Пример #1
void T71::sphereEnter(Sphere &s){

if (related)
    s.setSize(3.f); // make the sphere bigger
    s.setSize(1.f); //make the sphere smaller


  // build a block and paint it with texture
  block = smgr->addCubeSceneNode(fieldsize);
  block->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false); 
  cerr<<"you have won";
Пример #2
bool Ellipsoid::SweepAgainst( const CollisionTriangle& t, const Vector& v, const AABB& SweepAABB, CollisionInfo* const pInfo ) const
	if( SweepAABB.Intersects( t.m_AABB ) )	// Broad phase: test sweep bounds against precomputed triangle bounds 
		const Vector InvExtents = 1.0f / m_Extents;
		const Triangle ESpaceTri( t.m_Triangle.m_Vec1 * InvExtents, t.m_Triangle.m_Vec2 * InvExtents, t.m_Triangle.m_Vec3 * InvExtents );
		const Sphere UnitSphere( m_Center * InvExtents, 1.0f );
		const Vector ESpaceOffset = v * InvExtents;

		if( UnitSphere.SweepAgainst( ESpaceTri, ESpaceOffset, pInfo ) )
			if( pInfo )
				pInfo->m_Intersection *= m_Extents;
				pInfo->m_Plane = Plane( ( pInfo->m_Plane.m_Normal * InvExtents ).GetNormalized(), pInfo->m_Intersection );
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #3
std::vector<SPHParticle*> PhysicsObject::createParticles(const Sphere<float>& sphere, const float divideLength)
	std::vector<SPHParticle*> newParticles;

	const auto points = sphere.toPoints(divideLength);
	for (const auto& pos : points) {
		SPHParticle* p = new SPHParticle(pos, divideLength*0.5f, &this->constant, nextId++);
	return newParticles;
Пример #4
void Collide::raySphereCollide(const Body * ray_, const Body * sphere_)
	Ray *ray = (Ray*)ray_;
	Sphere *sphere = (Sphere*)sphere_;
	Vector3 vec = ray->getStart() - sphere->getCenter();
	float fB = vec.Dot(ray->getDir());
	float fC = vec.Dot(vec) - sphere->getRadius()*sphere->getRadius();
	if (fC > 0.0f && fB > 0.0f)
	float fDisc = fB*fB - fC;
	if (fDisc < 0.0f)

	// compute the response vectors
	Vector3 responseObject1 = ray_->getCenter()- sphere_->getCenter();
	Vector3 responseObject2 = sphere_->getCenter() - ray_->getCenter();
Пример #5
    bool PCZFrustum::isVisible( const Sphere & bound) const
        // Check originplane if told to
        if (mUseOriginPlane)
            Plane::Side side = mOriginPlane.getSide(bound.getCenter());
            if (side == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE)
				Real dist = mOriginPlane.getDistance(bound.getCenter());
				if (dist > bound.getRadius())
					return false;

        // For each extra active culling plane, see if the entire sphere is on the negative side
        // If so, object is not visible
        PCPlaneList::const_iterator pit = mActiveCullingPlanes.begin();
        while ( pit != mActiveCullingPlanes.end() )
            PCPlane * plane = *pit;
            Plane::Side xside = plane->getSide(bound.getCenter());
            if (xside == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE)
				Real dist = plane->getDistance(bound.getCenter());
				if (dist > bound.getRadius())
					return false;
		return true;
Пример #6
	/* special function that returns true only when sphere fully fits inside the frustum. */
	bool PCZFrustum::isFullyVisible(const Sphere& bound) const
		// Check originplane if told to
		if (mUseOriginPlane)
			if (mOriginPlane.getDistance(bound.getCenter()) <= bound.getRadius() ||
				mOriginPlane.getSide(bound.getCenter()) != Plane::POSITIVE_SIDE)
				return false;

		// For each extra active culling plane,
		// see if the sphere is not on the positive side
		// If so, object is not fully visible
		PCPlaneList::const_iterator pit = mActiveCullingPlanes.begin();
		while ( pit != mActiveCullingPlanes.end() )
			PCPlane* plane = *pit;

			if (plane->getDistance(bound.getCenter()) <= bound.getRadius() ||
				plane->getSide(bound.getCenter()) != Plane::POSITIVE_SIDE)
				return false;

		return true;
Пример #7
Sphere Sphere::OptimalEnclosingSphere(const vec &a, const vec &b, const vec &c, const vec &d, const vec &e,
                                      int &redundantPoint)
	Sphere s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(b,c,d,e);
	if (s.Contains(a, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 0;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,c,d,e);
	if (s.Contains(b, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 1;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,d,e);
	if (s.Contains(c, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 2;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,c,e);
	if (s.Contains(d, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 3;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,c,d);
	mathassert(s.Contains(e, sEpsilon));
	redundantPoint = 4;
	return s;
Пример #8
void MyApp::setupScene()

	int N_SPHERES = 8;
	float SKY_HEIGHT = 175.0f;

	float MIN_RAD = 5;
	float MAX_RAD = 15;


	float spheres_area = GRID_WIDTH;

	for (int i=0; i<N_SPHERES; i++)
		Sphere s;
		s.setPos(	rand() % (unsigned int)spheres_area - spheres_area / 2.0f,
					rand() % (unsigned int)spheres_area - spheres_area / 2.0f

		s.setTargetPos(s.getPos().x, 25.0f, s.getPos().z);
		float rnd = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
		s.radius = MIN_RAD + rnd * (MAX_RAD - MIN_RAD);
		s.tessFactor = rand() % (MAX_TESSFACTOR - MIN_TESSFACTOR + 1) + MIN_TESSFACTOR;


	// tess objects parameters
	for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
		tessObjects[i].bWireframe = false;
		tessObjects[i].iEdgeFactor = 10;
		tessObjects[i].iInsideFactor = 10;
		tessObjects[i].partitioning = TessPartitioning::INTEGER;
Пример #9
static void generate_shadow_cameras(
	Slice<ShadowCamera> out,
	const PlayerCamera &view, float near, float far, float fov, float aspect,
	const Vec3 &lightdir, float ratio)
	Sphere spheres[4];
	generate_frustum_split_spheres(spheres, fov, aspect, near, far, ratio);
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		const Sphere sphere = transform(spheres[i], view.transform);

		ShadowCamera &outcam = out[i];
		outcam.transform.orientation = Quat_LookAt(lightdir);
		const Vec2 texel = Vec2(sphere.diameter()) / Vec2(1024);
		Vec3 center = inverse(outcam.transform.orientation).rotate(sphere.center);
		center.x = std::floor(center.x / texel.x) * texel.x;
		center.y = std::floor(center.y / texel.y) * texel.y;
		center.z += sphere.radius + sphere.radius;
		outcam.transform.translation = outcam.transform.orientation.rotate(center);
		outcam.set_from_sphere(sphere, sphere.radius);
Пример #10
void ArcballTestApp::setup()

	mZLookAt = 0.5f;
	mCam.setPerspective( 45.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 0.1f, 1000.0f );
	mCam.lookAt( vec3( 0,3, 5 ), vec3( mZLookAt ) );

	mDebugCam = mCam;

	mEarthSphere = Sphere( vec3( 0, 0, -3 ), 1.5f );
	mEarth = gl::Batch::create( geom::Sphere( Sphere( vec3(0), mEarthSphere.getRadius() ) ).subdivisions( 50 ), gl::getStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().texture() ) );
	mEarthTex = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadResource( EARTH_TEX_RES ) ) );

	mMarker = gl::Batch::create( geom::Sphere().radius(0.1f).subdivisions( 50 ), gl::getStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().color() ) );
	auto cylinder = geom::Cylinder().radius(0.05f).height( mEarthSphere.getRadius() * 3.5 ) >> geom::Translate( 0, -1.75 * mEarthSphere.getRadius(), 0 );
	mConstraintAxis = gl::Batch::create( cylinder, gl::getStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().color() ) );

	mArcball = Arcball( &mCam, mEarthSphere );
	mCamUi = CameraUi( &mDebugCam );
Пример #11
inline void Exhaustive(vector<BoundedRay> &rays, vector<int> &rayIndices, const int indexOffset, const int indexCount,
                       const vector<Sphere> &spheres, vector<int> &sphereIDs, const int sphereOffset, const int sphereCount,
                       vector<Hit> &hits) {

    for (int i = indexOffset; i < indexOffset + indexCount; ++i) {
        const int rayID = rayIndices[i];
        const Ray charles = rays[rayID].ToRay();
        float tHit = rays[rayID].t == 0.0f ? 1e30 : rays[rayID].t;
        Hit hit = hits[rayID];
        for (int s = sphereOffset; s < sphereOffset + sphereCount; ++s) {
            const Sphere sphere = spheres[sphereIDs[s]];
            const float t = sphere.Intersect(charles);
            if (0 < t && t < tHit) {
                hit = Hit(sphereIDs[s]);
                tHit = t;
        hits[rayID] = hit;
        rays[rayID].t = tHit;
Пример #12
bool Intersections::sphereAABBIntersection(Sphere s, AABB a){

    Vector3 sphere_pos = s.getPos();
    double sphere_radius = s.getRadius();

    Vector3 aabb_bmin = a.getBmin();
    Vector3 aabb_bmax = a.getBmax();

    double r2 = sphere_radius * sphere_radius;
    double dmin = 0.0;

    //3 dimensions
    for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
      if( sphere_pos[i] < aabb_bmin[i] ) {
          dmin += square( sphere_pos[i] - aabb_bmin[i] );
      else if( sphere_pos[i] > aabb_bmax[i] ) {
          dmin += square( sphere_pos[i] - aabb_bmax[i] );
    return dmin <= r2;
Пример #13
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateRoom( void ) {

	Assembly *structure = new Assembly();
	structure->SetColor( BLACK );

	// Tunnel
	tunnel = new Assembly();
	Cylinder *cylinder = new Cylinder( room_radius, room_radius, room_length, room_facets );
	cylinder->SetColor( WHITE );
	cylinder->SetTexture( wall_texture );
	cylinder->SetOrientation( 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	tunnel->AddComponent( cylinder );
	// Reference Bars 
	double bar_length = room_length - 5.0 * reference_bar_radius;
	for (int i=0; i < reference_bars; i++ ){ 
		Cylinder *referenceBar = new Cylinder( reference_bar_radius, reference_bar_radius, bar_length, reference_bar_facets );
		referenceBar->SetOffset( room_radius, 0.0, 0.0 );
		referenceBar->SetOrientation( 90.0 + 180 * (float) i / (float) reference_bars, referenceBar->kVector );
		referenceBar->SetColor(  1.0 - (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0f - (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0f - (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0 );
		// The texturing on the bars may be commented out for the moment because it lengthens the rendering time too much.
		referenceBar->SetTexture( references_texture );
		tunnel->AddComponent( referenceBar );
		referenceBar = new Cylinder( reference_bar_radius, reference_bar_radius, bar_length, reference_bar_facets );
		referenceBar->SetOffset( room_radius, 0.0, 0.0 );
		referenceBar->SetOrientation( - 90.0 + 180 * (float) i / (float) reference_bars, referenceBar->kVector );
		referenceBar->SetColor(  (double) i / reference_bars, (double) i / reference_bars, (double) i / reference_bars, 1.0 );
		// See above.
		referenceBar->SetTexture( references_texture );
		tunnel->AddComponent( referenceBar );
	structure->AddComponent( tunnel );

	Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( target_ball_radius );
	sphere->SetPosition( 0.0, 0.0, room_length / 2.0 );
	sphere->SetColor( RED );
	structure->AddComponent( sphere );

	return structure;
Пример #14
void Sphere_Enclose(Sphere &s, const T &obj)
	PointWithDistance corners[n];
	for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		corners[i].pt = obj.CornerPoint(i);
		corners[i].d = s.pos.DistanceSq(corners[i].pt);
	std::sort(corners, corners+n);

	for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; --i)
Пример #15
//! 衝突計算
//! 視錐台 vs 球
//! @param	[in]	sphere 当たり判定のしたい球
bool Frustum::isHit(Sphere& sphere)
	// 視錐台の面の更新
	// 球の座標
	Vector3 spherePos = sphere.getPosition();
	// 球の半径
	f32		sphereRad = sphere.getRadius();

	// 面との距離がすべての面の内側にあればあたっている
	for (s32 i = 0; i < 6; ++i){
		f32 distance = _plane[i].getDistance(spherePos);

		// 裏面の場合距離はマイナスなので半径を足しても
		// 負の場合視錐台の外側で且つ半径以上離れている
		if (distance + sphereRad < 0.0f){
			return false;

	return true;
Пример #16
static Bool test(const Aabb& aabb, const Sphere& s)
	const Vec4& c = s.getCenter();

	// find the box's closest point to the sphere
	Vec4 cp(0.0); // Closest Point
	for(U i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		// if the center is greater than the max then the closest
		// point is the max
		if(c[i] > aabb.getMax()[i])
			cp[i] = aabb.getMax()[i];
		else if(c[i] < aabb.getMin()[i]) // relative to the above
			cp[i] = aabb.getMin()[i];
			// the c lies between min and max
			cp[i] = c[i];

	F32 rsq = s.getRadius() * s.getRadius();

	// if the c lies totally inside the box then the sub is the zero,
	// this means that the length is also zero and thus its always smaller
	// than rsq
	Vec4 sub = c - cp;

	if(sub.getLengthSquared() <= rsq)
		return true;

	return false;
Пример #17
CameraPersp	CameraPersp::getFrameSphere( const Sphere &worldSpaceSphere, int maxIterations ) const
	CameraPersp result = *this;
	result.setEyePoint( worldSpaceSphere.getCenter() - result.mViewDirection * getCenterOfInterest() );
	float minDistance = 0.01f, maxDistance = 100000.0f;
	float curDistance = getCenterOfInterest();
	for( int i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i ) {
		float curRadius = result.getScreenRadius( worldSpaceSphere, 2.0f, 2.0f );
		if( curRadius < 1.0f ) { // we should get closer
			maxDistance = curDistance;
			curDistance = ( curDistance + minDistance ) * 0.5f;
		else { // we should get farther
			minDistance = curDistance;
			curDistance = ( curDistance + maxDistance ) * 0.5f;			
		result.setEyePoint( worldSpaceSphere.getCenter() - result.mViewDirection * curDistance );
	result.setCenterOfInterest( result.getEyePoint().distance( worldSpaceSphere.getCenter() ) );
	return result;
Пример #18
bool Cone::intersects(const Sphere& b) const {
    // If the bounding sphere contains the tip, then
    // they definitely touch.
    if (b.contains(this->tip)) {
        return true;

    // Move the tip backwards, effectively making the cone bigger
    // to account for the radius of the sphere.

    Vector3 tip = this->tip - direction * b.radius / sinf(angle);

    return Cone(tip, direction, angle).contains(b.center);
Пример #19
/* ....................................................................... */
Sphere::Sphere(const Sphere& other, const osg::CopyOp& copyop):
    Collidable(other, copyop)
    m_ODE_geom = dCreateSphere(NULL, REAL(1.0)) ;

    _cloneODESphere(other.m_ODE_geom, m_ODE_geom) ;

    dGeomSetBody(m_ODE_geom, m_ODE_body) ;

    dGeomSetData(m_ODE_geom, this) ;

    setCollidableOffset(other.getCollidableOffset()) ;
Пример #20
void Cloth::apply_sphere_constraints()
    for (World::sphere_array_t::const_iterator it = m_world.spheres.begin();
         it != m_world.spheres.end(); ++it)
        Sphere *sp = *it;
        float r = sp->r;
        float r2 = r * r;
        for (size_t idx = 0; idx < m_num_points; ++idx)
            if (m_invmass[idx] == 0.0f) continue;
            Point &p = m_points[idx];
            float d = sp->equ(p.pos);
            if (d < 0)
                glm::vec3 v = p.pos - sp->origin;
                p.pos = (r / sqrtf(r2 + d)) * v + sp->origin;
void Camera::computeNearFarOptimizedProjMatrix(const Sphere& scene_bounding_sphere)
  // near/far clipping planes optimization
  if (!scene_bounding_sphere.isNull())
    // compute the sphere in camera coordinates
    Sphere camera_sphere;
    scene_bounding_sphere.transformed(camera_sphere, viewMatrix());
    mNearPlane = -(camera_sphere.center().z() + camera_sphere.radius() * (Real)1.01);
    mFarPlane  = -(camera_sphere.center().z() - camera_sphere.radius() * (Real)1.01);
    #if 0
      far  = max(far,  (Real)1.0e-5);
      near = max(near, (Real)1.0e-6);
      // prevents z-thrashing when very large objects are zoomed a lot
      Real ratio = camera_sphere.radius() * (Real)2.01 / (Real)2000.0;
      mNearPlane = max(mNearPlane, ratio*1);
      mFarPlane  = max(mFarPlane,  ratio*2);
    // supports only perspective projection matrices
Пример #22
void drawSoundSphere(Sphere& s){
	if (Calc_Hit(s, Hand)){
		PlaySound(s.sound_src, NULL, SND_ASYNC);
		s.flag = false;
	gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, -500.0, //カメラの座標
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // 注視点の座標
		0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // 画面の上方向を指すベクトル


Пример #23
int Line::intersect(std::list<Kernel::V3D> &PntOut, const Sphere &Sph) const
For the line that intersects the cylinder generate
add the point to the VecOut, return number of points
added. It does not check the points for validity.

@param PntOut :: Vector of points found by the line/sphere intersection
@param Sph :: Sphere to intersect line with
@return Number of points found by intersection
    // Nasty stripping of useful stuff from sphere
    const Kernel::V3D Ax = Origin - Sph.getCentre();
    const double R = Sph.getRadius();
    // First solve the equation of intersection
    double C[3];
    C[0] = 1;
    C[1] = 2.0 * Ax.scalar_prod(Direct);
    C[2] = Ax.scalar_prod(Ax) - R * R;
    std::pair<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>> SQ;
    const int ix = solveQuadratic(C, SQ);
    return lambdaPair(ix, SQ, PntOut);
Пример #24
/** For reference, see http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=20 . */
Sphere Sphere::FitThroughPoints(const vec &a, const vec &b, const vec &c, const vec &d)
	Sphere sphere;

	float s,t,u;
	const vec ab = b-a;
	const vec ac = c-a;
	const vec ad = d-a;
	bool success = FitSphereThroughPoints(ab, ac, ad, s, t, u);
	if (success)
		const vec center = s*ab + t*ac + u*ad;
		sphere.r = center.Length();
		sphere.pos = a + center;
		LOGW("Sphere::FitThroughPoints through four points failed! The points lie on the same plane!");

	return sphere;
Пример #25
void Sphere::ResolveCollision(Sphere& rhs, const float& time){
	//Calculate the depth of the penetration
	float penDepth = this->radius + rhs.radius - this->position.GetDistance(rhs.position);

	//Calculate the contact normal
	Vector3 conNormal = (this->position - rhs.position).GetNormalised();

	//Calculate the point of contact
	Vector3 conPoint = this->position - conNormal * (this->radius - penDepth);

	//Calculate the rough combined elasticity of the two spheres in
	//the collision. An application of the smoke and mirrors technique!
	float elasticity = (this->elasticity + rhs.elasticity) * 0.5f;
	//Calculate the velocities of both spheres
	Vector3 va = this->getVelocity(time);
	Vector3 vb = rhs.getVelocity(time);

	//Calculate the Vn of the collision
	float veloNormal = (va - vb).DotProduct(conNormal);

	//Calculate the impulse of the collision
	float impulse = ( -(1 + elasticity) * veloNormal ) / conNormal.DotProduct(conNormal * ( (1 / this->mass) + (1 / rhs.mass) ));
	//Calculate the resultant velocties of the collision
	Vector3 vaAfter = va + ((impulse/this->mass) * conNormal);
	Vector3 vbAfter = vb - ((impulse/rhs.mass) * conNormal);

	//Translate the shapes out of contact with each other
	this->translate(conNormal * (penDepth*0.5f));
	rhs.translate(0.0f - (conNormal * (penDepth*0.5f)));

	//Apply the calculated velocties to them
	this->setVelocity(vaAfter, time);
	rhs.setVelocity(vbAfter, time);
Пример #26
bool oiExchangeASCII::importSphere(oiExchangeObject& data){

    //open and check device
    if (!data.device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
        return false;

    QTextStream in(data.device);
        QString line = in.readLine();

        QStringList list = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+"));

        FeatureWrapper *geom = new FeatureWrapper();

            Sphere *s = new Sphere(true);




    return true;
Пример #27
//Add an asteroid to the world
void Scene7::SpawnAsteroid(){

	//get a random offset
	float rndX = (float) rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	float rndY = (float) rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	float rndZ = (float) rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;

	Sphere* asteroid = new Sphere(); 
	asteroid->worldPosition = vec3(-.5f + rndX, -.5f + rndY, 1 + rndZ);

	//Squish / stretch it along all axes
	float xSquish = float(.5 + Window::Random());
	float ySquish = float(.5 + Window::Random());
	float zSquish = float(.5 + Window::Random());
	asteroid->squish = vec3(xSquish, ySquish, zSquish);

Пример #28
DTboolean PrimitiveCollisions::sphere_intersect_sphere (    const Vector3 &from1, const Vector3 &dir1, const Sphere &s1,
                                                            const Vector3 &from2, const Vector3 &dir2, const Sphere &s2,
                                                            DTfloat &t1, DTfloat &t2)
    Vector3 vab = dir1 - dir2;
    Vector3 l = from1 - from2;
    DTfloat a = Vector3::dot(vab,vab);
    DTfloat b = 2.0F * Vector3::dot(l, vab);
    DTfloat r = s1.radius() + s2.radius();
    DTfloat c = Vector3::dot(l,l) - r*r;
    DTfloat d = b*b-4.0F*a*c;
    if (d < 0.0F)
        return false;
    DTfloat q = -0.5F * (b + (b>=0.0F ? 1.0F : -1.0F) * std::sqrt(d));
    t1 = q/a;
    t2 = c/q;

    return true;
Пример #29
// Encloses n points into the Sphere s, in the order of farthest first, in order to
// generate the tightest resulting enclosure.
void Sphere_Enclose_pts(Sphere &s, const vec *pts, int n)
	AutoArrayPtr<PointWithDistance> cornersPtr(AlignedNew<PointWithDistance>(n, 16));
	PointWithDistance *corners = cornersPtr.ptr;

	for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		corners[i].pt = pts[i];
		corners[i].d = s.pos.DistanceSq(corners[i].pt);
	std::sort(corners, corners+n);

	for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; --i)
Пример #30
Bool test(const LineSegment& ls, const Sphere& s)
	const Vec4& v = ls.getDirection();
	Vec4 w0 = s.getCenter() - ls.getOrigin();
	F32 w0dv = w0.dot(v);
	F32 rsq = s.getRadius() * s.getRadius();

	if(w0dv < 0.0) // if the ang is >90
		return w0.getLengthSquared() <= rsq;

	Vec4 w1 = w0 - v; // aka center - P1, where P1 = seg.origin + seg.dir
	F32 w1dv = w1.dot(v);

	if(w1dv > 0.0) // if the ang is <90
		return w1.getLengthSquared() <= rsq;

	// the big parenthesis is the projection of w0 to v
	Vec4 tmp = w0 - (v * (w0.dot(v) / v.getLengthSquared()));
	return tmp.getLengthSquared() <= rsq;