Пример #1
QString KSUtils::getDSSURL( const dms &ra, const dms &dec, float width, float height, const QString & type) {
    const QString URLprefix( "http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_search?v=poss2ukstu_blue" );
    QString URLsuffix = QString( "&e=J2000&f=%1&c=none&fov=NONE" ).arg(type);
    const double dss_default_size = Options::defaultDSSImageSize();

    char decsgn = ( dec.Degrees() < 0.0 ) ? '-' : '+';
    int dd = abs( dec.degree() );
    int dm = abs( dec.arcmin() );
    int ds = abs( dec.arcsec() );

    // Infinite and NaN sizes are replaced by the default size
    if( !qIsFinite( height ) )
        height = dss_default_size;
    if( !qIsFinite( width ) )
        width = dss_default_size;

    // Negative / zero sizes are replaced by the default size
    if( height <= 0.0 )
        height = dss_default_size;
    if( width <= 0.0 )
        width = dss_default_size;

    // DSS accepts images that are no larger than 75 arcminutes
    if( height > 75.0 )
        height = 75.0;
    if( width > 75.0 )
        width = 75.0;

    QString RAString, DecString, SizeString;
    DecString = DecString.sprintf( "&d=%c%02d+%02d+%02d", decsgn, dd, dm, ds );
    RAString  = RAString.sprintf( "&r=%02d+%02d+%02d", ra.hour(), ra.minute(), ra.second() );
    SizeString = SizeString.sprintf( "&h=%02.1f&w=%02.1f", height, width );

    return ( URLprefix + RAString + DecString + SizeString + URLsuffix );

Пример #2
void dmsBox::showInDegrees (dms d)
	double seconds = d.arcsec() + d.marcsec()/1000.;
	setDMS( QString().sprintf( "%02d %02d %05.2f", d.degree(), d.arcmin(), seconds ) );