Пример #1
Opal::Sip::EndPoint::OnReceivedMESSAGE (OpalTransport & transport,
					SIP_PDU & pdu)
  if (pdu.GetMIME().GetContentType(false) != "text/plain")
    return false; // Ignore what we do not handle.

  PString from = pdu.GetMIME().GetFrom();
  PINDEX j = from.Find (';');
  if (j != P_MAX_INDEX)
    from = from.Left(j); // Remove all parameters
  j = from.Find ('<');
  if (j != P_MAX_INDEX && from.Find ('>') == P_MAX_INDEX)
    from += '>';

  SIPURL uri = from;
  uri.Sanitise (SIPURL::RequestURI);
  std::string display_name = (const char *) uri.GetDisplayName ();
  std::string message_uri = (const char *) uri.AsString ();
  std::string _message = (const char *) pdu.GetEntityBody ();

  Ekiga::Runtime::run_in_main (boost::bind (&Opal::Sip::EndPoint::push_message_in_main, this, message_uri, display_name, _message));

  return SIPEndPoint::OnReceivedMESSAGE (transport, pdu);
Пример #2
Opal::Sip::EndPoint::OnMESSAGECompleted (const SIPMessage::Params & params,
                                         SIP_PDU::StatusCodes reason)
  PTRACE (4, "IM sending completed, reason: " << reason);

  // after TemporarilyUnavailable, RequestTimeout appears too, hence do not process it too
  if (reason == SIP_PDU::Successful_OK || reason == SIP_PDU::Failure_RequestTimeout)

  SIPURL to = params.m_remoteAddress;
  to.Sanitise (SIPURL::ToURI);
  std::string uri = (const char*) to.AsString ();
  std::string display_name = (const char*) to.GetDisplayName ();

  std::string reason_shown = _("Could not send message: ");
  if (reason == SIP_PDU::Failure_TemporarilyUnavailable)
    reason_shown += _("user offline");
    reason_shown += SIP_PDU::GetStatusCodeDescription (reason);  // too many to translate them with _()...
  Ekiga::Message::payload_type payload;
  // FIXME: we push as 'text/plain' without really knowing...
  payload.insert (std::make_pair ("text/plain", reason_shown));
  GTimeVal current;
  g_get_current_time (&current);
  gchar* time = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&current);
  Ekiga::Message msg = {time, "" /* it's a notice */, payload };
  g_free (time);

  Ekiga::Runtime::run_in_main (boost::bind (&Opal::Sip::EndPoint::push_message_in_main, this, uri, msg));
Пример #3
Opal::Sip::EndPoint::OnReceivedMESSAGE (OpalTransport & transport,
					SIP_PDU & pdu)
  if (pdu.GetMIME().GetContentType(false) != "text/plain")
    return false; // Ignore what we do not handle.

  PString from = pdu.GetMIME().GetFrom();
  PINDEX j = from.Find (';');
  if (j != P_MAX_INDEX)
    from = from.Left(j); // Remove all parameters
  j = from.Find ('<');
  if (j != P_MAX_INDEX && from.Find ('>') == P_MAX_INDEX)
    from += '>';

  SIPURL uri = from;
  uri.Sanitise (SIPURL::RequestURI);
  std::string display_name = (const char *) uri.GetDisplayName ();
  std::string message_uri = (const char *) uri.AsString ();
  std::string _message = (const char *) pdu.GetEntityBody ();
  Ekiga::Message::payload_type payload;
  // FIXME: we push as 'text/plain' without really knowing
  payload.insert (std::make_pair ("text/plain", _message));
  GTimeVal current;
  g_get_current_time (&current);
  gchar* time = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&current);
  Ekiga::Message msg = {time, display_name, payload };
  g_free (time);

  Ekiga::Runtime::run_in_main (boost::bind (&Opal::Sip::EndPoint::push_message_in_main, this, message_uri, msg));

  return SIPEndPoint::OnReceivedMESSAGE (transport, pdu);
Пример #4
bool Opal::Sip::EndPoint::OnReceivedMESSAGE (OpalTransport & transport,
                                             SIP_PDU & pdu)
  PString *last = NULL;
  PString *val = NULL;

  PString from = pdu.GetMIME().GetFrom();   
  PINDEX j = from.Find (';');
  if (j != P_MAX_INDEX)
    from = from.Left(j); // Remove all parameters
  j = from.Find ('<');
  if (j != P_MAX_INDEX && from.Find ('>') == P_MAX_INDEX)
    from += '>';

  PWaitAndSignal m(msgDataMutex);
  last = msgData.GetAt (SIPURL (from).AsString ());
  if (!last || *last != pdu.GetMIME ().GetFrom ()) {

    val = new PString (pdu.GetMIME ().GetFrom ());
    msgData.SetAt (SIPURL (from).AsString (), val);

    SIPURL uri = from;
    uri.Sanitise (SIPURL::RequestURI);
    std::string display_name = (const char *) uri.GetDisplayName ();
    std::string message_uri = (const char *) uri.AsString ();
    std::string _message = (const char *) pdu.GetEntityBody ();

    runtime.run_in_main (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (push_message_in_main), dialect, message_uri, display_name, _message));

  return SIPEndPoint::OnReceivedMESSAGE (transport, pdu);
Пример #5
void Opal::Sip::EndPoint::OnMessageFailed (const SIPURL & messageUrl,
                                           SIP_PDU::StatusCodes /*reason*/)
  SIPURL to = messageUrl;
  to.Sanitise (SIPURL::ToURI);
  std::string uri = (const char *) to.AsString ();
  std::string display_name = (const char *) to.GetDisplayName ();

  runtime.run_in_main (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (push_notice_in_main),
				   dialect, uri, display_name,
				   _("Could not send message")));
Пример #6
MySIPEndPoint::OnRegistrationStatus(const RegistrationStatus & status)

  if (status.m_reason < 200 || (status.m_reRegistering && status.m_reason < 300))

  SIPURL aor = status.m_addressofRecord;

  PString aor_str = aor.AsString ();
  char *address_of_record = g_strdup (aor_str);

  g_signal_emit_by_name (m_sipep, "registration-status",
                         gboolean (status.m_wasRegistering),
                         GopalStatusCodes (status.m_reason));
Пример #7
Opal::Sip::EndPoint::OnMESSAGECompleted (const SIPMessage::Params & params,
                                         SIP_PDU::StatusCodes reason)
  PTRACE (4, "IM sending completed, reason: " << reason);

  // after TemporarilyUnavailable, RequestTimeout appears too, hence do not process it too
  if (reason == SIP_PDU::Successful_OK || reason == SIP_PDU::Failure_RequestTimeout)

  SIPURL to = params.m_remoteAddress;
  to.Sanitise (SIPURL::ToURI);
  std::string uri = (const char*) to.AsString ();
  std::string display_name = (const char*) to.GetDisplayName ();

  std::string reason_shown = _("Could not send message: ");
  if (reason == SIP_PDU::Failure_TemporarilyUnavailable)
    reason_shown += _("user offline");
    reason_shown += SIP_PDU::GetStatusCodeDescription (reason);  // too many to translate them with _()...

  Ekiga::Runtime::run_in_main (boost::bind (&Opal::Sip::EndPoint::push_notice_in_main, this, uri, display_name, reason_shown));