Пример #1
sqlqueryresultlist searchhandler::perform_grep(QString searchtxt, sqlqueryresultlist searchlist, bool exactmatch)
	QVector<QString> strvec;
	sqlqueryresultlist resultlist;
	QFutureWatcher<sqlqueryresultlist> futureWatcher;
	QProgressDialog dialog;
	unsigned int n = searchlist.resultlist.size();
	if (n == 0) return resultlist;
	for (unsigned int i=0; i < n; i++)
		strvec.replace(i, str2qt(searchlist.resultlist[i].filepath));
	dialog.setLabelText(QString("Grep ").append(QString(tr("in progress"))).append(QString(" ...")));
	QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), &dialog, SLOT(reset()));
	QObject::connect(&dialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), &futureWatcher, SLOT(cancel()));
	QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressRangeChanged(int,int)), &dialog, SLOT(setRange(int,int)));
	QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressValueChanged(int)), &dialog, SLOT(setValue(int)));
	m_grepExactMatch = exactmatch;
	(*m_grepRegExp) = QRegExp(searchtxt.toAscii().data(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
	futureWatcher.setFuture(QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(strvec, doGrep,
				collateGrep, QtConcurrent::SequentialReduce));
	if (futureWatcher.isCanceled() == false)
		resultlist = futureWatcher.result();
	return resultlist;
Пример #2
QVariant ThumbnailModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
    if (role == Qt::DecorationRole && index.isValid()) {
        QString id = itemId(index).toString();

        QFutureWatcher<QImage> *future = cache.object(id);

        if (!future) {
            future = new QFutureWatcher<QImage>;

            QString path = imagePath(index);

            if (!path.isEmpty()) {
                future->setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(ThumbnailModel::load, path));

                connect(future, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(thumbnailLoaded()));

            cache.insert(id, future);

        return !future->isCanceled()
                ? future->result()
                : QVariant();
    } else {
        return QGalleryQueryModel::data(index, role);
void SpellCheckerCore::futureFinished()
  /* Get the watcher from the sender() of the signal that invoked this slot.
   * reinterpret_cast is used since qobject_cast is not valid of template
   * classes since the template class does not have the Q_OBJECT macro. */
  QFutureWatcher<WordList>* watcher = reinterpret_cast<QFutureWatcher<WordList>*>( sender() );
  if( watcher == nullptr ) {

  if( d->shuttingDown == true ) {
    /* Application shutting down, should not try something */
  if( watcher->isCanceled() == true ) {
    /* Application is shutting down */
  /* Get the list of words with spelling mistakes from the future. */
  WordList checkedWords = watcher->result();
  QMutexLocker locker( &d->futureMutex );
  /* Recheck again after getting the lock. */
  if( d->shuttingDown == true ) {
  /* Get the file name associated with this future and the misspelled
   * words. */
  FutureWatcherMapIter iter = d->futureWatchers.find( watcher );
  if( iter == d->futureWatchers.end() ) {
  QString fileName = iter.value();
  /* Remove the watcher from the list of running watchers and the file that
   * kept track of the file getting spell checked. */
  d->futureWatchers.erase( iter );
  d->filesInProcess.removeAll( fileName );
  /* Check if the file was scheduled for a re-check. As discussed previously,
   * if a spell check was requested for a file that had a future already in
   * progress, it was scheduled for a re-check as soon as the in progress one
   * completes. If it was scheduled, restart it using the normal slot. */
  QHash<QString, WordList>::iterator waitingIter = d->filesWaitingForProcess.find( fileName );
  if( waitingIter != d->filesWaitingForProcess.end() ) {
    WordList wordsToSpellCheck = waitingIter.value();
    /* remove the file and words from the scheduled list. */
    d->filesWaitingForProcess.erase( waitingIter );
    /* Invoke the method to make sure that it gets called from the main thread.
     * This will most probably be already in the main thread, but to make sure
     * it is done like this. */
    this->metaObject()->invokeMethod( this
                                      , "spellcheckWordsFromParser"
                                      , Qt::QueuedConnection
                                      , Q_ARG( QString, fileName )
                                      , Q_ARG( SpellChecker::WordList, wordsToSpellCheck ) );
  /* Add the list of misspelled words to the mistakes model */
  addMisspelledWords( fileName, checkedWords );
Пример #4
void SymbolsFindFilter::finish()
    QFutureWatcher<SearchResultItem> *watcher =
            static_cast<QFutureWatcher<SearchResultItem> *>(sender());
    SearchResult *search = m_watchers.value(watcher);
    if (search)
Пример #5
void QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTab::runChecks()
  // Get selected layer
  QList<QgsVectorLayer *> layers = getSelectedLayers();
  if ( layers.isEmpty() )

  if ( ui.radioButtonOutputNew->isChecked() )
    for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : layers )
      if ( layer->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri().startsWith( ui.lineEditOutputDirectory->text() ) )
        QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Invalid Output Directory" ), tr( "The chosen output directory contains one or more input layers." ) );
  QgsVectorLayer *lineLayerCheckLayer = ui.comboLineLayerIntersection->isEnabled() ? dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( ui.comboLineLayerIntersection->currentData().toString() ) ) : nullptr;
  QgsVectorLayer *followBoundaryCheckLayer = ui.comboBoxFollowBoundaries->isEnabled() ? dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( ui.comboBoxFollowBoundaries->currentData().toString() ) ) : nullptr;
  if ( layers.contains( lineLayerCheckLayer ) || layers.contains( followBoundaryCheckLayer ) )
    QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "The test layer set contains a layer selected for a topology check." ) );

  for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : layers )
    if ( layer->isEditable() )
      QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Editable Input Layer" ), tr( "Input layer are not allowed to be in editing mode." ) );
  bool selectedOnly = ui.checkBoxInputSelectedOnly->isChecked();

  // Set window busy
  setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
  mRunButton->setEnabled( false );
  ui.labelStatus->setText( tr( "<b>Preparing output...</b>" ) );
  QApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );

  QList<QgsVectorLayer *> processLayers;
  if ( ui.radioButtonOutputNew->isChecked() )
    // Get output directory and file extension
    QDir outputDir = QDir( ui.lineEditOutputDirectory->text() );
    QString outputDriverName = ui.comboBoxOutputFormat->currentText();
    QgsVectorFileWriter::MetaData metadata;
    if ( !QgsVectorFileWriter::driverMetadata( outputDriverName, metadata ) )
      QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Unknown Output Format" ), tr( "The specified output format cannot be recognized." ) );
      mRunButton->setEnabled( true );
    QString outputExtension = metadata.ext;

    // List over input layers, check which existing project layers need to be removed and create output layers
    QString filenamePrefix = ui.lineEditFilenamePrefix->text();
    QSettings().setValue( "/geometry_checker/previous_values/filename_prefix", filenamePrefix );
    QStringList toRemove;
    QStringList createErrors;
    for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : layers )
      QString outputPath = outputDir.absoluteFilePath( filenamePrefix + layer->name() + "." + outputExtension );

      // Remove existing layer with same uri from project
      for ( QgsVectorLayer *projectLayer : QgsProject::instance()->layers<QgsVectorLayer *>() )
        if ( projectLayer->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri().startsWith( outputPath ) )
          toRemove.append( projectLayer->id() );

      // Create output layer
      QString errMsg;
      QgsVectorFileWriter::WriterError err =  QgsVectorFileWriter::writeAsVectorFormat( layer, outputPath, layer->dataProvider()->encoding(), layer->crs(), outputDriverName, selectedOnly, &errMsg );
      if ( err != QgsVectorFileWriter::NoError )
        createErrors.append( errMsg );

      QgsVectorLayer *newlayer = new QgsVectorLayer( outputPath, QFileInfo( outputPath ).completeBaseName(), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
      if ( selectedOnly )
        QgsFeature feature;

        // Get features to select (only selected features were written up to this point)
        QgsFeatureIds selectedFeatures = newlayer->allFeatureIds();

        // Write non-selected feature ids
        QgsFeatureList features;
        QgsFeatureIterator it = layer->getFeatures();
        while ( it.nextFeature( feature ) )
          if ( !layer->selectedFeatureIds().contains( feature.id() ) )
            features.append( feature );
        newlayer->dataProvider()->addFeatures( features );

        // Set selected features
        newlayer->selectByIds( selectedFeatures );
      processLayers.append( newlayer );

    //  Remove layers from project
    if ( !toRemove.isEmpty() )
      QgsProject::instance()->removeMapLayers( toRemove );

    // Error if an output layer could not be created
    if ( !createErrors.isEmpty() )
      QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Layer Creation Failed" ), tr( "Failed to create one or moure output layers:\n%1" ).arg( createErrors.join( "\n" ) ) );
      mRunButton->setEnabled( true );
    processLayers = layers;

  // Check if output layers are editable
  QList<QgsVectorLayer *> nonEditableLayers;
  for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : processLayers )
    if ( ( layer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries ) == 0 )
      nonEditableLayers.append( layer );
  if ( !nonEditableLayers.isEmpty() )
    QStringList nonEditableLayerNames;
    for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : nonEditableLayers )
      nonEditableLayerNames.append( layer->name() );
    if ( QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Non-editable Output Layers" ), tr( "The following output layers are ina format that does not support editing features:\n%1\n\nThe geometry check can be performed, but it will not be possible to fix any errors. Do you want to continue?" ).arg( nonEditableLayerNames.join( "\n" ) ), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) )
      if ( ui.radioButtonOutputNew->isChecked() )
        for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : processLayers )
          QString layerPath = layer->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri();
          delete layer;
          if ( ui.comboBoxOutputFormat->currentText() == QLatin1String( "ESRI Shapefile" ) )
            QgsVectorFileWriter::deleteShapeFile( layerPath );
            QFile( layerPath ).remove();
        mRunButton->setEnabled( true );

  // Setup checker
  ui.labelStatus->setText( tr( "<b>Building spatial index...</b>" ) );
  QApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
  QMap<QString, QgsFeaturePool *> featurePools;
  for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : processLayers )
    double layerToMapUntis = mIface->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().layerToMapUnits( layer );
    QgsCoordinateTransform layerToMapTransform = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( layer->crs().authid(), mIface->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs().authid() );
    featurePools.insert( layer->id(), new QgsFeaturePool( layer, layerToMapUntis, layerToMapTransform, selectedOnly ) );
  // LineLayerIntersection check is enabled, make sure there is also a feature pool for that layer
  if ( ui.checkLineLayerIntersection->isChecked() && !featurePools.keys().contains( ui.comboLineLayerIntersection->currentData().toString() ) )
    QgsVectorLayer *layer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( ui.comboLineLayerIntersection->currentData().toString() ) );
    Q_ASSERT( layer );
    double layerToMapUntis = mIface->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().layerToMapUnits( layer );
    QgsCoordinateTransform layerToMapTransform = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( layer->crs().authid(), mIface->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs().authid() );
    featurePools.insert( layer->id(), new QgsFeaturePool( layer, layerToMapUntis, layerToMapTransform, selectedOnly ) );

  QgsGeometryCheckerContext *context = new QgsGeometryCheckerContext( ui.spinBoxTolerance->value(), mIface->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs().authid(), featurePools );

  QList<QgsGeometryCheck *> checks;
  for ( const QgsGeometryCheckFactory *factory : QgsGeometryCheckFactoryRegistry::getCheckFactories() )
    QgsGeometryCheck *check = factory->createInstance( context, ui );
    if ( check )
      checks.append( check );
  QgsGeometryChecker *checker = new QgsGeometryChecker( checks, context );

  emit checkerStarted( checker );

  if ( ui.radioButtonOutputNew->isChecked() )
    QList<QgsMapLayer *> addLayers;
    for ( QgsVectorLayer *layer : processLayers )
      addLayers.append( layer );
    QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( addLayers );

  // Run
  ui.buttonBox->addButton( mAbortButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  ui.progressBar->setRange( 0, 0 );
  ui.widgetInputs->setEnabled( false );
  QEventLoop evLoop;
  QFutureWatcher<void> futureWatcher;
  connect( checker, &QgsGeometryChecker::progressValue, ui.progressBar, &QProgressBar::setValue );
  connect( &futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcherBase::finished, &evLoop, &QEventLoop::quit );
  connect( mAbortButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, &futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcherBase::cancel );
  connect( mAbortButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTab::showCancelFeedback );

  int maxSteps = 0;
  futureWatcher.setFuture( checker->execute( &maxSteps ) );
  ui.progressBar->setRange( 0, maxSteps );

  // Restore window
  mAbortButton->setEnabled( true );
  ui.buttonBox->removeButton( mAbortButton );
  mRunButton->setEnabled( true );
  ui.widgetInputs->setEnabled( true );

  // Show result
  emit checkerFinished( !futureWatcher.isCanceled() );