void ExprEngine::removeDeadOnEndOfSubprogram(NodeBuilderContext& BC,
                                           ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                           ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // Find the last statement in the function and the corresponding basic block.
  const Stmt *LastSt = 0;
  const CFGBlock *Blk = 0;
  llvm::tie(LastSt, Blk) = getLastStmt(Pred);
  if (!Blk || !LastSt) {

  // Here, we destroy the current location context. We use the current
  // function's entire body as a diagnostic statement, with which the program
  // point will be associated. However, we only want to use LastStmt as a
  // reference for what to clean up if it's a ReturnStmt; otherwise, everything
  // is dead.
  SaveAndRestore<const NodeBuilderContext *> NodeContextRAII(currBldrCtx, &BC);
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  removeDead(Pred, Dst, dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(LastSt), LCtx,
Пример #2
void ExprEngine::VisitDeclStmt(const DeclStmt *DS, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                               ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // Assumption: The CFG has one DeclStmt per Decl.
  const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(*DS->decl_begin());

  if (!VD) {
    //TODO:AZ: remove explicit insertion after refactoring is done.
  // FIXME: all pre/post visits should eventually be handled by ::Visit().
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPreVisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(dstPreVisit, Pred, DS, *this);
  StmtNodeBuilder B(dstPreVisit, Dst, *currBldrCtx);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = dstPreVisit.begin(), E = dstPreVisit.end();
       I!=E; ++I) {
    ExplodedNode *N = *I;
    ProgramStateRef state = N->getState();
    const LocationContext *LC = N->getLocationContext();

    // Decls without InitExpr are not initialized explicitly.
    if (const Expr *InitEx = VD->getInit()) {

      // Note in the state that the initialization has occurred.
      ExplodedNode *UpdatedN = N;
      SVal InitVal = state->getSVal(InitEx, LC);

      if (isa<CXXConstructExpr>(InitEx->IgnoreImplicit())) {
        // We constructed the object directly in the variable.
        // No need to bind anything.
        B.generateNode(DS, UpdatedN, state);
      } else {
        // We bound the temp obj region to the CXXConstructExpr. Now recover
        // the lazy compound value when the variable is not a reference.
        if (AMgr.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && VD->getType()->isRecordType() &&
            !VD->getType()->isReferenceType()) {
          if (Optional<loc::MemRegionVal> M =
                  InitVal.getAs<loc::MemRegionVal>()) {
            InitVal = state->getSVal(M->getRegion());
        // Recover some path-sensitivity if a scalar value evaluated to
        // UnknownVal.
        if (InitVal.isUnknown()) {
          QualType Ty = InitEx->getType();
          if (InitEx->isGLValue()) {
            Ty = getContext().getPointerType(Ty);

          InitVal = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(0, InitEx, LC, Ty,

        ExplodedNodeSet Dst2;
        evalBind(Dst2, DS, UpdatedN, state->getLValue(VD, LC), InitVal, true);
    else {
      B.generateNode(DS, N, state);
Пример #3
void ExprEngine::VisitCast(const CastExpr *CastE, const Expr *Ex, 
                           ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPreStmt;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(dstPreStmt, Pred, CastE, *this);
  if (CastE->getCastKind() == CK_LValueToRValue) {
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = dstPreStmt.begin(), E = dstPreStmt.end();
         I!=E; ++I) {
      ExplodedNode *subExprNode = *I;
      ProgramStateRef state = subExprNode->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = subExprNode->getLocationContext();
      evalLoad(Dst, CastE, CastE, subExprNode, state, state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx));
  // All other casts.  
  QualType T = CastE->getType();
  QualType ExTy = Ex->getType();
  if (const ExplicitCastExpr *ExCast=dyn_cast_or_null<ExplicitCastExpr>(CastE))
    T = ExCast->getTypeAsWritten();
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(dstPreStmt, Dst, *currBldrCtx);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = dstPreStmt.begin(), E = dstPreStmt.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    Pred = *I;
    ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
    const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();

    switch (CastE->getCastKind()) {
      case CK_LValueToRValue:
        llvm_unreachable("LValueToRValue casts handled earlier.");
      case CK_ToVoid:
        // The analyzer doesn't do anything special with these casts,
        // since it understands retain/release semantics already.
      case CK_ARCProduceObject:
      case CK_ARCConsumeObject:
      case CK_ARCReclaimReturnedObject:
      case CK_ARCExtendBlockObject: // Fall-through.
      case CK_CopyAndAutoreleaseBlockObject:
        // The analyser can ignore atomic casts for now, although some future
        // checkers may want to make certain that you're not modifying the same
        // value through atomic and nonatomic pointers.
      case CK_AtomicToNonAtomic:
      case CK_NonAtomicToAtomic:
        // True no-ops.
      case CK_NoOp:
      case CK_ConstructorConversion:
      case CK_UserDefinedConversion:
      case CK_FunctionToPointerDecay:
      case CK_BuiltinFnToFnPtr: {
        // Copy the SVal of Ex to CastE.
        ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
        SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, V);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
      case CK_MemberPointerToBoolean:
        // FIXME: For now, member pointers are represented by void *.
        // FALLTHROUGH
      case CK_Dependent:
      case CK_ArrayToPointerDecay:
      case CK_BitCast:
      case CK_IntegralCast:
      case CK_NullToPointer:
      case CK_IntegralToPointer:
      case CK_PointerToIntegral:
      case CK_PointerToBoolean:
      case CK_IntegralToBoolean:
      case CK_IntegralToFloating:
      case CK_FloatingToIntegral:
      case CK_FloatingToBoolean:
      case CK_FloatingCast:
      case CK_FloatingRealToComplex:
      case CK_FloatingComplexToReal:
      case CK_FloatingComplexToBoolean:
      case CK_FloatingComplexCast:
      case CK_FloatingComplexToIntegralComplex:
      case CK_IntegralRealToComplex:
      case CK_IntegralComplexToReal:
      case CK_IntegralComplexToBoolean:
      case CK_IntegralComplexCast:
      case CK_IntegralComplexToFloatingComplex:
      case CK_CPointerToObjCPointerCast:
      case CK_BlockPointerToObjCPointerCast:
      case CK_AnyPointerToBlockPointerCast:  
      case CK_ObjCObjectLValueCast: 
      case CK_ZeroToOCLEvent: {
        // Delegate to SValBuilder to process.
        SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
        V = svalBuilder.evalCast(V, T, ExTy);
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, V);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
      case CK_DerivedToBase:
      case CK_UncheckedDerivedToBase: {
        // For DerivedToBase cast, delegate to the store manager.
        SVal val = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
        val = getStoreManager().evalDerivedToBase(val, CastE);
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, val);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
      // Handle C++ dyn_cast.
      case CK_Dynamic: {
        SVal val = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);

        // Compute the type of the result.
        QualType resultType = CastE->getType();
        if (CastE->isGLValue())
          resultType = getContext().getPointerType(resultType);

        bool Failed = false;

        // Check if the value being cast evaluates to 0.
        if (val.isZeroConstant())
          Failed = true;
        // Else, evaluate the cast.
          val = getStoreManager().evalDynamicCast(val, T, Failed);

        if (Failed) {
          if (T->isReferenceType()) {
            // A bad_cast exception is thrown if input value is a reference.
            // Currently, we model this, by generating a sink.
            Bldr.generateSink(CastE, Pred, state);
          } else {
            // If the cast fails on a pointer, bind to 0.
            state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, svalBuilder.makeNull());
        } else {
          // If we don't know if the cast succeeded, conjure a new symbol.
          if (val.isUnknown()) {
            DefinedOrUnknownSVal NewSym =
              svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(0, CastE, LCtx, resultType,
            state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, NewSym);
          } else 
            // Else, bind to the derived region value.
            state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, val);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
      case CK_NullToMemberPointer: {
        // FIXME: For now, member pointers are represented by void *.
        SVal V = svalBuilder.makeIntValWithPtrWidth(0, true);
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, V);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
      // Various C++ casts that are not handled yet.
      case CK_ToUnion:
      case CK_BaseToDerived:
      case CK_BaseToDerivedMemberPointer:
      case CK_DerivedToBaseMemberPointer:
      case CK_ReinterpretMemberPointer:
      case CK_VectorSplat:
      case CK_LValueBitCast: {
        // Recover some path-sensitivty by conjuring a new value.
        QualType resultType = CastE->getType();
        if (CastE->isGLValue())
          resultType = getContext().getPointerType(resultType);
        SVal result = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(0, CastE, LCtx,
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, result);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
Пример #4
void ExprEngine::VisitBinaryOperator(const BinaryOperator* B,
                                     ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                     ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {

  Expr *LHS = B->getLHS()->IgnoreParens();
  Expr *RHS = B->getRHS()->IgnoreParens();
  // FIXME: Prechecks eventually go in ::Visit().
  ExplodedNodeSet CheckedSet;
  ExplodedNodeSet Tmp2;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(CheckedSet, Pred, B, *this);
  // With both the LHS and RHS evaluated, process the operation itself.    
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator it=CheckedSet.begin(), ei=CheckedSet.end();
         it != ei; ++it) {
    ProgramStateRef state = (*it)->getState();
    const LocationContext *LCtx = (*it)->getLocationContext();
    SVal LeftV = state->getSVal(LHS, LCtx);
    SVal RightV = state->getSVal(RHS, LCtx);
    BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = B->getOpcode();
    if (Op == BO_Assign) {
      // EXPERIMENTAL: "Conjured" symbols.
      // FIXME: Handle structs.
      if (RightV.isUnknown()) {
        unsigned Count = currBldrCtx->blockCount();
        RightV = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(0, B->getRHS(), LCtx, Count);
      // Simulate the effects of a "store":  bind the value of the RHS
      // to the L-Value represented by the LHS.
      SVal ExprVal = B->isGLValue() ? LeftV : RightV;
      evalStore(Tmp2, B, LHS, *it, state->BindExpr(B, LCtx, ExprVal),
                LeftV, RightV);
    if (!B->isAssignmentOp()) {
      StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(*it, Tmp2, *currBldrCtx);

      if (B->isAdditiveOp()) {
        // If one of the operands is a location, conjure a symbol for the other
        // one (offset) if it's unknown so that memory arithmetic always
        // results in an ElementRegion.
        // TODO: This can be removed after we enable history tracking with
        // SymSymExpr.
        unsigned Count = currBldrCtx->blockCount();
        if (LeftV.getAs<Loc>() &&
            RHS->getType()->isIntegralOrEnumerationType() &&
            RightV.isUnknown()) {
          RightV = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(RHS, LCtx, RHS->getType(),
        if (RightV.getAs<Loc>() &&
            LHS->getType()->isIntegralOrEnumerationType() &&
            LeftV.isUnknown()) {
          LeftV = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(LHS, LCtx, LHS->getType(),

      // Process non-assignments except commas or short-circuited
      // logical expressions (LAnd and LOr).
      SVal Result = evalBinOp(state, Op, LeftV, RightV, B->getType());      
      if (Result.isUnknown()) {
        Bldr.generateNode(B, *it, state);

      state = state->BindExpr(B, LCtx, Result);      
      Bldr.generateNode(B, *it, state);
    assert (B->isCompoundAssignmentOp());
    switch (Op) {
        llvm_unreachable("Invalid opcode for compound assignment.");
      case BO_MulAssign: Op = BO_Mul; break;
      case BO_DivAssign: Op = BO_Div; break;
      case BO_RemAssign: Op = BO_Rem; break;
      case BO_AddAssign: Op = BO_Add; break;
      case BO_SubAssign: Op = BO_Sub; break;
      case BO_ShlAssign: Op = BO_Shl; break;
      case BO_ShrAssign: Op = BO_Shr; break;
      case BO_AndAssign: Op = BO_And; break;
      case BO_XorAssign: Op = BO_Xor; break;
      case BO_OrAssign:  Op = BO_Or;  break;
    // Perform a load (the LHS).  This performs the checks for
    // null dereferences, and so on.
    ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
    SVal location = LeftV;
    evalLoad(Tmp, B, LHS, *it, state, location);
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Tmp.begin(), E = Tmp.end(); I != E;
         ++I) {

      state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
      SVal V = state->getSVal(LHS, LCtx);
      // Get the computation type.
      QualType CTy =
      CTy = getContext().getCanonicalType(CTy);
      QualType CLHSTy =
      CLHSTy = getContext().getCanonicalType(CLHSTy);
      QualType LTy = getContext().getCanonicalType(LHS->getType());
      // Promote LHS.
      V = svalBuilder.evalCast(V, CLHSTy, LTy);
      // Compute the result of the operation.
      SVal Result = svalBuilder.evalCast(evalBinOp(state, Op, V, RightV, CTy),
                                         B->getType(), CTy);
      // EXPERIMENTAL: "Conjured" symbols.
      // FIXME: Handle structs.
      SVal LHSVal;
      if (Result.isUnknown()) {
        // The symbolic value is actually for the type of the left-hand side
        // expression, not the computation type, as this is the value the
        // LValue on the LHS will bind to.
        LHSVal = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(0, B->getRHS(), LCtx, LTy,
        // However, we need to convert the symbol to the computation type.
        Result = svalBuilder.evalCast(LHSVal, CTy, LTy);
      else {
        // The left-hand side may bind to a different value then the
        // computation type.
        LHSVal = svalBuilder.evalCast(Result, LTy, CTy);
      // In C++, assignment and compound assignment operators return an 
      // lvalue.
      if (B->isGLValue())
        state = state->BindExpr(B, LCtx, location);
        state = state->BindExpr(B, LCtx, Result);
      evalStore(Tmp2, B, LHS, *I, state, location, LHSVal);
  // FIXME: postvisits eventually go in ::Visit()
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, Tmp2, B, *this);
Пример #5
void ExprEngine::VisitUnaryOperator(const UnaryOperator* U, 
                                    ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                    ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);
  switch (U->getOpcode()) {
    default: {
      ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
      VisitIncrementDecrementOperator(U, Pred, Tmp);
    case UO_Real: {
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
      Visit(Ex, Pred, Tmp);
      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I=Tmp.begin(), E=Tmp.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
        // FIXME: We don't have complex SValues yet.
        if (Ex->getType()->isAnyComplexType()) {
          // Just report "Unknown."
        // For all other types, UO_Real is an identity operation.
        assert (U->getType() == Ex->getType());
        const ProgramState *state = (*I)->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
        Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx,
                                                 state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx)));
    case UO_Imag: {
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
      Visit(Ex, Pred, Tmp);
      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I=Tmp.begin(), E=Tmp.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
        // FIXME: We don't have complex SValues yet.
        if (Ex->getType()->isAnyComplexType()) {
          // Just report "Unknown."
        // For all other types, UO_Imag returns 0.
        const ProgramState *state = (*I)->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
        SVal X = svalBuilder.makeZeroVal(Ex->getType());
        Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, X));
    case UO_Plus:
      // FALL-THROUGH.
    case UO_Deref:
    case UO_AddrOf:
    case UO_Extension: {
      // Unary "+" is a no-op, similar to a parentheses.  We still have places
      // where it may be a block-level expression, so we need to
      // generate an extra node that just propagates the value of the
      // subexpression.
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
      Visit(Ex, Pred, Tmp);
      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I=Tmp.begin(), E=Tmp.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
        const ProgramState *state = (*I)->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
        Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx,
                                                 state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx)));
    case UO_LNot:
    case UO_Minus:
    case UO_Not: {
      assert (!U->isLValue());
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
      Visit(Ex, Pred, Tmp);
      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I=Tmp.begin(), E=Tmp.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
        const ProgramState *state = (*I)->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
        // Get the value of the subexpression.
        SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
        if (V.isUnknownOrUndef()) {
          Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, V));
        switch (U->getOpcode()) {
            llvm_unreachable("Invalid Opcode.");
          case UO_Not:
            // FIXME: Do we need to handle promotions?
            state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, evalComplement(cast<NonLoc>(V)));
          case UO_Minus:
            // FIXME: Do we need to handle promotions?
            state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, evalMinus(cast<NonLoc>(V)));
          case UO_LNot:
            // C99 "The expression !E is equivalent to (0==E)."
            //  Note: technically we do "E == 0", but this is the same in the
            //    transfer functions as "0 == E".
            SVal Result;
            if (isa<Loc>(V)) {
              Loc X = svalBuilder.makeNull();
              Result = evalBinOp(state, BO_EQ, cast<Loc>(V), X,
            else {
              nonloc::ConcreteInt X(getBasicVals().getValue(0, Ex->getType()));
              Result = evalBinOp(state, BO_EQ, cast<NonLoc>(V), X,
            state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, Result);
        Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state);

Пример #6
/// The call exit is simulated with a sequence of nodes, which occur between
/// CallExitBegin and CallExitEnd. The following operations occur between the
/// two program points:
/// 1. CallExitBegin (triggers the start of call exit sequence)
/// 2. Bind the return value
/// 3. Run Remove dead bindings to clean up the dead symbols from the callee.
/// 4. CallExitEnd (switch to the caller context)
/// 5. PostStmt<CallExpr>
void ExprEngine::processCallExit(ExplodedNode *CEBNode) {
  // Step 1 CEBNode was generated before the call.
  PrettyStackTraceLocationContext CrashInfo(CEBNode->getLocationContext());
  const StackFrameContext *calleeCtx =

  // The parent context might not be a stack frame, so make sure we
  // look up the first enclosing stack frame.
  const StackFrameContext *callerCtx =

  const Stmt *CE = calleeCtx->getCallSite();
  ProgramStateRef state = CEBNode->getState();
  // Find the last statement in the function and the corresponding basic block.
  const Stmt *LastSt = nullptr;
  const CFGBlock *Blk = nullptr;
  std::tie(LastSt, Blk) = getLastStmt(CEBNode);

  // Generate a CallEvent /before/ cleaning the state, so that we can get the
  // correct value for 'this' (if necessary).
  CallEventManager &CEMgr = getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
  CallEventRef<> Call = CEMgr.getCaller(calleeCtx, state);

  // Step 2: generate node with bound return value: CEBNode -> BindedRetNode.

  // If the callee returns an expression, bind its value to CallExpr.
  if (CE) {
    if (const ReturnStmt *RS = dyn_cast_or_null<ReturnStmt>(LastSt)) {
      const LocationContext *LCtx = CEBNode->getLocationContext();
      SVal V = state->getSVal(RS, LCtx);

      // Ensure that the return type matches the type of the returned Expr.
      if (wasDifferentDeclUsedForInlining(Call, calleeCtx)) {
        QualType ReturnedTy =
        if (!ReturnedTy.isNull()) {
          if (const Expr *Ex = dyn_cast<Expr>(CE)) {
            V = adjustReturnValue(V, Ex->getType(), ReturnedTy,

      state = state->BindExpr(CE, callerCtx, V);

    // Bind the constructed object value to CXXConstructExpr.
    if (const CXXConstructExpr *CCE = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(CE)) {
      loc::MemRegionVal This =
        svalBuilder.getCXXThis(CCE->getConstructor()->getParent(), calleeCtx);
      SVal ThisV = state->getSVal(This);

      // If the constructed object is a temporary prvalue, get its bindings.
      if (isTemporaryPRValue(CCE, ThisV))
        ThisV = state->getSVal(ThisV.castAs<Loc>());

      state = state->BindExpr(CCE, callerCtx, ThisV);

  // Step 3: BindedRetNode -> CleanedNodes
  // If we can find a statement and a block in the inlined function, run remove
  // dead bindings before returning from the call. This is important to ensure
  // that we report the issues such as leaks in the stack contexts in which
  // they occurred.
  ExplodedNodeSet CleanedNodes;
  if (LastSt && Blk && AMgr.options.AnalysisPurgeOpt != PurgeNone) {
    static SimpleProgramPointTag retValBind("ExprEngine", "Bind Return Value");
    PostStmt Loc(LastSt, calleeCtx, &retValBind);
    bool isNew;
    ExplodedNode *BindedRetNode = G.getNode(Loc, state, false, &isNew);
    BindedRetNode->addPredecessor(CEBNode, G);
    if (!isNew)

    NodeBuilderContext Ctx(getCoreEngine(), Blk, BindedRetNode);
    currBldrCtx = &Ctx;
    // Here, we call the Symbol Reaper with 0 statement and callee location
    // context, telling it to clean up everything in the callee's context
    // (and its children). We use the callee's function body as a diagnostic
    // statement, with which the program point will be associated.
    removeDead(BindedRetNode, CleanedNodes, nullptr, calleeCtx,
    currBldrCtx = nullptr;
  } else {

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = CleanedNodes.begin(),
                                 E = CleanedNodes.end(); I != E; ++I) {

    // Step 4: Generate the CallExit and leave the callee's context.
    // CleanedNodes -> CEENode
    CallExitEnd Loc(calleeCtx, callerCtx);
    bool isNew;
    ProgramStateRef CEEState = (*I == CEBNode) ? state : (*I)->getState();
    ExplodedNode *CEENode = G.getNode(Loc, CEEState, false, &isNew);
    CEENode->addPredecessor(*I, G);
    if (!isNew)

    // Step 5: Perform the post-condition check of the CallExpr and enqueue the
    // result onto the work list.
    // CEENode -> Dst -> WorkList
    NodeBuilderContext Ctx(Engine, calleeCtx->getCallSiteBlock(), CEENode);
    SaveAndRestore<const NodeBuilderContext*> NBCSave(currBldrCtx,
    SaveAndRestore<unsigned> CBISave(currStmtIdx, calleeCtx->getIndex());

    CallEventRef<> UpdatedCall = Call.cloneWithState(CEEState);

    ExplodedNodeSet DstPostCall;
    getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostCall(DstPostCall, CEENode,
                                               *UpdatedCall, *this,

    ExplodedNodeSet Dst;
    if (const ObjCMethodCall *Msg = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodCall>(Call)) {
      getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostObjCMessage(Dst, DstPostCall, *Msg,
    } else if (CE) {
      getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, DstPostCall, CE,
                                                 *this, /*WasInlined=*/true);
    } else {

    // Enqueue the next element in the block.
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator PSI = Dst.begin(), PSE = Dst.end();
                                   PSI != PSE; ++PSI) {
      Engine.getWorkList()->enqueue(*PSI, calleeCtx->getCallSiteBlock(),
Пример #7
bool OSAtomicChecker::evalOSAtomicCompareAndSwap(CheckerContext &C, 
                                                 const CallExpr *CE) {
  // Not enough arguments to match OSAtomicCompareAndSwap?
  if (CE->getNumArgs() != 3)
    return false;

  ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
  const Expr *oldValueExpr = CE->getArg(0);
  QualType oldValueType = Ctx.getCanonicalType(oldValueExpr->getType());

  const Expr *newValueExpr = CE->getArg(1);
  QualType newValueType = Ctx.getCanonicalType(newValueExpr->getType());

  // Do the types of 'oldValue' and 'newValue' match?
  if (oldValueType != newValueType)
    return false;

  const Expr *theValueExpr = CE->getArg(2);
  const PointerType *theValueType=theValueExpr->getType()->getAs<PointerType>();

  // theValueType not a pointer?
  if (!theValueType)
    return false;

  QualType theValueTypePointee =

  // The pointee must match newValueType and oldValueType.
  if (theValueTypePointee != newValueType)
    return false;

  static SimpleProgramPointTag OSAtomicLoadTag("OSAtomicChecker : Load");
  static SimpleProgramPointTag OSAtomicStoreTag("OSAtomicChecker : Store");
  // Load 'theValue'.
  ExprEngine &Engine = C.getEngine();
  const ProgramState *state = C.getState();
  ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
  SVal location = state->getSVal(theValueExpr);
  // Here we should use the value type of the region as the load type, because
  // we are simulating the semantics of the function, not the semantics of 
  // passing argument. So the type of theValue expr is not we are loading.
  // But usually the type of the varregion is not the type we want either,
  // we still need to do a CastRetrievedVal in store manager. So actually this
  // LoadTy specifying can be omitted. But we put it here to emphasize the 
  // semantics.
  QualType LoadTy;
  if (const TypedValueRegion *TR =
      dyn_cast_or_null<TypedValueRegion>(location.getAsRegion())) {
    LoadTy = TR->getValueType();
  Engine.evalLoad(Tmp, theValueExpr, C.getPredecessor(), 
                  state, location, &OSAtomicLoadTag, LoadTy);

  if (Tmp.empty()) {
    // If no nodes were generated, other checkers must generated sinks. But 
    // since the builder state was restored, we set it manually to prevent 
    // auto transition.
    // FIXME: there should be a better approach.
    C.getNodeBuilder().BuildSinks = true;
    return true;
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Tmp.begin(), E = Tmp.end();
       I != E; ++I) {

    ExplodedNode *N = *I;
    const ProgramState *stateLoad = N->getState();

    // Use direct bindings from the environment since we are forcing a load
    // from a location that the Environment would typically not be used
    // to bind a value.
    SVal theValueVal_untested = stateLoad->getSVal(theValueExpr, true);

    SVal oldValueVal_untested = stateLoad->getSVal(oldValueExpr);

    // FIXME: Issue an error.
    if (theValueVal_untested.isUndef() || oldValueVal_untested.isUndef()) {
      return false;
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal theValueVal =
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal oldValueVal =

    SValBuilder &svalBuilder = Engine.getSValBuilder();

    // Perform the comparison.
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Cmp =

    const ProgramState *stateEqual = stateLoad->assume(Cmp, true);

    // Were they equal?
    if (stateEqual) {
      // Perform the store.
      ExplodedNodeSet TmpStore;
      SVal val = stateEqual->getSVal(newValueExpr);

      // Handle implicit value casts.
      if (const TypedValueRegion *R =
          dyn_cast_or_null<TypedValueRegion>(location.getAsRegion())) {
        val = svalBuilder.evalCast(val,R->getValueType(), newValueExpr->getType());

      Engine.evalStore(TmpStore, NULL, theValueExpr, N, 
                       stateEqual, location, val, &OSAtomicStoreTag);

      if (TmpStore.empty()) {
        // If no nodes were generated, other checkers must generated sinks. But 
        // since the builder state was restored, we set it manually to prevent 
        // auto transition.
        // FIXME: there should be a better approach.
        C.getNodeBuilder().BuildSinks = true;
        return true;

      // Now bind the result of the comparison.
      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I2 = TmpStore.begin(),
           E2 = TmpStore.end(); I2 != E2; ++I2) {
        ExplodedNode *predNew = *I2;
        const ProgramState *stateNew = predNew->getState();
        // Check for 'void' return type if we have a bogus function prototype.
        SVal Res = UnknownVal();
        QualType T = CE->getType();
        if (!T->isVoidType())
          Res = Engine.getSValBuilder().makeTruthVal(true, T);
        C.generateNode(stateNew->BindExpr(CE, Res), predNew);

    // Were they not equal?
    if (const ProgramState *stateNotEqual = stateLoad->assume(Cmp, false)) {
      // Check for 'void' return type if we have a bogus function prototype.
      SVal Res = UnknownVal();
      QualType T = CE->getType();
      if (!T->isVoidType())
        Res = Engine.getSValBuilder().makeTruthVal(false, CE->getType());
      C.generateNode(stateNotEqual->BindExpr(CE, Res), N);

  return true;
Пример #8
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXNewExpr(const CXXNewExpr *CNE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                   ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  unsigned blockCount = Builder->getCurrentBlockCount();
  DefinedOrUnknownSVal symVal =
    svalBuilder.getConjuredSymbolVal(NULL, CNE, CNE->getType(), blockCount);
  const MemRegion *NewReg = cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(symVal).getRegion();  
  QualType ObjTy = CNE->getType()->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType();
  const ElementRegion *EleReg = 
    getStoreManager().GetElementZeroRegion(NewReg, ObjTy);

  if (CNE->isArray()) {
    // FIXME: allocating an array requires simulating the constructors.
    // For now, just return a symbolicated region.
    const GRState *state = GetState(Pred);
    state = state->BindExpr(CNE, loc::MemRegionVal(EleReg));
    MakeNode(Dst, CNE, Pred, state);

  // Evaluate constructor arguments.
  const FunctionProtoType *FnType = NULL;
  const CXXConstructorDecl *CD = CNE->getConstructor();
  if (CD)
    FnType = CD->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
  ExplodedNodeSet argsEvaluated;
  evalArguments(CNE->constructor_arg_begin(), CNE->constructor_arg_end(),
                FnType, Pred, argsEvaluated);

  // Initialize the object region and bind the 'new' expression.
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = argsEvaluated.begin(), 
                                 E = argsEvaluated.end(); I != E; ++I) {

    const GRState *state = GetState(*I);
    // Accumulate list of regions that are invalidated.
    // FIXME: Eventually we should unify the logic for constructor
    // processing in one place.
    llvm::SmallVector<const MemRegion*, 10> regionsToInvalidate;
    for (CXXNewExpr::const_arg_iterator
          ai = CNE->constructor_arg_begin(), ae = CNE->constructor_arg_end();
          ai != ae; ++ai)
      SVal val = state->getSVal(*ai);
      if (const MemRegion *region = val.getAsRegion())

    if (ObjTy->isRecordType()) {
      // Invalidate the regions.
      state = state->invalidateRegions(regionsToInvalidate.data(),
                                       regionsToInvalidate.data() +
                                       CNE, blockCount, 0,
                                       /* invalidateGlobals = */ true);
    } else {
      // Invalidate the regions.
      state = state->invalidateRegions(regionsToInvalidate.data(),
                                       regionsToInvalidate.data() +
                                       CNE, blockCount, 0,
                                       /* invalidateGlobals = */ true);

      if (CNE->hasInitializer()) {
        SVal V = state->getSVal(*CNE->constructor_arg_begin());
        state = state->bindLoc(loc::MemRegionVal(EleReg), V);
      } else {
        // Explicitly set to undefined, because currently we retrieve symbolic
        // value from symbolic region.
        state = state->bindLoc(loc::MemRegionVal(EleReg), UndefinedVal());
    state = state->BindExpr(CNE, loc::MemRegionVal(EleReg));
    MakeNode(Dst, CNE, *I, state);
Пример #9
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *E, 
                                       const MemRegion *Dest,
                                       ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                       ExplodedNodeSet &destNodes) {

  const CXXConstructorDecl *CD = E->getConstructor();
#if 0
  if (!(CD->doesThisDeclarationHaveABody() && AMgr.shouldInlineCall()))
    // FIXME: invalidate the object.
  // Evaluate other arguments.
  ExplodedNodeSet argsEvaluated;
  const FunctionProtoType *FnType = CD->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
  evalArguments(E->arg_begin(), E->arg_end(), FnType, Pred, argsEvaluated);

#if 0
  // Is the constructor elidable?
  if (E->isElidable()) {
    VisitAggExpr(E->getArg(0), destNodes, Pred, Dst);
    // FIXME: this is here to force propagation if VisitAggExpr doesn't
    if (destNodes.empty())
  // Perform the previsit of the constructor.
  ExplodedNodeSet destPreVisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(destPreVisit, argsEvaluated, E, 
  // Evaluate the constructor.  Currently we don't now allow checker-specific
  // implementations of specific constructors (as we do with ordinary
  // function calls.  We can re-evaluate this in the future.
#if 0
  // Inlining currently isn't fully implemented.

  if (AMgr.shouldInlineCall()) {
    if (!Dest)
      Dest =

    // The callee stack frame context used to create the 'this'
    // parameter region.
    const StackFrameContext *SFC = 
      AMgr.getStackFrame(CD, Pred->getLocationContext(),
                         E, currentBuilderContext->getBlock(),

    // Create the 'this' region.
    const CXXThisRegion *ThisR =
      getCXXThisRegion(E->getConstructor()->getParent(), SFC);

    CallEnter Loc(E, SFC, Pred->getLocationContext());

    StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(argsEvaluated, destNodes, *currentBuilderContext);
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator NI = argsEvaluated.begin(),
                                  NE = argsEvaluated.end(); NI != NE; ++NI) {
      const ProgramState *state = (*NI)->getState();
      // Setup 'this' region, so that the ctor is evaluated on the object pointed
      // by 'Dest'.
      state = state->bindLoc(loc::MemRegionVal(ThisR), loc::MemRegionVal(Dest));
      Bldr.generateNode(Loc, *NI, state);
  // Default semantics: invalidate all regions passed as arguments.
  ExplodedNodeSet destCall;
    StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(destPreVisit, destCall, *currentBuilderContext);
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator
        i = destPreVisit.begin(), e = destPreVisit.end();
        i != e; ++i)
      ExplodedNode *Pred = *i;
      const LocationContext *LC = Pred->getLocationContext();
      const ProgramState *state = Pred->getState();

      state = invalidateArguments(state, CallOrObjCMessage(E, state, LC), LC);
      Bldr.generateNode(E, Pred, state);
  // Do the post visit.
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(destNodes, destCall, E, *this);  
Пример #10
void ExprEngine::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(const ObjCForCollectionStmt *S,
                                            ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                            ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // ObjCForCollectionStmts are processed in two places.  This method
  // handles the case where an ObjCForCollectionStmt* occurs as one of the
  // statements within a basic block.  This transfer function does two things:
  //  (1) binds the next container value to 'element'.  This creates a new
  //      node in the ExplodedGraph.
  //  (2) binds the value 0/1 to the ObjCForCollectionStmt* itself, indicating
  //      whether or not the container has any more elements.  This value
  //      will be tested in ProcessBranch.  We need to explicitly bind
  //      this value because a container can contain nil elements.
  // FIXME: Eventually this logic should actually do dispatches to
  //   'countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:' (NSFastEnumeration).
  //   This will require simulating a temporary NSFastEnumerationState, either
  //   through an SVal or through the use of MemRegions.  This value can
  //   be affixed to the ObjCForCollectionStmt* instead of 0/1; when the loop
  //   terminates we reclaim the temporary (it goes out of scope) and we
  //   we can test if the SVal is 0 or if the MemRegion is null (depending
  //   on what approach we take).
  //  For now: simulate (1) by assigning either a symbol or nil if the
  //    container is empty.  Thus this transfer function will by default
  //    result in state splitting.

  const Stmt *elem = S->getElement();
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  SVal elementV;
  if (const DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(elem)) {
    const VarDecl *elemD = cast<VarDecl>(DS->getSingleDecl());
    assert(elemD->getInit() == 0);
    elementV = state->getLValue(elemD, Pred->getLocationContext());
  else {
    elementV = state->getSVal(elem, Pred->getLocationContext());
  ExplodedNodeSet dstLocation;
  evalLocation(dstLocation, S, elem, Pred, state, elementV, NULL, false);

  ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Tmp, *currentBuilderContext);

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator NI = dstLocation.begin(),
       NE = dstLocation.end(); NI!=NE; ++NI) {
    Pred = *NI;
    ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
    const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
    // Handle the case where the container still has elements.
    SVal TrueV = svalBuilder.makeTruthVal(1);
    ProgramStateRef hasElems = state->BindExpr(S, LCtx, TrueV);
    // Handle the case where the container has no elements.
    SVal FalseV = svalBuilder.makeTruthVal(0);
    ProgramStateRef noElems = state->BindExpr(S, LCtx, FalseV);
    if (loc::MemRegionVal *MV = dyn_cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(&elementV))
      if (const TypedValueRegion *R = 
          dyn_cast<TypedValueRegion>(MV->getRegion())) {
        // FIXME: The proper thing to do is to really iterate over the
        //  container.  We will do this with dispatch logic to the store.
        //  For now, just 'conjure' up a symbolic value.
        QualType T = R->getValueType();
        unsigned Count = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
        SymbolRef Sym = SymMgr.getConjuredSymbol(elem, LCtx, T, Count);
        SVal V = svalBuilder.makeLoc(Sym);
        hasElems = hasElems->bindLoc(elementV, V);
        // Bind the location to 'nil' on the false branch.
        SVal nilV = svalBuilder.makeIntVal(0, T);
        noElems = noElems->bindLoc(elementV, nilV);
    // Create the new nodes.
    Bldr.generateNode(S, Pred, hasElems);
    Bldr.generateNode(S, Pred, noElems);

  // Finally, run any custom checkers.
  // FIXME: Eventually all pre- and post-checks should live in VisitStmt.
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, Tmp, S, *this);
Пример #11
void ExprEngine::VisitObjCMessage(const ObjCMessageExpr *ME,
                                  ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                  ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  CallEventManager &CEMgr = getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
  CallEventRef<ObjCMethodCall> Msg =
    CEMgr.getObjCMethodCall(ME, Pred->getState(), Pred->getLocationContext());

  // Handle the previsits checks.
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPrevisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreObjCMessage(dstPrevisit, Pred,
                                                   *Msg, *this);
  ExplodedNodeSet dstGenericPrevisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreCall(dstGenericPrevisit, dstPrevisit,
                                            *Msg, *this);

  // Proceed with evaluate the message expression.
  ExplodedNodeSet dstEval;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(dstGenericPrevisit, dstEval, *currentBuilderContext);

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator DI = dstGenericPrevisit.begin(),
       DE = dstGenericPrevisit.end(); DI != DE; ++DI) {
    ExplodedNode *Pred = *DI;
    ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();
    CallEventRef<ObjCMethodCall> UpdatedMsg = Msg.cloneWithState(State);
    if (UpdatedMsg->isInstanceMessage()) {
      SVal recVal = UpdatedMsg->getReceiverSVal();
      if (!recVal.isUndef()) {
        // Bifurcate the state into nil and non-nil ones.
        DefinedOrUnknownSVal receiverVal = cast<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>(recVal);
        ProgramStateRef notNilState, nilState;
        llvm::tie(notNilState, nilState) = State->assume(receiverVal);
        // There are three cases: can be nil or non-nil, must be nil, must be
        // non-nil. We ignore must be nil, and merge the rest two into non-nil.
        // FIXME: This ignores many potential bugs (<rdar://problem/11733396>).
        // Revisit once we have lazier constraints.
        if (nilState && !notNilState) {
        // Check if the "raise" message was sent.
        if (Msg->getSelector() == RaiseSel) {
          // If we raise an exception, for now treat it as a sink.
          // Eventually we will want to handle exceptions properly.
          Bldr.generateNode(currentStmt, Pred, State, true);
        // Generate a transition to non-Nil state.
        if (notNilState != State)
          Pred = Bldr.generateNode(currentStmt, Pred, notNilState);
    } else {
      // Check for special class methods.
      if (const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Iface = Msg->getReceiverInterface()) {
        if (!NSExceptionII) {
          ASTContext &Ctx = getContext();
          NSExceptionII = &Ctx.Idents.get("NSException");
        if (isSubclass(Iface, NSExceptionII)) {
          enum { NUM_RAISE_SELECTORS = 2 };
          // Lazily create a cache of the selectors.
          if (!NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors) {
            ASTContext &Ctx = getContext();
            NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors =
              new Selector[NUM_RAISE_SELECTORS];
            SmallVector<IdentifierInfo*, NUM_RAISE_SELECTORS> II;
            unsigned idx = 0;
            // raise:format:
            NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors[idx++] =
              Ctx.Selectors.getSelector(II.size(), &II[0]);
            // raise:format:arguments:
            NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors[idx++] =
              Ctx.Selectors.getSelector(II.size(), &II[0]);
          Selector S = Msg->getSelector();
          bool RaisesException = false;
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_RAISE_SELECTORS; ++i) {
            if (S == NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors[i]) {
              RaisesException = true;
          if (RaisesException) {
            // If we raise an exception, for now treat it as a sink.
            // Eventually we will want to handle exceptions properly.
            Bldr.generateNode(currentStmt, Pred, Pred->getState(), true);


    // Evaluate the call.
    defaultEvalCall(Bldr, Pred, *UpdatedMsg);
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPostvisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostCall(dstPostvisit, dstEval,
                                             *Msg, *this);

  // Finally, perform the post-condition check of the ObjCMessageExpr and store
  // the created nodes in 'Dst'.
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostObjCMessage(Dst, dstPostvisit,
                                                    *Msg, *this);
Пример #12
void ExprEngine::VisitDeclStmt(const DeclStmt *DS, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                               ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // FIXME: static variables may have an initializer, but the second
  //  time a function is called those values may not be current.
  //  This may need to be reflected in the CFG.
  // Assumption: The CFG has one DeclStmt per Decl.
  const Decl *D = *DS->decl_begin();
  if (!D || !isa<VarDecl>(D)) {
    //TODO:AZ: remove explicit insertion after refactoring is done.
  // FIXME: all pre/post visits should eventually be handled by ::Visit().
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPreVisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(dstPreVisit, Pred, DS, *this);
  StmtNodeBuilder B(dstPreVisit, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);
  const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = dstPreVisit.begin(), E = dstPreVisit.end();
       I!=E; ++I) {
    ExplodedNode *N = *I;
    ProgramStateRef state = N->getState();
    // Decls without InitExpr are not initialized explicitly.
    const LocationContext *LC = N->getLocationContext();
    if (const Expr *InitEx = VD->getInit()) {
      SVal InitVal = state->getSVal(InitEx, LC);

      if (InitVal == state->getLValue(VD, LC) ||
          (VD->getType()->isArrayType() &&
           isa<CXXConstructExpr>(InitEx->IgnoreImplicit()))) {
        // We constructed the object directly in the variable.
        // No need to bind anything.
        B.generateNode(DS, N, state);
      } else {
        // We bound the temp obj region to the CXXConstructExpr. Now recover
        // the lazy compound value when the variable is not a reference.
        if (AMgr.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && VD->getType()->isRecordType() && 
            !VD->getType()->isReferenceType() && isa<loc::MemRegionVal>(InitVal)){
          InitVal = state->getSVal(cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(InitVal).getRegion());
        // Recover some path-sensitivity if a scalar value evaluated to
        // UnknownVal.
        if (InitVal.isUnknown()) {
          QualType Ty = InitEx->getType();
          if (InitEx->isGLValue()) {
            Ty = getContext().getPointerType(Ty);

          InitVal = svalBuilder.getConjuredSymbolVal(NULL, InitEx, LC, Ty,
        ExplodedNodeSet Dst2;
        evalBind(Dst2, DS, N, state->getLValue(VD, LC), InitVal, true);
    else {
      B.generateNode(DS, N,state->bindDeclWithNoInit(state->getRegion(VD, LC)));
Пример #13
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *CE,
                                       ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                       ExplodedNodeSet &destNodes) {
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();

  SVal Target = UnknownVal();

  if (Optional<SVal> ElidedTarget =
          getObjectUnderConstruction(State, CE, LCtx)) {
    // We've previously modeled an elidable constructor by pretending that it in
    // fact constructs into the correct target. This constructor can therefore
    // be skipped.
    Target = *ElidedTarget;
    StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, destNodes, *currBldrCtx);
    State = finishObjectConstruction(State, CE, LCtx);
    if (auto L = Target.getAs<Loc>())
      State = State->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, State->getSVal(*L, CE->getType()));
    Bldr.generateNode(CE, Pred, State);

  // FIXME: Handle arrays, which run the same constructor for every element.
  // For now, we just run the first constructor (which should still invalidate
  // the entire array).

  EvalCallOptions CallOpts;
  auto C = getCurrentCFGElement().getAs<CFGConstructor>();
  assert(C || getCurrentCFGElement().getAs<CFGStmt>());
  const ConstructionContext *CC = C ? C->getConstructionContext() : nullptr;

  switch (CE->getConstructionKind()) {
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Complete: {
    std::tie(State, Target) =
        prepareForObjectConstruction(CE, State, LCtx, CC, CallOpts);
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_VirtualBase:
    // Make sure we are not calling virtual base class initializers twice.
    // Only the most-derived object should initialize virtual base classes.
    if (const Stmt *Outer = LCtx->getStackFrame()->getCallSite()) {
      const CXXConstructExpr *OuterCtor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(Outer);
      if (OuterCtor) {
        switch (OuterCtor->getConstructionKind()) {
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_NonVirtualBase:
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_VirtualBase:
          // Bail out!
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Complete:
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating:
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_NonVirtualBase:
    // In C++17, classes with non-virtual bases may be aggregates, so they would
    // be initialized as aggregates without a constructor call, so we may have
    // a base class constructed directly into an initializer list without
    // having the derived-class constructor call on the previous stack frame.
    // Initializer lists may be nested into more initializer lists that
    // correspond to surrounding aggregate initializations.
    // FIXME: For now this code essentially bails out. We need to find the
    // correct target region and set it.
    // FIXME: Instead of relying on the ParentMap, we should have the
    // trigger-statement (InitListExpr in this case) passed down from CFG or
    // otherwise always available during construction.
    if (dyn_cast_or_null<InitListExpr>(LCtx->getParentMap().getParent(CE))) {
      MemRegionManager &MRMgr = getSValBuilder().getRegionManager();
      Target = loc::MemRegionVal(MRMgr.getCXXTempObjectRegion(CE, LCtx));
      CallOpts.IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion = true;
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating: {
    const CXXMethodDecl *CurCtor = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(LCtx->getDecl());
    Loc ThisPtr = getSValBuilder().getCXXThis(CurCtor,
    SVal ThisVal = State->getSVal(ThisPtr);

    if (CE->getConstructionKind() == CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating) {
      Target = ThisVal;
    } else {
      // Cast to the base type.
      bool IsVirtual =
        (CE->getConstructionKind() == CXXConstructExpr::CK_VirtualBase);
      SVal BaseVal = getStoreManager().evalDerivedToBase(ThisVal, CE->getType(),
      Target = BaseVal;

  if (State != Pred->getState()) {
    static SimpleProgramPointTag T("ExprEngine",
                                   "Prepare for object construction");
    ExplodedNodeSet DstPrepare;
    StmtNodeBuilder BldrPrepare(Pred, DstPrepare, *currBldrCtx);
    BldrPrepare.generateNode(CE, Pred, State, &T, ProgramPoint::PreStmtKind);
    assert(DstPrepare.size() <= 1);
    if (DstPrepare.size() == 0)
    Pred = *BldrPrepare.begin();

  CallEventManager &CEMgr = getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
  CallEventRef<CXXConstructorCall> Call =
    CEMgr.getCXXConstructorCall(CE, Target.getAsRegion(), State, LCtx);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPreVisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(DstPreVisit, Pred, CE, *this);

  // FIXME: Is it possible and/or useful to do this before PreStmt?
  ExplodedNodeSet PreInitialized;
    StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(DstPreVisit, PreInitialized, *currBldrCtx);
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = DstPreVisit.begin(),
                                   E = DstPreVisit.end();
         I != E; ++I) {
      ProgramStateRef State = (*I)->getState();
      if (CE->requiresZeroInitialization()) {
        // FIXME: Once we properly handle constructors in new-expressions, we'll
        // need to invalidate the region before setting a default value, to make
        // sure there aren't any lingering bindings around. This probably needs
        // to happen regardless of whether or not the object is zero-initialized
        // to handle random fields of a placement-initialized object picking up
        // old bindings. We might only want to do it when we need to, though.
        // FIXME: This isn't actually correct for arrays -- we need to zero-
        // initialize the entire array, not just the first element -- but our
        // handling of arrays everywhere else is weak as well, so this shouldn't
        // actually make things worse. Placement new makes this tricky as well,
        // since it's then possible to be initializing one part of a multi-
        // dimensional array.
        State = State->bindDefaultZero(Target, LCtx);

      Bldr.generateNode(CE, *I, State, /*tag=*/nullptr,

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPreCall;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreCall(DstPreCall, PreInitialized,
                                            *Call, *this);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstEvaluated;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(DstPreCall, DstEvaluated, *currBldrCtx);

  if (CE->getConstructor()->isTrivial() &&
      CE->getConstructor()->isCopyOrMoveConstructor() &&
      !CallOpts.IsArrayCtorOrDtor) {
    // FIXME: Handle other kinds of trivial constructors as well.
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = DstPreCall.begin(), E = DstPreCall.end();
         I != E; ++I)
      performTrivialCopy(Bldr, *I, *Call);

  } else {
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = DstPreCall.begin(), E = DstPreCall.end();
         I != E; ++I)
      defaultEvalCall(Bldr, *I, *Call, CallOpts);

  // If the CFG was constructed without elements for temporary destructors
  // and the just-called constructor created a temporary object then
  // stop exploration if the temporary object has a noreturn constructor.
  // This can lose coverage because the destructor, if it were present
  // in the CFG, would be called at the end of the full expression or
  // later (for life-time extended temporaries) -- but avoids infeasible
  // paths when no-return temporary destructors are used for assertions.
  const AnalysisDeclContext *ADC = LCtx->getAnalysisDeclContext();
  if (!ADC->getCFGBuildOptions().AddTemporaryDtors) {
    const MemRegion *Target = Call->getCXXThisVal().getAsRegion();
    if (Target && isa<CXXTempObjectRegion>(Target) &&
        Call->getDecl()->getParent()->isAnyDestructorNoReturn()) {

      // If we've inlined the constructor, then DstEvaluated would be empty.
      // In this case we still want a sink, which could be implemented
      // in processCallExit. But we don't have that implemented at the moment,
      // so if you hit this assertion, see if you can avoid inlining
      // the respective constructor when analyzer-config cfg-temporary-dtors
      // is set to false.
      // Otherwise there's nothing wrong with inlining such constructor.
      assert(!DstEvaluated.empty() &&
             "We should not have inlined this constructor!");

      for (ExplodedNode *N : DstEvaluated) {
        Bldr.generateSink(CE, N, N->getState());

      // There is no need to run the PostCall and PostStmt checker
      // callbacks because we just generated sinks on all nodes in th
      // frontier.

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPostArgumentCleanup;
  for (auto I : DstEvaluated)
    finishArgumentConstruction(DstPostArgumentCleanup, I, *Call);

  // If there were other constructors called for object-type arguments
  // of this constructor, clean them up.
  ExplodedNodeSet DstPostCall;
                                             *Call, *this);
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(destNodes, DstPostCall, CE, *this);
Пример #14
void ExprEngine::VisitObjCMessage(const ObjCMessageExpr *ME,
                                  ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                  ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  CallEventManager &CEMgr = getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
  CallEventRef<ObjCMethodCall> Msg =
    CEMgr.getObjCMethodCall(ME, Pred->getState(), Pred->getLocationContext());

  // Handle the previsits checks.
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPrevisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreObjCMessage(dstPrevisit, Pred,
                                                   *Msg, *this);
  ExplodedNodeSet dstGenericPrevisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreCall(dstGenericPrevisit, dstPrevisit,
                                            *Msg, *this);

  // Proceed with evaluate the message expression.
  ExplodedNodeSet dstEval;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(dstGenericPrevisit, dstEval, *currBldrCtx);

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator DI = dstGenericPrevisit.begin(),
       DE = dstGenericPrevisit.end(); DI != DE; ++DI) {
    ExplodedNode *Pred = *DI;
    ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();
    CallEventRef<ObjCMethodCall> UpdatedMsg = Msg.cloneWithState(State);
    if (UpdatedMsg->isInstanceMessage()) {
      SVal recVal = UpdatedMsg->getReceiverSVal();
      if (!recVal.isUndef()) {
        // Bifurcate the state into nil and non-nil ones.
        DefinedOrUnknownSVal receiverVal =

        ProgramStateRef notNilState, nilState;
        std::tie(notNilState, nilState) = State->assume(receiverVal);
        // There are three cases: can be nil or non-nil, must be nil, must be
        // non-nil. We ignore must be nil, and merge the rest two into non-nil.
        // FIXME: This ignores many potential bugs (<rdar://problem/11733396>).
        // Revisit once we have lazier constraints.
        if (nilState && !notNilState) {
        // Check if the "raise" message was sent.
        if (ObjCNoRet.isImplicitNoReturn(ME)) {
          // If we raise an exception, for now treat it as a sink.
          // Eventually we will want to handle exceptions properly.
          Bldr.generateSink(ME, Pred, State);
        // Generate a transition to non-Nil state.
        if (notNilState != State) {
          Pred = Bldr.generateNode(ME, Pred, notNilState);
          assert(Pred && "Should have cached out already!");
    } else {
      // Check for special class methods that are known to not return
      // and that we should treat as a sink.
      if (ObjCNoRet.isImplicitNoReturn(ME)) {
        // If we raise an exception, for now treat it as a sink.
        // Eventually we will want to handle exceptions properly.
        Bldr.generateSink(ME, Pred, Pred->getState());

    defaultEvalCall(Bldr, Pred, *UpdatedMsg);
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPostvisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostCall(dstPostvisit, dstEval,
                                             *Msg, *this);

  // Finally, perform the post-condition check of the ObjCMessageExpr and store
  // the created nodes in 'Dst'.
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostObjCMessage(Dst, dstPostvisit,
                                                    *Msg, *this);
Пример #15
void ExprEngine::VisitIncrementDecrementOperator(const UnaryOperator* U,
                                                 ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                                 ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // Handle ++ and -- (both pre- and post-increment).
  assert (U->isIncrementDecrementOp());
  const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  SVal loc = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
  // Perform a load.
  ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
  evalLoad(Tmp, U, Ex, Pred, state, loc);
  ExplodedNodeSet Dst2;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Tmp, Dst2, *currBldrCtx);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I=Tmp.begin(), E=Tmp.end();I!=E;++I) {
    state = (*I)->getState();
    assert(LCtx == (*I)->getLocationContext());
    SVal V2_untested = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
    // Propagate unknown and undefined values.
    if (V2_untested.isUnknownOrUndef()) {
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, V2_untested));
    DefinedSVal V2 = V2_untested.castAs<DefinedSVal>();
    // Handle all other values.
    BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = U->isIncrementOp() ? BO_Add : BO_Sub;
    // If the UnaryOperator has non-location type, use its type to create the
    // constant value. If the UnaryOperator has location type, create the
    // constant with int type and pointer width.
    SVal RHS;
    if (U->getType()->isAnyPointerType())
      RHS = svalBuilder.makeArrayIndex(1);
    else if (U->getType()->isIntegralOrEnumerationType())
      RHS = svalBuilder.makeIntVal(1, U->getType());
      RHS = UnknownVal();
    SVal Result = evalBinOp(state, Op, V2, RHS, U->getType());
    // Conjure a new symbol if necessary to recover precision.
    if (Result.isUnknown()){
      DefinedOrUnknownSVal SymVal =
        svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(0, Ex, LCtx, currBldrCtx->blockCount());
      Result = SymVal;
      // If the value is a location, ++/-- should always preserve
      // non-nullness.  Check if the original value was non-null, and if so
      // propagate that constraint.
      if (Loc::isLocType(U->getType())) {
        DefinedOrUnknownSVal Constraint =
        svalBuilder.evalEQ(state, V2,svalBuilder.makeZeroVal(U->getType()));
        if (!state->assume(Constraint, true)) {
          // It isn't feasible for the original value to be null.
          // Propagate this constraint.
          Constraint = svalBuilder.evalEQ(state, SymVal,
          state = state->assume(Constraint, false);
    // Since the lvalue-to-rvalue conversion is explicit in the AST,
    // we bind an l-value if the operator is prefix and an lvalue (in C++).
    if (U->isGLValue())
      state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, loc);
      state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, U->isPostfix() ? V2 : Result);
    // Perform the store.
    ExplodedNodeSet Dst3;
    evalStore(Dst3, U, U, *I, state, loc, Result);
Пример #16
/// The call exit is simulated with a sequence of nodes, which occur between 
/// CallExitBegin and CallExitEnd. The following operations occur between the 
/// two program points:
/// 1. CallExitBegin (triggers the start of call exit sequence)
/// 2. Bind the return value
/// 3. Run Remove dead bindings to clean up the dead symbols from the callee.
/// 4. CallExitEnd (switch to the caller context)
/// 5. PostStmt<CallExpr>
void ExprEngine::processCallExit(ExplodedNode *CEBNode) {
  // Step 1 CEBNode was generated before the call.

  const StackFrameContext *calleeCtx =
  const LocationContext *callerCtx = calleeCtx->getParent();
  const Stmt *CE = calleeCtx->getCallSite();
  ProgramStateRef state = CEBNode->getState();
  // Find the last statement in the function and the corresponding basic block.
  const Stmt *LastSt = 0;
  const CFGBlock *Blk = 0;
  llvm::tie(LastSt, Blk) = getLastStmt(CEBNode);

  // Step 2: generate node with binded return value: CEBNode -> BindedRetNode.

  // If the callee returns an expression, bind its value to CallExpr.
  if (const ReturnStmt *RS = dyn_cast_or_null<ReturnStmt>(LastSt)) {
    const LocationContext *LCtx = CEBNode->getLocationContext();
    SVal V = state->getSVal(RS, LCtx);
    state = state->BindExpr(CE, callerCtx, V);

  // Bind the constructed object value to CXXConstructExpr.
  if (const CXXConstructExpr *CCE = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(CE)) {
    const CXXThisRegion *ThisR =
        getCXXThisRegion(CCE->getConstructor()->getParent(), calleeCtx);

    SVal ThisV = state->getSVal(ThisR);
    // Always bind the region to the CXXConstructExpr.
    state = state->BindExpr(CCE, CEBNode->getLocationContext(), ThisV);

  static SimpleProgramPointTag retValBindTag("ExprEngine : Bind Return Value");
  PostStmt Loc(LastSt, calleeCtx, &retValBindTag);
  bool isNew;
  ExplodedNode *BindedRetNode = G.getNode(Loc, state, false, &isNew);
  BindedRetNode->addPredecessor(CEBNode, G);
  if (!isNew)

  // Step 3: BindedRetNode -> CleanedNodes
  // If we can find a statement and a block in the inlined function, run remove
  // dead bindings before returning from the call. This is important to ensure
  // that we report the issues such as leaks in the stack contexts in which
  // they occurred.
  ExplodedNodeSet CleanedNodes;
  if (LastSt && Blk) {
    NodeBuilderContext Ctx(getCoreEngine(), Blk, BindedRetNode);
    currentBuilderContext = &Ctx;
    // Here, we call the Symbol Reaper with 0 statement and caller location
    // context, telling it to clean up everything in the callee's context
    // (and it's children). We use LastStmt as a diagnostic statement, which
    // which the PreStmtPurge Dead point will be associated.
    removeDead(BindedRetNode, CleanedNodes, 0, callerCtx, LastSt,
    currentBuilderContext = 0;

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = CleanedNodes.begin(),
                                 E = CleanedNodes.end(); I != E; ++I) {

    // Step 4: Generate the CallExit and leave the callee's context.
    // CleanedNodes -> CEENode
    CallExitEnd Loc(CE, callerCtx);
    bool isNew;
    ExplodedNode *CEENode = G.getNode(Loc, (*I)->getState(), false, &isNew);
    CEENode->addPredecessor(*I, G);
    if (!isNew)

    // Step 5: Perform the post-condition check of the CallExpr and enqueue the
    // result onto the work list.
    // CEENode -> Dst -> WorkList
    ExplodedNodeSet Dst;
    NodeBuilderContext Ctx(Engine, calleeCtx->getCallSiteBlock(), CEENode);
    SaveAndRestore<const NodeBuilderContext*> NBCSave(currentBuilderContext,
    SaveAndRestore<unsigned> CBISave(currentStmtIdx, calleeCtx->getIndex());

    getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, CEENode, CE, *this, true);

    // Enqueue the next element in the block.
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator PSI = Dst.begin(), PSE = Dst.end();
                                   PSI != PSE; ++PSI) {
      Engine.getWorkList()->enqueue(*PSI, calleeCtx->getCallSiteBlock(),
Пример #17
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *E, 
                                       const MemRegion *Dest,
                                       ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                       ExplodedNodeSet &destNodes) {

  const CXXConstructorDecl *CD = E->getConstructor();
#if 0
  if (!(CD->doesThisDeclarationHaveABody() && AMgr.shouldInlineCall()))
    // FIXME: invalidate the object.
  // Evaluate other arguments.
  ExplodedNodeSet argsEvaluated;
  const FunctionProtoType *FnType = CD->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
  evalArguments(E->arg_begin(), E->arg_end(), FnType, Pred, argsEvaluated);

#if 0
  // Is the constructor elidable?
  if (E->isElidable()) {
    VisitAggExpr(E->getArg(0), destNodes, Pred, Dst);
    // FIXME: this is here to force propagation if VisitAggExpr doesn't
    if (destNodes.empty())
  // Perform the previsit of the constructor.
  ExplodedNodeSet destPreVisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(destPreVisit, argsEvaluated, E, 
  // Evaluate the constructor.  Currently we don't now allow checker-specific
  // implementations of specific constructors (as we do with ordinary
  // function calls.  We can re-evaluate this in the future.
#if 0
  // Inlining currently isn't fully implemented.

  if (AMgr.shouldInlineCall()) {
    if (!Dest)
      Dest =

    // The callee stack frame context used to create the 'this'
    // parameter region.
    const StackFrameContext *SFC = 
      AMgr.getStackFrame(CD, Pred->getLocationContext(),
                         E, Builder->getBlock(), Builder->getIndex());

    // Create the 'this' region.
    const CXXThisRegion *ThisR =
      getCXXThisRegion(E->getConstructor()->getParent(), SFC);

    CallEnter Loc(E, SFC, Pred->getLocationContext());

    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator NI = argsEvaluated.begin(),
                                  NE = argsEvaluated.end(); NI != NE; ++NI) {
      const GRState *state = GetState(*NI);
      // Setup 'this' region, so that the ctor is evaluated on the object pointed
      // by 'Dest'.
      state = state->bindLoc(loc::MemRegionVal(ThisR), loc::MemRegionVal(Dest));
      if (ExplodedNode *N = Builder->generateNode(Loc, state, *NI))
  // Default semantics: invalidate all regions passed as arguments.
  llvm::SmallVector<const MemRegion*, 10> regionsToInvalidate;

  // FIXME: We can have collisions on the conjured symbol if the
  //  expression *I also creates conjured symbols.  We probably want
  //  to identify conjured symbols by an expression pair: the enclosing
  //  expression (the context) and the expression itself.  This should
  //  disambiguate conjured symbols.
  unsigned blockCount = Builder->getCurrentBlockCount();
  // NOTE: Even if RegionsToInvalidate is empty, we must still invalidate
  //  global variables.
  ExplodedNodeSet destCall;

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator
        i = destPreVisit.begin(), e = destPreVisit.end();
       i != e; ++i)
    ExplodedNode *Pred = *i;
    const GRState *state = GetState(Pred);

    // Accumulate list of regions that are invalidated.
    for (CXXConstructExpr::const_arg_iterator
          ai = E->arg_begin(), ae = E->arg_end();
          ai != ae; ++ai)
      SVal val = state->getSVal(*ai);
      if (const MemRegion *region = val.getAsRegion())
    // Invalidate the regions.    
    state = state->invalidateRegions(regionsToInvalidate.data(),
                                     regionsToInvalidate.data() +
                                     E, blockCount, 0,
                                     /* invalidateGlobals = */ true);
    Builder->MakeNode(destCall, E, Pred, state);
  // Do the post visit.
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(destNodes, destCall, E, *this);  
Пример #18
/// \brief Run checkers for evaluating a call.
/// Only one checker will evaluate the call.
void CheckerManager::runCheckersForEvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst,
                                            const ExplodedNodeSet &Src,
                                            const CallExpr *CE,
                                            ExprEngine &Eng,
                                            GraphExpander *defaultEval) {
  if (EvalCallCheckers.empty()   &&
      InlineCallCheckers.empty() &&
      defaultEval == 0) {

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator
         NI = Src.begin(), NE = Src.end(); NI != NE; ++NI) {

    ExplodedNode *Pred = *NI;
    bool anyEvaluated = false;

    // First, check if any of the InlineCall callbacks can evaluate the call.
    assert(InlineCallCheckers.size() <= 1 &&
           "InlineCall is a special hacky callback to allow intrusive"
           "evaluation of the call (which simulates inlining). It is "
           "currently only used by OSAtomicChecker and should go away "
           "at some point.");
    for (std::vector<InlineCallFunc>::iterator
           EI = InlineCallCheckers.begin(), EE = InlineCallCheckers.end();
         EI != EE; ++EI) {
      ExplodedNodeSet checkDst;
      bool evaluated = (*EI)(CE, Eng, Pred, checkDst);
      assert(!(evaluated && anyEvaluated)
             && "There are more than one checkers evaluating the call");
      if (evaluated) {
        anyEvaluated = true;
#ifdef NDEBUG
        break; // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.

#ifdef NDEBUG // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.
    if (anyEvaluated) {

    // Next, check if any of the EvalCall callbacks can evaluate the call.
    for (std::vector<EvalCallFunc>::iterator
           EI = EvalCallCheckers.begin(), EE = EvalCallCheckers.end();
         EI != EE; ++EI) {
      ExplodedNodeSet checkDst;
      ProgramPoint::Kind K = ProgramPoint::PostStmtKind;
      const ProgramPoint &L = ProgramPoint::getProgramPoint(CE, K,
                                Pred->getLocationContext(), EI->Checker);
      bool evaluated = false;
      { // CheckerContext generates transitions(populates checkDest) on
        // destruction, so introduce the scope to make sure it gets properly
        // populated.
        CheckerContext C(checkDst, Eng.getBuilder(), Eng, Pred, L, 0);
        evaluated = (*EI)(CE, C);
      assert(!(evaluated && anyEvaluated)
             && "There are more than one checkers evaluating the call");
      if (evaluated) {
        anyEvaluated = true;
#ifdef NDEBUG
        break; // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.
    // If none of the checkers evaluated the call, ask ExprEngine to handle it.
    if (!anyEvaluated) {
      if (defaultEval)
        defaultEval->expandGraph(Dst, Pred);
Пример #19
void CoreEngine::enqueue(ExplodedNodeSet &Set) {
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Set.begin(),
                                 E = Set.end(); I != E; ++I) {
Пример #20
void ExprEngine::VisitUnaryOperator(const UnaryOperator* U,
                                    ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                    ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // FIXME: Prechecks eventually go in ::Visit().
  ExplodedNodeSet CheckedSet;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(CheckedSet, Pred, U, *this);

  ExplodedNodeSet EvalSet;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(CheckedSet, EvalSet, *currBldrCtx);

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = CheckedSet.begin(), E = CheckedSet.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    switch (U->getOpcode()) {
    default: {
      ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
      VisitIncrementDecrementOperator(U, *I, Tmp);
    case UO_Real: {
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();

      // FIXME: We don't have complex SValues yet.
      if (Ex->getType()->isAnyComplexType()) {
        // Just report "Unknown."

      // For all other types, UO_Real is an identity operation.
      assert (U->getType() == Ex->getType());
      ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx,
                                               state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx)));

    case UO_Imag: {
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      // FIXME: We don't have complex SValues yet.
      if (Ex->getType()->isAnyComplexType()) {
        // Just report "Unknown."
      // For all other types, UO_Imag returns 0.
      ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
      SVal X = svalBuilder.makeZeroVal(Ex->getType());
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, X));

    case UO_Plus:
      // FALL-THROUGH.
    case UO_Deref:
    case UO_AddrOf:
    case UO_Extension: {
      // FIXME: We can probably just have some magic in Environment::getSVal()
      // that propagates values, instead of creating a new node here.
      // Unary "+" is a no-op, similar to a parentheses.  We still have places
      // where it may be a block-level expression, so we need to
      // generate an extra node that just propagates the value of the
      // subexpression.
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx,
                                               state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx)));

    case UO_LNot:
    case UO_Minus:
    case UO_Not: {
      assert (!U->isGLValue());
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();

      // Get the value of the subexpression.
      SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);

      if (V.isUnknownOrUndef()) {
        Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, V));

      switch (U->getOpcode()) {
          llvm_unreachable("Invalid Opcode.");
        case UO_Not:
          // FIXME: Do we need to handle promotions?
          state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, evalComplement(V.castAs<NonLoc>()));
        case UO_Minus:
          // FIXME: Do we need to handle promotions?
          state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, evalMinus(V.castAs<NonLoc>()));
        case UO_LNot:
          // C99 "The expression !E is equivalent to (0==E)."
          //  Note: technically we do "E == 0", but this is the same in the
          //    transfer functions as "0 == E".
          SVal Result;
          if (Optional<Loc> LV = V.getAs<Loc>()) {
            Loc X = svalBuilder.makeNull();
            Result = evalBinOp(state, BO_EQ, *LV, X, U->getType());
          else if (Ex->getType()->isFloatingType()) {
            // FIXME: handle floating point types.
            Result = UnknownVal();
          } else {
            nonloc::ConcreteInt X(getBasicVals().getValue(0, Ex->getType()));
            Result = evalBinOp(state, BO_EQ, V.castAs<NonLoc>(), X,

          state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, Result);
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state);

  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, EvalSet, U, *this);
Пример #21
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *CE,
                                       ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                       ExplodedNodeSet &destNodes) {
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();

  const MemRegion *Target = nullptr;

  // FIXME: Handle arrays, which run the same constructor for every element.
  // For now, we just run the first constructor (which should still invalidate
  // the entire array).

  switch (CE->getConstructionKind()) {
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Complete: {
    Target = getRegionForConstructedObject(CE, Pred, *this, currStmtIdx);
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_VirtualBase:
    // Make sure we are not calling virtual base class initializers twice.
    // Only the most-derived object should initialize virtual base classes.
    if (const Stmt *Outer = LCtx->getCurrentStackFrame()->getCallSite()) {
      const CXXConstructExpr *OuterCtor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(Outer);
      if (OuterCtor) {
        switch (OuterCtor->getConstructionKind()) {
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_NonVirtualBase:
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_VirtualBase:
          // Bail out!
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Complete:
        case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating:
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_NonVirtualBase:
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating: {
    const CXXMethodDecl *CurCtor = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(LCtx->getDecl());
    Loc ThisPtr = getSValBuilder().getCXXThis(CurCtor,
    SVal ThisVal = State->getSVal(ThisPtr);

    if (CE->getConstructionKind() == CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating) {
      Target = ThisVal.getAsRegion();
    } else {
      // Cast to the base type.
      bool IsVirtual =
        (CE->getConstructionKind() == CXXConstructExpr::CK_VirtualBase);
      SVal BaseVal = getStoreManager().evalDerivedToBase(ThisVal, CE->getType(),
      Target = BaseVal.getAsRegion();

  CallEventManager &CEMgr = getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
  CallEventRef<CXXConstructorCall> Call =
    CEMgr.getCXXConstructorCall(CE, Target, State, LCtx);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPreVisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(DstPreVisit, Pred, CE, *this);

  ExplodedNodeSet PreInitialized;
    StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(DstPreVisit, PreInitialized, *currBldrCtx);
    if (CE->requiresZeroInitialization()) {
      // Type of the zero doesn't matter.
      SVal ZeroVal = svalBuilder.makeZeroVal(getContext().CharTy);

      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = DstPreVisit.begin(),
                                     E = DstPreVisit.end();
           I != E; ++I) {
        ProgramStateRef State = (*I)->getState();
        // FIXME: Once we properly handle constructors in new-expressions, we'll
        // need to invalidate the region before setting a default value, to make
        // sure there aren't any lingering bindings around. This probably needs
        // to happen regardless of whether or not the object is zero-initialized
        // to handle random fields of a placement-initialized object picking up
        // old bindings. We might only want to do it when we need to, though.
        // FIXME: This isn't actually correct for arrays -- we need to zero-
        // initialize the entire array, not just the first element -- but our
        // handling of arrays everywhere else is weak as well, so this shouldn't
        // actually make things worse. Placement new makes this tricky as well,
        // since it's then possible to be initializing one part of a multi-
        // dimensional array.
        State = State->bindDefault(loc::MemRegionVal(Target), ZeroVal);
        Bldr.generateNode(CE, *I, State, /*tag=*/nullptr,

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPreCall;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreCall(DstPreCall, PreInitialized,
                                            *Call, *this);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstEvaluated;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(DstPreCall, DstEvaluated, *currBldrCtx);

  bool IsArray = isa<ElementRegion>(Target);
  if (CE->getConstructor()->isTrivial() &&
      CE->getConstructor()->isCopyOrMoveConstructor() &&
      !IsArray) {
    // FIXME: Handle other kinds of trivial constructors as well.
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = DstPreCall.begin(), E = DstPreCall.end();
         I != E; ++I)
      performTrivialCopy(Bldr, *I, *Call);

  } else {
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = DstPreCall.begin(), E = DstPreCall.end();
         I != E; ++I)
      defaultEvalCall(Bldr, *I, *Call);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPostCall;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostCall(DstPostCall, DstEvaluated,
                                             *Call, *this);
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(destNodes, DstPostCall, CE, *this);
Пример #22
void ExprEngine::VisitUnaryOperator(const UnaryOperator* U, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                    ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // FIXME: Prechecks eventually go in ::Visit().
  ExplodedNodeSet CheckedSet;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(CheckedSet, Pred, U, *this);

  ExplodedNodeSet EvalSet;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(CheckedSet, EvalSet, *currBldrCtx);

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = CheckedSet.begin(), E = CheckedSet.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    switch (U->getOpcode()) {
    default: {
      ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
      VisitIncrementDecrementOperator(U, *I, Tmp);
    case UO_Real: {
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();

      // FIXME: We don't have complex SValues yet.
      if (Ex->getType()->isAnyComplexType()) {
        // Just report "Unknown."

      // For all other types, UO_Real is an identity operation.
      assert (U->getType() == Ex->getType());
      ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx,
                                               state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx)));

    case UO_Imag: {
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      // FIXME: We don't have complex SValues yet.
      if (Ex->getType()->isAnyComplexType()) {
        // Just report "Unknown."
      // For all other types, UO_Imag returns 0.
      ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
      SVal X = svalBuilder.makeZeroVal(Ex->getType());
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, X));

    case UO_AddrOf: {
      // Process pointer-to-member address operation.
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      if (const DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Ex)) {
        const ValueDecl *VD = DRE->getDecl();

        if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(VD) || isa<FieldDecl>(VD)) {
          ProgramStateRef State = (*I)->getState();
          const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
          SVal SV = svalBuilder.getMemberPointer(cast<DeclaratorDecl>(VD));
          Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, State->BindExpr(U, LCtx, SV));
      // Explicitly proceed with default handler for this case cascade.
      handleUOExtension(I, U, Bldr);
    case UO_Plus:
      // FALL-THROUGH.
    case UO_Deref:
    case UO_Extension: {
      handleUOExtension(I, U, Bldr);

    case UO_LNot:
    case UO_Minus:
    case UO_Not: {
      assert (!U->isGLValue());
      const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
      ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();

      // Get the value of the subexpression.
      SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);

      if (V.isUnknownOrUndef()) {
        Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, V));

      switch (U->getOpcode()) {
          llvm_unreachable("Invalid Opcode.");
        case UO_Not:
          // FIXME: Do we need to handle promotions?
          state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, evalComplement(V.castAs<NonLoc>()));
        case UO_Minus:
          // FIXME: Do we need to handle promotions?
          state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, evalMinus(V.castAs<NonLoc>()));
        case UO_LNot:
          // C99 "The expression !E is equivalent to (0==E)."
          //  Note: technically we do "E == 0", but this is the same in the
          //    transfer functions as "0 == E".
          SVal Result;
          if (Optional<Loc> LV = V.getAs<Loc>()) {
            Loc X = svalBuilder.makeNullWithType(Ex->getType());
            Result = evalBinOp(state, BO_EQ, *LV, X, U->getType());
          } else if (Ex->getType()->isFloatingType()) {
            // FIXME: handle floating point types.
            Result = UnknownVal();
          } else {
            nonloc::ConcreteInt X(getBasicVals().getValue(0, Ex->getType()));
            Result = evalBinOp(state, BO_EQ, V.castAs<NonLoc>(), X,

          state = state->BindExpr(U, LCtx, Result);
      Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state);

  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, EvalSet, U, *this);
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *CE,
                                       ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                       ExplodedNodeSet &destNodes) {
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();

  const MemRegion *Target = 0;

  switch (CE->getConstructionKind()) {
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Complete: {
    // See if we're constructing an existing region by looking at the next
    // element in the CFG.
    const CFGBlock *B = currBldrCtx->getBlock();
    if (currStmtIdx + 1 < B->size()) {
      CFGElement Next = (*B)[currStmtIdx+1];

      // Is this a constructor for a local variable?
      if (const CFGStmt *StmtElem = dyn_cast<CFGStmt>(&Next)) {
        if (const DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(StmtElem->getStmt())) {
          if (const VarDecl *Var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DS->getSingleDecl())) {
            if (Var->getInit()->IgnoreImplicit() == CE) {
              QualType Ty = Var->getType();
              if (const ArrayType *AT = getContext().getAsArrayType(Ty)) {
                // FIXME: Handle arrays, which run the same constructor for
                // every element. This workaround will just run the first
                // constructor (which should still invalidate the entire array).
                SVal Base = State->getLValue(Var, LCtx);
                Target = State->getLValue(AT->getElementType(),
              } else {
                Target = State->getLValue(Var, LCtx).getAsRegion();
      // Is this a constructor for a member?
      if (const CFGInitializer *InitElem = dyn_cast<CFGInitializer>(&Next)) {
        const CXXCtorInitializer *Init = InitElem->getInitializer();

        const CXXMethodDecl *CurCtor = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(LCtx->getDecl());
        Loc ThisPtr = getSValBuilder().getCXXThis(CurCtor,
        SVal ThisVal = State->getSVal(ThisPtr);

        if (Init->isIndirectMemberInitializer()) {
          SVal Field = State->getLValue(Init->getIndirectMember(), ThisVal);
          Target = Field.getAsRegion();
        } else {
          SVal Field = State->getLValue(Init->getMember(), ThisVal);
          Target = Field.getAsRegion();

      // FIXME: This will eventually need to handle new-expressions as well.

    // If we couldn't find an existing region to construct into, assume we're
    // constructing a temporary.
    if (!Target) {
      MemRegionManager &MRMgr = getSValBuilder().getRegionManager();
      Target = MRMgr.getCXXTempObjectRegion(CE, LCtx);

  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_NonVirtualBase:
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_VirtualBase:
  case CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating: {
    const CXXMethodDecl *CurCtor = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(LCtx->getDecl());
    Loc ThisPtr = getSValBuilder().getCXXThis(CurCtor,
    SVal ThisVal = State->getSVal(ThisPtr);

    if (CE->getConstructionKind() == CXXConstructExpr::CK_Delegating) {
      Target = ThisVal.getAsRegion();
    } else {
      // Cast to the base type.
      QualType BaseTy = CE->getType();
      SVal BaseVal = getStoreManager().evalDerivedToBase(ThisVal, BaseTy);
      Target = BaseVal.getAsRegion();

  CallEventManager &CEMgr = getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
  CallEventRef<CXXConstructorCall> Call =
    CEMgr.getCXXConstructorCall(CE, Target, State, LCtx);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPreVisit;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(DstPreVisit, Pred, CE, *this);
  ExplodedNodeSet DstPreCall;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreCall(DstPreCall, DstPreVisit,
                                            *Call, *this);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstInvalidated;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(DstPreCall, DstInvalidated, *currBldrCtx);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = DstPreCall.begin(), E = DstPreCall.end();
       I != E; ++I)
    defaultEvalCall(Bldr, *I, *Call);

  ExplodedNodeSet DstPostCall;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostCall(DstPostCall, DstInvalidated,
                                             *Call, *this);
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(destNodes, DstPostCall, CE, *this);
Пример #24
void ExprEngine::VisitCast(const CastExpr *CastE, const Expr *Ex, 
                           ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  ExplodedNodeSet dstPreStmt;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(dstPreStmt, Pred, CastE, *this);
  if (CastE->getCastKind() == CK_LValueToRValue) {
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = dstPreStmt.begin(), E = dstPreStmt.end();
         I!=E; ++I) {
      ExplodedNode *subExprNode = *I;
      const ProgramState *state = subExprNode->getState();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = subExprNode->getLocationContext();
      evalLoad(Dst, CastE, subExprNode, state, state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx));
  // All other casts.  
  QualType T = CastE->getType();
  QualType ExTy = Ex->getType();
  if (const ExplicitCastExpr *ExCast=dyn_cast_or_null<ExplicitCastExpr>(CastE))
    T = ExCast->getTypeAsWritten();
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(dstPreStmt, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = dstPreStmt.begin(), E = dstPreStmt.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    Pred = *I;
    switch (CastE->getCastKind()) {
      case CK_LValueToRValue:
        llvm_unreachable("LValueToRValue casts handled earlier.");
      case CK_ToVoid:
        // The analyzer doesn't do anything special with these casts,
        // since it understands retain/release semantics already.
      case CK_ARCProduceObject:
      case CK_ARCConsumeObject:
      case CK_ARCReclaimReturnedObject:
      case CK_ARCExtendBlockObject: // Fall-through.
        // The analyser can ignore atomic casts for now, although some future
        // checkers may want to make certain that you're not modifying the same
        // value through atomic and nonatomic pointers.
      case CK_AtomicToNonAtomic:
      case CK_NonAtomicToAtomic:
        // True no-ops.
      case CK_NoOp:
      case CK_FunctionToPointerDecay: {
        // Copy the SVal of Ex to CastE.
        const ProgramState *state = Pred->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
        SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, V);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
      case CK_Dependent:
      case CK_ArrayToPointerDecay:
      case CK_BitCast:
      case CK_LValueBitCast:
      case CK_IntegralCast:
      case CK_NullToPointer:
      case CK_IntegralToPointer:
      case CK_PointerToIntegral:
      case CK_PointerToBoolean:
      case CK_IntegralToBoolean:
      case CK_IntegralToFloating:
      case CK_FloatingToIntegral:
      case CK_FloatingToBoolean:
      case CK_FloatingCast:
      case CK_FloatingRealToComplex:
      case CK_FloatingComplexToReal:
      case CK_FloatingComplexToBoolean:
      case CK_FloatingComplexCast:
      case CK_FloatingComplexToIntegralComplex:
      case CK_IntegralRealToComplex:
      case CK_IntegralComplexToReal:
      case CK_IntegralComplexToBoolean:
      case CK_IntegralComplexCast:
      case CK_IntegralComplexToFloatingComplex:
      case CK_CPointerToObjCPointerCast:
      case CK_BlockPointerToObjCPointerCast:
      case CK_AnyPointerToBlockPointerCast:  
      case CK_ObjCObjectLValueCast: {
        // Delegate to SValBuilder to process.
        const ProgramState *state = Pred->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
        SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
        V = svalBuilder.evalCast(V, T, ExTy);
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, V);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
      case CK_DerivedToBase:
      case CK_UncheckedDerivedToBase: {
        // For DerivedToBase cast, delegate to the store manager.
        const ProgramState *state = Pred->getState();
        const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
        SVal val = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
        val = getStoreManager().evalDerivedToBase(val, T);
        state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, val);
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);
        // Various C++ casts that are not handled yet.
      case CK_Dynamic:
      case CK_ToUnion:
      case CK_BaseToDerived:
      case CK_NullToMemberPointer:
      case CK_BaseToDerivedMemberPointer:
      case CK_DerivedToBaseMemberPointer:
      case CK_UserDefinedConversion:
      case CK_ConstructorConversion:
      case CK_VectorSplat:
      case CK_MemberPointerToBoolean: {
        // Recover some path-sensitivty by conjuring a new value.
        QualType resultType = CastE->getType();
        if (CastE->isLValue())
          resultType = getContext().getPointerType(resultType);
        SVal result =
        svalBuilder.getConjuredSymbolVal(NULL, CastE, resultType,
        const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
        const ProgramState *state = Pred->getState()->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx,
        Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);