Пример #1
K3bDataItem* K3bDirItem::takeDataItem( K3bDataItem* item )
  int x = m_children.findRef( item );
  if( x > -1 ) {
    K3bDataItem* item = m_children.take();
    updateSize( item, true );
    if( item->isDir() )
      updateFiles( -1*((K3bDirItem*)item)->numFiles(), -1*((K3bDirItem*)item)->numDirs()-1 );
      updateFiles( -1, 0 );

    item->m_parentDir = 0;

    // inform the doc
    if( doc() )
      doc()->itemRemovedFromDir( this, item );

    if( item->isFile() ) {
      // restore the item imported from an old session
      if( static_cast<K3bFileItem*>(item)->replaceItemFromOldSession() )
	addDataItem( static_cast<K3bFileItem*>(item)->replaceItemFromOldSession() );

    return item;
    return 0;
Пример #2
K3bDataItem* K3bDirItem::findByPath( const QString& p )
  if( p.isEmpty() || p == "/" )
    return this;

  QString path = p;
  if( path.startsWith("/") )
    path = path.mid(1);
  int pos = path.find( "/" );
  if( pos < 0 )
    return find( path );
  else {
    // do it recursivly
    K3bDataItem* item = find( path.left(pos) );
    if( item && item->isDir() )
      return ((K3bDirItem*)item)->findByPath( path.mid( pos+1 ) );
      return 0;
Пример #3
bool K3bIsoImager::writeJolietHideFile()
  delete m_jolietHideFile;
  m_jolietHideFile = new KTempFile();

  if( QTextStream* t = m_jolietHideFile->textStream() ) {

    K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
    while( item ) {
      if( item->hideOnRockRidge() ) {
	if( !item->isDir() )  // hiding directories does not work (all dirs point to the dummy-dir but we could introduce a second hidden dummy dir)
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << endl;
      item = item->nextSibling();

    return true;
    return false;
Пример #4
bool K3bDirItem::mkdir( const QString& dirPath )
  // An absolut path always starts at the root item
  if( dirPath[0] == '/' ) {
    if( parent() )
      return parent()->mkdir( dirPath );
      return mkdir( dirPath.mid( 1 ) );

  if( findByPath( dirPath ) )
    return false;

  QString restPath;
  QString dirName;
  int pos = dirPath.find( '/' );
  if( pos == -1 ) {
    dirName = dirPath;
  else {
    dirName = dirPath.left( pos );
    restPath = dirPath.mid( pos+1 );

  K3bDataItem* dir = find( dirName );
  if( !dir )
    dir = new K3bDirItem( dirName, doc(), this );
  else if( !dir->isDir() )
    return false;

  if( !restPath.isEmpty() )
    return static_cast<K3bDirItem*>(dir)->mkdir( restPath );

  return true;
Пример #5
bool K3bIsoImager::writeSortWeightFile()
  delete m_sortWeightFile;
  m_sortWeightFile = new KTempFile();

  if( QTextStream* t = m_sortWeightFile->textStream() ) {
    // We need to write the local path in combination with the sort weight
    // mkisofs will take care of multiple entries for one local file and always
    // use the highest weight
    K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
    while( (item = item->nextSibling()) ) {  // we skip the root here
      if( item->sortWeight() != 0 ) {
	if( m_doc->bootImages().containsRef( dynamic_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item) ) ) { // boot-image-backup-hack
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( static_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item)->tempPath() ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;
	else if( item->isDir() ) {
	  // Since we use dummy dirs for all directories in the filesystem and mkisofs uses the local path
	  // for sorting we need to create a different dummy dir for every sort weight value.
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( dummyDir( static_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item) ) ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;

    return true;
    return false;
Пример #6
void K3bDataUrlAddingDialog::slotCopyMoveItems()
  if( m_bCanceled )

  // Pop first item from the item list
  K3bDataItem* item = m_items.first().first;
  K3bDirItem* dir = m_items.first().second;
  m_items.remove( m_items.begin() );

  m_infoLabel->setText( item->k3bPath() );
  if( m_totalFiles == 0 )
    m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1)").arg(m_filesHandled) );
    m_counterLabel->setText( QString("(%1/%2)").arg(m_filesHandled).arg(m_totalFiles) );

  if( dir == item->parent() ) {
    kdDebug() << "(K3bDataUrlAddingDialog) trying to move an item into its own parent dir." << endl;
  else if( dir == item ) {
    kdDebug() << "(K3bDataUrlAddingDialog) trying to move an item into itselft." << endl;
  else {
    // Let's see if an item with that name alredy exists
    if( K3bDataItem* oldItem = dir->find( item->k3bName() ) ) {
      // reuse an existing dir: move all child items into the old dir
      if( oldItem->isDir() && item->isDir() ) {
	const QPtrList<K3bDataItem>& cl = dynamic_cast<K3bDirItem*>( item )->children();
	for( QPtrListIterator<K3bDataItem> it( cl ); *it; ++it )
	  m_items.append( qMakePair( *it, dynamic_cast<K3bDirItem*>( oldItem ) ) );

	// FIXME: we need to remove the old dir item

      // we cannot replace files in the old session with dirs and vice versa (I think)
      // files are handled in K3bFileItem constructor and dirs handled above
      else if( oldItem->isFromOldSession() &&
	       item->isDir() != oldItem->isDir() ) {
	QString newName;
	if( getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) ) {
	  if( m_copyItems )
	    item = item->copy();
	  item->setK3bName( newName );
	  dir->addDataItem( item );

      else if( m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll ) {
	// if we replace an item from an old session K3bDirItem::addDataItem takes care
	// of replacing the item
	if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() )
	  delete oldItem;
	if( m_copyItems )
	  item = item->copy();
	dir->addDataItem( item );

      else if( !m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll ) {
	switch( K3bMultiChoiceDialog::choose( i18n("File already exists"),
					      i18n("<p>File <em>%1</em> already exists in "
						   "project folder <em>%2</em>.")
					      .arg( item->k3bName() )
					      .arg("/" + dir->k3bPath()),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Replace"),
							i18n("Replace the existing file") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Replace All"),
							i18n("Always replace existing files") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore"),
							i18n("Keep the existing file") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore All"),
							i18n("Always keep the existing file") ),
					      KGuiItem( i18n("Rename"),
							i18n("Rename the new file") ),
					      KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) ) {
	case 2: // replace all
	  m_bExistingItemsReplaceAll = true;
	  // fallthrough
	case 1: // replace
	  // if we replace an item from an old session K3bDirItem::addDataItem takes care
	  // of replacing the item
	  if( !oldItem->isFromOldSession() )
	    delete oldItem;
	  if( m_copyItems )
	    item = item->copy();
	  dir->addDataItem( item );
	case 4: // ignore all
	  m_bExistingItemsIgnoreAll = true;
	  // fallthrough
	case 3: // ignore
	  // do nothing
	case 5: {// rename
	  QString newName;
	  if( getNewName( newName, dir, newName ) ) {
	    if( m_copyItems )
	      item = item->copy();
	    item->setK3bName( newName );
	    dir->addDataItem( item );
	case 6: // cancel

    // No old item with the same name
    else {
      if( m_copyItems )
	item = item->copy();
      dir->addDataItem( item );

  if( m_items.isEmpty() ) {
  else {
    QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotCopyMoveItems()) );
Пример #7
int K3bIsoImager::writePathSpecForDir( K3bDirItem* dirItem, QTextStream& stream )
  if( !m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation && dirItem->depth() > 7 ) {
    kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) found directory depth > 7. Enabling no deep directory relocation." << endl;
    m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation = true;

  // now create the graft points
  int num = 0;
  for( QPtrListIterator<K3bDataItem> it( dirItem->children() ); it.current(); ++it ) {
    K3bDataItem* item = it.current();
    bool writeItem = item->writeToCd();

    if( item->isSymLink() ) {
      if( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::DISCARD_ALL ||
	  ( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::DISCARD_BROKEN &&
	    !item->isValid() ) )
	writeItem = false;

      else if( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::FOLLOW ) {
	QFileInfo f( K3b::resolveLink( item->localPath() ) );
	if( !f.exists() ) {
	  emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not follow link %1 to non-existing file %2. Skipping...")
			    .arg(f.filePath()), WARNING );
	  writeItem = false;
	else if( f.isDir() ) {
	  emit infoMessage( i18n("Ignoring link %1 to folder %2. K3b is unable to follow links to folders.")
			    .arg(f.filePath()), WARNING );
	  writeItem = false;
    else if( item->isFile() ) {
      QFileInfo f( item->localPath() );
      if( !f.exists() ) {
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not find file %1. Skipping...").arg(item->localPath()), WARNING );
	writeItem = false;
      else if( !f.isReadable() ) {
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not read file %1. Skipping...").arg(item->localPath()), WARNING );
	writeItem = false;

    if( writeItem ) {

      // some versions of mkisofs seem to have a bug that prevents to use filenames
      // that contain one or more backslashes
      if( item->writtenPath().contains("\\") )
	m_containsFilesWithMultibleBackslashes = true;

      if( item->isDir() ) {
	stream << escapeGraftPoint( item->writtenPath() )
	       << "="
	       << escapeGraftPoint( dummyDir( static_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item) ) ) << "\n";

	int x = writePathSpecForDir( dynamic_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item), stream );
	if( x >= 0 )
	  num += x;
	  return -1;
      else {
	writePathSpecForFile( static_cast<K3bFileItem*>(item), stream );

  return num;