Пример #1
String Frame::searchForLabelsBeforeElement(const Vector<String>& labels, Element* element, size_t* resultDistance, bool* resultIsInCellAbove)
    OwnPtr<RegularExpression> regExp(createRegExpForLabels(labels));
    // We stop searching after we've seen this many chars
    const unsigned int charsSearchedThreshold = 500;
    // This is the absolute max we search.  We allow a little more slop than
    // charsSearchedThreshold, to make it more likely that we'll search whole nodes.
    const unsigned int maxCharsSearched = 600;
    // If the starting element is within a table, the cell that contains it
    HTMLTableCellElement* startingTableCell = 0;
    bool searchedCellAbove = false;

    if (resultDistance)
        *resultDistance = notFound;
    if (resultIsInCellAbove)
        *resultIsInCellAbove = false;
    // walk backwards in the node tree, until another element, or form, or end of tree
    int unsigned lengthSearched = 0;
    Node* n;
    for (n = element->traversePreviousNode();
         n && lengthSearched < charsSearchedThreshold;
         n = n->traversePreviousNode())
        if (n->hasTagName(formTag)
            || (n->isHTMLElement() && static_cast<Element*>(n)->isFormControlElement()))
            // We hit another form element or the start of the form - bail out
        } else if (n->hasTagName(tdTag) && !startingTableCell) {
            startingTableCell = static_cast<HTMLTableCellElement*>(n);
        } else if (n->hasTagName(trTag) && startingTableCell) {
            String result = searchForLabelsAboveCell(regExp.get(), startingTableCell, resultDistance);
            if (!result.isEmpty()) {
                if (resultIsInCellAbove)
                    *resultIsInCellAbove = true;
                return result;
            searchedCellAbove = true;
        } else if (n->isTextNode() && n->renderer() && n->renderer()->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
            // For each text chunk, run the regexp
            String nodeString = n->nodeValue();
            // add 100 for slop, to make it more likely that we'll search whole nodes
            if (lengthSearched + nodeString.length() > maxCharsSearched)
                nodeString = nodeString.right(charsSearchedThreshold - lengthSearched);
            int pos = regExp->searchRev(nodeString);
            if (pos >= 0) {
                if (resultDistance)
                    *resultDistance = lengthSearched;
                return nodeString.substring(pos, regExp->matchedLength());
            lengthSearched += nodeString.length();

    // If we started in a cell, but bailed because we found the start of the form or the
    // previous element, we still might need to search the row above us for a label.
    if (startingTableCell && !searchedCellAbove) {
         String result = searchForLabelsAboveCell(regExp.get(), startingTableCell, resultDistance);
        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
            if (resultIsInCellAbove)
                *resultIsInCellAbove = true;
            return result;
    return String();
Пример #2
static bool isSupportedSVG11Feature(const String& feature, const String& version)
    if (!version.isEmpty() && version != "1.1")
        return false;

    static bool initialized = false;
    DEPRECATED_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FeatureSet, svgFeatures, ());
    if (!initialized) {
        // Sadly, we cannot claim to implement any of the SVG 1.1 generic feature sets
        // lack of Font and Filter support.
        // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15480
        addString(svgFeatures, "SVG");
        addString(svgFeatures, "SVGDOM");
        addString(svgFeatures, "SVG-static");
        addString(svgFeatures, "SVGDOM-static");
        addString(svgFeatures, "SVG-animation");
        addString(svgFeatures, "SVGDOM-animation");
//      addString(svgFeatures, "SVG-dynamic);
//      addString(svgFeatures, "SVGDOM-dynamic);
        addString(svgFeatures, "CoreAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Structure");
        addString(svgFeatures, "BasicStructure");
        addString(svgFeatures, "ContainerAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "ConditionalProcessing");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Image");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Style");
        addString(svgFeatures, "ViewportAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Shape");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Text");
        addString(svgFeatures, "BasicText");
        addString(svgFeatures, "PaintAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "BasicPaintAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "OpacityAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "GraphicsAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "BaseGraphicsAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Marker");
//      addString(svgFeatures, "ColorProfile"); // requires color-profile, bug 6037
        addString(svgFeatures, "Gradient");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Pattern");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Clip");
        addString(svgFeatures, "BasicClip");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Mask");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Filter");
        addString(svgFeatures, "BasicFilter");
        addString(svgFeatures, "DocumentEventsAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "GraphicalEventsAttribute");
//      addString(svgFeatures, "AnimationEventsAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Cursor");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Hyperlinking");
        addString(svgFeatures, "XlinkAttribute");
        addString(svgFeatures, "ExternalResourcesRequired");
        addString(svgFeatures, "View");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Script");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Animation");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Font");
        addString(svgFeatures, "BasicFont");
        addString(svgFeatures, "Extensibility");
        initialized = true;
    return feature.startsWith("http://www.w3.org/tr/svg11/feature#", false)
           && svgFeatures.contains(feature.right(feature.length() - 35));