Пример #1
writeRgba3 (const char fileName[],
            const Rgba *pixels,
            int width,
            int height,
            const char comments[],
            const M44f &cameraTransform)
    // Write an RGBA image using class RgbaOutputFile.
    // Store two extra attributes in the image header:
    // a string and a 4x4 transformation matrix.
    //	- open the file
    //	- describe the memory layout of the pixels
    //	- store the pixels in the file

    Header header (width, height);
    header.insert ("comments", StringAttribute (comments));
    header.insert ("cameraTransform", M44fAttribute (cameraTransform));

    RgbaOutputFile file (fileName, header, WRITE_RGBA);
    file.setFrameBuffer (pixels, 1, width);
    file.writePixels (height);
Пример #2
writeRgba (const char fileName[],
           const Rgba *pixels,
           int width,
           int height)
    // Write an RGBA image using class RgbaOutputFile.
    //	- open the file
    //	- describe the memory layout of the pixels
    //	- store the pixels in the file
    RgbaOutputFile file (fileName, width, height, WRITE_RGBA);
    file.setFrameBuffer (pixels, 1, width);
    file.writePixels (height);
Пример #3
void ZFnEXR::save(float* data, const char* filename, int width, int height)
	Array2D<Rgba> px (height, width);

	 for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
		int invy = height-1-y;
	for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
	    Rgba &p = px[y][x];
	    p.r = data[(invy*width+x)*4];
	    p.g = data[(invy*width+x)*4+1];
	    p.b = data[(invy*width+x)*4+2];
	    p.a = data[(invy*width+x)*4+3];

	RgbaOutputFile file (filename, width, height, WRITE_RGBA);
    file.setFrameBuffer (&px[0][0], 1, width);
    file.writePixels (height);
Пример #4
writeRgba2 (const char fileName[],
            const Rgba *pixels,
            int width,
            int height,
            const Box2i &dataWindow)
    // Write an RGBA image using class RgbaOutputFile.
    // Don't store the whole image in the file, but
    // crop it according to the given data window.
    //	- open the file
    //	- describe the memory layout of the pixels
    //	- store the pixels in the file

    Box2i displayWindow (V2i (0, 0), V2i (width - 1, height - 1));
    RgbaOutputFile file (fileName, displayWindow, dataWindow, WRITE_RGBA);
    file.setFrameBuffer (pixels, 1, width);
    file.writePixels (dataWindow.max.y - dataWindow.min.y + 1);
Пример #5
exrCtlExr (const char inFileName[],
	   const char outFileName[],
	   const std::vector<std::string> &transformNames,
	   const AttrMap &extraAttrs,
	   int numThreads,
	   bool verbose)
    setGlobalThreadCount (numThreads);

    // Read the input file

    if (verbose)
	cout << "reading file " << inFileName << endl;

    RgbaInputFile in (inFileName);
    const Box2i &dw = in.dataWindow();
    int w = dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1;
    int h = dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1;

    Array2D<Rgba> inPixels (h, w);

    in.setFrameBuffer (&inPixels[0][0] - dw.min.x - dw.min.y * w, 1, w);
    in.readPixels (dw.min.y, dw.max.y);

    // Apply the CTL transforms to the R, G and B channels of the input file

    if (verbose)
	cout << "applying CTL transforms:";

	for (int i = 0; i < transformNames.size(); ++i)
	    cout << " " << transformNames[i];

	cout << endl;

    Header outHeader = in.header();
    Array2D<Rgba> outPixels (h, w);

    applyCtlExrToExr (in.header(), outHeader,
		      inPixels, outPixels,
		      w, h,

    // Just in case one of the CTL transforms decided to mess
    // with the data window in the output header, avoid a crash
    // by resetting the data window to its original value.

    outHeader.dataWindow() = in.header().dataWindow();

    // If the input pixels have an A channel, copy it into
    // the output pixels.

    if (in.channels() & WRITE_A)
	const Rgba *inPtr = &inPixels[0][0];
	Rgba *outPtr = &outPixels[0][0];
	size_t numPixels = w * h;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < numPixels; ++i)
	    (outPtr++)->a = (inPtr++)->a;

    // Write the output file

    if (verbose)
	cout << "writing file " << outFileName << endl;

    RgbaOutputFile out (outFileName, outHeader, in.channels());
    out.setFrameBuffer (&outPixels[0][0] - dw.min.x - dw.min.y * w, 1, w);
    out.writePixels (h);
Пример #6
    bool writeEXRStream(const osg::Image &img, std::ostream& fout, const std::string &fileName) const
        bool writeOK = true;

        //Obtain data from texture
        int width = img.s();
        int height = img.t();
        unsigned int pixelFormat = img.getPixelFormat();
        int numComponents = img.computeNumComponents(pixelFormat);
        unsigned int dataType = img.getDataType();

        //Validates image data
        //if numbers of components matches
        if (!(    numComponents == 3 ||
                  numComponents == 4))
            writeOK = false;
            return false;
        if (!(    dataType == GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB ||
                  dataType == GL_FLOAT))
            writeOK = false;
            return false;

        //Create a stream to save to
        C_OStream outStream(&fout);

        //Copy data from texture to rgba pixel format
        Array2D<Rgba> outPixels(height,width);
        //If texture is half format
        if (dataType == GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB)
            half* pOut = (half*) img.data();
            for (long i = height-1; i >= 0; i--)
                for (long j = 0 ; j < width; j++)
                    outPixels[i][j].r = (*pOut);
                    outPixels[i][j].g = (*pOut);
                    outPixels[i][j].b = (*pOut);
                    if (numComponents >= 4)
                        outPixels[i][j].a = (*pOut);
                    else {
                        outPixels[i][j].a = 1.0f;
        else if (dataType == GL_FLOAT)
            float* pOut = (float*) img.data();
            for (long i = height-1; i >= 0; i--)
                for (long j = 0 ; j < width; j++)
                    outPixels[i][j].r = half(*pOut);
                    outPixels[i][j].g = half(*pOut);
                    outPixels[i][j].b = half(*pOut);
                    if (numComponents >= 4)
                        outPixels[i][j].a = half(*pOut);
                        outPixels[i][j].a = 1.0f;
            //If texture format not supported
            return false;

            //Write to stream
            Header outHeader(width, height);
            RgbaOutputFile rgbaFile (outStream, outHeader, WRITE_RGBA);
            rgbaFile.setFrameBuffer ((&outPixels)[0][0], 1, width);
            rgbaFile.writePixels (height);
        catch( char * str )
            writeOK = false;

        return writeOK;
Пример #7
void Exr::writeRgba(const string outf, const Array2D<Rgba> &pix, int w, int h)
    RgbaOutputFile file (outf.c_str(), w, h, WRITE_RGBA);
    file.setFrameBuffer (&pix[0][0], 1, w);
    file.writePixels (h);