Пример #1
DBL image_pattern(const Vector3d& EPoint, const BasicPattern* pPattern)
    DBL xcoor = 0.0, ycoor = 0.0;
    int index = -1;
    RGBFTColour colour;
    const ImageData *image = dynamic_cast<const ImagePatternImpl*>(pPattern)->pImage;
    DBL Value;


    // going to have to change this
    // need to know if bump point is off of image for all 3 points

    if(map_pos(EPoint, pPattern, &xcoor, &ycoor))
        return 0.0;
        image_colour_at(image, xcoor, ycoor, colour, &index); // TODO ALPHA - we should decide whether we prefer premultiplied or non-premultiplied alpha

    if((index == -1) || image->Use)
        if(image->Use == USE_ALPHA)
            // use alpha channel or red channel
            if(image->data->HasTransparency() == true)
                Value = colour.transm();
                Value = colour.red();   // otherwise, just use the red channel
            // use grey-scaled version of the color
            Value = colour.Greyscale();
        Value = index / 255.0;

    if(Value < 0)
        Value = 0;
    else if(Value > 1.0)
        Value = 1.0;

    return Value;
Пример #2
static void InterpolateBicubic(const ImageData *image, DBL xcoor, DBL  ycoor, RGBFTColour& colour, int *index, bool premul)
    int iycoor, ixcoor;
    int cornerIndex;
    RGBFTColour cornerColour;
    DBL factor;
    DBL factorsX[4];
    DBL factorsY[4];

    xcoor += 0.5;
    ycoor += 0.5;

    iycoor = (int)ycoor;
    ixcoor = (int)xcoor;

    cubic(factorsX, xcoor);
    cubic(factorsY, ycoor);

    // We're using double precision for the colors here to avoid higher-than-1.0 results due to rounding errors,
    // which would otherwise lead to stray dot artifacts when clamped to [0..1] range for a color_map or similar.
    // (Note that strictly speaking we don't avoid such rounding errors, but rather make them small enough that
    // subsequent rounding to single precision will take care of them.)
    // (Note that bicubic interpolation may still give values outside the range [0..1] at high-contrast edges;
    // this is an inherent property of this interpolation method, and is therefore accepted here.)
    PreciseRGBFTColour tempColour;
    DBL tempIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ++)
            no_interpolation(image, (DBL)ixcoor + i-2, (DBL)iycoor + j-2, cornerColour, &cornerIndex, premul);
            factor = factorsX[i] * factorsY[j];
            tempColour += PreciseRGBFTColour(cornerColour) * factor;
            tempIndex  += cornerIndex                      * factor;
    colour = RGBFTColour(tempColour);
    *index = (int)tempIndex;