Пример #1
bool DataManager::readDetectionAreaFile(bool clipToCamera) {
    QFile areaFile(m_config->detectionAreaFile());
    QDomDocument doc;
    QDomElement root;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    int cameraId = m_config->cameraIndex();
    int cameraWidth = m_config->cameraWidth();
    int cameraHeight = m_config->cameraHeight();
    QPolygon cameraRectangle;
    bool polygonsClipped = false;
    bool polygonWasClosed = false;

    if(!areaFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
        QString errorMsg = tr("Failed to open the detection area file %1. Please create it in Settings dialog or manually.").arg(areaFile.fileName());
        emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg);
        return false;

    if(!doc.setContent(&areaFile)) {
        QString errorMsg = tr("Error reading the detection area file %1").arg(areaFile.fileName());
        emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg);
        return false;

    root = doc.documentElement();
    if (root.nodeName() != "detectionarealist") {
        QString errorMsg = tr("Expected <detectionarealist> tag in detection area file but not found");
        emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg);
        return false;
    QDomNodeList areaList = root.childNodes();

    if (areaList.count() > 1) {
        QString errorMsg = tr("More than one detection areas defined, combining all together");
        emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg);

    for (int i = 0; i < areaList.count(); i++) {
        QDomNode area = areaList.at(i);
        QDomNodeList areaNodes = area.childNodes();

        if (area.nodeName() != "detectionarea") {
            QString errorMsg = tr("Expected <detectionarea> tag in detection area file but not found.");
            emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg);
            return false;

        QDomNodeList cameraList = area.toElement().elementsByTagName("camera");

        if (cameraList.count() != 1) {
            QString errorMsg = tr("Expected single <camera> tag in detection area. Assuming camera index 0.");
            emit messageBroadcasted(errorMsg);
        for (int c = 0; c < cameraList.count(); c++) {
            QDomElement cameraElement = cameraList.at(c).toElement();
            cameraId = cameraElement.attribute("id").toInt();
            cameraWidth = cameraElement.attribute("width").toInt();
            cameraHeight = cameraElement.attribute("height").toInt();
            if (cameraId == m_config->cameraIndex()) {

        cameraRectangle << QPoint(0, 0) << QPoint(0, cameraHeight - 1)
                        << QPoint(cameraWidth - 1, cameraHeight - 1) << QPoint(cameraWidth - 1, 0);

        while (!m_detectionAreaPolygons.isEmpty()) {
            QPolygon* polygon = m_detectionAreaPolygons.takeLast();
            delete polygon;

        for (int a = 0; a < areaNodes.count(); a++) {
            QDomNode areaSubNode = areaNodes.at(a);

            if (areaSubNode.nodeName() == "polygon") {
                QDomNodeList pointList = areaSubNode.childNodes();
                QPolygon* polygon = new QPolygon();

                for (int p = 0; p < pointList.count(); p++) {
                    QDomElement pointElement = pointList.at(p).toElement();
                    if (pointElement.nodeName() == "point") {
                        x = pointElement.attribute("x").toInt();
                        y = pointElement.attribute("y").toInt();
                        polygon->append(QPoint(x, y));
                if (clipToCamera && polygon->size() &&
                    if (polygon->first() == polygon->last()) {
                        polygonWasClosed = true;
                    *polygon = polygon->intersected(cameraRectangle);
                    polygonsClipped = true;
                    if (!polygonWasClosed) {
                        // intersected() treats polygon as implicitly closed
                        // so extra node is added: remove it
                        if (polygon->first() == polygon->last()) {
    if (polygonsClipped) {
        QString warningMsg = tr("Detection area was clipped in order to fit the camera size.");
        emit messageBroadcasted(warningMsg);
    return true;