Пример #1
void Tremolo::layout()
      qreal _spatium  = spatium() * mag();

      qreal w2  = _spatium * score()->styleS(StyleIdx::tremoloWidth).val() * .5;
      qreal lw  = _spatium * score()->styleS(StyleIdx::tremoloStrokeWidth).val();
      qreal td  = _spatium * score()->styleS(StyleIdx::tremoloDistance).val();
      path      = QPainterPath();

      qreal ty   = 0.0;

      for (int i = 0; i < _lines; i++) {
            path.addRect(-w2, ty, 2.0 * w2, lw);
            ty += td;

      // QRectF rect = path.boundingRect();
      // if ((parent() == 0) && !twoNotes())
      //       rect.setHeight(rect.height() + _spatium);

      _chord1 = static_cast<Chord*>(parent());
      if (_chord1 == 0) {
            // just for the palette
            QTransform shearTransform;
            shearTransform.shear(0.0, -(lw / 2.0) / w2);
            path = shearTransform.map(path);
            addbbox(QRectF(bbox().x(), bbox().bottom(), bbox().width(), _spatium));
      Note* anchor1 = _chord1->upNote();
      Stem* stem    = _chord1->stem();
      qreal x, y, h;
      if (stem) {
            x  = stem->pos().x();
            y  = stem->pos().y();
            h  = stem->stemLen();
      else {
            // center tremolo above note
            x = anchor1->x() + anchor1->headWidth() * .5;
            y = anchor1->y();
            h = 2.0 * _spatium + bbox().height();
            if (anchor1->line() > 4)
                  h *= -1;
      if (!twoNotes()) {
            // single note tremolos
            bool up = _chord1->up();
            int line = up ? _chord1->upLine() : _chord1->downLine();
            static const qreal t[3][2][4][2] = {
                  // normal stem
                     // DOWN
                        // even line   odd line
                        { 6,           5          },  // line 1
                        { 6 - 2 * .8,  5 - 2 * .8 },  // line 2
                        { 6 - 4 * .8,  3          },  // line 3
                        { 2         ,  3          }   // line 4
                     // UP
                        // even line   odd line
                        { -6,          -5          },  // line 1
                        { -6,          -5          },  // line 2
                        { -6,          -3 - 4 * .8 },  // line 3
                        { -2 - 6 * .8, -3 - 6 * .8 }   // line 4
                  // stem with hook
                     // DOWN
                        // even line   odd line
                        { 3,           3          },  // line 1
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 2
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 3
                        { 2,           2          }   // line 4
                     // UP
                        // even line   odd line
                        { -3,          -3          },  // line 1
                        { -2 - 2 * .8, -2 - 2 * .8 },  // line 2
                        { -2 - 4 * .8, -2 - 4 * .8 },  // line 3
                        { -2 - 6 * .8, -2 - 6 * .8 }   // line 4
                  // stem with beam
                     // DOWN
                        // even line   odd line
                        { 3,           3          },  // line 1
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 2
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 3
                        { 2,           2          }   // line 4
                     // UP
                        // even line   odd line
                        { -3,          -3          },  // line 1
                        { -2 - 2 * .8, -2 - 2 * .8 },  // line 2
                        { -2 - 4 * .8, -2 - 4 * .8 },  // line 3
                        { -2 - 6 * .8, -2 - 6 * .8 }   // line 4
            int idx = _chord1->hook() ? 1 : (_chord1->beam() ? 2 : 0);
            y = (line + t[idx][up][_lines-1][line & 1]) * spatium() * .5;

            QTransform shearTransform;
            shearTransform.shear(0.0, -(lw / 2.0) / w2);
            path = shearTransform.map(path);

            setPos(x, y);
      y += (h - bbox().height()) * .5;
      // two chord tremolo
      Segment* s = _chord1->segment()->next();
      while (s) {
            if (s->element(track()) && (s->element(track())->type() == Element::Type::CHORD))
            s = s->next();
      if (s == 0) {
            qDebug("no second note of tremolo found");

      _chord2 = static_cast<Chord*>(s->element(track()));

      Stem* stem1 = _chord1->stem();
      Stem* stem2 = _chord2->stem();

      // compute the y coordinates of the tips of the stems
      qreal y1, y2;
      qreal firstChordStaffY;

      if (stem2 && stem1) {
            // stemPageYOffset variable is used for the case when the first
            // chord is cross-staff
            firstChordStaffY = stem1->pagePos().y() - stem1->y();  // y coordinate of the staff of the first chord
            y1 = stem1->y() + stem1->p2().y();
            y2 = stem2->pagePos().y() - firstChordStaffY + stem2->p2().y();  // ->p2().y() is better than ->stemLen()
      else {
            firstChordStaffY = _chord1->pagePos().y() - _chord1->y();  // y coordinate of the staff of the first chord
            y1 = _chord1->stemPosBeam().y() - firstChordStaffY + _chord1->defaultStemLength();
            y2 = _chord2->stemPosBeam().y() - firstChordStaffY + _chord2->defaultStemLength();

      // improve the case when one stem is up and another is down
      if (_chord1->beams() == 0 && _chord2->beams() == 0 &&
          _chord1->up() != _chord2->up()) {
            qreal meanNote1Y = .5 * (_chord1->upNote()->pagePos().y() - firstChordStaffY + _chord1->downNote()->pagePos().y() - firstChordStaffY);
            qreal meanNote2Y = .5 * (_chord2->upNote()->pagePos().y() - firstChordStaffY + _chord2->downNote()->pagePos().y() - firstChordStaffY);
            y1 = .5 * (y1 + meanNote1Y);
            y2 = .5 * (y2 + meanNote2Y);

      y = (y1 + y2) * .5;
      if (!_chord1->up()) {
            y -= path.boundingRect().height() * .5;
      if (!_chord2->up()) {
            y -= path.boundingRect().height() * .5;

      // compute the x coordinates of the inner edge of the stems
      qreal x2  = _chord2->stemPosBeam().x();
      if (_chord2->up() && stem2)
            x2 -= stem2->lineWidth();
      qreal x1  = _chord1->stemPosBeam().x();
      if (!_chord1->up() && stem1)
            x1 += stem1->lineWidth();

      x = (x1 + x2) * .5 - _chord1->pagePos().x();

      QTransform xScaleTransform;
      // TODO const qreal H_MULTIPLIER = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::tremoloBeamLengthMultiplier).val();
      const qreal H_MULTIPLIER = 0.62;
      // TODO const qreal MAX_H_LENGTH = _spatium * score()->styleS(StyleIdx::tremoloBeamLengthMultiplier).val();
      const qreal MAX_H_LENGTH = _spatium * 12.0;

      qreal xScaleFactor = qMin(H_MULTIPLIER * (x2 - x1), MAX_H_LENGTH);
      xScaleFactor /= (2.0 * w2);

      xScaleTransform.scale(xScaleFactor, 1.0);
      path = xScaleTransform.map(path);

      qreal beamYOffset = 0.0;

      if (_chord1->beams() == _chord2->beams() && _chord1->beam()) {
            int beams = _chord1->beams();
            qreal beamHalfLineWidth = point(score()->styleS(StyleIdx::beamWidth)) * .5 * mag();
            beamYOffset = beams * _chord1->beam()->beamDist() - beamHalfLineWidth;
            if (_chord1->up() != _chord2->up()) {  // cross-staff
                  beamYOffset += beamYOffset + beamHalfLineWidth;
            else if (!_chord1->up() && !_chord2->up()) {
                  beamYOffset = -beamYOffset;

      QTransform shearTransform;
      if (_chord1->beams() == 0 && _chord2->beams() == 0) {
            if (_chord1->up() && !_chord2->up())
                  shearTransform.shear(0.0, (y2 - y1 - path.boundingRect().height()) / (x2 - x1));
            else if (!_chord1->up() && _chord2->up())
                  shearTransform.shear(0.0, (y2 - y1 + path.boundingRect().height()) / (x2 - x1));
                  shearTransform.shear(0.0, (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1));
      else {
            shearTransform.shear(0.0, (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1));

      path = shearTransform.map(path);

      setPos(x, y + beamYOffset);
Пример #2
void Tremolo::layout()
      qreal _spatium  = spatium();

      qreal w2  = _spatium * score()->styleS(ST_tremoloWidth).val() * .5;
      qreal h2  = _spatium * score()->styleS(ST_tremoloBoxHeight).val()  * .5;
      qreal lw  = _spatium * score()->styleS(ST_tremoloStrokeWidth).val();
      qreal td  = _spatium * score()->styleS(ST_tremoloDistance).val();
      path      = QPainterPath();

      qreal ty   = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < _lines; ++i) {
            path.moveTo(-w2,  ty + h2 - lw);
            path.lineTo( w2,  ty - h2);
            path.lineTo( w2,  ty - h2 + lw);
            path.lineTo(-w2,  ty + h2);

            ty += td;

      QRectF rect = path.boundingRect();
      if ((parent() == 0) && !twoNotes())
            rect.setHeight(rect.height() + _spatium);

      _chord1 = static_cast<Chord*>(parent());
      if (_chord1 == 0)
      Note* anchor1 = _chord1->upNote();
      Stem* stem    = _chord1->stem();
      qreal x, y, h;
      if (stem) {
            x  = stem->pos().x();
            y  = stem->pos().y();
            h  = stem->stemLen();
      else {
            // center tremolo above note
            x = anchor1->x() + anchor1->headWidth() * .5;
            y = anchor1->y();
            h = 2.0 * _spatium + bbox().height();
            if (anchor1->line() > 4)
                  h *= -1;
      if (!twoNotes()) {
            // single note tremolos
            bool up = _chord1->up();
            int line = up ? _chord1->upLine() : _chord1->downLine();
            static const qreal t[3][2][4][2] = {
                  // normal stem
                     // DOWN
                        // even line   odd line
                        { 6,           5          },  // line 1
                        { 6 - 2 * .8,  5 - 2 * .8 },  // line 2
                        { 6 - 4 * .8,  3          },  // line 3
                        { 2         ,  3          }   // line 4
                     // UP
                        // even line   odd line
                        { -6,          -5          },  // line 1
                        { -6,          -5          },  // line 2
                        { -6,          -3 - 4 * .8 },  // line 3
                        { -2 - 6 * .8, -3 - 6 * .8 }   // line 4
                  // stem with hook
                     // DOWN
                        // even line   odd line
                        { 3,           3          },  // line 1
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 2
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 3
                        { 2,           2          }   // line 4
                     // UP
                        // even line   odd line
                        { -3,          -3          },  // line 1
                        { -2 - 2 * .8, -2 - 2 * .8 },  // line 2
                        { -2 - 4 * .8, -2 - 4 * .8 },  // line 3
                        { -2 - 6 * .8, -2 - 6 * .8 }   // line 4
                  // stem with beam
                     // DOWN
                        // even line   odd line
                        { 3,           3          },  // line 1
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 2
                        { 2,           2          },  // line 3
                        { 2,           2          }   // line 4
                     // UP
                        // even line   odd line
                        { -3,          -3          },  // line 1
                        { -2 - 2 * .8, -2 - 2 * .8 },  // line 2
                        { -2 - 4 * .8, -2 - 4 * .8 },  // line 3
                        { -2 - 6 * .8, -2 - 6 * .8 }   // line 4
            int idx = _chord1->hook() ? 1 : (_chord1->beam() ? 2 : 0);
            y = (line + t[idx][up][_lines-1][line & 1]) * _spatium * .5;
            setPos(x, y);
      y += (h - bbox().height()) * .5;
      // two chord tremolo
      Segment* s = _chord1->segment()->next();
      while (s) {
            if (s->element(track()) && (s->element(track())->type() == CHORD))
            s = s->next();
      if (s == 0) {
            qDebug("no second note of tremolo found");

      _chord2 = static_cast<Chord*>(s->element(track()));

      int x2  = _chord2->stemPosBeam().x();
      int x1  = _chord1->stemPosBeam().x();

      // qreal x2     = _chord2->_chord2->up()stemPos(_chord2->up(), true).x();
      // qreal x1     = _chord1->stemPos(_chord1->up(), true).x();
      x             = x1 - _chord1->pagePos().x() + (x2 - x1 + _chord1->upNote()->headWidth()) * .5;
      setPos(x, y);
Пример #3
void ChordRest::layoutArticulations()
      if (parent() == 0 || _articulations.isEmpty())
      qreal _spatium  = spatium();
      qreal _spStaff  = _spatium * staff()->lineDistance(); // scaled to staff line distance for vert. pos. within a staff

      if (type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
            if (_articulations.size() == 1) {
            if (_articulations.size() == 2) {
                  // staccato | tenuto + marcato
                  Articulation* a1 = _articulations[0];
                  Articulation* a2 = _articulations[1];
                  ArticulationType st1 = a1->articulationType();
                  ArticulationType st2 = a2->articulationType();

                  if ((st2 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st2 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st1 == ArticulationType::Marcato)) {
                        qSwap(a1, a2);
                        qSwap(st1, st2);
                  if ((st1 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st1 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st2 == ArticulationType::Marcato)) {
                        QPointF pt = static_cast<Chord*>(this)->layoutArticulation(a1);
                        pt.ry() += a1->up() ? -_spStaff * .5 : _spStaff * .5;
                  // staccato | tenuto + sforzato
                  if ((st2 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st2 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st1 == ArticulationType::Sforzatoaccent)) {
                        qSwap(a1, a2);
                        qSwap(st1, st2);
                  if ((st1 == ArticulationType::Tenuto || st1 == ArticulationType::Staccato)
                     && (st2 == ArticulationType::Sforzatoaccent)) {
                        QPointF pt = static_cast<Chord*>(this)->layoutArticulation(a1);
                        pt.ry() += a1->up() ? -_spStaff * .7 : _spStaff * .7;

      qreal x         = centerX();
      qreal distance0 = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::propertyDistance).val()     * _spatium;
      qreal distance1 = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::propertyDistanceHead).val() * _spatium;
      qreal distance2 = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::propertyDistanceStem).val() * _spatium;

      qreal chordTopY = upPos();    // note position of highest note
      qreal chordBotY = downPos();  // note position of lowest note

      qreal staffTopY = -distance2;
      qreal staffBotY = staff()->height() + distance2;

      // avoid collisions of staff articulations with chord notes:
      // gap between note and staff articulation is distance0 + 0.5 spatium

      if (type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
            Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(this);
            Stem* stem   = chord->stem();
            if (stem) {
                  qreal y = stem->pos().y() + pos().y();
                  if (up() && stem->stemLen() < 0.0)
                        y += stem->stemLen();
                  else if (!up() && stem->stemLen() > 0.0)
                        y -= stem->stemLen();

                  if (beam()) {
                        qreal bw = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::beamWidth).val() * _spatium;
                        y += up() ? -bw : bw;
                  if (up())
                        staffTopY = qMin(staffTopY, qreal(y - 0.5 * _spatium));
                        staffBotY = qMax(staffBotY, qreal(y + 0.5 * _spatium));

      staffTopY = qMin(staffTopY, qreal(chordTopY - distance0 - 0.5 * _spatium));
      staffBotY = qMax(staffBotY, qreal(chordBotY + distance0 + 0.5 * _spatium));

      qreal dy = 0.0;

      int n = _articulations.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            // determine MScore::Direction
            if (a->direction() != MScore::Direction::AUTO) {
                  a->setUp(a->direction() == MScore::Direction::UP);
            else {
                  if (a->anchor() == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD)
                        a->setUp(a->anchor() == ArticulationAnchor::TOP_STAFF || a->anchor() == ArticulationAnchor::TOP_CHORD);

      //    pass 1
      //    place tenuto and staccato

      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            ArticulationAnchor aa = a->anchor();

            if ((a->articulationType() != ArticulationType::Tenuto)
               && (a->articulationType() != ArticulationType::Staccato))

            if (aa != ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::TOP_CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD)

            bool bottom;
            if ((aa == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD) && measure()->hasVoices(a->staffIdx()))
                  bottom = !up();
                  bottom = (aa == ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD) || (aa == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && up());
            bool headSide = bottom == up();

            dy += distance1;
            qreal y;
            Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(this);
            if (bottom) {
                  int line = downLine();
                  y = chordBotY + dy;
                  if (!headSide && type() == Element::Type::CHORD && chord->stem()) {
                        Stem* stem = chord->stem();
                        y          = chordTopY + stem->stemLen();
                        if (chord->beam())
                              y += score()->styleS(StyleIdx::beamWidth).val() * _spatium * .5;
                        x          = stem->pos().x();
                        int line   = lrint((y+0.5*_spatium) / _spatium);
                        if (line <= 4)    // align between staff lines
                              y = line * _spatium + _spatium * .5;
                              y += _spatium;
                  else {
                        int lines = (staff()->lines() - 1) * 2;
                        if (line < lines)
                              y = (line & ~1) + 3;
                              y = line + 2;
                        y *= _spatium * .5;
            else {
                  int line = upLine();
                  y = chordTopY - dy;
                  if (!headSide && type() == Element::Type::CHORD && chord->stem()) {
                        Stem* stem = chord->stem();
                        y          = chordBotY + stem->stemLen();
                        if (chord->beam())
                              y -= score()->styleS(StyleIdx::beamWidth).val() * _spatium * .5;
                        x          = stem->pos().x();
                        int line   = lrint((y-0.5*_spatium) / _spatium);
                        if (line >= 0)    // align between staff lines
                              y = line * _spatium - _spatium * .5;
                              y -= _spatium;
                  else {
                        if (line > 0)
                              y = ((line+1) & ~1) - 3;
                              y = line - 2;
                        y *= _spatium * .5;
            dy += _spatium * .5;
            a->setPos(x, y);

      // reserve space for slur
      bool botGap = false;
      bool topGap = false;

#if 0 // TODO-S: optimize
      for (Spanner* sp = _spannerFor; sp; sp = sp->next()) {
            if (sp->type() != SLUR)
            Slur* s = static_cast<Slur*>(sp);
            if (s->up())
                  topGap = true;
                  botGap = true;
      for (Spanner* sp = _spannerBack; sp; sp = sp->next()) {
            if (sp->type() != SLUR)
            Slur* s = static_cast<Slur*>(sp);
            if (s->up())
                  topGap = true;
                  botGap = true;
      if (botGap)
            chordBotY += _spatium;
      if (topGap)
            chordTopY -= _spatium;

      //    pass 2
      //    place all articulations with anchor at chord/rest
      n = _articulations.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            ArticulationAnchor aa = a->anchor();
            if ((a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Tenuto)
               || (a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Staccato))

            if (aa != ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::TOP_CHORD && aa != ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD)

            // for tenuto and staccate check for staff line collision
            bool staffLineCT = a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Tenuto
                               || a->articulationType() == ArticulationType::Staccato;

//            qreal sh = a->bbox().height() * mag();
            bool bottom = (aa == ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_CHORD) || (aa == ArticulationAnchor::CHORD && up());

            dy += distance1;
            if (bottom) {
                  qreal y = chordBotY + dy;
                  if (staffLineCT && (y <= staffBotY -.1 - dy)) {
                        qreal l = y / _spatium;
                        qreal delta = fabs(l - round(l));
                        if (delta < 0.4) {
                              y  += _spatium * .5;
                              dy += _spatium * .5;
                  a->setPos(x, y); // - a->bbox().y() + a->bbox().height() * .5);
            else {
                  qreal y = chordTopY - dy;
                  if (staffLineCT && (y >= (staffTopY +.1 + dy))) {
                        qreal l = y / _spatium;
                        qreal delta = fabs(l - round(l));
                        if (delta < 0.4) {
                              y  -= _spatium * .5;
                              dy += _spatium * .5;
                  a->setPos(x, y); // + a->bbox().y() - a->bbox().height() * .5);

      //    pass 3
      //    now place all articulations with staff top or bottom anchor
      qreal dyTop = staffTopY;
      qreal dyBot = staffBotY;

/*      if ((upPos() - _spatium) < dyTop)
            dyTop = upPos() - _spatium;
      if ((downPos() + _spatium) > dyBot)
            dyBot = downPos() + _spatium;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Articulation* a = _articulations.at(i);
            ArticulationAnchor aa = a->anchor();
            if (aa == ArticulationAnchor::TOP_STAFF || aa == ArticulationAnchor::BOTTOM_STAFF) {
                  if (a->up()) {
                        a->setPos(x, dyTop);
                        dyTop -= distance0;
                  else {
                        a->setPos(x, dyBot);
                        dyBot += distance0;