Пример #1
// refresh texture
PyObject * Texture_refresh (Texture * self, PyObject * args)
	// get parameter - refresh source
	PyObject * param;
	double ts = -1.0;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|d:refresh", &param, &ts) || !PyBool_Check(param))
		// report error
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The value must be a bool");
		return NULL;
	// some trick here: we are in the business of loading a texture,
	// no use to do it if we are still in the same rendering frame.
	// We find this out by looking at the engine current clock time
	KX_KetsjiEngine* engine = KX_GetActiveEngine();
	if (engine->GetClockTime() != self->m_lastClock) 
		self->m_lastClock = engine->GetClockTime();
		// set source refresh
		bool refreshSource = (param == Py_True);
		// try to proces texture from source
			// if source is available
			if (self->m_source != NULL)
				// check texture code
				if (!self->m_orgSaved)
					self->m_orgSaved = true;
					// save original image code
					if (self->m_useMatTexture)
						self->m_orgTex = self->m_matTexture->swapTexture(self->m_actTex);
						self->m_orgTex = self->m_imgTexture->bindcode;
						self->m_imgTexture->bindcode = self->m_actTex;

				// get texture
				unsigned int * texture = self->m_source->m_image->getImage(self->m_actTex, ts);
				// if texture is available
				if (texture != NULL)
					// get texture size
					short * orgSize = self->m_source->m_image->getSize();
					// calc scaled sizes
					short size[] = {ImageBase::calcSize(orgSize[0]), ImageBase::calcSize(orgSize[1])};
					// scale texture if needed
					if (size[0] != orgSize[0] || size[1] != orgSize[1])
						// if scaled image buffer is smaller than needed
						if (self->m_scaledImgSize < (unsigned int)(size[0] * size[1]))
							// new size
							self->m_scaledImgSize = size[0] * size[1];
							// allocate scaling image
							delete [] self->m_scaledImg;
							self->m_scaledImg = new unsigned int[self->m_scaledImgSize];
						// scale texture
						gluScaleImage(GL_RGBA, orgSize[0], orgSize[1], GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture,
							size[0], size[1], GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, self->m_scaledImg);
						// use scaled image instead original
						texture = self->m_scaledImg;
					// load texture for rendering
					loadTexture (self->m_actTex, texture, size, self->m_mipmap);

					// refresh texture source, if required
					if (refreshSource) self->m_source->m_image->refresh();
Пример #2
// refresh texture
static PyObject *Texture_refresh(Texture *self, PyObject *args)
	// get parameter - refresh source
	PyObject *param;
	double ts = -1.0;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|d:refresh", &param, &ts) || !PyBool_Check(param))
		// report error
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The value must be a bool");
		return NULL;
	// some trick here: we are in the business of loading a texture,
	// no use to do it if we are still in the same rendering frame.
	// We find this out by looking at the engine current clock time
	KX_KetsjiEngine* engine = KX_GetActiveEngine();
	if (engine->GetClockTime() != self->m_lastClock)
		self->m_lastClock = engine->GetClockTime();
		// set source refresh
		bool refreshSource = (param == Py_True);
		// try to proces texture from source
			// if source is available
			if (self->m_source != NULL)
				// check texture code
				if (!self->m_orgSaved)
					self->m_orgSaved = true;
					// save original image code
					if (self->m_useMatTexture)
						self->m_orgTex = self->m_matTexture->swapTexture(self->m_actTex);
						// Swapping will work only if the GPU has already loaded the image.
						// If not, it will delete and overwrite our texture on next render.
						// To avoid that, we acquire the image buffer now.
						// WARNING: GPU has a ImageUser to pass, we don't. Using NULL
						// works on image file, not necessarily on other type of image.
						self->m_imgBuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(self->m_imgTexture, NULL, NULL);
						self->m_orgTex = self->m_imgTexture->bindcode[TEXTARGET_TEXTURE_2D];
						self->m_imgTexture->bindcode[TEXTARGET_TEXTURE_2D] = self->m_actTex;

				// get texture
				unsigned int * texture = self->m_source->m_image->getImage(self->m_actTex, ts);
				// if texture is available
				if (texture != NULL)
					// get texture size
					short * orgSize = self->m_source->m_image->getSize();
					// calc scaled sizes
					short size[2];
					if (GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two)
						size[0] = orgSize[0];
						size[1] = orgSize[1];
						size[0] = ImageBase::calcSize(orgSize[0]);
						size[1] = ImageBase::calcSize(orgSize[1]);
					// scale texture if needed
					if (size[0] != orgSize[0] || size[1] != orgSize[1])
						self->m_scaledImBuf = IMB_allocFromBuffer(texture, NULL, orgSize[0], orgSize[1]);
						IMB_scaleImBuf(self->m_scaledImBuf, size[0], size[1]);

						// use scaled image instead original
						texture = self->m_scaledImBuf->rect;
					// load texture for rendering
					loadTexture(self->m_actTex, texture, size, self->m_mipmap);
				// refresh texture source, if required
				if (refreshSource) {