Пример #1
	bool Convert(const VfsPath& daeFilename, const VfsPath& pmdFilename, CColladaManager::FileType type)
		// To avoid always loading the DLL when it's usually not going to be
		// used (and to do the same on Linux where delay-loading won't help),
		// and to avoid compile-time dependencies (because it's a minor pain
		// to get all the right libraries to build the COLLADA DLL), we load
		// it dynamically when it is required, instead of using the exported
		// functions and binding at link-time.
		if (!dll.IsLoaded())
			if (!TryLoadDLL())
				return false;

			if (!LoadSkeletonDefinitions())
				dll.Unload(); // Error should have been logged already
				return false;

		// Set the filename for the logger to report
		set_logger(ColladaLog, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(&daeFilename)));

		// We need to null-terminate the buffer, so do it (possibly inefficiently)
		// by converting to a CStr
		CStr daeData;
			CVFSFile daeFile;
			if (daeFile.Load(m_VFS, daeFilename) != PSRETURN_OK)
				return false;
			daeData = daeFile.GetAsString();

		// Do the conversion into a memory buffer
		// We need to check the result, as archive builder needs to know if the source dae
		//	was sucessfully converted to .pmd/psa
		int result = -1;
		WriteBuffer writeBuffer;
		switch (type)
		case CColladaManager::PMD:
			result = convert_dae_to_pmd(daeData.c_str(), ColladaOutput, &writeBuffer);
		case CColladaManager::PSA:
			result = convert_dae_to_psa(daeData.c_str(), ColladaOutput, &writeBuffer);

		// don't create zero-length files (as happens in test_invalid_dae when
		// we deliberately pass invalid XML data) because the VFS caching
		// logic warns when asked to load such.
		if (writeBuffer.Size())
			Status ret = m_VFS->CreateFile(pmdFilename, writeBuffer.Data(), writeBuffer.Size());
			ENSURE(ret == INFO::OK);

		return (result == 0);
Пример #2
void CConsole::SaveHistory()
	WriteBuffer buffer;
	const int linesToSkip = (int)m_deqBufHistory.size() - m_MaxHistoryLines;
	std::deque<std::wstring>::reverse_iterator it = m_deqBufHistory.rbegin();
	if(linesToSkip > 0)
		std::advance(it, linesToSkip);
	for (; it != m_deqBufHistory.rend(); ++it)
		CStr8 line = CStrW(*it).ToUTF8();
		buffer.Append(line.data(), line.length());
		static const char newline = '\n';
		buffer.Append(&newline, 1);
	g_VFS->CreateFile(m_sHistoryFile, buffer.Data(), buffer.Size());
Пример #3
	bool Convert(const VfsPath& daeFilename, const VfsPath& pmdFilename, CColladaManager::FileType type)
		// To avoid always loading the DLL when it's usually not going to be
		// used (and to do the same on Linux where delay-loading won't help),
		// and to avoid compile-time dependencies (because it's a minor pain
		// to get all the right libraries to build the COLLADA DLL), we load
		// it dynamically when it is required, instead of using the exported
		// functions and binding at link-time.
		if (! dll.IsLoaded())
			if (! dll.LoadDLL())
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to load COLLADA conversion DLL");
				return false;

				dll.LoadSymbol("set_logger", set_logger);
				dll.LoadSymbol("set_skeleton_definitions", set_skeleton_definitions);
				dll.LoadSymbol("convert_dae_to_pmd", convert_dae_to_pmd);
				dll.LoadSymbol("convert_dae_to_psa", convert_dae_to_psa);
			catch (PSERROR_DllLoader&)
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to load symbols from COLLADA conversion DLL");
				return false;

			VfsPath skeletonPath("art/skeletons/skeletons.xml");

			// Set the filename for the logger to report
			set_logger(ColladaLog, static_cast<void*>(&skeletonPath));

			CVFSFile skeletonFile;
			if (skeletonFile.Load(g_VFS, skeletonPath) != PSRETURN_OK)
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to read skeleton definitions");
				return false;

			int ok = set_skeleton_definitions((const char*)skeletonFile.GetBuffer(), (int)skeletonFile.GetBufferSize());
			if (ok < 0)
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to load skeleton definitions");
				return false;

			// TODO: the cached PMD/PSA files should probably be invalidated when
			// the skeleton definition file is changed, else people will get confused
			// as to why it's not picking up their changes

		// Set the filename for the logger to report
		set_logger(ColladaLog, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(&daeFilename)));

		// We need to null-terminate the buffer, so do it (possibly inefficiently)
		// by converting to a CStr
		CStr daeData;
			CVFSFile daeFile;
			if (daeFile.Load(g_VFS, daeFilename) != PSRETURN_OK)
				return false;
			daeData = daeFile.GetAsString();

		// Do the conversion into a memory buffer
		WriteBuffer writeBuffer;
		switch (type)
		case CColladaManager::PMD: convert_dae_to_pmd(daeData.c_str(), ColladaOutput, &writeBuffer); break;
		case CColladaManager::PSA: convert_dae_to_psa(daeData.c_str(), ColladaOutput, &writeBuffer); break;

		// don't create zero-length files (as happens in test_invalid_dae when
		// we deliberately pass invalid XML data) because the VFS caching
		// logic warns when asked to load such.
		if (writeBuffer.Size())
			Status ret = g_VFS->CreateFile(pmdFilename, writeBuffer.Data(), writeBuffer.Size());
			ENSURE(ret == INFO::OK);

		return true;
Пример #4
Status SavedGames::Save(const std::wstring& prefix, CSimulation2& simulation, CGUIManager* gui, int playerID)
	// Determine the filename to save under
	const VfsPath basenameFormat(L"saves/" + prefix + L"-%04d");
	const VfsPath filenameFormat = basenameFormat.ChangeExtension(L".0adsave");
	VfsPath filename;

	// Don't make this a static global like NextNumberedFilename expects, because
	// that wouldn't work when 'prefix' changes, and because it's not thread-safe
	size_t nextSaveNumber = 0;
	vfs::NextNumberedFilename(g_VFS, filenameFormat, nextSaveNumber, filename);

	// ArchiveWriter_Zip can only write to OsPaths, not VfsPaths,
	// but we'd like to handle saved games via VFS.
	// To avoid potential confusion from writing with non-VFS then
	// reading the same file with VFS, we'll just write to a temporary
	// non-VFS path and then load and save again via VFS,
	// which is kind of a hack.

	OsPath tempSaveFileRealPath;
	WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(g_VFS->GetDirectoryRealPath("cache/", tempSaveFileRealPath));
	tempSaveFileRealPath = tempSaveFileRealPath / "temp.0adsave";

	time_t now = time(NULL);

	// Construct the serialized state to be saved

	std::stringstream simStateStream;
	if (!simulation.SerializeState(simStateStream))

	CScriptValRooted metadata;
	simulation.GetScriptInterface().Eval("({})", metadata);
	simulation.GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(metadata.get(), "version_major", SAVED_GAME_VERSION_MAJOR);
	simulation.GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(metadata.get(), "version_minor", SAVED_GAME_VERSION_MINOR);
	simulation.GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(metadata.get(), "time", (double)now);
	simulation.GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(metadata.get(), "player", playerID);
	simulation.GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(metadata.get(), "initAttributes", simulation.GetInitAttributes());
	if (gui)
		CScriptVal guiMetadata = simulation.GetScriptInterface().CloneValueFromOtherContext(gui->GetScriptInterface(), gui->GetSavedGameData().get());
		simulation.GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(metadata.get(), "gui", guiMetadata);
	std::string metadataString = simulation.GetScriptInterface().StringifyJSON(metadata.get(), true);
	// Write the saved game as zip file containing the various components
	PIArchiveWriter archiveWriter = CreateArchiveWriter_Zip(tempSaveFileRealPath, false);
	if (!archiveWriter)

	WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(archiveWriter->AddMemory((const u8*)metadataString.c_str(), metadataString.length(), now, "metadata.json"));
	WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(archiveWriter->AddMemory((const u8*)simStateStream.str().c_str(), simStateStream.str().length(), now, "simulation.dat"));
	archiveWriter.reset(); // close the file

	WriteBuffer buffer;
	FileInfo tempSaveFile;
	WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(GetFileInfo(tempSaveFileRealPath, &tempSaveFile));
	WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(io::Load(tempSaveFileRealPath, buffer.Data().get(), buffer.Size()));
	WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(g_VFS->CreateFile(filename, buffer.Data(), buffer.Size()));

	OsPath realPath;
	WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(g_VFS->GetRealPath(filename, realPath));
	LOGMESSAGERENDER(L"Saved game to %ls\n", realPath.string().c_str());

	return INFO::OK;