Пример #1
void VarText::set( const UString &rText )
    // Avoid an infinite loop
    if( rText == m_text )

    m_text = rText;

    if( m_substVars )
        // Stop observing other variables

        VlcProc *pVlcProc = VlcProc::instance( getIntf() );
        VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );

        // Observe needed variables
        if( m_text.find( "$H" ) != UString::npos )
            pVarManager->getHelpText().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$T" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$t" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$L" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$l" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$D" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$d" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getTimeVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$V" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getVolumeVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$N" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamNameVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$F" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamURIVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$B" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamBitRateVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$S" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamSampleRateVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$R" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getSpeedVar().addObserver( this );

Пример #2
int VlcProc::onGenericCallback2( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                                 vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                                 void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );

     * For intf-event, commands are labeled based on the value of newVal.
     * For some values (e.g position), only keep the latest command
     * when there are multiple pending commands (remove=true).
     * for others, don't discard commands (remove=false)
    if( strcmp( pVariable, "intf-event" ) == 0 )
        stringstream label;
        bool b_remove;
        switch( newVal.i_int )
            case INPUT_EVENT_STATE:
            case INPUT_EVENT_POSITION:
            case INPUT_EVENT_ES:
            case INPUT_EVENT_CHAPTER:
            case INPUT_EVENT_RECORD:
                b_remove = true;
            case INPUT_EVENT_VOUT:
            case INPUT_EVENT_AOUT:
            case INPUT_EVENT_DEAD:
                b_remove = false;
                return VLC_SUCCESS;
        label <<  pVariable << "_" << newVal.i_int;
        CmdGeneric *pCmd = new CmdCallback( pThis->getIntf(), pObj, newVal,
                                            label.str() );
        if( pCmd )
            pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ), b_remove );

        return VLC_SUCCESS;

    msg_Err( pThis->getIntf(), "no callback entry for %s", pVariable );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #3
int VlcProc::onEqPreampChange( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                               vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                               void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;
    EqualizerPreamp *pVarPreamp = (EqualizerPreamp*)(pThis->m_cVarEqPreamp.get());

    // Post a set preamp command
    CmdSetEqPreamp *pCmd = new CmdSetEqPreamp( pThis->getIntf(), *pVarPreamp,
                                              (newVal.f_float + 20.0) / 40.0 );
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
int VlcProc::onEqBandsChange( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                              vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                              void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

    // Post a set equalizer bands command
    CmdSetEqBands *pCmd = new CmdSetEqBands( pThis->getIntf(),
                                             newVal.psz_string );
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #5
int VlcProc::onItemDelete( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                           vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                           void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

    int i_id = newVal.i_int;
    CmdPlaytreeDelete *pCmdTree =
        new CmdPlaytreeDelete( pThis->getIntf(), i_id);

    // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmdTree ), false );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
int VlcProc::onItemAppend( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                           vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                           void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

    playlist_add_t *p_add = static_cast<playlist_add_t*>(newVal.p_address);
    CmdPlaytreeAppend *pCmdTree =
        new CmdPlaytreeAppend( pThis->getIntf(), p_add );

    // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmdTree ), false );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
int VlcProc::onItemChange( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                           vlc_value_t oldval, vlc_value_t newval,
                           void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;
    input_item_t *p_item = static_cast<input_item_t*>(newval.p_address);

    // Create a playtree notify command
    CmdPlaytreeUpdate *pCmdTree = new CmdPlaytreeUpdate( pThis->getIntf(),
                                                         p_item );

    // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmdTree ), true );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
int VlcProc::onGenericCallback( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                                vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                                void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );

#define ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( var, func, remove ) \
    { \
    if( strcmp( pVariable, var ) == 0 ) \
    { \
        string label = var; \
        CmdGeneric *pCmd = new CmdCallback( pThis->getIntf(), pObj, newVal, \
                                            &VlcProc::func, label ); \
        if( pCmd ) \
            pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ), remove ); \
        return VLC_SUCCESS; \
    } \

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "item-current", on_item_current_changed, false )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "volume", on_volume_changed, true )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "bit-rate", on_bit_rate_changed, false )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "sample-rate", on_sample_rate_changed, false )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "can-record", on_can_record_changed, false )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "random", on_random_changed, false )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "loop", on_loop_changed, false )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "repeat", on_repeat_changed, false )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "audio-filter", on_audio_filter_changed, false )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "intf-toggle-fscontrol", on_intf_show_changed, false )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "mouse-moved", on_mouse_moved_changed, false )


    msg_Err( pThis->getIntf(), "no callback entry for %s", pVariable );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #9
int VlcProc::onGenericCallback( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                                vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                                void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );

    CmdGeneric *pCmd = NULL;

#define ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( var, label ) \
    { \
    if( strcmp( pVariable, var ) == 0 ) \
        pCmd = new Cmd_##label( pThis->getIntf(), pObj, newVal ); \

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "item-current", item_current_changed )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "volume-change", volume_changed )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "intf-event", intf_event_changed )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "bit-rate", bit_rate_changed )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "sample-rate", sample_rate_changed )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "can-record", can_record_changed )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "random", random_changed )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "loop", loop_changed )
    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "repeat", repeat_changed )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "audio-filter", audio_filter_changed )

    ADD_CALLBACK_ENTRY( "intf-show", intf_show_changed )


    if( pCmd )
        pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ), false );
        msg_Err( pObj, "no Callback entry provided for %s", pVariable );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #10
void VarText::delObservers()
    // Stop observing other variables

    VlcProc *pVlcProc = getIntf()->p_sys->p_vlcProc;
    VarManager *pVarManager = getIntf()->p_sys->p_varManager;

    if( pVlcProc )
        pVlcProc->getTimeVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getVolumeVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getSpeedVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamNameVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamURIVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamBitRateVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamSampleRateVar().delObserver( this );

    if( pVarManager )
        pVarManager->getHelpText().delObserver( this );
Пример #11
const UString VarText::get() const
    if( !m_substVars )
        // Do not substitute "$X" variables
        return m_text;

    uint32_t pos;
    VlcProc *pVlcProc = VlcProc::instance( getIntf() );

    // Fill a temporary UString object, and replace the escape characters
    // ($H for help, $T for current time, $L for time left, $D for duration,
    // $V for volume)
    UString temp( m_text );

    // $H is processed first, in case the help string contains other variables
    // to replace. And it is replaced only once, in case one of these other
    // variables is $H...
    if( (pos = temp.find( "$H" )) != UString::npos )
        VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVarManager->getHelpText().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$T" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringCurrTime().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$t" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringCurrTime(true).c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$L" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringTimeLeft().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$l" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringTimeLeft(true).c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$D" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringDuration().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$d" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringDuration(true).c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$V" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getVolumeVar().getAsStringPercent().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$N" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamNameVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$F" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamURIVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$B" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamBitRateVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$S" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamSampleRateVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$R" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getSpeedVar().get() );

    return temp;