Пример #1
void Sphere::intersect(HitRecord& hit, const RenderContext& rc, const Ray& ray)const{
	/*float a = dot(ray.d(), ray.d());
	Vector v = ray.p()-p;/*Vector(ray.p().x(), ray.p().y(), ray.p().z());*/
    /*float b = 2 * dot(ray.d(), v);
    float c = dot(v, v) - r2();
    float disc = b * b - 4 * a * c;
	if (disc < 0.f){
		hit.hit(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), this, material);
    float distSqrt = sqrtf(disc);
    float q;
    if (b < 0) q = (-b - distSqrt)/2.0f;
    else       q = (-b + distSqrt)/2.0f;
    float t0 = q / a;
    float t1 = c / q;
    if (t0 > t1){
        float temp = t0;
        t0 = t1;
        t1 = temp;
    if (t1 < 0) hit.hit(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), this, material);
	if (t0 < 0) hit.hit(t1, this, material);
    else		hit.hit(t0, this, material);*/

	Vector dist = ray.p() - p;
	float b = dot(dist, ray.d());
	float c = dot(dist, dist) - r2();
	float d = b*b - c;
	float t = d > 0 ? -b - sqrt(d) : std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();

	hit.hit(t, this, this->material);
Пример #2
void Plane::intersect(HitRecord& hit, const RenderContext& rc, const Ray& ray)const{
	//Vector p(ray.p().x(),ray.p().y(),ray.p().z());
	//Vector o(point.x(),point.y(),point.z());
	//float d = dot(o, norm);

	float num = dot(-norm, ray.p()-point);
	float denom = dot(norm, ray.d());
	float t=num/denom;
	if(denom==0 || num==0 || t<0) hit.hit(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), this, material);
	else hit.hit(num/denom, this, material);
	//float num = -(dot(norm,p)+d);
	//float denom = dot(norm, ray.d());
	//if((denom==0 || num==0)) hit.hit(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), this, material);
	//else hit.hit(num/denom, this, material);
Пример #3
bool Box::intersect(HitRecord& hit, const RenderContext& context, const Ray& ray) const
	bool hasHit = false;
	float txMin, txMax, tymMin, tymMax, tzmMin, tzmMax;
	if (ray.d.x() >= 0) 
		txMin = (mMin.x() - ray.o.x()) / ray.d.x();
		txMax = (mMax.x() - ray.o.x()) / ray.d.x();
		txMin = (mMax.x() - ray.o.x()) / ray.d.x();
		txMax = (mMin.x() - ray.o.x()) / ray.d.x();

	if (ray.d.y() >= 0) 
		tymMin = (mMin.y() - ray.o.y()) / ray.d.y();
		tymMax = (mMax.y() - ray.o.y()) / ray.d.y();
		tymMin = (mMax.y() - ray.o.y()) / ray.d.y();
		tymMax = (mMin.y() - ray.o.y()) / ray.d.y();

	if ((txMin > tymMax) || (tymMin > txMax))
		return false;
	if (tymMin > txMin)
		txMin = tymMin;
	if (tymMax < txMax)
		txMax = tymMax;

	if (ray.d.z() >= 0) 
		tzmMin = (mMin.z() - ray.o.z()) / ray.d.z();
		tzmMax = (mMax.z() - ray.o.z()) / ray.d.z();
		tzmMin = (mMax.z() - ray.o.z()) / ray.d.z();
		tzmMax = (mMin.z() - ray.o.z()) / ray.d.z();

	if ( (txMin > tzmMax) || (tzmMin > txMax) ) return false;
	if (tzmMin > txMin) 
		txMin = tzmMin;
	if (tzmMax < txMax) 
		txMax = tzmMax;
	hasHit = (hit.hit(txMin, this, material)) || hasHit;
	hasHit = (hit.hit(txMax, this, material)) || hasHit;

	return hasHit;
Пример #4
HitRecord BezierCurve::intersect(const Ray &ray, const double dist, const double time) const {
    HitRecord hit = HitRecord(dist);

    //These are the endpoints of the line segment
    double t = findIntersection(0.0, 1.0, ray);
    if (t != 0.0){
        hit.hit(t, this, matl, ray, n);

    return hit;
Пример #5
bool Sphere::intersect(HitRecord& hit, const RenderContext& context, const Ray& ray) const
	Vector o_minus_c = ray.o - mCenter;
	double a = dot(ray.d, ray.d);
	double b = 2.0 * dot(ray.d, o_minus_c);
	double c = dot(o_minus_c, o_minus_c) - (mRadius2);
	double disc = b*b - 4.0*a*c;
	//Does it intersect?
	if (disc > 0)
		disc = sqrt(disc);
		double t = (-b - disc) / (2.0*a);
		//Early termination
		if (hit.hit(t, this, material)) return true;
		t = ( -b + disc) / (2.0*a);
		return (hit.hit(t, this, material));	
	return false;
Пример #6
bool Disk::hit(HitRecord& record, 
			 const RenderContext& context,
			 const Ray& ray) const
	bool hasHit = false;

	float t = dot(-normal, ray.origin() - center)/dot(normal, ray.direction());

	Point temp_point = ray.point(t);
	Vector D = temp_point - center;
	if(dot(D, D) < (radius*radius))
		hasHit = record.hit(t, this, ray);

	return hasHit;