void CameraMovementController::update( float timeElapsed )
   float speedMul =m_uic->isKeyPressed( VK_SHIFT ) ? 4.0f : 1.0f;
   FastFloat movementSpeed; movementSpeed.setFromFloat( 10.0f * speedMul * timeElapsed );
   FastFloat negMovementSpeed; negMovementSpeed.setNeg( movementSpeed );
   float rotationSpeed = 0.1f * timeElapsed;

   // check which keys are pressed
   m_movementDir[MD_FRONT] = m_uic->isKeyPressed( 'W' );
   m_movementDir[MD_BACK] = m_uic->isKeyPressed( 'S' );
   m_movementDir[MD_LEFT] = m_uic->isKeyPressed( 'A' );
   m_movementDir[MD_RIGHT] = m_uic->isKeyPressed( 'D' );

   m_rotating = m_uic->isKeyPressed( VK_RBUTTON );
   m_uic->setRelativeMouseMovement( m_rotating );

   // process the keys
   Vector moveVec;
   if ( m_movementDir[MD_FRONT] )  
      moveVec.setMul( m_cameraController->getLookVec(), movementSpeed );
      m_cameraController->move( moveVec ); 

   if ( m_movementDir[MD_BACK] )
      moveVec.setMul( m_cameraController->getLookVec(), negMovementSpeed );
      m_cameraController->move( moveVec ); 

   if ( m_movementDir[MD_LEFT] )   
      moveVec.setMul( m_cameraController->getRightVec(), negMovementSpeed );
      m_cameraController->move( moveVec ); 

   if ( m_movementDir[MD_RIGHT] )
      moveVec.setMul( m_cameraController->getRightVec(), movementSpeed );
      m_cameraController->move( moveVec ); 

   if ( m_rotating )
      float mouseSpeedX = m_uic->getMouseSpeed().v[0] * rotationSpeed;
      float mouseSpeedY = m_uic->getMouseSpeed().v[1] * rotationSpeed;
      m_cameraController->rotate( mouseSpeedY, mouseSpeedX );
Пример #2
bool Frustum::isInside( const Sphere& sphere ) const
   FastFloat negSphereRad;
   negSphereRad.setNeg( sphere.radius );

   for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
      const FastFloat n = planes[i].dotCoord( sphere.origin );
      if ( n < negSphereRad ) 
         return false;

   return true;
Пример #3
void Camera::lookAt( Entity& node, const FastFloat& distance, const Vector& upVec )
   const Matrix& targetNodeMtx = node.getGlobalMtx();
   const Vector& targetNodePos = targetNodeMtx.position();
   const Vector& targetNodeLookVec = targetNodeMtx.forwardVec();

   // I used to normalize the look vector here, but is there a need to do it really? we assume
   // it's always normalized
   ASSERT_MSG( targetNodeLookVec.isNormalized(), "Look vector not normalized" );
   FastFloat negDist;
   negDist.setNeg( distance );
   Vector newPosition;
   newPosition.setMul( targetNodeLookVec, negDist );
   newPosition.add( targetNodePos );

   Matrix lookAtMtx;
   MatrixUtils::generateLookAtLH( newPosition, targetNodePos, upVec, lookAtMtx );
   setLocalMtx( lookAtMtx );