Пример #1
static status_t ReadZipFileAux(zipFile zf, Message & msg, char * nameBuf, uint32 nameBufLen, bool loadData)
   while(unzOpenCurrentFile(zf) == UNZ_OK)
      unz_file_info fileInfo;
      if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zf, &fileInfo, nameBuf, nameBufLen, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != UNZ_OK) return B_ERROR;

      // Add the new entry to the appropriate spot in the tree (demand-allocate sub-Messages as necessary)
         const char * nulByte = strchr(nameBuf, '\0');
         const bool isFolder = ((nulByte > nameBuf)&&(*(nulByte-1) == '/'));
         Message * m = &msg;
         StringTokenizer tok(true, nameBuf, "/");
         const char * nextTok;
         while((nextTok = tok()) != NULL)
            String fn(nextTok);
            if ((isFolder)||(tok.GetRemainderOfString()))
               // Demand-allocate a sub-message
               MessageRef subMsg;
               if (m->FindMessage(fn, subMsg) != B_NO_ERROR) 
                  if ((m->AddMessage(fn, Message()) != B_NO_ERROR)||(m->FindMessage(fn, subMsg) != B_NO_ERROR)) return B_ERROR;
               m = subMsg();
               if (loadData)
                  ByteBufferRef bufRef = GetByteBufferFromPool((uint32) fileInfo.uncompressed_size);
                  if ((bufRef() == NULL)||(unzReadCurrentFile(zf, bufRef()->GetBuffer(), bufRef()->GetNumBytes()) != (int32)bufRef()->GetNumBytes())||(m->AddFlat(fn, bufRef) != B_NO_ERROR)) return B_ERROR;
               else if (m->AddInt64(fn, fileInfo.uncompressed_size) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
      if (unzCloseCurrentFile(zf) != UNZ_OK) return B_ERROR;
      if (unzGoToNextFile(zf) != UNZ_OK) break;
   return B_NO_ERROR;
Пример #2
status_t ConvertFromAMessage(const os::Message & from, Message & to) 
   to.what = from.GetCode();

   int numNames = from.GetNumNames();
   for (int32 i=0; i<numNames; i++)
      int type;
      int count;
      std::string name = from.GetName(i);
      if (from.GetNameInfo(name.c_str(), &type, &count) == B_NO_ERROR)
         for (int j=0; j<count; j++)
            const void * nextItem;
            size_t itemSize;
            if (from.FindData(name.c_str(), type, &nextItem, &itemSize, j) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;

            // do any necessary translation from the AtheOS data types to Muscle data types
               case os::T_POINT:
                  const os::Point * p = static_cast<const os::Point *>(nextItem);
                  Point pPoint(p->x, p->y);
                  if (to.AddPoint(name.c_str(), pPoint) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;

               case os::T_RECT:
                  const os::Rect * r = static_cast<const os::Rect *>(nextItem);
                  Rect pRect(r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
                  if (to.AddRect(name.c_str(), pRect) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;

               case os::T_MESSAGE:
                  os::Message amsg;
                  if (amsg.Unflatten(static_cast<const uint8 *>(nextItem)) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
                  Message * newMsg = newnothrow Message;
                  if (newMsg)
                     MessageRef msgRef(newMsg);
                     if (ConvertFromAMessage(amsg, *newMsg) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
                     if (to.AddMessage(name.c_str(), msgRef) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
                  else {WARN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return B_ERROR;}

                  if (to.AddData(name.c_str(), type, nextItem, itemSize) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;

   return B_NO_ERROR;