Пример #1
// PBook::ReadFile(): read in a file.
PBook::ReadFile ()
    ASSERT (FileName != NULL);

    ReadOnly = false;
    MFile fp;
    if (fp.Open (FileName, FMODE_Both) != OK) {
        ReadOnly = true;
        if (fp.Open (FileName, FMODE_ReadOnly) != OK) {
            return ERROR_FileOpen;

    LineCount = 1;
    Position * pos = new Position;
    DString * line = new DString;
    ReadLine(line, &fp);
    DString dstr;
    while (line->Length() || ! fp.EndOfFile()) {

        if (pos->ReadFromFEN (line->Data()) != OK) {
            fprintf (stderr, "Error reading line: %u\n", LineCount);
            ReadLine(line, &fp);
            //exit (1);

        char * s = (char *) line->Data();
        // Skip over first four fields, which were the position:
        while (*s == ' ') { s++; }
        for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) {
            while (*s != ' '  &&  *s != 0) { s++; }
            while (*s == ' ') { s++; }
        // Now process each field in turn:
        while (*s == ';'  ||  *s == ' ') { s++; }
        while (*s != 0) {
            while (*s == ';'  ||  *s == ' ') { s++; }
            bool seenCode = false;
            while (*s != ';'  &&  *s != 0) {
                seenCode = true;
                char ch = *s;
                // Check for backslash (escape) character:
                if (ch == '\\') {
                    ch = *s;
                    // "\s" -> semicolon within a field:
                    if (ch == 's') { ch = ';'; }
                dstr.AddChar (ch);
            if (seenCode) { dstr.AddChar ('\n'); }

        if (Insert (pos, dstr.Data()) != OK) {
            //fprintf (stderr, "Warning: position already exists! Line %u\n",
            //         LineCount);
        ReadLine(line, &fp);
    delete pos;
    delete line;
    Altered = false;
    NextIndex = NodeListCount - 1;
    return OK;
Пример #2
main (int argc, char * argv[])
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);   // Make stdout unbuffered.

    gameNumberT gNumber;

    bool option_ForceReplace = false;
    bool option_PreGameComments = true;

    uint pgnFileSize = 0;
    char *progname = argv[0];
    fileNameT fname;
    fileNameT baseName;
    uint argsleft = argc - 1;
    char ** nextArg = argv + 1;

    // Parse command-line argments:
    while (argsleft > 0  &&  nextArg[0][0] == '-') {
        if (! strCompare (*nextArg, "-f")) {
            option_ForceReplace = true;
        } else if (! strCompare (*nextArg, "-x")) {
            option_PreGameComments = false;
        } else {
            usage (progname);
    if (argsleft != 1  &&  argsleft != 2) {
        usage (progname);

    char * pgnName = *nextArg;
    MFile pgnFile;

    pgnFileSize = fileSize (pgnName, "");

    // Ensure positive file size counter to avoid division by zero:
    if (pgnFileSize < 1) {
        pgnFileSize = 1;

    // Make baseName from pgnName if baseName is not provided:
    if (argsleft == 1) {
        strCopy (baseName, pgnName);
        // If a gzip file, remove two suffixes, the first being ".gz":
        const char * lastSuffix = strFileSuffix (baseName);
        if (lastSuffix != NULL  &&  strEqual (lastSuffix, GZIP_SUFFIX)) {
            strTrimFileSuffix (baseName);
        // Trim the ".pgn" suffix:
        strTrimFileSuffix (baseName);
    } else {
        strCopy (baseName, nextArg[1]);

    // Check for existing database, avoid overwriting it:
    if (! option_ForceReplace) {
        if (fileSize (baseName, INDEX_SUFFIX) > 0) {
            // Scid index file already exists:
            fprintf (stderr, "%s: database already exists: %s\n", progname,
            fprintf (stderr, "You can use:  %s -f %s   to overwrite"
                     " the existing database.\n", progname, pgnName);

    if (pgnFile.Open (pgnName, FMODE_ReadOnly) != OK) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not open file %s\n", progname, pgnName);

    // Try opening the log file:
    strCopy (fname, baseName);
    strAppend (fname, ".err");
    FILE * logFile = fopen (fname, "w");
    if (logFile == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not open log file: %s\n", progname, fname);

    printf ("Converting file %s to Scid database %s:\n", pgnName, baseName);
    printf ("Errors/warnings will be written to %s.\n\n", fname);


    GFile * gameFile = new GFile;
    if ((gameFile->Create (baseName, FMODE_WriteOnly)) != OK) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not create the file %s%s\n",
                 progname, baseName, GFILE_SUFFIX);
        fprintf (stderr, "The file may already exist and be read-only, or\n");
        fprintf (stderr, "you may not have permission to create this file.\n");

    NameBase * nb = new NameBase;
    Index * idx = new Index;
    IndexEntry * ie = new IndexEntry;
    idx->SetFileName (baseName);
    idx->CreateIndexFile (FMODE_WriteOnly);

    Game * game = new Game;
    ProgBar progBar(stdout);

    ByteBuffer *bbuf = new ByteBuffer;
    bbuf->SetBufferSize (BBUF_SIZE); // 32768

    PgnParser pgnParser (&pgnFile);
    pgnParser.SetErrorFile (logFile);
    pgnParser.SetPreGameText (option_PreGameComments);

    // TODO: Add command line option for ignored tags, rather than
    //       just hardcoding PlyCount as the only ignored tag.
    pgnParser.AddIgnoredTag ("PlyCount");

    // Add each game found to the database:
    while (pgnParser.ParseGame(game) != ERROR_NotFound) {

        if (idx->AddGame (&gNumber, ie) != OK) {
            fprintf (stderr, "\nLimit of %d games reached!\n", MAX_GAMES);

        // Add the names to the namebase:
        idNumberT id = 0;

        if (nb->AddName (NAME_PLAYER, game->GetWhiteStr(), &id) != OK) {
            fatalNameError (NAME_PLAYER);
        nb->IncFrequency (NAME_PLAYER, id, 1);
        ie->SetWhite (id);

        if (nb->AddName (NAME_PLAYER, game->GetBlackStr(), &id) != OK) {
            fatalNameError (NAME_PLAYER);
        nb->IncFrequency (NAME_PLAYER, id, 1);
        ie->SetBlack (id);

        if (nb->AddName (NAME_EVENT, game->GetEventStr(), &id) != OK) {
            fatalNameError (NAME_EVENT);
        nb->IncFrequency (NAME_EVENT, id, 1);
        ie->SetEvent (id);

        if (nb->AddName (NAME_SITE, game->GetSiteStr(), &id) != OK) {
            fatalNameError (NAME_SITE);
        nb->IncFrequency (NAME_SITE, id, 1);
        ie->SetSite (id);

        if (nb->AddName (NAME_ROUND, game->GetRoundStr(), &id) != OK) {
            fatalNameError (NAME_ROUND);
        nb->IncFrequency (NAME_ROUND, id, 1);
        ie->SetRound (id);

        if (game->Encode (bbuf, ie) != OK) {
            fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error encoding game!\n");
        uint offset = 0;
        if (gameFile->AddGame (bbuf, &offset) != OK) {
            fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error writing game file!\n");
        ie->SetOffset (offset);
        ie->SetLength (bbuf->GetByteCount());
        idx->WriteEntries (ie, gNumber, 1);

        // Update the progress bar:
        if (! (gNumber % 100)) {
            int bytesSeen = pgnParser.BytesUsed();
            int percentDone = 1 + ((bytesSeen) * 100 / pgnFileSize);
            progBar.Update (percentDone);


    uint t = 0;   // = time(0);
    nb->SetFileName (baseName);
    if (nb->WriteNameFile() != OK) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error writing name file!\n");

    printf ("\nDatabase `%s': %d games, %d players, %d events, %d sites.\n",
            baseName, idx->GetNumGames(), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_PLAYER),
            nb->GetNumNames (NAME_EVENT), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_SITE));
    fclose (logFile);
    if (pgnParser.ErrorCount() > 0) {
        printf ("There were %u errors or warnings; ", pgnParser.ErrorCount());
        printf ("examine the file \"%s.err\"\n", baseName);
    } else {
        printf ("There were no warnings or errors.\n");
        removeFile (baseName, ".err");

    // If there is a tree cache file for this database, it is out of date:
    removeFile (baseName, TREEFILE_SUFFIX);
    printf("%d asserts were tested\n", numAsserts);
    return 0;
Пример #3
// PBook::ReadEcoFile():
//    Read an ECO (not EPD) format file.
PBook::ReadEcoFile ()
    MFile fp;
    if (fp.Open (FileName, FMODE_ReadOnly) != OK) {
        return ERROR_FileOpen;

    ReadOnly = true;
    LineCount = 1;
    Position std_start;
    DString text;
    DString moves;
    ecoStringT ecoStr;
    ecoT ecoCode;
    int ch;
    errorT err = OK;
    bool done = false;

    // Loop to read in and add all positions:

    while (!done) {
        // Find the next ECO code:
        while (true) {
            ch = fp.ReadOneByte();
            if (ch == EOF) { done = true; break; }
            if (ch == '\n') { LineCount++; }
            if (ch >= 'A'  &&  ch <= 'E') { break; }
            if (ch == '#') {
                while (ch != '\n'  &&  ch != EOF) {
                    ch = fp.ReadOneByte();
                if (ch == EOF) { done = true; }
        if (done) { break; }

        // Read in the rest of the ECO code:
        ecoStr[0] = ch;
        ch = fp.ReadOneByte();
        if (ch < '0'  ||  ch > '9') { goto corrupt; }
        ecoStr[1] = ch;
        ch = fp.ReadOneByte();
        if (ch < '0'  ||  ch > '9') { goto corrupt; }
        ecoStr[2] = ch;
        ecoStr[3] = 0;

        // Now check for optional extra part of code, e.g. "A00a1":
        ch = fp.ReadOneByte();
        if (ch >= 'a'  &&  ch <= 'z') {
            ecoStr[3] = ch; ecoStr[4] = 0;
            ch = fp.ReadOneByte();
            if (ch >= '1'  &&  ch <= '4') {
                ecoStr[4] = ch; ecoStr[5] = 0;

        // Now put ecoCode in the text string and read the text in quotes:
        ecoCode = eco_FromString (ecoStr);
        eco_ToExtendedString (ecoCode, ecoStr);
        text.Append ("eco ", ecoStr, " [");

        // Find the start of the text:
        while ((ch = fp.ReadOneByte()) != '"') {
            if (ch == EOF) { goto corrupt; }
        while ((ch = fp.ReadOneByte()) != '"') {
            if (ch == EOF) { goto corrupt; }
            text.AddChar ((char) ch);
        text.Append ("]\n");

        // Now read the position:
        char prev = 0;
        while ((ch = fp.ReadOneByte()) != '*') {
            if (ch == EOF) { goto corrupt; }
            if (ch == '\n') {
                ch = ' ';
            if (ch != ' '  ||  prev != ' ') {
                moves.AddChar ((char) ch);
            prev = ch;
        Position pos (std_start);
        err = pos.ReadLine (moves.Data());
        if (err != OK) { goto corrupt; }
        text.Append ("moves ", strTrimLeft (moves.Data()), "\n");
        if (Insert (&pos, text.Data()) != OK) {
            // Position already exists: just ignore it.
    return OK;
    return ERROR_Corrupt;