Пример #1
	name:        void editReservation(string, int)
	description: Edit a reservation. If possible, you can change the arrival
	             and/or departure date.
	parameters:  (string) name, (int) date
	returns:     n/a
void Rom::editReservation(string name, int date)
	extern Timer tid;
	int todaysDate = tid.hent_dato();
	int newDate;
	char userCommand;

	for (int i = 1; i <= Reservations->no_of_elements(); i++)
		Reservasjon * temp = (Reservasjon *) Reservations->remove_no(i);

		if (temp->getArrival() == date && temp->sameNameAsReservation(name))
			if (temp->getInUse() == 0) 
				cout << "\nAvailable choices:";
				cout << "\n\t 1) Change arrival date";
				cout << "\n\t 2) Change departure date";
				cout << "\n\t Q) QUIT";

				userCommand = readCommand();

				case '1':
						{	// Gir "kunde" den allerede registrerte datoen, i 
							// tilfellet ikke ledig i andre tidsperioder. 
							// (For å hindre en loop man ikke kommer seg ut av)
							cout << "Arrival date already registered: " << temp->getArrival() << "\n"; 
							cout << "\nEnter the new arrival date: ";
							cin >> newDate; cin.ignore();
							// Check if room is reserved between the new date and deparature.
						} while (this->isReserved(newDate, tid.forskjell_datoer(newDate, date))); 

						cout << "\nNotice: Arrival date has been updated.\n"; cin.get();
				case '2':
						{   // Gir "kunde" den allerede registrerte datoen, 
							// i tilfellet ikke ledig i andre tidsperioder. 
							// (For å hindre en loop man ikke kommer seg ut av)
							cout << "The departure date already registered: " << temp->getDeparture() << "\n";
							cout << "\nEnter the new departure date: ";
							cin >> newDate; cin.ignore();
						} while (this->isReserved( temp->getArrival(), 
								  tid.forskjell_datoer(temp->getArrival(), newDate)) );

						cout << "\nNotice: Departure date has been updated.\n"; cin.get();
			else if(temp->getInUse() == 1)
				cout << "\nAvailable choices:";
				cout << "\n\t 1) Change departure date";
				cout << "\n\t Q) QUIT";

				userCommand = readCommand();
				cout << "Error: Can't change arrival date. This person has already checked in.\n";
				cout << "Press any key to continue"; cin.get();
Пример #2
Reservasjon* Rom::reservationByDate(int date, int action)
	extern Hotell* hotellet;
	for (int i = 1; i <= Reservations->no_of_elements(); i++)
		Reservasjon* temp = (Reservasjon*) Reservations->remove_no(i);
		// If this method was called with action CHECKOUT and departure date is the provided date for the reservation,
		// or action was checkin and arrival date is the date of this reservation, then return the reservation
		if ((action == CHECKOUT) || (action == CHECKIN && temp->getArrival() == date))
			// If action is checkout, destroy reservation, and create a temporary reservation object with errorcode
			// "reservation has been pruned" to be returned
			if(action == CHECKOUT && temp->getDeparture() == date)
				if(readChar("Confirm checkout?",'y','n')=='y')
					// Get filename, subtract file ending and apply new filename
					std::string hotellHst = hotellet->getFilename().substr(0, hotellet->getFilename().size()-4);
					hotellHst += ".hst";
					// ... aaaand output! 
					std::ofstream o(hotellHst.c_str(), std::ios::out|ios::app);


					temp = new Reservasjon(reservationHasBeenPruned);
				// Otherwise, put it back in the list
			// If action is checkout, and a reservation on the room is current, but departure on reservation is not today,
			// ask if we want to check him out earlier than planned, and if so, call this method with his/her planned
			// departure date
			else if(action == CHECKOUT && temp->getDeparture() >= date && temp->getArrival() <= date)
				std::cout << "\nGuest in room " << temp->getRoomID() << " is not meant to check out until " << temp->getDeparture();
				if(readChar("\nCheck out anyways?",'y','n') == 'y')
					return reservationByDate(temp->getDeparture(), CHECKOUT);
			// If action is check in, ask for confirmation to check in, and display information about the reservation
			else if(action == CHECKIN && readChar("Check-in?",'y','n') == 'y')
			// Otherwise, put it back in our list
			return temp;
		// If the method was called with NOOP action, as in NO OPeration, display the data without modifying it; essentially the same as 
		// checkin, except it ONLY displays data about the reservation, and date may be any date within the time period of the reservation,
		// as opposed to requiring a specific checkin date. It does however require guests to be checked in.
		else if (action == NOOP && temp->getDeparture() >= date && temp->getArrival() <= date  && temp->getInUse() == true)
			return temp;

	// If no matching reservation was found, return a new reservations object, with
	// roomID containing the errorcode
	return new Reservasjon(reservationDoesNotExist);