Пример #1
    /* translate virtual address to pysical address. handles tlbmiss, page faults,
    loads page to physical memory in case of page fault */
    int translate(VirtualAddress address, PhysicalAddress &physicalAddress)
        int rval = status_success;

        PageEntry pageEntry;    /* the page entry from page table. We use this for lookup in page table, and get frame no from it */
        Page page;              /* in case we need to get page from backing store and add it to physical memory */
        FrameNumber frameno;    /* in case we need to add page to physical memory */
        PageNumber pageno = -1; /* page number we will lookkup. get this from virtual address */
        int offset = -1;        /* offset we will lookkup. get this from virtual address */
        bool pagehit = false;   /* flags */
        bool tlbhit = false;

        /* break address to page no offset */
        zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- get page number and offset\n");
        pageno = getPageNumberFromLogicalAddress(address);
        offset = getOffsetFromLogicalAddress(address);

        /* we are storing he required frame number in the frameno value, weather we get a hit
        from tlb, page table or page fault */

        /* check in tlb */
        tlb.lookup(pageno, frameno, tlbhit);
        if(true == tlbhit)
            /* we are done here */
            zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate - tlbhit !!\n");
            /* check in page table tlb miss */
            zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- get page entry for page no : %d\n", pageno);
            if(status_success != pageTable.lookup(pageno, pageEntry))
                rval = status_failure;
                zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- unable to get page table entry\n");
                goto exit1;

            /* check if this is a page fault */
            zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- check for page fault\n");
            if(true == pageEntry.isValid)
                /* we are done */
                zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- page hit! \n");
                frameno = pageEntry.frameNumber;
                pagehit = true;

                /* update counter */

            /* page fault code */
            if(false == pagehit)
                /* update counter */

                /* get page from backing store */
                zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- page fault on page : %d, reading block : %d from backing store\n",
                            pageno, pageno);
                if(status_success != backingStore.getPage(page, pageno*PageSize, PageSize))
                    zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- unable to get page form backing store\n");
                    rval = status_failure;
                    goto exit2;

                /* add to physical memory */
                zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- putting the page in physical memory\n");
                if(status_success != physicalMemory.addPage(page, frameno))
                    zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- unable to add page to physical memory\n");
                    rval = status_failure;
                    goto exit2;

                /* update page entry */
                zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- update page Entry \n");
                pageEntry.frameNumber = frameno;
                pageEntry.isModified  = false;
                pageEntry.isValid = true;

                /* add page entry to page table */
                zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- update page table\n");
                if(status_success != pageTable.updatePageEntry(pageEntry, pageno))
                    zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- unable to add entry to page table\n");
                    rval = status_failure;
                    goto exit2;

                zlog(ZLOG_LOC, "VirtualMemoryManager::translate- lookup page table again\n");
                frameno = pageEntry.frameNumber;
                pagehit = true;

            /* by this time we have a valid page frame mapping
                if there was a tlb miss, update tlb table */
            if(false == tlbhit)
                TlbEntry tlbEntry;
                tlbEntry.pageNumber = pageno;
                tlbEntry.frameNumber = frameno;
                tlbEntry.valid = true;


        /* page entry contains the frame number required */
        physicalAddress = (frameno << numBitsForFrameOffset) + offset;

        return rval;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
     * Configuration
    for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        if(i == 1)
            if(strcmp(argv[i], "1") == 0)
                debugMode = true;
            } else {
                debugMode = false;
        } else if(i == 2)
            numberOfTLBEntries = getNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(numberOfTLBEntries);
        } else if(i == 3)
            numberOfPageFrames = getNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(numberOfPageFrames);
        } else if(i == 4)
        } else if(i == 5)
     * Initial State

    cout<<"Debug Mode: "<<debugMode<<endl;
    cout<<"Total number of TLB Entries: "<<numberOfTLBEntries<<endl;
    cout<<"Total number of Page Frames: "<<numberOfPageFrames<<endl;
    cout<<"Total number of Instructions: "<<numberOfInstructions<<endl;
    cout<<"Total number of Virtual Pages: "<<numberOfVirtualPages<<endl;
    cout<<"On Average Virtual Address Page Changes after: "<<pageChangeAfterInstructionCount<<endl;

     * Operation starts...
     * Create a pageTable, a TLB

    PageTable pageTable;
    TranslationLookaheadBuffer tlb(numberOfTLBEntries);

    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfInstructions; i++)
        Instruction nextInstruction = getNextInstruction();
        LookupResult l = tlb.lookup(nextInstruction.msbAddress);
        if(l.isFound == true)
            //do nothing
        } else
                printf("Cache Miss for page %02x\n",nextInstruction.msbAddress);
            totalNumberOfCacheMisses += 1;
            l = pageTable.lookup(nextInstruction.msbAddress);
            if(l.isFound == true)
                //do nothing
            } else
                    printf("Page fault on page %02x\n",nextInstruction.msbAddress);
                totalNumberOfPageFaults += 1;
                l = pageTable.lookup(nextInstruction.msbAddress);
            tlb.insert(nextInstruction.msbAddress, l.frameIndex);
            //l = pageTable.lookup(nextInstruction.msbAddress);
            printf("Virtual Address: %02x%02x, Physical Address: %02x%02x\n", nextInstruction.msbAddress, nextInstruction.lsbAddress, l.frameIndex, nextInstruction.lsbAddress);
    cout<<"Total number of Cache Misses: "<<totalNumberOfCacheMisses<<endl;
    cout<<"Total number of Page Faults: "<<totalNumberOfPageFaults<<endl;
    cout<<"Total number of Page Used: "<<pageTable.getUsedPageCount()<<endl;
    cout<<"Total number of Page Changed: "<<pageChangeCount<<endl;

    /*TranslationLookaheadBuffer tlb;
    unsigned char accessPattern[] = "ABACBDADEDAEBAC";
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
        LookupResult result = tlb.lookup(accessPattern[i]);
        } else {
            cout<<"Cache Miss"<<endl;
    return 0;