virtual void compute_numerical_flux(PhysData& left, PhysData& right, const RealVectorNDIM& unit_normal,
                                      RealVectorNEQS& flux, Real& wave_speed)

    // Compute left and right fluxes
    PHYS::compute_properties(left.coord, left.solution, dummy_grads, p);
    PHYS::flux(p , unit_normal, flux_left);

    PHYS::compute_properties(left.coord, right.solution, dummy_grads, p);
    PHYS::flux(p , unit_normal, flux_right);

    // Compute the averaged properties
    sol_avg.noalias() = 0.5*(left.solution+right.solution);
    PHYS::compute_properties(left.coord, sol_avg, dummy_grads, p);

    // Compute absolute jacobian using averaged properties
    abs_jacobian.noalias() = right_eigenvectors * eigenvalues.cwiseAbs().asDiagonal() * left_eigenvectors;

    // flux = central flux - upwind flux
    flux.noalias() = 0.5*(flux_left + flux_right);
    flux.noalias() -= 0.5*abs_jacobian*(right.solution-left.solution);
    wave_speed = eigenvalues.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
Пример #2
  virtual void compute_numerical_flux(PhysData& left, PhysData& right, const RealVectorNDIM& unit_normal,
                                      RealVectorNEQS& flux, Real& wave_speed)
      Real P;

      // computation of the left and right properties
//      std::cout << "left" << std::endl;
      compute_properties(left, properties_left);
//      std::cout << "right " << std::endl;
      compute_properties(right, properties_right);

      // computation of the left and right roe variables and roe average
      roe_var_left[0] = std::sqrt(properties_left[0]);                // sqrt(rho)
      roe_var_left[1] = roe_var_left[0] * properties_left[1];         // sqrt(rho)*u
      roe_var_left[2] = roe_var_left[0] * properties_left[2];         // sqrt(rho)*v
      roe_var_left[3] = roe_var_left[0] * properties_left[3];         // sqrt(rho)*H


      roe_var_right[0] = std::sqrt(properties_right[0]);              // sqrt(rho)
      roe_var_right[1] = roe_var_right[0] * properties_right[1];      // sqrt(rho)*u
      roe_var_right[2] = roe_var_right[0] * properties_right[2];      // sqrt(rho)*v
      roe_var_right[3] = roe_var_right[0] * properties_right[3];      // sqrt(rho)*H

      roe_avg.noalias() = 0.5*(roe_var_left + roe_var_right);


      properties_roe[0] = roe_avg[0]*roe_avg[0];            //rho
      properties_roe[1] = roe_avg[1]/roe_avg[0];            //u
      properties_roe[2] = roe_avg[2]/roe_avg[0];            //v
      properties_roe[3] = roe_avg[3]/roe_avg[0];            //H
//      P = properties_roe[0] * (gamma - 1.)/gamma*(properties_roe[3]-0.5
//                                                 *(properties_roe[1]*properties_roe[1] + properties_roe[2]*properties_roe[2]) + 0.5*(Vt[0] * Vt[0] + Vt[1] * Vt[1]));
//                                                 //(gamma-1)/gamma * rho (H-0.5*(uu+vv)+0.5*Vt*Vt)
      P = properties_roe[0]*(properties_roe[3] - 0.5*(properties_roe[1]*properties_roe[1] + properties_roe[2]*properties_roe[2]) + 0.5*(m_Vt[0]*m_Vt[0] + m_Vt[1]*m_Vt[1]));
      P *= ((gamma-1)/gamma);


      const Real nx = unit_normal[XX];
      const Real ny = unit_normal[YY];

      const Real rho = properties_roe[0];

      const Real u = properties_roe[1];
      const Real v = properties_roe[2];
      const Real H = properties_roe[3];
      const Real a = std::sqrt(gamma * P / rho);
      const Real a2 = gamma * P / rho;


      const Real gamma_minus_1 = gamma - 1.;
      const Real uuvv = u*u + v*v;
      const Real half_gm1_v2 = 0.5 * gamma_minus_1 * uuvv;
      const Real inv_rho = 1./rho;

      const Real inv_a  = 1. / a;
      const Real inv_a2 = inv_a * inv_a;

      const Real um = u * nx + v * ny;
      const Real ra = 0.5 * rho * inv_a;

      const Real coeffM2 = half_gm1_v2 * inv_a2;
      const Real uDivA = gamma_minus_1 * u * inv_a;
      const Real vDivA = gamma_minus_1 * v * inv_a;
      const Real rho_a = rho * a;


      const Real gm1_ov_rhoa = gamma_minus_1 / rho_a;

      // matrix of right eigen vectors R

      right_eigenvectors(0,0) = 1.;
      right_eigenvectors(0,1) = 0.;
      right_eigenvectors(0,2) = ra;
      right_eigenvectors(0,3) = ra;
      right_eigenvectors(1,0) = u;
      right_eigenvectors(1,1) = rho * ny;
      right_eigenvectors(1,2) = ra*(u + a*nx);
      right_eigenvectors(1,3) = ra*(u - a*nx);
      right_eigenvectors(2,0) = v;
      right_eigenvectors(2,1) = -rho*nx;
      right_eigenvectors(2,2) = ra*(v + a*ny);
      right_eigenvectors(2,3) = ra*(v - a*ny);
      right_eigenvectors(3,0) = 0.5 * uuvv;
      right_eigenvectors(3,1) = rho * (u*ny - v*nx);
      right_eigenvectors(3,2) = ra*(H + a*um);
      right_eigenvectors(3,3) = ra*(H - a*um);

      // matrix of left eigen vectors L = R.inverse();

      left_eigenvectors(0,0) = 1.- coeffM2;
      left_eigenvectors(0,1) = uDivA*inv_a;
      left_eigenvectors(0,2) = vDivA*inv_a;
      left_eigenvectors(0,3) = -gamma_minus_1 * inv_a2;
      left_eigenvectors(1,0) = inv_rho * (v*nx - u*ny);
      left_eigenvectors(1,1) = inv_rho * ny;
      left_eigenvectors(1,2) = -inv_rho * nx;
      left_eigenvectors(1,3) = 0.0;
      left_eigenvectors(2,0) = a*inv_rho * (coeffM2 - um*inv_a);
      left_eigenvectors(2,1) = inv_rho * (nx - uDivA);
      left_eigenvectors(2,2) = inv_rho * (ny - vDivA);
      left_eigenvectors(2,3) = gm1_ov_rhoa;
      left_eigenvectors(3,0) = a*inv_rho*(coeffM2 + um*inv_a);
      left_eigenvectors(3,1) = -inv_rho*(nx + uDivA);
      left_eigenvectors(3,2) = -inv_rho*(ny + vDivA);
      left_eigenvectors(3,3) = gm1_ov_rhoa;

      // diagonal matrix of eigen values

      eigenvalues[0] = um;
      eigenvalues[1] = um;
      eigenvalues[2] = um + a;
      eigenvalues[3] = um - a;

      //abs_jacobian nog te definieren
      abs_jacobian.noalias() = right_eigenvectors * eigenvalues.cwiseAbs().asDiagonal() * left_eigenvectors;

      // Compute left and right fluxes
      Real um_left = (properties_left[1]*nx + properties_left[2]*ny);
      Real um_right = (properties_right[1]*nx + properties_right[2]*ny);
      Real uuvv_left = properties_left[1]*properties_left[1] + properties_left[2]*properties_left[2];
      Real uuvv_right = properties_right[1]*properties_right[1] + properties_right[2]*properties_right[2];
      Real P_left = (gamma - 1.)/gamma * properties_left[0]*(properties_left[3] - 0.5*uuvv_left + 0.5 * (m_Vt[0] * m_Vt[0] + m_Vt[1] * m_Vt[1]));
      Real P_right = (gamma - 1.)/gamma * properties_right[0]*(properties_right[3] - 0.5*uuvv_right + 0.5 * (m_Vt[0] * m_Vt[0] + m_Vt[1] * m_Vt[1]));

      flux_left[0] = properties_left[0] * um_left;
      flux_left[1] = flux_left[0] * properties_left[1] + P_left*nx;
      flux_left[2] = flux_left[0] * properties_left[2] + P_left*ny;
      flux_left[3] = flux_left[0] * properties_left[3];

      flux_right[0] = properties_right[0] * um_right;
      flux_right[1] = flux_right[0] * properties_right[1] + P_right*nx;
      flux_right[2] = flux_right[0] * properties_right[2] + P_right*ny;
      flux_right[3] = flux_right[0] * properties_right[3] ;

      flux.noalias() = 0.5*(flux_left + flux_right);
      flux.noalias() -= 0.5*abs_jacobian*(right.solution-left.solution);
      wave_speed = eigenvalues.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();