
                // we'd output the actual text as it appeared in the xml file.
                // This would be the case when -e option was chosen
                    *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chAmpersand
                        << nodeName << chSemiColon;

        case DOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartCDATA
                        << nodeValue << gEndCDATA;

        case DOM_Node::COMMENT_NODE:
            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartComment
                        << nodeValue << gEndComment;

        case DOM_Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
            DOM_DocumentType doctype = (DOM_DocumentType &)toWrite;;

            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes  << gStartDoctype
                        << nodeName;

            DOMString id = doctype.getPublicId();
            if (id != 0)
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace << gPublic
                    << id << chDoubleQuote;
                id = doctype.getSystemId();
                if (id != 0)
                    *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace
                       << chDoubleQuote << id << chDoubleQuote;
                id = doctype.getSystemId();
                if (id != 0)
                    *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chSpace << gSystem
                        << id << chDoubleQuote;

            id = doctype.getInternalSubset();
            if (id !=0)
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chOpenSquare
                            << id << chCloseSquare;

            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle;

        case DOM_Node::ENTITY_NODE:
            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gStartEntity
                        << nodeName;

            DOMString id = ((DOM_Entity &)toWrite).getPublicId();
            if (id != 0)
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gPublic
                            << id << chDoubleQuote;

            id = ((DOM_Entity &)toWrite).getSystemId();
            if (id != 0)
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gSystem
                            << id << chDoubleQuote;

            id = ((DOM_Entity &)toWrite).getNotationName();
            if (id != 0)
                *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << gNotation
                            << id << chDoubleQuote;

            *gFormatter << XMLFormatter::NoEscapes << chCloseAngle << chLF;


        case DOM_Node::XML_DECL_NODE:
            DOMString  str;

            *gFormatter << gXMLDecl1 << ((DOM_XMLDecl &)toWrite).getVersion();

            *gFormatter << gXMLDecl2 << gEncodingName;

            str = ((DOM_XMLDecl &)toWrite).getStandalone();
            if (str != 0)
                *gFormatter << gXMLDecl3 << str;

            *gFormatter << gXMLDecl4;


            cerr << "Unrecognized node type = "
                 << (long)toWrite.getNodeType() << endl;
    return target;