Пример #1
void getMatches(const NGHolder &g, MatchSet &matches, struct fmstate &state,
                bool allowEodMatches) {
    SOMMap::const_iterator it, ite;

    for (it = state.states.begin(), ite = state.states.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
        NFAGraph::adjacency_iterator ai, ae;

        // we can't accept anything from startDs inbetween UTF-8 codepoints
        if (state.utf8 && it->first == g.startDs && !isUtf8CodePoint(state.cur)) {

        for (tie(ai, ae) = adjacent_vertices(it->first, g); ai != ae; ++ai) {
            if (*ai == g.accept || (*ai == g.acceptEod && allowEodMatches)) {
                // check edge assertions if we are allowed to reach accept
                if (!canReach(g, it->first, *ai, state)) {
                DEBUG_PRINTF("match found at %zu\n", state.offset);

                for (const auto &report_id :
                     g[it->first].reports) {
                    const Report &ri = state.rm.getReport(report_id);

                    DEBUG_PRINTF("report %u has offset adjustment %d\n",
                                 report_id, ri.offsetAdjust);
                        make_pair(it->second, state.offset + ri.offsetAdjust));
   * Creates a single match and should result in a PoiPolygonMerger
  void basicTest()
    OsmMapPtr map(new OsmMap());

    Coordinate c1[] = { Coordinate(0.0, 0.0), Coordinate(20.0, 0.0),
                        Coordinate(20.0, 20.0), Coordinate(0.0, 20.0),
                        Coordinate(0.0, 0.0),
                        Coordinate::getNull() };
    WayPtr w1 = TestUtils::createWay(map, Status::Unknown1, c1, 5, "w1");
    w1->getTags().set("area", true);
    w1->getTags()["name"] = "foo";
    w1->getTags()["amenity"] = "bar";
    NodePtr n1(new Node(Status::Unknown2, 1, 10, 10, 5));
    n1->getTags()["name"] = "bar";
    n1->getTags()["amenity"] = "cafe";

    PoiPolygonMatch match1(
      map, w1->getElementId(), n1->getElementId(), shared_ptr<MatchThreshold>());
    MatchSet matches;
    vector<Merger*> mergers;
    PoiPolygonMergerCreator uut;
    HOOT_STR_EQUALS(1, uut.createMergers(matches, mergers));
    HOOT_STR_EQUALS(1, mergers.size());
    HOOT_STR_EQUALS(1, (dynamic_cast<PoiPolygonMerger*>(mergers[0]) != 0));
   * Creates two matches with overlap and should create a MarkForReviewMerger
  void reviewTest()
    OsmMapPtr map(new OsmMap());

    Coordinate c1[] = { Coordinate(0.0, 0.0), Coordinate(20.0, 0.0),
                        Coordinate(20.0, 20.0), Coordinate(0.0, 20.0),
                        Coordinate(0.0, 0.0),
                        Coordinate::getNull() };
    WayPtr w1 = TestUtils::createWay(map, Status::Unknown1, c1, 5, "w1");
    w1->getTags().set("building", true);
    w1->getTags()["name"] = "foo";
    w1->getTags()["amenity"] = "bar";

    Coordinate c2[] = { Coordinate(0.0, 0.0), Coordinate(5.0, 0.0),
                        Coordinate(5.0, 5.0), Coordinate(0.0, 5.0),
                        Coordinate(0.0, 0.0),
                        Coordinate::getNull() };
    WayPtr w2 = TestUtils::createWay(map, Status::Unknown2, c2, 5, "w2");
    w2->getTags().set("building", true);
    w2->getTags()["name"] = "goofie";

    NodePtr n1(new Node(Status::Unknown2, 1, 19, 19, 5));
    n1->getTags()["name"] = "foo";
    n1->getTags()["amenity"] = "cafe";

    vector<const Match*> matchesV;
    PoiPolygonMatch match1(map, w1->getElementId(), n1->getElementId(), shared_ptr<MatchThreshold>());
    shared_ptr<const MatchThreshold> threshold(new MatchThreshold(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
    BuildingMatchCreator().createMatches(map, matchesV, threshold);

    PoiPolygonMatch match2(map, w2->getElementId(), n1->getElementId(), shared_ptr<MatchThreshold>());

    MatchSet matches;
    matches.insert(matchesV.begin(), matchesV.end());
    vector<Merger*> mergers;
    PoiPolygonMergerCreator uut;
    HOOT_STR_EQUALS(1, uut.createMergers(matches, mergers));
    HOOT_STR_EQUALS(1, mergers.size());
    HOOT_STR_EQUALS(1, (dynamic_cast<MarkForReviewMerger*>(mergers[0]) != 0));
  void runFindSubgraphsTest()
    // See this for a visual.
    // https://insightcloud.digitalglobe.com/redmine/attachments/download/1638/Hootenanny%20-%20Graph%20Based%20Conflation%20-%202013-06-21.pptx
    ElementId a1 = ElementId::way(1);
    ElementId a2 = ElementId::way(2);
    ElementId a3 = ElementId::way(3);
    // unused
    //ElementId a4 = ElementId::way(4);

    ElementId b1 = ElementId::way(5);
    ElementId b2 = ElementId::way(5);
    ElementId b3 = ElementId::way(6);

    vector<const Match*> matches;

    // force the pointers to be in order which forces the set to be consistent between runs.
    ConstrainedFakeMatch* fm = new ConstrainedFakeMatch[4];
    shared_ptr<MatchThreshold> mt(new MatchThreshold(0.5, 0.5));

    matches.push_back(fm[0].init(a1, b1, 0.8, mt)->addConflict(&fm[1]));
    matches.push_back(fm[1].init(a2, b1, 1, mt)->addConflict(&fm[2]));
    matches.push_back(fm[2].init(a2, b2, 0.9, mt));
    matches.push_back(fm[3].init(a3, b3, 0.9, mt));

    ConstOsmMapPtr empty;
    OptimalConstrainedMatches uut(empty);

    uut.addMatches(matches.begin(), matches.end());
    vector<const Match*> subsetVector = uut.calculateSubset();

    MatchSet matchSet;
    matchSet.insert(subsetVector.begin(), subsetVector.end());

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(2.6, uut.getScore(), 0.001);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)3, matchSet.size());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, matchSet.find(&fm[0]) != matchSet.end());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, matchSet.find(&fm[2]) != matchSet.end());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, matchSet.find(&fm[3]) != matchSet.end());
Пример #5
bool ScriptMatch::_isOrderedConflicting(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, ElementId sharedEid,
  ElementId other1, ElementId other2) const
  Isolate* current = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
  HandleScope handleScope(current);
  Context::Scope context_scope(_script->getContext(current));

  set<ElementId> eids;

  OsmMapPtr copiedMap(new OsmMap(map->getProjection()));
  CopyMapSubsetOp(map, eids).apply(copiedMap);

  Handle<Object> copiedMapJs = OsmMapJs::create(copiedMap);

  // make sure unknown1 is always first
  ElementId eid11, eid12, eid21, eid22;
  if (map->getElement(sharedEid)->getStatus() == Status::Unknown1)
    eid11 = sharedEid;
    eid21 = sharedEid;
    eid12 = other1;
    eid22 = other2;
    eid11 = other1;
    eid21 = other2;
    eid12 = sharedEid;
    eid22 = sharedEid;

  boost::shared_ptr<ScriptMatch> m1(
    new ScriptMatch(_script, _plugin, copiedMap, copiedMapJs, eid11, eid12, _threshold));
  MatchSet ms;
  vector<Merger*> mergers;
  ScriptMergerCreator creator;
  creator.createMergers(ms, mergers);

  bool conflicting = true;
  // if we got a merger, then check to see if it conflicts
  if (mergers.size() == 1)
    // apply the merger to our map copy
    vector< pair<ElementId, ElementId> > replaced;
    mergers[0]->apply(copiedMap, replaced);

    // replace the element id in the second merger.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < replaced.size(); ++i)
      if (replaced[i].first == eid21)
        eid21 = replaced[i].second;
      if (replaced[i].first == eid22)
        eid22 = replaced[i].second;

    // if we can still find the second match after the merge was applied then it isn't a conflict
    if (copiedMap->containsElement(eid21) &&
      ScriptMatch m2(_script, _plugin, copiedMap, copiedMapJs, eid21, eid22, _threshold);
      if (m2.getType() == MatchType::Match)
        conflicting = false;

  return conflicting;