Пример #1
bool MFolderFromProfile::Create(const String& fullname)
   // update the count of children in the immediate parent of the folder we're
   // going to create

   // split path into '/' separated components
   wxArrayString components;
   wxSplitPath(components, fullname);

   bool updatedCount = false;

   String path, component;

   Profile *profile = Profile::CreateFolderProfile(wxEmptyString);

   size_t n,
          count = components.GetCount();
   for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
      CHECK( profile, false, _T("failed to create profile?") );

      component = components[n];

      if ( !updatedCount )
         if ( profile->readEntryFromHere(component + _T('/') + MP_FOLDER_TYPE,
                                         MF_ILLEGAL) == MF_ILLEGAL )
            MFolderFromProfile *folder = (MFolderFromProfile *)MFolder::Get(path);
            if ( !folder )
               FAIL_MSG( _T("this folder must already exist!") );
               // we have to invalidate it - unfortunately we can't just
               // increase it because we may have a situation like this:
               //    1. Create("a/b/c")
               //    2. Create("a/b")
               //    3. Create("a")
               // and then, assuming 'a' hadn't existed before, the children
               // count of the root folder would be incremented thrice even
               // though only one new children was created
               folder->m_nChildren = INVALID_CHILDREN_COUNT;


            // this is the the last existing folder for which we have anything to
            // update
            updatedCount = true;

      // go down
      if ( !path.empty() )
         path += _T('/');
      path += components[n];

      profile = Profile::CreateFolderProfile(path);

   // we need to write something to this group to really create it
   profile->writeEntry(MP_FOLDER_TYPE, MF_ILLEGAL);


   return true;