void setup() { Wire.begin(I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS); //start the library, pass in the data details and the name of the serial port. // Can be Serial, Serial1, Serial2, etc. ET.begin(details(mydata), &Wire); //define handler function on receiving data Wire.onReceive(receive); pinMode(singleButton, INPUT); pourer.initialize(); susanServo.attach(susanPin); susanServo.write(cupOne); }
/* * Setup */ void setup() { wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); wdt_reset(); //Setup Ports Serial.begin(115200); //Start Debug Serial 0 Serial1.begin(9600); //Start GPS Serial 1 Serial2.begin(9600); pinMode(PIN_LED_GREEN, OUTPUT); //Blue GREEN pinMode(PIN_LED_RED, OUTPUT); //Blue RED pinMode(PIN_LED_BLUE, OUTPUT); //Blue LED pinMode(PIN_SPI_CS,OUTPUT); //Chip Select Pin for the SD Card pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //SDcard library expect 10 to set set as output. // Initialise the GPS wdt_disable(); gps.init(); gps.configureUbloxSettings(); // Configure Ublox for MY_HIGH altitude mode wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); // join I2C bus //start I2C transfer to the Module/Transmitter Wire.begin(); //Set up the two EasyTransfer methods ETI2Cout.begin(details(mD.i2cOut), &Wire); //setup the data structure to transfer out ETSerialIn.begin(details(vals), &Serial2); //Start up the LGgyro if (LGgyro.init()) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("LGgyro OK"); #endif LGgyro.enableDefault(); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("LGgyro not working"); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); //White LED SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,1000); //Red LED } //Start up the accelerometer accel = ADXL345(); // Create an instance of the accelerometer if(accel.EnsureConnected()) { // Check that the accelerometer is connected. #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("Connected to ADXL345."); #endif accel.SetRange(2, true); // Set the range of the accelerometer to a maximum of 2G. accel.EnableMeasurements(); // Tell the accelerometer to start taking measurements. } else{ #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("Could not connect to ADXL345."); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); //White LED SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,2000); //Red LED } //Start up the compass compass = HMC5883L(); // Construct a new HMC5883 compass. #ifdef DEBUG_ON if(compass.EnsureConnected() == 1) { Serial.println("Connected to HMC5883L."); } else { Serial.println("Not Connected to HMC5883L."); } #endif error = compass.SetScale(1.3); // Set the scale of the compass. #ifdef DEBUG_ON if(error != 0) { // If there is an error, print it out. Serial.println("Compass Error 1"); Serial.println(compass.GetErrorText(error)); } else { Serial.println("Compass Ok 1"); } #endif error = compass.SetMeasurementMode(Measurement_Continuous); // Set the measurement mode to Continuous #ifdef DEBUG_ON if(error != 0) { // If there is an error, print it out. Serial.println("Compass error 2"); Serial.println(compass.GetErrorText(error)); } else { Serial.println("Compass Ok 2"); } #endif //Start up the Pressure Sensor dps = BMP085(); dps.init(); #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.print("BMP Mode "); Serial.println(dps.getMode()); #endif wdt_reset(); // Start up the OneWire Sensors library and turn off blocking takes too long! sensors.begin(); sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); sensors.requestTemperaturesByAddress(outsideThermometer); // Send the command to get temperature //Initialise all of the record values mD.vals.tCount = 0; mD.vals.uslCount = 0; mD.vals.year = 0; mD.vals.month = 0; mD.vals.day = 0; mD.vals.hour = 0; mD.vals.minute = 0; mD.vals.second = 0; mD.vals.hundredths = 0; mD.vals.iLat = 0; mD.vals.iLong = 0; mD.vals.iAlt = 0; mD.vals.bSats = 0; mD.vals.iAngle = 0; mD.vals.iHspeed = 0; mD.vals.iVspeed = 0; mD.vals.age = 0; mD.vals.ihdop = 0; mD.vals.AcXPayload = 0; mD.vals.AcYPayload = 0; mD.vals.AcZPayload = 0; mD.vals.GyXPayload = 0; mD.vals.GyYPayload = 0; mD.vals.GyZPayload = 0; mD.vals.MgXPayload = 0; mD.vals.MgYPayload = 0; mD.vals.MgZPayload = 0; mD.vals.TmpPayload = 0; //Connect to the SD Card if(!SD.begin(PIN_SPI_CS, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("SD not working!!"); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); //White LED SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,3000); //Red LED } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("SD OK"); #endif dataFile.open(SD_LOG_FILE, O_CREAT | O_WRITE | O_APPEND); //Open Logfile if (!dataFile.isOpen()) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("SD Data File Not Opened"); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,3000); } } //Cycle lights SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_OFF,0); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_GREEN,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_BLUE,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_OFF,0); elapseSIM900 = millis(); //Elapse counter for data to SIM900 elapseNTXB = millis(); //Elapse counter for data to NTXB NEWGPSDATA = false; wdt_enable(WDTO_2S); wdt_reset(); }