Пример #1
inline void
TaskGroup::Launch(int baseIndex, int count) {
    cilk_for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        TaskInfo *ti = GetTaskInfo(baseIndex + i);

        // Actually run the task. 
        // Cilk does not expose the task -> thread mapping so we pretend it's 1:1
        ti->func(ti->data, ti->taskIndex, ti->taskCount, ti->taskIndex, ti->taskCount);
Пример #2
inline void
TaskGroup::Launch(int baseIndex, int count) {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        TaskInfo *ti = GetTaskInfo(baseIndex + i);

        // Actually run the task. 
        int threadIndex = omp_get_thread_num();
        int threadCount = omp_get_num_threads();
        ti->func(ti->data, threadIndex, threadCount, ti->taskIndex, ti->taskCount);
Пример #3
static void
lRunTask(void *ti) {
    TaskInfo *taskInfo = (TaskInfo *)ti;
    // FIXME: these are bogus values; may cause bugs in code that depends
    // on them having unique values in different threads.
    int threadIndex = 0;
    int threadCount = 1;

    // Actually run the task
    taskInfo->func(taskInfo->data, threadIndex, threadCount, 
                   taskInfo->taskIndex, taskInfo->taskCount);
Пример #4
inline void
TaskGroup::Launch(int baseIndex, int count) {
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        tbbTaskGroup.run([=]() {
            TaskInfo *ti = GetTaskInfo(baseIndex + i);

            // TBB does not expose the task -> thread mapping so we pretend it's 1:1
            int threadIndex = ti->taskIndex;
            int threadCount = ti->taskCount;
            ti->func(ti->data, threadIndex, threadCount, ti->taskIndex, ti->taskCount);
Пример #5
inline void
TaskGroup::Launch(int baseIndex, int count) {
    tbb::parallel_for(0, count, [=](int i) {
        TaskInfo *ti = GetTaskInfo(baseIndex + i);

        // Actually run the task. 
        // TBB does not expose the task -> thread mapping so we pretend it's 1:1
        int threadIndex = ti->taskIndex;
        int threadCount = ti->taskCount;

        ti->func(ti->data, threadIndex, threadCount, ti->taskIndex, ti->taskCount);
Пример #6
static void __cdecl
lRunTask(LPVOID param) {
    TaskInfo *ti = (TaskInfo *)param;
    // Actually run the task. 
    // FIXME: like the GCD implementation for OS X, this is passing bogus
    // values for the threadIndex and threadCount builtins, which in turn
    // will cause bugs in code that uses those.
    int threadIndex = 0;
    int threadCount = 1;
    ti->func(ti->data, threadIndex, threadCount, ti->taskIndex, ti->taskCount);

    // Signal the event that this task is done
Пример #7
inline void
TaskGroup::Launch(int baseIndex, int count) {
#pragma omp parallel
    const int threadIndex = omp_get_thread_num();
    const int threadCount = omp_get_num_threads();

#pragma omp for schedule(runtime)
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
        TaskInfo *ti = GetTaskInfo(baseIndex + i);

        // Actually run the task. 
        ti->func(ti->data, threadIndex, threadCount, ti->taskIndex, ti->taskCount(),
            ti->taskIndex0(), ti->taskIndex1(), ti->taskIndex2(),
            ti->taskCount0(), ti->taskCount1(), ti->taskCount2());
Пример #8
inline void
TaskGroup::Sync() {
    DBG(fprintf(stderr, "syncing %p - %d unfinished\n", tg, numUnfinishedTasks));

    while (numUnfinishedTasks > 0) {
        // All of the tasks in this group aren't finished yet.  We'll try
        // to help out here since we don't have anything else to do...

        DBG(fprintf(stderr, "while syncing %p - %d unfinished\n", tg, 

        // Acquire the global task system mutex to grab a task to work on
        int err;
        if ((err = pthread_mutex_lock(&taskSysMutex)) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error from pthread_mutex_lock: %s\n", strerror(err));

        TaskInfo *myTask = NULL;
        TaskGroup *runtg = this;
        if (waitingTasks.size() > 0) {
            int taskNumber = waitingTasks.back();

            if (waitingTasks.size() == 0) {
                // There's nothing left to start running from this group,
                // so remove it from the active task list.
                                                 activeTaskGroups.end(), this));
                inActiveList = false;
            myTask = GetTaskInfo(taskNumber);
            DBG(fprintf(stderr, "running task %d from group %p in sync\n", taskNumber, tg));
        else {
            // Other threads are already working on all of the tasks in
            // this group, so we can't help out by running one ourself.
            // We'll try to run one from another group to make ourselves
            // useful here.
            if (activeTaskGroups.size() == 0) {
                // No active task groups left--there's nothing for us to do.
                if ((err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&taskSysMutex)) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error from pthread_mutex_unlock: %s\n", strerror(err));
                // FIXME: We basically end up busy-waiting here, which is
                // extra wasteful in a world with hyper-threading.  It would
                // be much better to put this thread to sleep on a
                // condition variable that was signaled when the last task
                // in this group was finished.
#ifndef ISPC_IS_KNC

            // Get a task to run from another task group.
            runtg = activeTaskGroups.back();
            assert(runtg->waitingTasks.size() > 0);

            int taskNumber = runtg->waitingTasks.back();
            if (runtg->waitingTasks.size() == 0) {
                // There's left to start running from this group, so remove
                // it from the active task list.
                runtg->inActiveList = false;
            myTask = runtg->GetTaskInfo(taskNumber);
            DBG(fprintf(stderr, "running task %d from other group %p in sync\n", 
                        taskNumber, runtg));

        if ((err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&taskSysMutex)) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error from pthread_mutex_unlock: %s\n", strerror(err));
        // Do work for _myTask_
        // FIXME: bogus values for thread index/thread count here as well..
        myTask->func(myTask->data, 0, 1, myTask->taskIndex, myTask->taskCount);

        // Decrement the number of unfinished tasks counter
        lAtomicAdd(&runtg->numUnfinishedTasks, -1);
    DBG(fprintf(stderr, "sync for %p done!n", tg));
Пример #9
static void *
lTaskEntry(void *arg) {
    int threadIndex = (int)((int64_t)arg);
    int threadCount = nThreads;

    while (1) {
        int err;
        // Wait on the semaphore until we're woken up due to the arrival of
        // more work.
        if ((err = sem_wait(workerSemaphore)) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error from sem_wait: %s\n", strerror(err));

        // Acquire the mutex
        if ((err = pthread_mutex_lock(&taskSysMutex)) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error from pthread_mutex_lock: %s\n", strerror(err));

        if (activeTaskGroups.size() == 0) {
            // Task queue is empty, go back and wait on the semaphore
            if ((err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&taskSysMutex)) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error from pthread_mutex_unlock: %s\n", strerror(err));

        // Get the last task group on the active list and the last task
        // from its waiting tasks list.
        TaskGroup *tg = activeTaskGroups.back();
        assert(tg->waitingTasks.size() > 0);
        int taskNumber = tg->waitingTasks.back();

        if (tg->waitingTasks.size() == 0) {
            // We just took the last task from this task group, so remove
            // it from the active list.
            tg->inActiveList = false;
        if ((err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&taskSysMutex)) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error from pthread_mutex_unlock: %s\n", strerror(err));

        // And now actually run the task
        DBG(fprintf(stderr, "running task %d from group %p\n", taskNumber, tg));
        TaskInfo *myTask = tg->GetTaskInfo(taskNumber);
        myTask->func(myTask->data, threadIndex, threadCount, myTask->taskIndex,

        // Decrement the "number of unfinished tasks" counter in the task
        // group.
        lAtomicAdd(&tg->numUnfinishedTasks, -1);

    return 0;