Пример #1
void Program::setText(const QString &text)
    myText = text;
    myTitle = text;

    QFontMetricsF metrics = qApp->font();
    int textWidth = metrics.width(myText);
    int programWidth = myPosition.width();

        if (programWidth < 50){
         myText = "i";

        textWidth = metrics.width(myText);
         if (textWidth > programWidth){
         while(textWidth > programWidth){
         textWidth = metrics.width(myText);
         myText = myText + "...";

QRectF DiasporaClusterGraphicsItem::getBoundingRect()

    QFont fontMain = DiasporaDefaultFonts::TitleFont(); // Preferences::prefs().fontAspectTitle();
    QFont fontStat = DiasporaDefaultFonts::BodyFont(); //Preferences::prefs().fontBody();

    QFontMetricsF fmMain = QFontMetrics(fontMain);
    QFontMetricsF fmStat = QFontMetrics(fontStat);

    float hMain = fmMain.height();
    float wMain = fmMain.width("AEIOUjZ");

    float hStat = fmStat.height();

    _initials = _clusterItem.name().left(3);

    float fTotHeight = (hMain + hStat *3) * 1.2;
    float fReference = wMain > fTotHeight ? wMain : fTotHeight;


    _corner.setX (_corner.x()-fReference/2);
    _corner.setY (_corner.y()-fReference/2);

    return QRectF (_corner, _size);

Пример #3
 qreal LongestDayWidth(const QFontMetricsF& fm)
     const KCalendarSystem* cal = KGlobal::locale()->calendar();
     qreal wd = 0;
     for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
         qreal w = fm.width(cal->weekDayName(i));
         if (w > wd)
             wd = w;
     return wd;
QSizeF AdjustColumnRowManipulator::textSize(const QString& text, const Style& style) const
    QSizeF size;
    DummyWidget dummyWiget;
    const QFontMetricsF fontMetrics(style.font(), &dummyWiget);

    // Set size to correct values according to
    // if the text is horizontal, vertical or rotated.
    if (!style.verticalText() && !style.angle()) {
        // Horizontal text.

        size = fontMetrics.size(0, text);
        double offsetFont = 0.0;
        if ((style.valign() == Style::Bottom) && style.underline())
            offsetFont = fontMetrics.underlinePos() + 1;

        size.setHeight((fontMetrics.ascent() + fontMetrics.descent() + offsetFont)
                       *(text.count('\n') + 1));
    } else if (style.angle() != 0) {
        // Rotated text.

        const double height = fontMetrics.ascent() + fontMetrics.descent();
        const double width  = fontMetrics.width(text);
        size.setHeight(height * ::cos(style.angle() * M_PI / 180)
                       + qAbs(width * ::sin(style.angle() * M_PI / 180)));
        size.setWidth(qAbs(height * ::sin(style.angle() * M_PI / 180))
                      + width * ::cos(style.angle() * M_PI / 180));
    } else {
        // Vertical text.

        qreal width = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
            width = qMax(width, fontMetrics.width(text.at(i)));

        size.setHeight((fontMetrics.ascent() + fontMetrics.descent())
                       * text.length());
    return size;
QString MLabelViewSimple::textToRender(const QSizeF &renderSize) const
    QString text = viewPrivate->model()->text();

    const QChar multiLengthSeparator(0x9c, 0);
    if (text.contains(multiLengthSeparator)) {
        // The text consists of several strings. Find the first string that fits into the
        // available width. If no string has been found, the last string will be used.
        const QStringList strings = text.split(multiLengthSeparator);
        const QFontMetricsF metrics(viewPrivate->controller->font());
        foreach (const QString &string, strings) {
            text = string;
            if (metrics.width(text) <= renderSize.width()) {
Пример #6
QRectF KateTextAnimation::rectForText()
  const QFontMetricsF fm = m_view->view()->renderer()->currentFontMetrics();
  const int lineHeight = m_view->view()->renderer()->lineHeight();
  QPoint pixelPos = m_view->cursorToCoordinate(m_range.start(), /*bool realCursor*/ true, /*bool includeBorder*/ false);

  if (pixelPos.x() == -1 || pixelPos.y() == -1) {
    return QRectF();
  } else {
    QRectF rect(pixelPos.x(), pixelPos.y(),
                fm.width(m_view->view()->doc()->text(m_range)), lineHeight);
    const QPointF center = rect.center();
    const qreal factor = 1.0 + 0.5 * m_value;
    rect.setWidth(rect.width() * factor);
    rect.setHeight(rect.height() * factor);
    return rect;
void tst_QQuickTextMetrics::functionsWithArguments()
    QFETCH(QString, text);
    QFETCH(Qt::TextElideMode, mode);
    QFETCH(qreal, width);

    QQuickTextMetrics metrics;
    // Ensures that the values actually change.
    metrics.setText(text + "extra");
    metrics.setElideWidth(width + 1);
    switch (mode) {
        case Qt::ElideNone: metrics.setElide(Qt::ElideMiddle); break;
        case Qt::ElideLeft: metrics.setElide(Qt::ElideRight); break;
        case Qt::ElideMiddle: metrics.setElide(Qt::ElideNone); break;
        case Qt::ElideRight: metrics.setElide(Qt::ElideLeft); break;

    QSignalSpy textSpy(&metrics, SIGNAL(textChanged()));
    QSignalSpy metricsSpy(&metrics, SIGNAL(metricsChanged()));
    QCOMPARE(textSpy.count(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(metricsSpy.count(), 1);

    QSignalSpy elideSpy(&metrics, SIGNAL(elideChanged()));
    QCOMPARE(elideSpy.count(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(metricsSpy.count(), 2);

    QSignalSpy elideWidthSpy(&metrics, SIGNAL(elideWidthChanged()));
    QCOMPARE(elideWidthSpy.count(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(metricsSpy.count(), 3);

    QFontMetricsF expected = QFontMetricsF(QFont());

    QCOMPARE(metrics.elidedText(), expected.elidedText(text, mode, width, 0));
    QCOMPARE(metrics.advanceWidth(), expected.width(text));
    QCOMPARE(metrics.boundingRect(), expected.boundingRect(text));
    QCOMPARE(metrics.width(), expected.boundingRect(text).width());
    QCOMPARE(metrics.height(), expected.boundingRect(text).height());
    QCOMPARE(metrics.tightBoundingRect(), expected.tightBoundingRect(text));
Пример #8
qreal Telegram::messageBodyTextWidth(qint64 id) const
    const QString & txt = messageBody(id);
    QFontMetricsF metric = QFontMetricsF( QFont() );
    return metric.width(txt);
void DiasporaClusterGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
    QColor borderColor = QColor(192,192,192);
    QColor starColor = QColor (255,255,192);
    QColor techColor = QColor (255,255,0);
    QColor textColor = QColor(0,0,0);
    QColor borderSelectedColor = QColor(255,0,0);

    QBrush starBrush = QBrush(starColor,Qt::SolidPattern);
    QBrush techBrush = QBrush(techColor,Qt::SolidPattern);
    QBrush textBrush = QBrush(textColor, Qt::SolidPattern);

    QPen borderPen;

    if (!this->isSelected()) {
        borderPen= QPen(borderColor);
    } else {
        borderPen= QPen(borderSelectedColor);


    QPen textPen = QPen(textColor);

    painter->setBrush(_clusterItem.technology() >= 2 ? techBrush : starBrush);

    QRectF boundingRect = this->boundingRect();


    QFont fontMain = DiasporaDefaultFonts::TitleFont(); //Preferences::prefs().fontAspectTitle();
    QFont fontStat = DiasporaDefaultFonts::BodyFont();// Preferences::prefs().fontBody();

    QFontMetricsF fmMain = QFontMetrics(fontMain);
    QFontMetricsF fmStat = QFontMetrics(fontStat);

    float hMain = fmMain.height() * 1.1;
    float wMain = fmMain.width(_initials);

    QString t1 = QString("Env: %1")
    QString t2 = QString("Tech: %1").arg(_clusterItem.technology());
    QString t3 = QString("Res: %1").arg(_clusterItem.resources());

    float hStat = fmStat.height() * 1.1;
    float w1 = fmStat.width(t1);
    float w2 = fmStat.width(t2);
    float w3 = fmStat.width(t3);

    float wRect = boundingRect.width();

    wMain = (wRect- wMain)/2;
    w1 = (wRect- w1)/2;
    w2 = (wRect- w2)/2;
    w3 = (wRect- w3)/2;

    QPoint p1 = QPoint (_corner.x()+wMain, boundingRect.top()+hMain);
    QPoint p2 = QPoint (_corner.x()+w1, _corner.y()+hMain+hStat);
    QPoint p3 = QPoint (_corner.x()+w2, _corner.y()+hMain+2*hStat);
    QPoint p4 = QPoint (_corner.x()+w3, _corner.y()+hStat*3+hMain);

    painter->drawText(p1,_initials );
    painter->drawText(p2,t1 );
    painter->drawText(p3,t2 );
    painter->drawText(p4,t3 );


Пример #10
void TextObject::prepareLineInfos() const
	const TextSymbol* text_symbol = reinterpret_cast<const TextSymbol*>(symbol);
	double scaling = text_symbol->calculateInternalScaling();
	QFontMetricsF metrics = text_symbol->getFontMetrics();
	double line_spacing = text_symbol->getLineSpacing() * metrics.lineSpacing();
	double paragraph_spacing = scaling * text_symbol->getParagraphSpacing() + (text_symbol->hasLineBelow() ? (scaling * (text_symbol->getLineBelowDistance() + text_symbol->getLineBelowWidth())) : 0);
	double ascent = metrics.ascent();
	bool word_wrap = ! hasSingleAnchor();
	double box_width  = word_wrap ? (scaling * getBoxWidth())  : 0.0;
	double box_height = word_wrap ? (scaling * getBoxHeight()) : 0.0;
	int text_end = text.length();
	const QLatin1Char line_break('\n');
	const QLatin1Char part_break('\t');
	const QLatin1Char word_break(' ');
	// Initialize offsets
	double line_x = 0.0;
	if (h_align == TextObject::AlignLeft)
		line_x -= 0.5 * box_width;
	else if (h_align == TextObject::AlignRight)
		line_x += 0.5 * box_width;

	double line_y = 0.0;
	if (v_align == TextObject::AlignTop || v_align == TextObject::AlignBaseline)
		line_y += -0.5 * box_height;
	if (v_align != TextObject::AlignBaseline)
		line_y += ascent;
	// Determine lines and parts
	//double next_line_x_offset = 0; // to keep indentation after word wrap in a line with tabs
	int num_paragraphs = 0;
	int line_num = 0;
	int line_start = 0;
	while (line_start <= text_end) 
		// Initialize input line
		double line_width = 0.0;
		int line_end = text.indexOf(line_break, line_start);
		if (line_end == -1)
			line_end = text_end;
		bool paragraph_end = true;
		std::vector<TextObjectPartInfo> part_infos;
		int part_start = line_start;
		double part_x = line_x;
		while (part_start <= line_end)
			// Initialize part (sequence of letters terminated by tab or line break)
			int part_end = text.indexOf(part_break, part_start);
			if (part_end == -1)
				part_end = line_end;
			else if (part_end > line_end)
				part_end = line_end;
			if (part_start > 0 && text[part_start - 1] == part_break)
				part_x = line_x + text_symbol->getNextTab(part_x - line_x);
			QString part = text.mid(part_start, part_end - part_start);
			double part_width = metrics.boundingRect(part).width();
			if (word_wrap)
				// shrink overflowing part to maximum possible size
				while (part_x + part_width - line_x > box_width)
					// find latest possible break
					int new_part_end =  text.lastIndexOf(word_break, part_end - 1);
					if (new_part_end <= part_start)
						// part won't fit
						if (part_start > line_start)
							// don't put another part on this line
							part_end = part_start - 1;
							paragraph_end = false;
					paragraph_end = false;
					// Shrink the part and the line
					part_end = new_part_end;
					part = text.mid(part_start, part_end - part_start);
					part_width = metrics.width(part);
					line_end = part_end;
			if (part_end < part_start)
			// Add the current part
			part_infos.push_back( { part, part_start, part_end, part_x, metrics.width(part), metrics } );
			// Advance to next part position
			part_start = part_end + 1;
			part_x += part_width;
		TextObjectPartInfo& last_part_info = part_infos.back();
		line_end   = last_part_info.end_index;
		line_width = last_part_info.part_x + last_part_info.width - line_x;
		// Jump over whitespace after the end of the line and check if it contains a newline character to determine if it is a paragraph end
		int next_line_start = line_end + 1;
		/*while (next_line_start < text.size() && (text[next_line_start] == line_break || text[next_line_start] == part_break || text[next_line_start] == word_break))
			if (text[next_line_start - 1] == line_break)
				paragraph_end = true;
		line_infos.push_back( { line_start, line_end, paragraph_end, line_x, line_y, line_width, metrics.ascent(), metrics.descent(), part_infos } );
		// Advance to next line
		line_y += line_spacing;
		if (paragraph_end)
			line_y += paragraph_spacing;
		line_start = next_line_start;
	// Update the line and part offset for every other alignment than top-left or baseline-left
	double delta_y = 0.0;
	if (v_align == TextObject::AlignBottom || v_align == TextObject::AlignVCenter)
		int num_lines = getNumLines();
		double height = ascent + (num_lines - 1) * line_spacing + (num_paragraphs - 1) * paragraph_spacing;
		if (v_align == TextObject::AlignVCenter)
			delta_y = -0.5 * height;
		else if (v_align == TextObject::AlignBottom)
			delta_y = -height + 0.5 * box_height;
	if (delta_y != 0.0 || h_align != TextObject::AlignLeft)
		int num_lines = getNumLines();
		for (int i = 0; i < num_lines; i++)
			TextObjectLineInfo* line_info = &line_infos[i];
			double delta_x = 0.0;
			if (h_align == TextObject::AlignHCenter)
				delta_x = -0.5 * line_info->width;
			else if (h_align == TextObject::AlignRight)
				delta_x -= line_info->width;
			line_info->line_x += delta_x;
			line_info->line_y += delta_y;
			int num_parts = line_info->part_infos.size();
			for (int j = 0; j < num_parts; j++)
				line_info->part_infos.at(j).part_x += delta_x;