Пример #1
PRectangle ListBoxImpl::GetDesiredRect()
	ListWidget *list = static_cast<ListWidget *>(wid);

	int rows = Length();
	if (rows == 0 || rows > visibleRows) {
		rows = visibleRows;
	int rowHeight = list->sizeHintForRow(0);
	int height = (rows * rowHeight) + (2 * list->frameWidth());

	QStyle *style = QApplication::style();
	int width = list->sizeHintForColumn(0) + (2 * list->frameWidth());
	if (Length() > rows) {
		width += style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent);

	return PRectangle(0, 0, width, height);
Пример #2
int ListBoxImpl::CaretFromEdge()
	ListWidget *list = static_cast<ListWidget *>(wid);

	int maxIconWidth = 0;
	foreach (QPixmap im, images) {
		if (maxIconWidth < im.width())
			maxIconWidth = im.width();

	// The '7' is from trial and error on Windows - there may be
	// a better programmatic way to find any padding factors.
	return maxIconWidth  + (2 * list->frameWidth()) + 7;