Пример #1
//'@title Decode the genetic representation of the edge assignment. 
//'@description Implementation is based on pseudo-code provided by [Julia Handl 2004].
//'@param clusters Integervector containing genetic representation of edges.
//'@return Integervector containing the assigned cluster for each point.
//'@references 2004 Julia Handl - Multiobjective clustering with automatic 
//'determination of the number of clusters.
//'clusters = c(2,3,1,5,4)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector decodeC(IntegerVector clusters) {
  int currentCluster = 1;
  IntegerVector clusterAssignment(clusters.length());
  IntegerVector previous(clusters.length());
  for(int i = 0; i < clusters.length(); i++){
    clusterAssignment(i) = -1;
  for(int i = 0; i < clusters.length(); i++){
    int ctr = 0;
    if(clusterAssignment(i) == -1){
      clusterAssignment(i) = currentCluster;
      int neighbour = clusters(i) - 1;
      previous(ctr) = i;
      ctr += 1;
      while(clusterAssignment(neighbour) == -1){
        previous(ctr) = neighbour;
        clusterAssignment(neighbour) = currentCluster;
        neighbour = clusters(neighbour) - 1;
        ctr += 1;
      if(clusterAssignment(neighbour) != currentCluster){
        ctr -= 1;
        while(ctr >= 0){
          clusterAssignment(previous(ctr)) = clusterAssignment(neighbour);
          ctr -= 1;
        currentCluster += 1;
Пример #2
NumericMatrix calc_term_sim_mat(
    IntegerVector anc_start,
    IntegerVector anc_stop,
    IntegerVector ancestors,
    NumericVector info,
    IntegerVector terms1,
    IntegerVector terms2
) {
    NumericMatrix result(terms1.length(), terms2.length());

    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < terms1.length(); i1++) {
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < terms2.length(); i2++) {
            result(i1, i2) = 0.0;
            int t1 = terms1[i1];
            int t2 = terms2[i2];
            int cur_t2_anc_ind = anc_start[t2];
            for (int a1_ind = anc_start[t1]; a1_ind < anc_stop[t1]; a1_ind++) {
                int a1 = ancestors[a1_ind];
                while ((cur_t2_anc_ind < (anc_stop[t2]-1)) && (ancestors[cur_t2_anc_ind] < a1)) {
                if (ancestors[cur_t2_anc_ind] == a1) {
                    result(i1, i2) = info[a1];
    return result;
Пример #3
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List c_knnangles(NumericMatrix x, int k, IntegerVector from, IntegerVector to) {
    int i, j, l, m, pos, f, t;
    int n = x.nrow();
    int dim = x.ncol();
    double dx, dy, dz, d, ang, nnd;
    NumericVector angles(n);
    NumericVector angles2(n);
    NumericVector nndists(n);
    NumericVector knnd(k);
    IntegerVector knni(k);
    for(i=0; i < from.length(); i++) {
      f = from[i]-1;
      for(l=0; l< k; l++){
        knnd[l] = DBL_MAX;
        knni[l] = -1;
      for(j=0; j < to.length(); j++) {
        t = to[j]-1;
        if(t!=f) {
          for(l=0; l < dim; l++)  d += pow(x(f,l)-x(t,l), 2);
          pos = k;
          for(l=0; l < k; l++){
            if (d < knnd[l]){
              pos = l;
          if(pos < k){
            for(m=k-1; m > pos; m--){
                knnd[m] = knnd[m-1];
                knni[m] = knni[m-1];
              knnd[pos] = d;
              knni[pos] = t;
      t = knni[k-1];
      nnd = sqrt(knnd[k-1]);
      dx = x(t,0) - x(f,0);
      dy = x(t,1) - x(f,1);
      ang = atan2(dy, dx);
      if(ang<0) ang = 2*PI+ang;
      angles[f] = ang;
      nndists[f] = nnd;
        dz = x(t,2) - x(f,2);
        ang = acos(dz/nnd);
        angles2[f] = ang;
    if(dim==3) return List::create(angles, angles2, nndists);
    return List::create(angles, nndists);
IntegerVector C(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b){
  int lena = a.length();
  int lenb = b.length();
  IntegerVector out(lena + lenb);
  for(int i = 0; i < lena+lenb; i++){
    if(i < lena){
      out(i) = a(i);
    } else {
      out(i) = b(i-lena);
Пример #5
//'@title Zero-based Rcpp implementation of \code{which} for integer vectors.
//'@param x Integer to be found.
//'@param v IntegerVector in which to find \code{x}.
//'@return indexVector IntegerVector containing all zero-based indexes of 
//'appearences of \code{x} in \code{v}.
//'x = 42; v = 40:44
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List whichCList(int x, IntegerVector v) {
  //Initially this vector has the same size as v and is later resized
  List indexVector(v.length());
  int index = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < v.length(); i++){
    if(v(i) == x){
      indexVector[index] = i + 1;
      index += 1;
  indexVector = resizeList(indexVector, index);
Пример #6
//' FITS image writer
//' Writes a vector, matrix or 3D array to a FITS file as an image.
//' The data is written to the primary HDU.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int gv_writefits_img(NumericVector img, CharacterVector fits_name, CharacterVector hdu_name = "")
  IntegerVector dim;
  if (!img.hasAttribute("dim"))
    REprintf("ERROR: image has not been dimensioned.\n");
    return 1;
  dim = img.attr("dim");
  if (dim.length() > 3)
		REprintf("ERROR: dimension of more than 3 unsupported.\n");
		return 1;

  fitsfile *pfits=NULL;
	int err=0;

	std::string fname = as<std::string>(fits_name[0]);
	fits_create_file(&pfits, (char *) fname.c_str(), &err);
	if (err)
		return err;

#ifdef GV_DEBUG
  Rcout << "Number of dim: " << dim.length() << std::endl;
	for (int i=0; i<dim.length(); i++)
		Rcout << "Dim[" << i << "]: " << dim[i] << std::endl;
	Rcout << "Number of elements: " << img.length() << std::endl;
  double *p = &(*img.begin());
  for (int i=0; i<img.length(); i++)
    Rcout << "*(p+" << i << ") = " << *(p+i) << std::endl;
  long longdim[3], startpix[3] = {1,1,1}; // default start
  for (int i=0; i<dim.length(); i++) longdim[i] = (long) dim[i];
	// start writing to file
	fits_create_img(pfits, DOUBLE_IMG, dim.length(), longdim, &err);
	fits_write_pix(pfits, TDOUBLE, startpix, img.length(), &(*img.begin()), &err);

	fits_close_file(pfits, &err);
  return err;
Пример #7
IntegerVector stratified_sample_int(
	IntegerVector strata_sizes,
	IntegerVector strata_sample_sizes
) {
	int num_strata = strata_sizes.length();
	int total_sample_size = 0;
	int total_items = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_strata; i++) {
		total_sample_size += strata_sample_sizes[i];
		total_items += strata_sizes[i];

	IntegerVector result(total_sample_size);
	int set_from = 0;
	int min_val = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num_strata; i++) {
			set_from + strata_sample_sizes[i],
			min_val + strata_sizes[i]

		set_from += strata_sample_sizes[i];
		min_val += strata_sizes[i];

	return result;
Пример #8
double sim_p(
    std::string type,
    RObject term_sets_data,
    bool use_mean,
    IntegerVector group,
    int min_its,
    int max_its,
    double signif,
    double dismiss
) {
    ReduceSim r(use_mean ? &add : &worst, use_mean ? &by_size : &identity, use_mean ? 0.0 : INFINITY);

    GroupSim* sim_mat = sim_matrix_from_data(type, r, term_sets_data);

    double sim = sim_mat->groupsim(group);

    simple_sampler simple = simple_sampler(sim_mat->population_size(), group.length());

    Sampler* sampler = &simple;

    double p_val = p(

    delete sim_mat;
    return p_val;
Пример #9
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DoubleVector rcpp_correlate(IntegerVector& trial_id, DoubleVector& noise, DoubleVector& rho_vec) {
    double rho = rho_vec[0];
    for(int i=1; i < trial_id.length(); i++) {
      if(trial_id[i-1] == trial_id[i])
        noise[i] = noise[i-1]*rho + noise[i]*sqrt(1-pow(rho,2));
  return Rcpp::wrap(noise);
Пример #10
CharacterVector reencode_factor(IntegerVector x) {
  CharacterVector levels(reencode_char(get_levels(x)));
  CharacterVector ret(x.length());

  R_xlen_t nlevels = levels.length();

  R_xlen_t len = x.length();
  for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
    int xi = x[i];
    if (xi <= 0 || xi > nlevels)
      ret[i] = NA_STRING;
      ret[i] = levels[xi - 1];

  return ret;
Пример #11
double VectorSim::groupsim(IntegerVector group) {
	double agg = reducer.sim0;
	int n = group.length();
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		double sim = vec[group[i]];
		agg = reducer.reduce(agg, sim);

	return reducer.norm(agg, n);
Пример #12
		bool next(){
			if (rpos == rlens[run]){ //end of the run, go to the next
				++run; rpos = 0;
				if (run == rlens.length())
					valid = false;
					return valid;
			valid = true;
			return valid;
Пример #13
//' Forward-backward algorithm
//' Forward-backward algorithm using the scaling technique.
//' That's more stable (and maybe even faster) than the method with the logarithm.
//' Warning: this function overwrites the lliks matrix. 
//' @param initP matrix of initial probabilities: each column corresponds to a sequence
//' @param trans transition matrix (rows are previous state, columns are next state)
//' @param lliks matrix with emission probabilities for each datapoint and each state.
//' Columns are datapoints and rows are states.
//' @param seqlens length of each subsequence of datapoints (set this to ncol(lliks)
//' if there is only one sequence).
//' @param posteriors the posteriors matrix where the posteriors will be written.
//' its value when the function is called does not matter, but it needs to have
//' the right dimensions (rows are states and columns are observations).
//' @param nthreads number of threads used. Sequences of observations are
//' processed independently by different threads (if \code{length(seqlens) > 1}).
//' @return a list with the following arguments:
//'    \item{posteriors}{posterior probability of being in a certain state for a certain datapoint.
//'     Same matrix used as input argument.}
//'    \item{tot_llik}{total log-likelihood of the data given the hmm model.}
//'    \item{new_trans}{update for the transition probabilities (it is already normalized).}
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List forward_backward(NumericMatrix initP, NumericMatrix trans, NumericMatrix lliks, IntegerVector seqlens, NumericMatrix posteriors, int nthreads=1){
    int nmod = initP.nrow();
    double totlen = Rcpp::sum(seqlens);
    if (nmod != trans.nrow() || nmod != trans.ncol() || nmod != lliks.nrow() || nmod != posteriors.nrow()) Rcpp::stop("Unable to figure out the number of models");
    if (((double) lliks.ncol()) != totlen || ((double)posteriors.ncol()) != totlen) Rcpp::stop("Seqence lengths don't match with the provided matrices");
    if (initP.ncol() != seqlens.length()) Rcpp::stop("'initP' must have as many columns as the number of sequences");
    NumericMatrix newTrans(trans.nrow(), trans.ncol());
    NumericMatrix newInitP(initP.nrow(), initP.ncol());
    double tot_llik = fb_core(asMat(initP), asMat(trans), asMat(lliks), asVec(seqlens), asMat(posteriors), asMat(newTrans), asMat(newInitP), nthreads);
    return List::create(_("posteriors")=posteriors, _("tot_llik")=tot_llik, _("new_trans")=newTrans, _("new_initP")=newInitP);
NumericMatrix Zdbcomparepairwisemc(IntegerVector db, int nloci, int njobs, int job) { 
  //expects as.vector(t(db)) as argument db
  NumericMatrix M(nloci+1,nloci+1);
  unsigned long dblen = db.length();
  int plen = 2*nloci;
  std::vector<int> pi; //profile i
  int m;
  int a,b,c,d;
  bool ac,ad,bc,bd;
  int mf=0,mp=0; //full matches, partial matches
  int i=0,j=0; //positions in character ver
  int ki=0,kj=0; // id of profile i,j

  unsigned long dbn = dblen/plen;  
  //now read profile by profile
  i = (job-1)*plen;
      pi[m] = db[i+m]; //read profile i
    j = i+plen; // next profile is located plen bytes ahead of profile i
    //cycle through all profiles j>i, so read rest of the character vector    
      //read profiles i and j @ all loci and compare
        a = pi[m]; b = pi[m+1];  //alleles of person i
        c = db[j+m]; d = db[j+m+1]; //alleles of j
        // compare alleles
        ac = a==c; ad = a==d; bc = b==c; bd = b==d; 
        // check for partial or full match
        if ((ac^bd)|(ad^bc)) mp++;
        if ((ac&bd)|(ad&bc)) mf++;
      // count the matches
      j+=plen;  // next profile is plen bytes ahead
    i += njobs*plen;
Пример #15
double SimMatrix::groupsim(
	IntegerVector group
) {
	double agg = reducer.sim0;
	int n = group.length();
	for (int row = 1; row < n; row++)
		for (int col = 0; col < row; col++) {
			double sim = pairsim(group[row], group[col]);
			agg = reducer.reduce(agg, sim);

	return reducer.norm(agg, ((double)(n * (n - 1)) * 0.5));
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix c_pairwise_dist_angle_subset(NumericMatrix x, IntegerVector from, IntegerVector to) {
  int i, j, ind, l, t, f;
  double dx, dy, dz;
  int dim = x.ncol();
  double d, ang;
  int nfrom = from.length();
  int nto = to.length();
  // Upper triangle no longer meaningful structure, so just a storage.
  NumericMatrix val( nfrom * nto, dim);
  ind = 0;
  for(i=0; i < nfrom; i++) {
    f = from[i]-1;
    for(j=0; j < nto; j++) {
      t = to[j]-1;
        for(l=0; l < dim; l++)  d += pow(x(f,l)-x(t,l), 2);
        d = sqrt(d);
        dx = x(f,0) - x(t,0);
        dy = x(f,1) - x(t,1);
        ang = atan2(dy, dx);
        if(ang<0) ang = 2*PI+ang;
        // upper triangle location      
        val(ind,0) = d;
        val(ind,1) = ang;
          dz = x(f,2) - x(t,2);
          ang = acos(dz/d);
          val(ind,2) = ang;
  return val;
Пример #17
// Function for pair indexing
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List indexToCoord(IntegerVector V, const int N){

  std::vector<int> rows;
  std::vector<int> cols;

  for(int i = 0; i < V.length(); i++){

    int J = (V[i] - 1) / N + 1;
    int I = (V[i] - 1) % N + 1;

  return List::create(
    _["feat1"] = rows,
    _["feat2"] = cols
Пример #18
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List coldataFeather(const List& feather, const IntegerVector& indexes) {
  auto table = getTableFromFeather(feather);

  int n = indexes.length(), p = table->num_rows();
  List out(n), names(n);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    auto col = getColumn(*table, indexes[i] - 1);

    names[i] = Rf_mkCharCE(col->name().c_str(), CE_UTF8);
    out[i] = toSEXP(col);

  out.attr("names") = names;
  out.attr("row.names") = IntegerVector::create(NA_INTEGER, -p);
  out.attr("class") = CharacterVector::create("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame");
  return out;
Пример #19
//parses the GR object.
void parseRegions(std::vector<GArray>& container, RObject& gr, samfile_t* in){
	if (not gr.inherits("GRanges"))
		stop("must provide a GRanges object");
	IntegerVector starts = as<IntegerVector>(as<RObject>(gr.slot("ranges")).slot("start"));
	IntegerVector lens =   as<IntegerVector>(as<RObject>(gr.slot("ranges")).slot("width"));
	RObject chrsRle = as<RObject>(gr.slot("seqnames"));
	RObject strandsRle = as<RObject>(gr.slot("strand"));
	RleIter chrs(chrsRle);
	RleIter strands(strandsRle);
	container.reserve(container.size() + starts.length());
	Iint e_starts = starts.end(); Iint i_starts = starts.begin(); Iint i_lens = lens.begin();
	int lastStrandRun = -1;
	int strand = -1;
	int lastChrsRun = -1;
	int rid = -1;
	for (; i_starts < e_starts; ++i_starts, ++i_lens, chrs.next(), strands.next()){
		//if new run, update chromosome
		if (lastChrsRun != chrs.run){
			lastChrsRun = chrs.run;
			rid = getRefId(in, chrs.getValue());
			if (rid == -1)
				stop("chromosome " + (std::string)chrs.getValue() + " not present in the bam file");
		//if new run, update strand 
		if (lastStrandRun != strands.run){
			lastStrandRun = strands.run;
			const std::string& s = strands.getValue();
			if (s == "-"){ strand = -1; }
			else if (s == "+"){ strand = +1; }
			else { strand = 0; }
		container.push_back(GArray(rid, *i_starts - 1, *i_lens, strand));
Пример #20
// Lewis's routine to compute s and s^2 "running sums" (look-up tables)
// Matrix I/O in column major format
// ff is the "flattened" f(u,v) in column major order
// nz_idxs are the indices of the LUTs that are not by definition = 0.
// If we know where they are we don't have to use if's in the for loop
// to find them.
// They are assumed to be in 0-index (offset indexing) format.
// Is there a way to just compute them instead of using expand.grid and
// which on the R side??
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix lewis(int num_svals, IntegerVector nz_idxs, NumericVector ff, int offset1, int offset2, int offset3) {
  //s LUT goes in col 0, s^2 LUT goes in col 1:
  NumericMatrix svals(num_svals,2);

  for(int i = 0; i<nz_idxs.length(); i++) {
    int sidx1 = nz_idxs(i) - offset1;
    int sidx2 = nz_idxs(i) - offset2;
    int sidx3 = nz_idxs(i) - offset3;
    // s(u,v) = f(u,v) + s(u-1,v) + s(u,v-1) - s(u-1,v-1):
    svals(nz_idxs(i),0) = ff(i) + svals(sidx1,0) + svals(sidx2,0) - svals(sidx3,0);
    // s^2(u,v) = f^2(u,v) + s^2(u-1,v) + s^2(u,v-1) - s^2(u-1,v-1):
    svals(nz_idxs(i),1) = pow(ff(i),2) + svals(sidx1,1) + svals(sidx2,1) - svals(sidx3,1);

  return svals;
IntegerVector sbSequenceCpp(int T, int b_av, int length){
  IntegerVector index_sequence(2*T);

  for(int j = 0; j < 2*T; j++){
    int k;
    if(j >= T){
      k = j-T;
    } else {
      k = j;
    index_sequence[j] = k+1;

  IntegerVector sequence = rep(IntegerVector::get_na(), length + T);
  IntegerVector temp = seq(1,T); // to sample from

  int current = -1;
  while(current < (length-1)){
    int start = as<int>(Csample(temp));
    // int start = as<int>(sample_(temp, 1, false));
    NumericVector b_num = rgeom(1, 1.0/b_av) + 1.0;
    int b_int = as<int>(b_num);

    IntegerVector _to_set = seq(current+1,current+b_int);
    IntegerVector _idx = seq(start-1, start-1 + b_int - 1);
    // replace with NA (when index out of bound error)
    for(int i = 0; i < _idx.length(); i++){
      if(_idx[i] >= index_sequence.length() || _to_set[i] >= sequence.length()){
        // do nothing
      } else {
        sequence[_to_set[i]] = index_sequence[_idx[i]];

    current = current + b_int;

  return sequence[Range(0,length-1)];
Пример #22
void print_vec(const IntegerVector &vec) {
  for(int i = 0; i <vec.length(); i++) {
    cout<<vec[i]<< " ";
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List blockSizeCalibrate(NumericMatrix ret,
                                    IntegerVector b_vec = IntegerVector::create(1, 3, 6, 10),
                                    double alpha = 0.05,
                                    int M = 199,
                                    int K = 1000,
                                    int b_av = 5,
                                    int T_start = 50) {

  int b_len = b_vec.length();
  NumericVector emp_reject_probs = rep(0.0, b_len);
  double Delta_hat = sharpeRatioDiff(ret);
  NumericVector ret1 = ret(_,0);
  NumericVector ret2 = ret(_,1);
  int T = ret1.length();
  NumericMatrix Var_data(T_start + T, 2);
  Var_data(0,_) = ret(0,_);

  IntegerVector range1 = seq(1, T-1);
  IntegerVector range2 = seq(0, T-2);
  NumericVector intercept = rep(1.0, ret1.length());
  List fit1 = fastLm(ret1[range1], cbindCpp(intercept[range2], cbindCpp(ret1[range2],ret2[range2])));
  List fit2 = fastLm(ret2[range1], cbindCpp(intercept[range2], cbindCpp(ret1[range2],ret2[range2])));

  NumericVector coef1 = as<NumericVector>(wrap(fit1["coef"]));
  NumericVector coef2 = as<NumericVector>(wrap(fit2["coef"]));
  NumericMatrix resid_mat = cbindCpp(as<NumericVector>(fit1["resid"]),

  for(int k = 0; k < K; k++){
    // create resid_mat_star
    NumericMatrix resid_mat_star(T_start + T, resid_mat.cols());
    // fill with NA by default
    int xsize = resid_mat_star.nrow() * resid_mat_star.ncol();
    for (int i = 0; i < xsize; i++) {
      resid_mat_star[i] = NumericMatrix::get_na();
    // fill first row with 0
    for(int c = 0; c < resid_mat_star.ncol(); c++)
      resid_mat_star(0,c) = 0.0;
    IntegerVector index = sbSequenceCpp(T-1, b_av, T_start + T - 1) - 1;
    for(int j = 0; j < index.length(); j++){
      // handling NA values
      if( IntegerVector::is_na(index(j)) ){
        // do nothing
      } else if( (j+1) > resid_mat_star.nrow() ){
        // do nothing
      } else if( index[j] > resid_mat.nrow() ){
        // do nothing
      } else {
        resid_mat_star(j+1,_) = resid_mat(index[j],_);

    for(int t = 1; t < (T_start + T); t++){
      Var_data(t,0) = coef1[0] + coef1[1]*Var_data(t-1,0) +
        coef1[2]*Var_data(t-1,1) + resid_mat_star(t,0);
      Var_data(t,1) = coef2[0] + coef2[1]*Var_data(t-1,0) +
        coef2[2]*Var_data(t-1,1) + resid_mat_star(t,1);

    NumericMatrix Var_data_trunc = Var_data(Range(T_start,T_start+T-1), Range(0,Var_data.ncol()-1));
    for(int j = 0; j < b_len; j++){
      List bTI = bootTimeInference(Var_data_trunc, b_vec[j], M, Delta_hat);
      double p_value = as<double>(wrap(bTI["p.Value"]));
      if(p_value <= alpha)
        emp_reject_probs[j] = emp_reject_probs[j] + 1;
  emp_reject_probs = emp_reject_probs/(double)K;
  Environment env = Environment::base_namespace();
  Function order = env["order"];
  IntegerVector b_order = order(abs(emp_reject_probs - alpha));
  int b_opt = as<int>(wrap(b_vec(b_order[0]-1)));
  NumericMatrix b_vec_with_probs = rbindCpp(as<NumericVector>(wrap(b_vec)), emp_reject_probs);

    _["Empirical.Rejection.Probs"] = b_vec_with_probs,
    _["b.optimal"] = b_opt
Пример #24
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::XPtr<SimulatedGenealogy> fwpopsim_fixed_genealogy(int G, IntegerVector H0, int pop_size, 
  List mutmodel, bool progress, bool trace, bool cleanup_haplotypes = true, bool cleanup_lineages = true, 
  bool plot = false, bool all_pairs = false, int random_pairs = 0, bool continue_to_one_founder = false) {
  Function Rprint("print");

  int mutation_model_type = as<int>(mutmodel["modeltype"]);
  NumericMatrix mutpars = mutmodel["mutpars"];
  int loci = H0.length();
  if (trace) {
    Rcout << "#--- G ------------------------#" << std::endl;
    Rcout << G << std::endl;
    Rcout << std::endl;

    Rcout << "#--- r -----------------------#" << std::endl;
    Rcout << loci << std::endl;
    Rcout << std::endl;
    Rcout << "#--- H0 -----------------------#" << std::endl;
    Rcout << std::endl;
    Rcout << "#--- pop size------------------#" << std::endl;
    Rcout << std::endl;

    Rcout << "#--- mutmodel -----------------#" << std::endl;
  MutationModel* mutation_model = NULL;
  SMM mutation_smm;
  LMM mutation_lmm;
  EMM mutation_emm;
  if (mutation_model_type == 1) {
    mutation_smm = SMM(mutpars);
    mutation_model = &mutation_smm;
  } else if (mutation_model_type == 2) {
    mutation_lmm = LMM(mutpars);
    mutation_model = &mutation_lmm;
  } else if (mutation_model_type == 3) {
    mutation_emm = EMM(mutpars);
    mutation_model = &mutation_emm;
  } else {
    throw std::invalid_argument("The mutation model was not recognized!");

  std::vector<Individual*> init_population(pop_size);
  std::vector<Individual*> population(pop_size);
  int id = 0;
  std::vector<int> H0vec(loci);
  for (int locus = 0; locus < loci; locus++) {
    H0vec[locus] = H0[locus];
  for (int individual = 0; individual < pop_size; ++individual) {
    Individual* ind = new Individual(++id, 0, individual, NULL, H0vec);
    population[individual] = ind;
    init_population[individual] = ind;
  int founders_with_descendants = 0;
  //for (int generation = 1; generation <= G; generation++) {
  //for (int generation = 1; generation <= G && (!continue_to_one_founder || (continue_to_one_founder && founders_with_descendants == 1)); generation++) {
  //for (int generation = 1; generation <= G && (continue_to_one_founder && founders_with_descendants == 1); generation++) {
  for (int generation = 1; generation <= G || (continue_to_one_founder && founders_with_descendants != 1); generation++) {
    if (trace) {
      Rcout << "===============================================" << std::endl;
      Rcout << "Generation " << generation << " (out of " << G << ")" << std::endl;
      Rcout << "===============================================" << std::endl;
    std::vector<Individual*> new_population(pop_size);
    // FIXME: Smarter data structure! (Hash)Map?
    std::vector<int> founders(pop_size);
    for (int individual = 0; individual < pop_size; individual++) {
      int parent_index = (int)(pop_size*Rf_runif(0, 1));
      Individual* parent = population[parent_index];
      std::vector<int> haplotype = parent->get_haplotype();
      if (trace) {
        Rcout << "Before mutation: " << sprint_vector(haplotype) << std::endl;

      for (int locus = 0; locus < loci; locus++) {
        double locus_mut_prob[3];
        mutation_model->mutation_table(haplotype[locus], locus, locus_mut_prob);
        double mut_down = locus_mut_prob[0];
        double mut_up_cum = locus_mut_prob[0] + locus_mut_prob[1];
        double u = Rf_runif(0, 1);

        if (u <= mut_down) {
          haplotype[locus] -= 1;
        } else if (u <= mut_up_cum) {
          haplotype[locus] += 1;
      if (trace) {
        Rcout << "After mutation:  " << sprint_vector(haplotype) << std::endl;
        Rcout << std::endl;
      Individual* ind = new Individual(++id, generation, individual, parent, haplotype);
      new_population[individual] = ind;      
      founders[ind->get_founder_id()] += 1;
    } /* for (individual in pop_tree) */
    if (cleanup_haplotypes) {
      for (int individual = 0; individual < pop_size; individual++) {
    if (cleanup_lineages) {
      for (int individual = 0; individual < pop_size; individual++) {
    population = new_population;

    founders_with_descendants = 0;
    for (int individual = 0; individual < pop_size; individual++) {
      if (founders[individual] > 0) {
    if (progress && !trace) {
      Rcout << "Generation " << generation << " / " << G << " done (" << founders_with_descendants << " founders left)\r" << 
  } /* for (generation in 1:G) */

  if (progress && !trace) {
    Rcout << std::endl;
  SimulatedGenealogy* simres = new SimulatedGenealogy(population, init_population);
  if (all_pairs) {
    std::vector<int> gs_all = all_pairwise_MRCA(population);
    double mean_all = std::accumulate(gs_all.begin(), gs_all.end(), 0.0) / gs_all.size();
    Rcout << "MRCA mean is " << mean_all << " generations back based on all pairs of individuals" << std::endl;
  if (random_pairs > 0) {
    std::vector<int> gs_sample = sample_pairwise_MRCA(population, random_pairs);
    double mean_sample = std::accumulate(gs_sample.begin(), gs_sample.end(), 0.0) / gs_sample.size();
    Rcout << "MRCA mean is " << mean_sample << " generations back based on sample of " << gs_sample.size() << " random pairs" << std::endl;
  if (plot) {      
    std::ofstream outfile;
    std::ostringstream dotstream;
    genealogy_to_dot(init_population, dotstream, cleanup_lineages);

    outfile.open("tmp-proto.dot", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc );    
    outfile << dotstream.str();

    int idx1 = 1;
    int idx2 = 8;
    Individual* i1 = population[idx1];
    Individual* i2 = population[idx2];
    std::vector<Individual*> lineage_ids;
    Individual* mrca = find_MRCA_with_lineage(i1, i2, lineage_ids);
    int g = i1->get_generation() - mrca->get_generation();
    Rcout << "MRCA is " << g << " generations back" << std::endl;
    //Rcout << "MRCA is " << (i1->get_generation() - find_MRCA(i1, i2)->get_generation()) << " generations back" << std::endl;

    std::vector<int> mark_ids;
    for (auto &node: lineage_ids) { 
    std::ostringstream dotstream_marked;
    genealogy_to_dot(init_population, dotstream_marked, cleanup_lineages, mark_ids);
    outfile.open("tmp-proto-marked.dot", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc );    
    outfile << dotstream_marked.str();

  Rcpp::XPtr<SimulatedGenealogy> res(simres);
  CharacterVector classes = res.attr("class") ;
  classes.push_back("myclass") ;
  res.attr("class") = classes;
  res.attr("class") = CharacterVector::create("fwsim_fixed_sim_genealogy", "externalptr");

List Zdbcomparepairwisemctrackhits(IntegerVector db, int nloci, int hit, int njobs, int job) { 
  //expects as.vector(t(db)) as argument db
  NumericMatrix M(nloci+1,nloci+1);
  unsigned long dblen = db.length();
  int plen = 2*nloci;
  std::vector<int> pi; //profile i
  int m;
  int a,b,c,d;
  bool ac,ad,bc,bd;
  int mf=0,mp=0; //full matches, partial matches
  int i=0,j=0; //positions in character ver
  int ki=0,kj=0; // id of profile i,j

  unsigned long dbn = dblen/plen;  
  // keep track of matching profiles (if hit>0)
  std::vector<int> hitid1;
  std::vector<int> hitid2;
  std::vector<int> hitf;  // # matches
  std::vector<int> hitp;  // partials

  //now read profile by profile
  i = (job-1)*plen;
      pi[m] = db[i+m]; //read profile i
    j = i+plen; // next profile is located plen bytes ahead of profile i
    //cycle through all profiles j>i, so read rest of the character vector    
      //read profiles i and j @ all loci and compare
        a = pi[m]; b = pi[m+1];  //alleles of person i
        c = db[j+m]; d = db[j+m+1]; //alleles of j
        // compare alleles
        ac = a==c; ad = a==d; bc = b==c; bd = b==d; 
        // check for partial or full match
        if ((ac^bd)|(ad^bc)) mp++;
        if ((ac&bd)|(ad&bc)) mf++;
      // count the matches
      //keep track of matching profiles (?)
      if (mf>=hit){

      j+=plen;  // next profile is plen bytes ahead
    i += njobs*plen;
  return List::create( 
    _["M"]  = M, 
    _["hits"]  = DataFrame::create( _("id1")= hitid1,
                    _("id2") = hitid2,
                    _("match") = hitf,
                    _("partial") = hitp
  ) ;
Пример #26
// Assign values
// [[Rcpp::export(name = ".assignValues")]]
NumericMatrix assignValues_cpp(int val, IntegerVector ad, NumericMatrix mtx) {
  for (int i = 0; i < ad.length(); i++){
    mtx[ad[i]-1] = val;