Пример #1
	void TextSprite::Update(const AbstractTextDrawer& drawer)
		CallOnExit clearOnFail([this]()

		// Mark every atlas as unused...
		for (auto& pair : m_atlases)
			pair.second.used = false;

		// ... until they are marked as used by the drawer
		std::size_t fontCount = drawer.GetFontCount();
		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < fontCount; ++i)
			Font* font = drawer.GetFont(i);
			const AbstractAtlas* atlas = font->GetAtlas().get();
			NazaraAssert(atlas->GetStorage() & DataStorage_Hardware, "Font uses a non-hardware atlas which cannot be used by text sprites");

			auto it = m_atlases.find(atlas);
			if (it == m_atlases.end())
				it = m_atlases.insert(std::make_pair(atlas, AtlasSlots())).first;
				AtlasSlots& atlasSlots = it->second;

				atlasSlots.clearSlot.Connect(atlas->OnAtlasCleared, this, &TextSprite::OnAtlasInvalidated);
				atlasSlots.layerChangeSlot.Connect(atlas->OnAtlasLayerChange, this, &TextSprite::OnAtlasLayerChange);
				atlasSlots.releaseSlot.Connect(atlas->OnAtlasRelease, this, &TextSprite::OnAtlasInvalidated);

			it->second.used = true;

		// Remove unused atlas slots
		auto atlasIt = m_atlases.begin();
		while (atlasIt != m_atlases.end())
			if (!atlasIt->second.used)

		std::size_t glyphCount = drawer.GetGlyphCount();
		m_localVertices.resize(glyphCount * 4);

		// Reset glyph count for every texture to zero
		for (auto& pair : m_renderInfos)
			pair.second.count = 0;

		// Count glyph count for each texture
		Texture* lastTexture = nullptr;
		unsigned int* count = nullptr;
		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
			const AbstractTextDrawer::Glyph& glyph = drawer.GetGlyph(i);

			Texture* texture = static_cast<Texture*>(glyph.atlas);
			if (lastTexture != texture)
				auto it = m_renderInfos.find(texture);
				if (it == m_renderInfos.end())
					it = m_renderInfos.insert(std::make_pair(texture, RenderIndices{0U, 0U})).first;

				count = &it->second.count;
				lastTexture = texture;


		// Attributes indices and reinitialize glyph count to zero to use it as a counter in the next loop
		// This is because the 1st glyph can use texture A, the 2nd glyph can use texture B and the 3th glyph C can use texture A again
		// so we need a counter to know where to write informations
		// also remove unused render infos
		unsigned int index = 0;
		auto infoIt = m_renderInfos.begin();
		while (infoIt != m_renderInfos.end())
			RenderIndices& indices = infoIt->second;
			if (indices.count == 0)
				m_renderInfos.erase(infoIt++); //< No glyph uses this texture, remove from indices
				indices.first = index;

				index += indices.count;
				indices.count = 0;

		lastTexture = nullptr;
		RenderIndices* indices = nullptr;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
			const AbstractTextDrawer::Glyph& glyph = drawer.GetGlyph(i);

			Texture* texture = static_cast<Texture*>(glyph.atlas);
			if (lastTexture != texture)
				indices = &m_renderInfos[texture]; //< We changed texture, adjust the pointer
				lastTexture = texture;

			// First, compute the uv coordinates from our atlas rect
			Vector2ui size(texture->GetSize());
			float invWidth = 1.f / size.x;
			float invHeight = 1.f / size.y;

			Rectf uvRect(glyph.atlasRect);
			uvRect.x *= invWidth;
			uvRect.y *= invHeight;
			uvRect.width *= invWidth;
			uvRect.height *= invHeight;

			// Our glyph may be flipped in the atlas, to render it correctly we need to change the uv coordinates accordingly
			const RectCorner normalCorners[4] = {RectCorner_LeftTop, RectCorner_RightTop, RectCorner_LeftBottom, RectCorner_RightBottom};
			const RectCorner flippedCorners[4] = {RectCorner_LeftBottom, RectCorner_LeftTop, RectCorner_RightBottom, RectCorner_RightTop};

			// Set the position, color and UV of our vertices
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
				// Remember that indices->count is a counter here, not a count value
				m_localVertices[indices->count * 4 + j].color = glyph.color;
				m_localVertices[indices->count * 4 + j].position.Set(glyph.corners[j]);
				m_localVertices[indices->count * 4 + j].uv.Set(uvRect.GetCorner((glyph.flipped) ? flippedCorners[j] : normalCorners[j]));

			// Increment the counter, go to next glyph

		m_localBounds = drawer.GetBounds();

