VisibleSelection::VisibleSelection(const VisiblePosition& base, const VisiblePosition& extent)
    : m_base(base.deepEquivalent())
    , m_extent(extent.deepEquivalent())
    , m_affinity(base.affinity())
Пример #2
static VisiblePosition updateAXLineStartForVisiblePosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
    // A line in the accessibility sense should include floating objects, such as aligned image, as part of a line.
    // So let's update the position to include that.
    VisiblePosition tempPosition;
    VisiblePosition startPosition = visiblePosition;
    Position p;
    RenderObject* renderer;
    while (true) {
        tempPosition = startPosition.previous();
        if (tempPosition.isNull())
        p = tempPosition.deepEquivalent();
        if (!p.node())
        renderer = p.node()->renderer();
        if (!renderer || renderer->isRenderBlock() && !p.offset())
        InlineBox* box;
        int ignoredCaretOffset;
        p.getInlineBoxAndOffset(tempPosition.affinity(), box, ignoredCaretOffset);
        if (box)
        startPosition = tempPosition;

    return startPosition;
Пример #3
VisiblePositionRange AccessibilityObject::visiblePositionRangeForUnorderedPositions(const VisiblePosition& visiblePos1, const VisiblePosition& visiblePos2) const
    if (visiblePos1.isNull() || visiblePos2.isNull())
        return VisiblePositionRange();

    VisiblePosition startPos;
    VisiblePosition endPos;
    bool alreadyInOrder;

    // upstream is ordered before downstream for the same position
    if (visiblePos1 == visiblePos2 && visiblePos2.affinity() == UPSTREAM)
        alreadyInOrder = false;

    // use selection order to see if the positions are in order
        alreadyInOrder = Selection(visiblePos1, visiblePos2).isBaseFirst();

    if (alreadyInOrder) {
        startPos = visiblePos1;
        endPos = visiblePos2;
    } else {
        startPos = visiblePos2;
        endPos = visiblePos1;

    return VisiblePositionRange(startPos, endPos);
Пример #4
void AXObjectCache::textMarkerDataForVisiblePosition(TextMarkerData& textMarkerData, const VisiblePosition& visiblePos)
    // This memory must be bzero'd so instances of TextMarkerData can be tested for byte-equivalence.
    // This also allows callers to check for failure by looking at textMarkerData upon return.
    memset(&textMarkerData, 0, sizeof(TextMarkerData));
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
    Position deepPos = visiblePos.deepEquivalent();
    Node* domNode = deepPos.deprecatedNode();
    if (!domNode)
    if (domNode->isHTMLElement()) {
        HTMLInputElement* inputElement = domNode->toInputElement();
        if (inputElement && inputElement->isPasswordField())
    // find or create an accessibility object for this node
    AXObjectCache* cache = domNode->document()->axObjectCache();
    RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> obj = cache->getOrCreate(domNode);
    textMarkerData.axID = obj.get()->axObjectID();
    textMarkerData.node = domNode;
    textMarkerData.offset = deepPos.deprecatedEditingOffset();
    textMarkerData.affinity = visiblePos.affinity();   
VisibleSelection::VisibleSelection(const VisiblePosition& pos)
    : m_base(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_extent(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_affinity(pos.affinity())
Пример #6
Selection::Selection(const VisiblePosition& base, const VisiblePosition& extent)
    : m_base(base.deepEquivalent())
    , m_extent(extent.deepEquivalent())
    , m_affinity(base.affinity())
    , m_granularity(CharacterGranularity)
Пример #7
Selection::Selection(const VisiblePosition& pos)
    : m_base(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_extent(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_affinity(pos.affinity())
    , m_granularity(CharacterGranularity)
VisibleSelection::VisibleSelection(const VisiblePosition& pos, bool selectOnlyLetters)
    : m_base(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_extent(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_affinity(pos.affinity())
    , m_selectOnlyLetters(selectOnlyLetters)
Пример #9
VisibleSelection::VisibleSelection(const VisiblePosition& pos, bool isDirectional)
    : m_base(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_extent(pos.deepEquivalent())
    , m_affinity(pos.affinity())
    , m_isDirectional(isDirectional)
bool visiblePositionsOnDifferentLines(const VisiblePosition &pos1, const VisiblePosition &pos2)
    if (pos1.isNull() || pos2.isNull())
        return false;
    if (pos1 == pos2)
        return false;

    Position p1 = pos1.deepEquivalent();
    Position p2 = pos2.deepEquivalent();
    RenderObject *r1 = p1.node()->renderer();
    RenderObject *r2 = p2.node()->renderer();
    if (r1->isBlockFlow() || r2->isBlockFlow())
        return r1 == r2 ? false : true;
    InlineBox *b1 = r1 ? r1->inlineBox(p1.offset(), pos1.affinity()) : 0;
    InlineBox *b2 = r2 ? r2->inlineBox(p2.offset(), pos2.affinity()) : 0;
    return (b1 && b2 && b1->root() != b2->root());
Пример #11
VisibleSelection::VisibleSelection(const VisiblePosition& base, const VisiblePosition& extent, bool isDirectional)
    : m_base(base.deepEquivalent())
    , m_extent(extent.deepEquivalent())
    , m_affinity(base.affinity())
    , m_changeObserver(nullptr)
    , m_isDirectional(isDirectional)
void setAffinityUsingLinePosition(VisiblePosition &pos)
    // When not moving across line wrap, make sure to end up with DOWNSTREAM affinity.
    if (pos.isNotNull() && pos.affinity() == UPSTREAM) {
        VisiblePosition temp(pos);
        if (!visiblePositionsOnDifferentLines(temp, pos))
Пример #13
void SelectionController::moveTo(const VisiblePosition &pos)
    setSelection(Selection(pos.deepEquivalent(), pos.deepEquivalent(), pos.affinity()));
    m_needsLayout = true;
Пример #14
void SelectionController::setExtent(const VisiblePosition &pos)
    setSelection(Selection(m_sel.base(), pos.deepEquivalent(), pos.affinity()));
    m_needsLayout = true;
Пример #15
RenderedPosition::RenderedPosition(const VisiblePosition& position)
    : RenderedPosition(position.deepEquivalent(), position.affinity())
Пример #16
SelectionController::SelectionController(const VisiblePosition &visiblePos)
    : m_needsLayout(true)
    , m_modifyBiasSet(false)
    setSelection(Selection(visiblePos.deepEquivalent(), visiblePos.deepEquivalent(), visiblePos.affinity()));
Пример #17
void DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData()
    Node* startCell = enclosingTableCell(m_upstreamStart.node());
    Node* endCell = enclosingTableCell(m_downstreamEnd.node());
    // Don't move content between parts of a table or between table and non-table content.
    // FIXME: This isn't right.  A borderless table with two rows and a single column would appear as two paragraphs.
    if ((startCell || endCell) && endCell != startCell)
        m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete = false;
    // Usually the start and the end of the selection to delete are pulled together as a result of the deletion.
    // Sometimes they aren't (like when no merge is requested), so we must choose one position to hold the caret 
    // and receive the placeholder after deletion.
    VisiblePosition visibleEnd(m_downstreamEnd);
    if (m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete && !isEndOfParagraph(visibleEnd))
        m_endingPosition = m_downstreamEnd;
        m_endingPosition = m_downstreamStart;

    // Handle leading and trailing whitespace, as well as smart delete adjustments to the selection
    m_leadingWhitespace = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(m_selectionToDelete.affinity());
    m_trailingWhitespace = m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);

    if (m_smartDelete) {
        // skip smart delete if the selection to delete already starts or ends with whitespace
        Position pos = VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart, m_selectionToDelete.affinity()).deepEquivalent();
        bool skipSmartDelete = pos.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull();
        if (!skipSmartDelete)
            skipSmartDelete = m_downstreamEnd.leadingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull();

        // extend selection upstream if there is whitespace there
        bool hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(m_selectionToDelete.affinity(), true).isNotNull();
        if (!skipSmartDelete && hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment) {
            VisiblePosition visiblePos = VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY).previous();
            pos = visiblePos.deepEquivalent();
            // Expand out one character upstream for smart delete and recalculate
            // positions based on this change.
            m_upstreamStart = pos.upstream();
            m_downstreamStart = pos.downstream();
            m_leadingWhitespace = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(visiblePos.affinity());
        // trailing whitespace is only considered for smart delete if there is no leading
        // whitespace, as in the case where you double-click the first word of a paragraph.
        if (!skipSmartDelete && !hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment && m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull()) {
            // Expand out one character downstream for smart delete and recalculate
            // positions based on this change.
            pos = VisiblePosition(m_downstreamEnd, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY).next().deepEquivalent();
            m_upstreamEnd = pos.upstream();
            m_downstreamEnd = pos.downstream();
            m_trailingWhitespace = m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
    // Handle setting start and end blocks and the start node.
    m_startBlock = m_downstreamStart.node()->enclosingBlockFlowOrTableElement();
    m_endBlock = m_upstreamEnd.node()->enclosingBlockFlowOrTableElement();
Пример #18
SelectionController::SelectionController(const VisiblePosition &base, const VisiblePosition &extent)
    : m_needsLayout(true)
    , m_modifyBiasSet(false)
    setSelection(Selection(base.deepEquivalent(), extent.deepEquivalent(), base.affinity()));
Пример #19
bool CaretBase::updateCaretRect(Document* document, const VisiblePosition& caretPosition)
    return updateCaretRect(document, PositionWithAffinity(caretPosition.deepEquivalent(), caretPosition.affinity()));
Пример #20
void DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData()
    Position start, end;
    initializeStartEnd(start, end);
    m_upstreamStart = start.upstream();
    m_downstreamStart = start.downstream();
    m_upstreamEnd = end.upstream();
    m_downstreamEnd = end.downstream();
    m_startRoot = editableRootForPosition(start);
    m_endRoot = editableRootForPosition(end);
    m_startTableRow = enclosingNodeOfType(start, &isTableRow);
    m_endTableRow = enclosingNodeOfType(end, &isTableRow);
    // Don't move content out of a table cell.
    // If the cell is non-editable, enclosingNodeOfType won't return it by default, so
    // tell that function that we don't care if it returns non-editable nodes.
    Node* startCell = enclosingNodeOfType(m_upstreamStart, &isTableCell, CanCrossEditingBoundary);
    Node* endCell = enclosingNodeOfType(m_downstreamEnd, &isTableCell, CanCrossEditingBoundary);
    // FIXME: This isn't right.  A borderless table with two rows and a single column would appear as two paragraphs.
    if (endCell && endCell != startCell)
        m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete = false;
    // Usually the start and the end of the selection to delete are pulled together as a result of the deletion.
    // Sometimes they aren't (like when no merge is requested), so we must choose one position to hold the caret 
    // and receive the placeholder after deletion.
    VisiblePosition visibleEnd(m_downstreamEnd);
    if (m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete && !isEndOfParagraph(visibleEnd))
        m_endingPosition = m_downstreamEnd;
        m_endingPosition = m_downstreamStart;
    // We don't want to merge into a block if it will mean changing the quote level of content after deleting 
    // selections that contain a whole number paragraphs plus a line break, since it is unclear to most users 
    // that such a selection actually ends at the start of the next paragraph. This matches TextEdit behavior 
    // for indented paragraphs.
    // Only apply this rule if the endingSelection is a range selection.  If it is a caret, then other operations have created
    // the selection we're deleting (like the process of creating a selection to delete during a backspace), and the user isn't in the situation described above.
    if (numEnclosingMailBlockquotes(start) != numEnclosingMailBlockquotes(end) 
            && isStartOfParagraph(visibleEnd) && isStartOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(start)) 
            && endingSelection().isRange()) {
        m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete = false;
        m_pruneStartBlockIfNecessary = true;

    // Handle leading and trailing whitespace, as well as smart delete adjustments to the selection
    m_leadingWhitespace = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(m_selectionToDelete.affinity());
    m_trailingWhitespace = m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);

    if (m_smartDelete) {
        // skip smart delete if the selection to delete already starts or ends with whitespace
        Position pos = VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart, m_selectionToDelete.affinity()).deepEquivalent();
        bool skipSmartDelete = pos.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull();
        if (!skipSmartDelete)
            skipSmartDelete = m_downstreamEnd.leadingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull();

        // extend selection upstream if there is whitespace there
        bool hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(m_selectionToDelete.affinity(), true).isNotNull();
        if (!skipSmartDelete && hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment) {
            VisiblePosition visiblePos = VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY).previous();
            pos = visiblePos.deepEquivalent();
            // Expand out one character upstream for smart delete and recalculate
            // positions based on this change.
            m_upstreamStart = pos.upstream();
            m_downstreamStart = pos.downstream();
            m_leadingWhitespace = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(visiblePos.affinity());

            setStartingSelectionOnSmartDelete(m_upstreamStart, m_upstreamEnd);
        // trailing whitespace is only considered for smart delete if there is no leading
        // whitespace, as in the case where you double-click the first word of a paragraph.
        if (!skipSmartDelete && !hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment && m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull()) {
            // Expand out one character downstream for smart delete and recalculate
            // positions based on this change.
            pos = VisiblePosition(m_downstreamEnd, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY).next().deepEquivalent();
            m_upstreamEnd = pos.upstream();
            m_downstreamEnd = pos.downstream();
            m_trailingWhitespace = m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);

            setStartingSelectionOnSmartDelete(m_downstreamStart, m_downstreamEnd);
    // We must pass call parentAnchoredEquivalent on the positions since some editing positions
    // that appear inside their nodes aren't really inside them.  [hr, 0] is one example.
    // FIXME: parentAnchoredEquivalent should eventually be moved into enclosing element getters
    // like the one below, since editing functions should obviously accept editing positions.
    // FIXME: Passing false to enclosingNodeOfType tells it that it's OK to return a non-editable
    // node.  This was done to match existing behavior, but it seems wrong.
    m_startBlock = enclosingNodeOfType(m_downstreamStart.parentAnchoredEquivalent(), &isBlock, CanCrossEditingBoundary);
    m_endBlock = enclosingNodeOfType(m_upstreamEnd.parentAnchoredEquivalent(), &isBlock, CanCrossEditingBoundary);
Пример #21
void SelectionController::moveTo(const VisiblePosition &base, const VisiblePosition &extent)
    setSelection(Selection(base.deepEquivalent(), extent.deepEquivalent(), base.affinity()));
    m_needsLayout = true;