Пример #1
FReply SButton::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	FReply Reply = FReply::Unhandled();
	if (IsEnabled() && (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Enter || InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::SpaceBar || InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom))

		if (PressMethod == EButtonPressMethod::ButtonPress)
			//execute our "OnClicked" delegate, and get the reply
			Reply = OnClicked.IsBound() ? OnClicked.Execute() : FReply::Handled();

			//You should ALWAYS handle the OnClicked event.
			ensure(Reply.IsEventHandled() == true);
			Reply = FReply::Handled();
		Reply = SBorder::OnKeyDown(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);

	//return the constructed reply
	return Reply;
Пример #2
FReply SAssetPicker::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	// Up and down move thru the filtered list
	int32 SelectionDelta = 0;

	if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Up)
		SelectionDelta = -1;
	else if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Down)
		SelectionDelta = +1;
	else if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Enter)
		TArray<FAssetData> SelectionSet = AssetViewPtr->GetSelectedAssets();
		HandleAssetsActivated(SelectionSet, EAssetTypeActivationMethod::Opened);

		return FReply::Handled();

	if (SelectionDelta != 0)

		return FReply::Handled();

	if (Commands->ProcessCommandBindings(InKeyEvent))
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #3
FReply SWidget::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	if (SupportsKeyboardFocus())
		EUINavigation Direction = FSlateApplicationBase::Get().GetNavigationDirectionFromKey( InKeyEvent );
		// It's the left stick return a navigation request of the correct direction
		if ( Direction != EUINavigation::Invalid )
			return FReply::Handled().SetNavigation( Direction );
		else if ( InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Tab )
			//@TODO: Really these uses of input should be at a lower priority, only occurring if nothing else handled them
			// For now this code prevents consuming them when some modifiers are held down, allowing some limited binding
			const bool bAllowEatingKeyEvents = !InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsCommandDown();

			if (bAllowEatingKeyEvents)
				EUINavigation MoveDirection = (InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown())
					? EUINavigation::Previous
					: EUINavigation::Next;
				return FReply::Handled().SetNavigation(MoveDirection);
	return FReply::Unhandled();
	virtual FReply OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent) override
		const FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
		if (Key == EKeys::Enter)
			MenuOwner->HandleLoginUIClosed(TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId>(), 0);
		else if (!MenuOwner->GetControlsLocked() && Key == EKeys::Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom)
			bool bSkipToMainMenu = true;

				const auto OnlineSub = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
				if (OnlineSub)
					const auto IdentityInterface = OnlineSub->GetIdentityInterface();
					if (IdentityInterface.IsValid())
						TSharedPtr<GenericApplication> GenericApplication = FSlateApplication::Get().GetPlatformApplication();
						const bool bIsLicensed = GenericApplication->ApplicationLicenseValid();

						const auto LoginStatus = IdentityInterface->GetLoginStatus(InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex());
						if (LoginStatus == ELoginStatus::NotLoggedIn || !bIsLicensed)
							// Show the account picker.
							const auto ExternalUI = OnlineSub->GetExternalUIInterface();
							if (ExternalUI.IsValid())
								ExternalUI->ShowLoginUI(InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex(), false, IOnlineExternalUI::FOnLoginUIClosedDelegate::CreateSP(MenuOwner, &FShooterWelcomeMenu::HandleLoginUIClosed));
								bSkipToMainMenu = false;

			if (bSkipToMainMenu)
				const auto OnlineSub = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
				if (OnlineSub)
					const auto IdentityInterface = OnlineSub->GetIdentityInterface();
					if (IdentityInterface.IsValid())
						TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId> UserId = IdentityInterface->GetUniquePlayerId(InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex());
						// If we couldn't show the external login UI for any reason, or if the user is
						// already logged in, just advance to the main menu immediately.
						MenuOwner->HandleLoginUIClosed(UserId, InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex());

			return FReply::Handled();

		return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #5
FReply SSuperSearchBox::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent )
	if(SuggestionBox->IsOpen() && Suggestions.Num())
		if(KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Up || KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Down)
			if(KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Up)
				//if we're at the top swing around
				if(SelectedSuggestion == 1)
					SelectedSuggestion = Suggestions.Num() - 1;
					// got one up

					//make sure we're not selecting category
					if (Suggestions[SelectedSuggestion]->bCategory)
						//we know that category is never shown empty so above us will be fine

			if(KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Down)
				if(SelectedSuggestion < Suggestions.Num() - 1)
					// go one down, possibly from edit control to top

					//make sure we're not selecting category
					if (Suggestions[SelectedSuggestion]->bCategory)
						//we know that category is never shown empty so below us will be fine
					// back to edit control
					SelectedSuggestion = 1;


			return FReply::Handled();
	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #6
FReply STableViewBase::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	if ( InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::End )
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #7
FReply SMultiBoxWidget::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent )
	SCompoundWidget::OnKeyDown(MyGeometry, KeyEvent);

	// allow use of up and down keys to transfer focus/hover state
	if(KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Up || KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Down)
		return FocusNextWidget(EUINavigation::Next);

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #8
FValorActionInputBinding UInputBlueprintLibrary::K2_GetInputAction(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
	FValorActionInputBinding Binding;

	Binding.Key = KeyEvent.GetKey();
	Binding.KeyAsString = Binding.Key.GetDisplayName().ToString();

	Binding.bAlt = KeyEvent.IsAltDown();
	Binding.bCtrl = KeyEvent.IsControlDown();
	Binding.bShift = KeyEvent.IsShiftDown();
	Binding.bCmd = KeyEvent.IsCommandDown();

	return Binding;
FReply SAssetSearchBox::HandleKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
    if ( SuggestionBox->IsOpen() && (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Up || InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Down) )
        const bool bSelectingUp = InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Up;
        TSharedPtr<FString> SelectedSuggestion = GetSelectedSuggestion();

        if ( SelectedSuggestion.IsValid() )
            // Find the selection index and select the previous or next one
            int32 TargetIdx = INDEX_NONE;
            for ( int32 SuggestionIdx = 0; SuggestionIdx < Suggestions.Num(); ++SuggestionIdx )
                if ( Suggestions[SuggestionIdx] == SelectedSuggestion )
                    if ( bSelectingUp )
                        TargetIdx = SuggestionIdx - 1;
                        TargetIdx = SuggestionIdx + 1;

            if ( Suggestions.IsValidIndex(TargetIdx) )
                SuggestionListView->SetSelection( Suggestions[TargetIdx] );
                SuggestionListView->RequestScrollIntoView( Suggestions[TargetIdx] );
        else if ( !bSelectingUp && Suggestions.Num() > 0 )
            // Nothing selected and pressed down, select the first item
            SuggestionListView->SetSelection( Suggestions[0] );

        return FReply::Handled();

    if (OnKeyDownHandler.IsBound())
        return OnKeyDownHandler.Execute(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);

    return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #10
FReply SVisualLoggerLogsList::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::C && (InKeyEvent.IsLeftCommandDown() || InKeyEvent.IsLeftControlDown()))
		FString ClipboardString;
		for (const TSharedPtr<struct FLogEntryItem>& CurrentItem : LogsLinesWidget->GetSelectedItems())
			ClipboardString += CurrentItem->Category + FString(TEXT(" (")) + FString(FOutputDevice::VerbosityToString(CurrentItem->Verbosity)) + FString(TEXT(") ")) + CurrentItem->Line;
			ClipboardString += TEXT("\n");
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
int32 FCEFWebBrowserWindow::GetCefKeyboardModifiers(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
	int32 Modifiers = GetCefInputModifiers(KeyEvent);

	const FKey Key = KeyEvent.GetKey();
	if (Key == EKeys::LeftAlt ||
		Key == EKeys::LeftCommand ||
		Key == EKeys::LeftControl ||
		Key == EKeys::LeftShift)
		Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_IS_LEFT;
	if (Key == EKeys::RightAlt ||
		Key == EKeys::RightCommand ||
		Key == EKeys::RightControl ||
		Key == EKeys::RightShift)
		Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_IS_RIGHT;
	if (Key == EKeys::NumPadZero ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadOne ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadTwo ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadThree ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadFour ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadFive ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadSix ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadSeven ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadEight ||
		Key == EKeys::NumPadNine)
		Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_IS_KEY_PAD;

	return Modifiers;
FReply FFaceFXComboChoiceWidget::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& Geometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyboardEvent)
	if(KeyboardEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape)
		return HandleButtonClicked(EAppReturnType::Cancel);
	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #13
		virtual FReply OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent ) override
			if (OnKeyDownDelegate.IsBound())
				return OnKeyDownDelegate.Execute(InKeyEvent.GetKey());

			return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #14
FReply SFlareKeyBind::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	if (bWaitingForKey)
		return FReply::Handled();
	return FReply::Unhandled();
FReply SInlineEditableTextBlock::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	if(InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::F2)
		return FReply::Handled();
	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #16
FReply SPropertyComboBox::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	const FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();

	if(Key == EKeys::Up)
		const int32 SelectionIndex = ComboItemList.Find( GetSelectedItem() );
		if ( SelectionIndex >= 1 )
			if (RestrictedList.Num() > 0)
				// find & select the previous unrestricted item
				for(int32 TestIndex = SelectionIndex - 1; TestIndex >= 0; TestIndex--)
						SComboBox< TSharedPtr<FString> >::SetSelectedItem(ComboItemList[TestIndex]);
				SComboBox< TSharedPtr<FString> >::SetSelectedItem(ComboItemList[SelectionIndex - 1]);

		return FReply::Handled();
	else if(Key == EKeys::Down)
		const int32 SelectionIndex = ComboItemList.Find( GetSelectedItem() );
		if ( SelectionIndex < ComboItemList.Num() - 1 )
			if (RestrictedList.Num() > 0)
				// find & select the next unrestricted item
				for(int32 TestIndex = SelectionIndex + 1; TestIndex < RestrictedList.Num() && TestIndex < ComboItemList.Num(); TestIndex++)
						SComboBox< TSharedPtr<FString> >::SetSelectedItem(ComboItemList[TestIndex]);
				SComboBox< TSharedPtr<FString> >::SetSelectedItem(ComboItemList[SelectionIndex + 1]);

		return FReply::Handled();

	return SComboBox< TSharedPtr<FString> >::OnKeyDown( MyGeometry, InKeyEvent );
FReply SSequencerLabelEditor::HandleFilterBoxKeyDown(const FGeometry& /*Geometry*/, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
	if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Enter)
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #18
	/** Used to intercept Escape key presses, then interprets them as cancel */
	virtual FReply OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
		// Pressing escape returns as if the user canceled
		if ( InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape )
			return OnButtonClick(FDlgDeltaTransform::Cancel);

		return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #19
FReply SColorGradientEditor::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	if ( IsEditingEnabled.Get() == true && InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Platform_Delete )
		DeleteStop( SelectedStop );
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #20
/** Called when the player presses a key and this widget has focus */
FReply UMurphysLawInGameMenu::NativeOnKeyDown(const FGeometry& InGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape)
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
FReply SGlobalOpenAssetDialog::OnPreviewKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape)
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #22
FValorAxisInputBinding UInputBlueprintLibrary::K2_GetInputAxis(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
	FValorAxisInputBinding Binding;
	Binding.Key = KeyEvent.GetKey();
	Binding.KeyAsString = Binding.Key.GetDisplayName().ToString();

	Binding.Scale = 1;

	return Binding;
Пример #23

FReply SAssetDialog::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	if ( InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape )
		return FReply::Handled();

	return SCompoundWidget::OnKeyDown(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);
Пример #24
FReply FSceneViewport::OnKeyUp( const FGeometry& InGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	// Start a new reply state
	CurrentReplyState = FReply::Handled(); 

	FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
	KeyStateMap.Add( Key, false );
	if( ViewportClient && GetSizeXY() != FIntPoint::ZeroValue  )
		// Switch to the viewport clients world before processing input
		FScopedConditionalWorldSwitcher WorldSwitcher( ViewportClient );

		if (!ViewportClient->InputKey(this, InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex(), Key, IE_Released, 1.0f, Key.IsGamepadKey()))
			CurrentReplyState = FReply::Unhandled();

	return CurrentReplyState;
Пример #25
FReply FSceneViewport::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& InGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	// Start a new reply state
	CurrentReplyState = FReply::Handled(); 

	FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
	KeyStateMap.Add( Key, true );

	//@todo Slate Viewports: FWindowsViewport checks for Alt+Enter or F11 and toggles fullscreen.  Unknown if fullscreen via this method will be needed for slate viewports. 
	if( ViewportClient && GetSizeXY() != FIntPoint::ZeroValue  )
		// Switch to the viewport clients world before processing input
		FScopedConditionalWorldSwitcher WorldSwitcher( ViewportClient );

		if (!ViewportClient->InputKey(this, InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex(), Key, InKeyEvent.IsRepeat() ? IE_Repeat : IE_Pressed, 1.0f, Key.IsGamepadKey()))
			CurrentReplyState = FReply::Unhandled();
	return CurrentReplyState;
FReply SAssetSearchBox::OnPreviewKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
    if ( SuggestionBox->IsOpen() && InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape )
        // Clear any selection first to prevent the currently selection being set in the text box
        SuggestionBox->SetIsOpen(false, false);
        return FReply::Handled();

    return FReply::Unhandled();
FReply SAblAbilityPreviewAssetClassDlg::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Escape)
		m_bOkClicked = false;


		return FReply::Handled();

	return SWidget::OnKeyDown(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);
Пример #28
void FWebBrowserWindow::OnKeyDown(const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	if (IsValid())
		CefKeyEvent KeyEvent;
		KeyEvent.native_key_code = InKeyEvent.GetKeyCode();
		KeyEvent.character = InKeyEvent.GetCharacter();
		KeyEvent.windows_key_code = InKeyEvent.GetKeyCode();
		// TODO: Figure out whether this is a system key if we come across problems
		/*KeyEvent.is_system_key = message == WM_SYSCHAR ||
			message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
			message == WM_SYSKEYUP;*/

		KeyEvent.modifiers = GetCefKeyboardModifiers(InKeyEvent);

FReply SPythonEditableText::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	FReply Reply = FReply::Unhandled();
	if (InKeyEvent.GetKeyCode() == 9)
		Reply = FReply::Handled();
	else if (InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && InKeyEvent.GetKeyCode() == 13)
		Reply = FReply::Handled();
		Reply = SMultiLineEditableText::OnKeyDown(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);

	//FString test;

	return Reply;
	virtual FReply HandleChatKeyEntry(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent) override
		FReply Reply = FReply::Unhandled();
		if(KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Tab || KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Enter)
			if(SelectedChatTip.IsValid() && ProcessedInput.IsValid() && ProcessedInput->NeedsTip == true )
				Reply = FReply::Handled();
		else if(KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Up)
			Reply = FReply::Handled();
		else if( KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Down)
			Reply = FReply::Handled();
		return Reply;