osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult ReaderWriterFBX::readNode(const std::string& filenameInit, const Options* options) const { try { std::string ext(osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(filenameInit)); if (!acceptsExtension(ext)) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED; std::string filename(osgDB::findDataFile(filenameInit, options)); if (filename.empty()) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_FOUND; FbxManager* pSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (!pSdkManager) { return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE; } CleanUpFbx cleanUpFbx(pSdkManager); pSdkManager->SetIOSettings(FbxIOSettings::Create(pSdkManager, IOSROOT)); FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pSdkManager, ""); // The FBX SDK interprets the filename as UTF-8 #ifdef OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME const std::string& utf8filename(filename); #else std::string utf8filename(osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8(filename)); #endif FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(pSdkManager, ""); if (!lImporter->Initialize(utf8filename.c_str(), -1, pSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lImporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } if (!lImporter->IsFBX()) { return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE; } for (int i = 0; FbxTakeInfo* lTakeInfo = lImporter->GetTakeInfo(i); i++) { lTakeInfo->mSelect = true; } if (!lImporter->Import(pScene)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lImporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } //FbxAxisSystem::OpenGL.ConvertScene(pScene); // Doesn't work as expected. Still need to transform vertices. if (FbxNode* pNode = pScene->GetRootNode()) { bool useFbxRoot = false; bool lightmapTextures = false; bool tessellatePolygons = false; if (options) { std::istringstream iss(options->getOptionString()); std::string opt; while (iss >> opt) { if (opt == "UseFbxRoot") { useFbxRoot = true; } if (opt == "LightmapTextures") { lightmapTextures = true; } if (opt == "TessellatePolygons") { tessellatePolygons = true; } } } bool bIsBone = false; int nLightCount = 0; osg::ref_ptr<Options> localOptions = NULL; if (options) localOptions = options->cloneOptions(); else localOptions = new osgDB::Options(); localOptions->setObjectCacheHint(osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options::CACHE_IMAGES); std::string filePath = osgDB::getFilePath(filename); FbxMaterialToOsgStateSet fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet(filePath, localOptions.get(), lightmapTextures); std::set<const FbxNode*> fbxSkeletons; findLinkedFbxSkeletonNodes(pNode, fbxSkeletons); OsgFbxReader::AuthoringTool authoringTool = OsgFbxReader::UNKNOWN; if (FbxDocumentInfo* pDocInfo = pScene->GetDocumentInfo()) { struct ToolName { const char* name; OsgFbxReader::AuthoringTool tool; }; ToolName authoringTools[] = { {"OpenSceneGraph", OsgFbxReader::OPENSCENEGRAPH}, {"3ds Max", OsgFbxReader::AUTODESK_3DSTUDIO_MAX} }; FbxString appName = pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationName.Get(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(authoringTools) / sizeof(authoringTools[0]); ++i) { if (0 == #ifdef WIN32 _strnicmp #else strncasecmp #endif (appName, authoringTools[i].name, strlen(authoringTools[i].name))) { authoringTool = authoringTools[i].tool; break; } } } OsgFbxReader reader(*pSdkManager, *pScene, fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet, fbxSkeletons, *localOptions, authoringTool, lightmapTextures, tessellatePolygons); ReadResult res = reader.readFbxNode(pNode, bIsBone, nLightCount); if (res.success()) { fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet.checkInvertTransparency(); resolveBindMatrices(*res.getNode(), reader.boneBindMatrices, reader.nodeMap); osg::Node* osgNode = res.getNode(); osgNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL,osg::StateAttribute::ON); osgNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_NORMALIZE,osg::StateAttribute::ON); if (reader.pAnimationManager.valid()) { if (osgNode->getUpdateCallback()) { osg::Group* osgGroup = new osg::Group; osgGroup->addChild(osgNode); osgNode = osgGroup; } //because the animations may be altered after registering reader.pAnimationManager->buildTargetReference(); osgNode->setUpdateCallback(reader.pAnimationManager.get()); } FbxAxisSystem fbxAxis = pScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem(); if (fbxAxis != FbxAxisSystem::OpenGL) { int upSign; FbxAxisSystem::EUpVector eUp = fbxAxis.GetUpVector(upSign); bool bLeftHanded = fbxAxis.GetCoorSystem() == FbxAxisSystem::eLeftHanded; float fSign = upSign < 0 ? -1.0f : 1.0f; float zScale = bLeftHanded ? -1.0f : 1.0f; osg::Matrix mat; switch (eUp) { case FbxAxisSystem::eXAxis: mat.set(0,fSign,0,0,-fSign,0,0,0,0,0,zScale,0,0,0,0,1); break; case FbxAxisSystem::eYAxis: mat.set(1,0,0,0,0,fSign,0,0,0,0,fSign*zScale,0,0,0,0,1); break; case FbxAxisSystem::eZAxis: mat.set(1,0,0,0,0,0,-fSign*zScale,0,0,fSign,0,0,0,0,0,1); break; } osg::Transform* pTransformTemp = osgNode->asTransform(); osg::MatrixTransform* pMatrixTransform = pTransformTemp ? pTransformTemp->asMatrixTransform() : NULL; if (pMatrixTransform) { pMatrixTransform->setMatrix(pMatrixTransform->getMatrix() * mat); } else { pMatrixTransform = new osg::MatrixTransform(mat); if (useFbxRoot && isBasicRootNode(*osgNode)) { // If root node is a simple group, put all FBX elements under the OSG root osg::Group* osgGroup = osgNode->asGroup(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < osgGroup->getNumChildren(); ++i) { pMatrixTransform->addChild(osgGroup->getChild(i)); } pMatrixTransform->setName(osgGroup->getName()); } else { pMatrixTransform->addChild(osgNode); } } osgNode = pMatrixTransform; } osgNode->setName(filenameInit); return osgNode; } } } catch (...) { OSG_WARN << "Exception thrown while importing \"" << filenameInit << '\"' << std::endl; } return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE; }
osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult ReaderWriterFBX::writeNode( const osg::Node& node, const std::string& filename, const Options* options) const { try { std::string ext = osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(filename); if (!acceptsExtension(ext)) return WriteResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED; osg::ref_ptr<Options> localOptions = options ? static_cast<Options*>(options->clone(osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)) : new Options; localOptions->getDatabasePathList().push_front(osgDB::getFilePath(filename)); FbxManager* pSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (!pSdkManager) { return WriteResult::ERROR_IN_WRITING_FILE; } CleanUpFbx cleanUpFbx(pSdkManager); pSdkManager->SetIOSettings(FbxIOSettings::Create(pSdkManager, IOSROOT)); bool useFbxRoot = false; if (options) { std::istringstream iss(options->getOptionString()); std::string opt; while (iss >> opt) { if (opt == "Embedded") { pSdkManager->GetIOSettings()->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_EMBEDDED, true); } else if (opt == "UseFbxRoot") { useFbxRoot = true; } } } FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pSdkManager, ""); pluginfbx::WriterNodeVisitor writerNodeVisitor(pScene, pSdkManager, filename, options, osgDB::getFilePath(node.getName().empty() ? filename : node.getName())); if (useFbxRoot && isBasicRootNode(node)) { // If root node is a simple group, put all elements under the FBX root const osg::Group * osgGroup = node.asGroup(); for (unsigned int child = 0; child < osgGroup->getNumChildren(); ++child) { const_cast<osg::Node *>(osgGroup->getChild(child))->accept(writerNodeVisitor); } } else { // Normal scene const_cast<osg::Node&>(node).accept(writerNodeVisitor); } FbxDocumentInfo* pDocInfo = pScene->GetDocumentInfo(); bool needNewDocInfo = pDocInfo != NULL; if (needNewDocInfo) { pDocInfo = FbxDocumentInfo::Create(pSdkManager, ""); } pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationName.Set(FbxString("OpenSceneGraph")); pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationVersion.Set(FbxString(osgGetVersion())); if (needNewDocInfo) { pScene->SetDocumentInfo(pDocInfo); } FbxExporter* lExporter = FbxExporter::Create(pSdkManager, ""); pScene->GetGlobalSettings().SetAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eOpenGL); // Ensure the directory exists or else the FBX SDK will fail if (!osgDB::makeDirectoryForFile(filename)) { OSG_NOTICE << "Can't create directory for file '" << filename << "'. FBX SDK may fail creating the file." << std::endl; } // The FBX SDK interprets the filename as UTF-8 #ifdef OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME const std::string& utf8filename(filename); #else std::string utf8filename(osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8(filename)); #endif if (!lExporter->Initialize(utf8filename.c_str())) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } if (!lExporter->Export(pScene)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } return WriteResult::FILE_SAVED; } catch (const std::string& s) { return s; } catch (const char* s) { return std::string(s); } catch (...) { } return WriteResult::ERROR_IN_WRITING_FILE; }
osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult ReaderWriterFBX::writeNode( const osg::Node& node, const std::string& filename, const Options* options) const { try { std::string ext = osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(filename); if (!acceptsExtension(ext)) return WriteResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED; osg::ref_ptr<Options> localOptions = options ? static_cast<Options*>(options->clone(osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)) : new Options; localOptions->getDatabasePathList().push_front(osgDB::getFilePath(filename)); FbxManager* pSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (!pSdkManager) { return WriteResult::ERROR_IN_WRITING_FILE; } CleanUpFbx cleanUpFbx(pSdkManager); pSdkManager->SetIOSettings(FbxIOSettings::Create(pSdkManager, IOSROOT)); bool useFbxRoot = false; bool ascii(false); std::string exportVersion; if (options) { std::istringstream iss(options->getOptionString()); std::string opt; while (iss >> opt) { if (opt == "Embedded") { pSdkManager->GetIOSettings()->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_EMBEDDED, true); } else if (opt == "UseFbxRoot") { useFbxRoot = true; } else if (opt == "FBX-ASCII") { ascii = true; } else if (opt == "FBX-ExportVersion") { iss >> exportVersion; } } } FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pSdkManager, ""); if (options) { if (options->getPluginData("FBX-AssetUnitMeter")) { float unit = *static_cast<const float*>(options->getPluginData("FBX-AssetUnitMeter")); FbxSystemUnit kFbxSystemUnit(unit*100); pScene->GetGlobalSettings().SetSystemUnit(kFbxSystemUnit); } } pluginfbx::WriterNodeVisitor writerNodeVisitor(pScene, pSdkManager, filename, options, osgDB::getFilePath(node.getName().empty() ? filename : node.getName())); if (useFbxRoot && isBasicRootNode(node)) { // If root node is a simple group, put all elements under the FBX root const osg::Group * osgGroup = node.asGroup(); for (unsigned int child = 0; child < osgGroup->getNumChildren(); ++child) { const_cast<osg::Node *>(osgGroup->getChild(child))->accept(writerNodeVisitor); } } else { // Normal scene const_cast<osg::Node&>(node).accept(writerNodeVisitor); } FbxDocumentInfo* pDocInfo = pScene->GetDocumentInfo(); bool needNewDocInfo = pDocInfo != NULL; if (needNewDocInfo) { pDocInfo = FbxDocumentInfo::Create(pSdkManager, ""); } pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationName.Set(FbxString("OpenSceneGraph")); pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationVersion.Set(FbxString(osgGetVersion())); if (needNewDocInfo) { pScene->SetDocumentInfo(pDocInfo); } FbxExporter* lExporter = FbxExporter::Create(pSdkManager, ""); pScene->GetGlobalSettings().SetAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eOpenGL); // Ensure the directory exists or else the FBX SDK will fail if (!osgDB::makeDirectoryForFile(filename)) { OSG_NOTICE << "Can't create directory for file '" << filename << "'. FBX SDK may fail creating the file." << std::endl; } // The FBX SDK interprets the filename as UTF-8 #ifdef OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME const std::string& utf8filename(filename); #else std::string utf8filename(osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8(filename)); #endif // Output format selection. Here we only handle "recent" FBX, binary or ASCII. // pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->GetWriterFormatDescription() / GetReaderFormatCount() gives the following list: //FBX binary (*.fbx) //FBX ascii (*.fbx) //FBX encrypted (*.fbx) //FBX 6.0 binary (*.fbx) //FBX 6.0 ascii (*.fbx) //FBX 6.0 encrypted (*.fbx) //AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf) //Alias OBJ (*.obj) //Collada DAE (*.dae) //Biovision BVH (*.bvh) //Motion Analysis HTR (*.htr) //Motion Analysis TRC (*.trc) //Acclaim ASF (*.asf) int format = ascii ? pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->FindWriterIDByDescription("FBX ascii (*.fbx)") : -1; // -1 = Default if (!lExporter->Initialize(utf8filename.c_str(), format)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } if (!exportVersion.empty() && !lExporter->SetFileExportVersion(FbxString(exportVersion.c_str()), FbxSceneRenamer::eNone)) { std::stringstream versionsStr; char const * const * versions = lExporter->GetCurrentWritableVersions(); if (versions) for(; *versions; ++versions) versionsStr << " " << *versions; OSG_WARN << "Can't set FBX export version to '" << exportVersion << "'. Using default. Available export versions are:" << versionsStr.str() << std::endl; } if (!lExporter->Export(pScene)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } return WriteResult::FILE_SAVED; }