Пример #1
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
   Process process;
   Session session;
   Folder * folder;
   string name = "/cpp_folder_create";
   string subname = "test";

   try {
      if ( argc > 1 ) {
         process.Init( argv[1], argv[0] );
      else {
         process.Init( "10701", argv[0] );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed in init phase, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      session.CreateFolder( name );
      folder = new Folder( session, name );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed in init phase, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
      return 1;
   // Invalid arguments to tested function.

   try {
      folder->CreateFolder( "" );
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      if ( exc.ErrorCode() != PSO_INVALID_LENGTH ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
         return 1;
   // End of invalid args. This call should succeed.
   try {
      folder->CreateFolder( subname );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   return 0;
Пример #2
int main()
   Process process;
   Session session;
   int i, rc;
   psoObjectDefinition folderDef;

   memset( &folderDef, 0, sizeof folderDef );
   folderDef.type = PSO_FOLDER;
   try {
      process.Init( "10701", "InjectErrors" );
      session.CreateFolder( foldername );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      rc = exc.ErrorCode();
      if ( rc == PSO_OBJECT_ALREADY_PRESENT ) {
         CleanupPreviousRun( session );
      else {
         cerr << "Init Photon failed, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
         if ( rc == PSO_CONNECT_ERROR ) cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
         return 1;
   cout << " ------- Photon defects injector ------- " << endl << endl;
   cout << " This program will inject pseudo-random defects in a shared memory." << endl << endl;

   vector<myQueue> q( NUM_QUEUES, myQueue() );
   vector<myMap>   h( NUM_MAPS,   myMap() );
   vector<myLifo>  l( NUM_LIFOS,  myLifo() );

   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_QUEUES; ++ i ) {
      q[i].name += ('0' + i/10 );
      q[i].name += ('0' + (i%10) );

   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_MAPS; ++i ) {
      h[i].name += ('0' + i/10 );
      h[i].name += ('0' + (i%10) );
   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_LIFOS; ++i ) {
      l[i].name += ('0' + i/10 );
      l[i].name += ('0' + (i%10) );
   try {
      PopulateQueues( session, q );
      PopulateHashMaps( session, h );
      PopulateLifos( session, l );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Creating and populating the objects failed, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;
   cout << "Queues, maps, etc. are created and populated." << endl << endl;

   rc = AddDefectsQueues( q );
   if ( rc != 0 ) {
      cerr << "Adding defect to queues failed!" << endl;
      return 1;
   cout << "All defects were added to queues." << endl << endl;

   rc = AddDefectsHashMaps( h );
   if ( rc != 0 ) {
      cerr << "Adding defect to hash maps failed!" << endl;
      return 1;
   cout << "All defects were added to hash maps." << endl << endl;

   rc = AddDefectsLifos( l );
   if ( rc != 0 ) {
      cerr << "Adding defect to LIFO queues failed!" << endl;
      return 1;
   cout << "All defects were added to LIFO queues." << endl << endl;
   return 0;
Пример #3
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
   Process process;
   Session session;
   FastMap * map;
   string fname = "/cpp_fastmap_fielddefODBC";
   string hname = fname + "/test";
   size_t len;
   psoObjectDefinition mapDef = { PSO_FAST_MAP, 0, 0, 0 };

   DataDefBuilderODBC fieldDef( 5 );
   KeyDefBuilderODBC keyDef( 3 );

   DataDefinition * returnedDataDef;
   KeyDefinition * returnedKeyDef;
   unsigned char * buffer;
   try {
      fieldDef.AddField( "field1", 6, PSO_TINYINT,       0, 0, 0 );
      fieldDef.AddField( "field2", 6, PSO_INTEGER,       0, 0, 0 );
      fieldDef.AddField( "field3", 6, PSO_CHAR,         30, 0, 0 );
      fieldDef.AddField( "field4", 6, PSO_SMALLINT,      0, 0, 0 );
      fieldDef.AddField( "field5", 6, PSO_LONGVARBINARY, 0, 0, 0 );
      keyDef.AddKeyField( "keyfield1", 9, PSO_KEY_INTEGER,       0 );
      keyDef.AddKeyField( "keyfield2", 9, PSO_KEY_CHAR,         30 );
      keyDef.AddKeyField( "keyfield3", 9, PSO_KEY_LONGVARBINARY, 0 );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      if ( argc > 1 ) {
         process.Init( argv[1], argv[0] );
      else {
         process.Init( "10701", argv[0] );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed in init phase, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      session.CreateFolder( fname );

      DataDefinition dataDefObj( session, 
                                 fieldDef.GetDefLength() );
      KeyDefinition keyDefObj( session, 
                               keyDef.GetDefLength() );

      session.CreateMap( hname, mapDef, dataDefObj, keyDefObj );

      map = new FastMap( session, hname );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      returnedDataDef = map->GetDataDefinition();
      returnedKeyDef  = map->GetKeyDefinition();
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      len = 5 * sizeof(psoFieldDefinition);
      buffer = new unsigned char [len];
      if ( len != returnedDataDef->GetLength() ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      returnedDataDef->GetDefinition( buffer, len );      
      if ( memcmp( fieldDef.GetDefinition(), buffer, len ) != 0 ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      delete [] buffer;
      len = 3 * sizeof(psoKeyFieldDefinition);
      buffer = new unsigned char [len];
      if ( len != returnedKeyDef->GetLength() ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      returnedKeyDef->GetDefinition( buffer, len );      
      if ( memcmp( keyDef.GetDefinition(), buffer, len ) != 0 ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;

   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;
   return 0;
Пример #4
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
   Process process;
   Session session;
   int errcode;
   string name = "/cpp_session_last_error";
   try {
      if ( argc > 1 ) {
         process.Init( argv[1], argv[0] );
      else {
         process.Init( "10701", argv[0] );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed in init phase, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      // Is last error properly initialized?
      errcode = session.LastError();
      if ( errcode != PSO_OK ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      // Our first "test call"
      session.CreateFolder( name );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      errcode = session.LastError();
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;
   if ( errcode != PSO_OK ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;

   // Create the same object a second time and check that last error is
   // the one we expect.
   try {
      session.CreateFolder( name );
      // Should never come here
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      if ( exc.ErrorCode() != PSO_OBJECT_ALREADY_PRESENT ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
         return 1;
   try {
      errcode = session.LastError();
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;
   if ( errcode != PSO_OBJECT_ALREADY_PRESENT ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;

   return 0;
Пример #5
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
   Process process;
   Session session;
   HashMap hashmap;
   string fname = "/cpp_hashmap_getfirst";
   string hname = fname + "/test";

   const char * key  = "My Key";
   const char * data = "My Data";
   char buffer[50];
   char buffKey[50];
   uint32_t dataLength, keyLength;
   psoObjectDefinition mapDef = { PSO_HASH_MAP, 0, 0, 0 };
   psoKeyFieldDefinition keyDef = { "MyKey", PSO_KEY_VARBINARY, 20 };
   psoFieldDefinition fields[1] = {
      { "Field_1", PSO_VARCHAR, {10} } 

   try {
      if ( argc > 1 ) {
         process.Init( argv[1], argv[0] );
      else {
         process.Init( "10701", argv[0] );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed in init phase, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      session.CreateFolder( fname );

      DataDefinition dataDefObj( session, 
                                 (unsigned char *)fields,
                                 sizeof(psoFieldDefinition) );
      KeyDefinition keyDefObj( session, 
                               (unsigned char *)&keyDef,
                               sizeof(psoKeyFieldDefinition) );

      session.CreateMap( hname,
                         keyDefObj );
      hashmap.Open( session, hname );
      hashmap.Insert( key, 6, data, 7 );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   // Invalid arguments to tested function.

   try { 
      hashmap.GetFirst( NULL, 50, buffer, 50, keyLength, dataLength );
      // Should never come here
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      if ( exc.ErrorCode() != PSO_NULL_POINTER ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
         return 1;

   try { 
      hashmap.GetFirst( buffKey, 2, buffer, 50, keyLength, dataLength );
      // Should never come here
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      if ( exc.ErrorCode() != PSO_INVALID_LENGTH ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
         return 1;

   try { 
      hashmap.GetFirst( buffKey, 50, NULL, 50, keyLength, dataLength );
      // Should never come here
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      if ( exc.ErrorCode() != PSO_NULL_POINTER ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
         return 1;

   try { 
      hashmap.GetFirst( buffKey, 50, buffer, 2, keyLength, dataLength );
      // Should never come here
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      if ( exc.ErrorCode() != PSO_INVALID_LENGTH ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
         return 1;

   // End of invalid args. This call should succeed.
   try { 
      hashmap.GetFirst( buffKey, 50, buffer, 50, keyLength, dataLength );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;
   if ( memcmp( buffer, data, 7 ) != 0 ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   return 0;
Пример #6
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
   Process process;
   Session session;
   Queue * queue;
   string fname = "/cpp_queue_status";
   string qname = fname + "/test";
   const char * data1 = "My Data1";
   const char * data2 = "My Data2";
   const char * data3 = "My Data3";
   psoObjStatus status;
   psoObjectDefinition queueDef = { PSO_QUEUE, 0, 0, 0 };
   psoFieldDefinition fields[1] = {
      { "Field_1", PSO_VARCHAR, {10} }

   try {
      if ( argc > 1 ) {
         process.Init( argv[1], argv[0] );
      else {
         process.Init( "10701", argv[0] );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed in init phase, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      session.CreateFolder( fname );

      DataDefinition dataDefObj( session, 
                                 (unsigned char *)fields,
                                 sizeof(psoFieldDefinition) );
      session.CreateQueue( qname,
                           dataDefObj );
      queue = new Queue( session, qname );
      queue->Push( data1, strlen(data1) );
      queue->Push( data2, strlen(data2) );
      queue->Push( data3, strlen(data3) );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   // End of invalid args. This call should succeed.
   try {
      queue->Status( status );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   if ( status.numDataItem != 3 ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   if ( status.numBlocks != 1 ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   if ( status.numBlockGroup != 1 ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;
   if ( status.freeBytes == 0 || status.freeBytes >=PSON_BLOCK_SIZE ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
      return 1;

   return 0;
Пример #7
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
   Process process;
   Session session;
   HashMap * hashmap;
   string fname = "/cpp_hashmap_definition";
   string hname = fname + "/test";

   psoObjectDefinition mapDef = { PSO_HASH_MAP, 0, 0, 0 };
   psoFieldDefinition fields[5] = {
      { "field1", PSO_TINYINT,       {0} },
      { "field2", PSO_INTEGER,       {0} },
      { "field3", PSO_CHAR,         {30} },
      { "field4", PSO_SMALLINT,      {0} },
      { "field5", PSO_LONGVARBINARY, {0} }
   psoKeyFieldDefinition keys[2] = {
      { "LastName",  PSO_KEY_CHAR,    30 },
      { "FirstName", PSO_KEY_VARCHAR, 30 }
   DataDefinition * retDataDef = NULL;
   KeyDefinition  * retKeyDef  = NULL;
   unsigned char * retFields = NULL;
   unsigned char * retKeys   = NULL;

   try {
      if ( argc > 1 ) {
         process.Init( argv[1], argv[0] );
      else {
         process.Init( "10701", argv[0] );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed in init phase, error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      cerr << "Is the server running?" << endl;
      return 1;
   try {
      session.CreateFolder( fname );

      DataDefinition dataDefObj( session, 
                                 (unsigned char *)fields,
                                 5*sizeof(psoFieldDefinition) );
      KeyDefinition keyDefObj( session, 
                               (unsigned char *)keys,
                               2*sizeof(psoKeyFieldDefinition) );
      session.CreateMap( hname, mapDef, dataDefObj, keyDefObj );
      hashmap = new HashMap( session, hname );
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      retDataDef = hashmap->GetDataDefinition();
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      if ( retDataDef->GetType() != PSO_DEF_PHOTON_ODBC_SIMPLE ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      if ( retDataDef->GetLength() != 5*sizeof(psoFieldDefinition) ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      retFields = new unsigned char [5*sizeof(psoFieldDefinition)];
      retDataDef->GetDefinition( retFields, 5*sizeof(psoFieldDefinition) );
      if ( memcmp( retFields, fields, 5*sizeof(psoFieldDefinition) ) != 0 ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      retKeyDef = hashmap->GetKeyDefinition();
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   try {
      if ( retKeyDef->GetType() != PSO_DEF_PHOTON_ODBC_SIMPLE ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      if ( retKeyDef->GetLength() != 2*sizeof(psoKeyFieldDefinition) ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
      retKeys = new unsigned char [2*sizeof(psoKeyFieldDefinition)];
      retKeyDef->GetDefinition( retKeys, 2*sizeof(psoKeyFieldDefinition) );
      if ( memcmp( retKeys, keys, 2*sizeof(psoKeyFieldDefinition) ) != 0 ) {
         cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << endl;
         return 1;
   catch( pso::Exception exc ) {
      cerr << "Test failed - line " << __LINE__ << ", error = " << exc.Message() << endl;
      return 1;

   return 0;