wedgeFvPatchField<Type>::wedgeFvPatchField ( const wedgeFvPatchField<Type>& ptf, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper ) : transformFvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper) { if (!isType<wedgeFvPatch>(this->patch())) { FatalErrorIn ( "wedgeFvPatchField<Type>::wedgeFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const wedgeFvPatchField<Type>& ptf,\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF,\n" " const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper\n" ")\n" ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }
fixedGradientFvPatchField<Type>::fixedGradientFvPatchField ( const fixedGradientFvPatchField<Type>& ptf, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper ) : fvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper), gradient_(ptf.gradient_, mapper) { if (&iF && mapper.hasUnmapped()) { WarningIn ( "fixedGradientFvPatchField<Type>::fixedGradientFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const fixedGradientFvPatchField<Type>&,\n" " const fvPatch&,\n" " const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>&,\n" " const fvPatchFieldMapper&\n" ")\n" ) << "On field " << << " patch " << << " patchField " << this->type() << " : mapper does not map all values." << nl << " To avoid this warning fully specify the mapping in derived" << " patch fields." << endl; } }
emptyFvPatchField<Type>::emptyFvPatchField ( const emptyFvPatchField<Type>&, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& ) : fvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, Field<Type>(0)) { if (!isType<emptyFvPatch>(p)) { FatalErrorIn ( "emptyFvPatchField<Type>::emptyFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const emptyFvPatchField<Type>&,\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF,\n" " const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper\n" ")\n" ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }
Foam::cyclicAMIFvPatchField<Type>::cyclicAMIFvPatchField ( const cyclicAMIFvPatchField<Type>& ptf, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper ) : cyclicAMILduInterfaceField(), coupledFvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper), cyclicAMIPatch_(refCast<const cyclicAMIFvPatch>(p)) { if (!isA<cyclicAMIFvPatch>(this->patch())) { FatalErrorIn ( "cyclicAMIFvPatchField<Type>::cyclicAMIFvPatchField" "(" "const cyclicAMIFvPatchField<Type>& ," "const fvPatch&, " "const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>&, " "const fvPatchFieldMapper&" ")" ) << " patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }
Foam::processorFvPatchField<Type>::processorFvPatchField ( const processorFvPatchField<Type>& ptf, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper ) : coupledFvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper), procPatch_(refCast<const processorFvPatch>(p)), sendBuf_(0), receiveBuf_(0), outstandingSendRequest_(-1), outstandingRecvRequest_(-1), scalarSendBuf_(0), scalarReceiveBuf_(0) { if (!isA<processorFvPatch>(this->patch())) { FatalErrorInFunction << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->internalField().name() << " in file " << this->internalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } if (debug && !ptf.ready()) { FatalErrorInFunction << "On patch " << << " outstanding request." << abort(FatalError); } }
Foam::turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleFvPatchScalarField:: turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleFvPatchScalarField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : fixedValueFvPatchScalarField(p, iF, dict), neighbourFieldName_(dict.lookup("neighbourFieldName")), KName_(dict.lookup("K")) { if (!isA<directMappedPatchBase>(this->patch().patch())) { FatalErrorIn ( "turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleFvPatchScalarField::" "turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleFvPatchScalarField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF,\n" " const dictionary& dict\n" ")\n" ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not type '" << directMappedPatchBase::typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalError); } }
Foam::symmetryPlaneFvPatchField<Type>::symmetryPlaneFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : basicSymmetryFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict), symmetryPlanePatch_(refCast<const symmetryPlaneFvPatch>(p)) { if (!isType<symmetryPlaneFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorIn ( "symmetryPlaneFvPatchField<Type>::symmetryPlaneFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const Field<Type>& field,\n" " const dictionary& dict\n" ")\n", dict ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }
Foam::processorFvPatchField<Type>::processorFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : coupledFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict), procPatch_(refCast<const processorFvPatch>(p)), sendBuf_(0), receiveBuf_(0), outstandingSendRequest_(-1), outstandingRecvRequest_(-1), scalarSendBuf_(0), scalarReceiveBuf_(0) { if (!isA<processorFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorIn ( "processorFvPatchField<Type>::processorFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const Field<Type>& field,\n" " const dictionary& dict\n" ")\n", dict ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }
wedgeFvPatchField<Type>::wedgeFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : transformFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict) { if (!isType<wedgeFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorIn ( "wedgeFvPatchField<Type>::wedgeFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const Field<Type>& field,\n" " dictionary& dict\n" ")\n", dict ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } evaluate(); }
Foam::processorFvPatchField<Type>::processorFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : coupledFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict, dict.found("value")), procPatch_(refCast<const processorFvPatch>(p)), sendBuf_(0), receiveBuf_(0), outstandingSendRequest_(-1), outstandingRecvRequest_(-1), scalarSendBuf_(0), scalarReceiveBuf_(0) { if (!isA<processorFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorInFunction ( dict ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->internalField().name() << " in file " << this->internalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } // If the value is not supplied set to the internal field if (!dict.found("value")) { fvPatchField<Type>::operator=(this->patchInternalField()); } }
processorCyclicFvPatchField<Type>::processorCyclicFvPatchField ( const processorCyclicFvPatchField<Type>& ptf, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper ) : //coupledFvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper), processorFvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper), procPatch_(refCast<const processorCyclicFvPatch>(p)) { if (!isType<processorCyclicFvPatch>(this->patch())) { FatalErrorIn ( "processorCyclicFvPatchField<Type>::processorCyclicFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const processorCyclicFvPatchField<Type>& ptf,\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF,\n" " const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper\n" ")\n" ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }
Foam::cyclicAMIFvPatchField<Type>::cyclicAMIFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : cyclicAMILduInterfaceField(), coupledFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict), cyclicAMIPatch_(refCast<const cyclicAMIFvPatch>(p)) { if (!isA<cyclicAMIFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorInFunction ( dict ) << " patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->internalField().name() << " in file " << this->internalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } if (!dict.found("value") && this->coupled()) { this->evaluate(Pstream::blocking); } }
filmPyrolysisRadiativeCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField:: filmPyrolysisRadiativeCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : mixedFvPatchScalarField(p, iF), temperatureCoupledBase(patch(), dict), filmRegionName_ ( dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("filmRegion", "surfaceFilmProperties") ), pyrolysisRegionName_ ( dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("pyrolysisRegion", "pyrolysisProperties") ), TnbrName_(dict.lookup("Tnbr")), QrName_(dict.lookup("Qr")), convectiveScaling_(dict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("convectiveScaling", 1.0)), filmDeltaDry_(readScalar(dict.lookup("filmDeltaDry"))), filmDeltaWet_(readScalar(dict.lookup("filmDeltaWet"))) { if (!isA<mappedPatchBase>(this->patch().patch())) { FatalErrorIn ( "filmPyrolysisRadiativeCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField::" "filmPyrolysisRadiativeCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF,\n" " const dictionary& dict\n" ")\n" ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not type '" << mappedPatchBase::typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalError); } fvPatchScalarField::operator=(scalarField("value", dict, p.size())); if (dict.found("refValue")) { // Full restart refValue() = scalarField("refValue", dict, p.size()); refGrad() = scalarField("refGradient", dict, p.size()); valueFraction() = scalarField("valueFraction", dict, p.size()); } else { // Start from user entered data. Assume fixedValue. refValue() = *this; refGrad() = 0.0; valueFraction() = 1.0; } }
cyclicFvPatchField<Type>::cyclicFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : coupledFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict), cyclicPatch_(refCast<const cyclicFvPatch>(p)) { if (!isType<cyclicFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorIn ( "cyclicFvPatchField<Type>::cyclicFvPatchField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const Field<Type>& field,\n" " const dictionary& dict\n" ")\n", dict ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << this->dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } this->evaluate(Pstream::blocking); }
Foam::processorCyclicFvPatchField<Type>::processorCyclicFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : processorFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict), procPatch_(refCast<const processorCyclicFvPatch>(p)) { if (!isType<processorCyclicFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorInFunction ( dict ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->internalField().name() << " in file " << this->internalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } if (Pstream::defaultCommsType == Pstream::commsTypes::scheduled) { WarningInFunction << "Scheduled communication with split cyclics not supported." << endl; } }
CFDHAMfluidMoistureCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField:: CFDHAMfluidMoistureCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : mixedFvPatchScalarField(p, iF), temperatureCoupledBase(patch(), dict), wnbrName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("wnbr", "none")), TnbrName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("Tnbr", "none")), QrNbrName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("QrNbr", "none")), QrName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("Qr", "none")), QsNbrName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("QsNbr", "none")), QsName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("Qs", "none")) { if (!isA<mappedPatchBase>(this->patch().patch())) { FatalErrorIn ( "CFDHAMfluidMoistureCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField::" "CFDHAMfluidMoistureCoupledMixedFvPatchScalarField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF,\n" " const dictionary& dict\n" ")\n" ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not type '" << mappedPatchBase::typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalError); } fvPatchScalarField::operator=(scalarField("value", dict, p.size())); if (dict.found("refValue")) { // Full restart refValue() = scalarField("refValue", dict, p.size()); refGrad() = scalarField("refGradient", dict, p.size()); valueFraction() = scalarField("valueFraction", dict, p.size()); } else { // Start from user entered data. Assume fixedValue. refValue() = *this; refGrad() = 0.0; valueFraction() = 1.0; } }
surfaceChargeCoupledFvPatchScalarField:: surfaceChargeCoupledFvPatchScalarField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : mixedFvPatchScalarField(p, iF), temperatureCoupledBase(patch(), dict), neighbourFieldName_(dict.lookup("neighbourFieldName")), surfCharge_(readScalar(dict.lookup("surfaceCharge"))), myEpr_(readScalar(dict.lookup("myEpr"))), nbrEpr_(readScalar(dict.lookup("nbrEpr"))) { if (!isA<mappedPatchBase>(this->patch().patch())) { FatalErrorIn ( "surfaceChargeCoupledFvPatchScalarField::" "surfaceChargeCoupledFvPatchScalarField\n" "(\n" " const fvPatch& p,\n" " const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>& iF,\n" " const dictionary& dict\n" ")\n" ) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not type '" << mappedPatchBase::typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << dimensionedInternalField().name() << " in file " << dimensionedInternalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalError); } fvPatchScalarField::operator=(scalarField("value", dict, p.size())); if (dict.found("refValue")) { // Full restart refValue() = scalarField("refValue", dict, p.size()); refGrad() = scalarField("refGradient", dict, p.size()); valueFraction() = scalarField("valueFraction", dict, p.size()); } else { // Start from user entered data. Assume fixedValue. refValue() = *this; refGrad() = 0.0; valueFraction() = 1.0; } }
Foam::symmetryFvPatchField<Type>::symmetryFvPatchField ( const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const dictionary& dict ) : basicSymmetryFvPatchField<Type>(p, iF, dict) { if (!isType<symmetryFvPatch>(p)) { FatalIOErrorInFunction(dict) << "\n patch type '" << p.type() << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->internalField().name() << " in file " << this->internalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }
Foam::fixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::fixedValueFvPatchField ( const fixedValueFvPatchField<Type>& ptf, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper ) : fvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper) { if (notNull(iF) && mapper.hasUnmapped()) { WarningInFunction << "On field " << << " patch " << << " patchField " << this->type() << " : mapper does not map all values." << nl << " To avoid this warning fully specify the mapping in derived" << " patch fields." << endl; } }
Foam::symmetryFvPatchField<Type>::symmetryFvPatchField ( const symmetryFvPatchField<Type>& ptf, const fvPatch& p, const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper& mapper ) : basicSymmetryFvPatchField<Type>(ptf, p, iF, mapper) { if (!isType<symmetryFvPatch>(this->patch())) { FatalErrorInFunction << "' not constraint type '" << typeName << "'" << "\n for patch " << << " of field " << this->internalField().name() << " in file " << this->internalField().objectPath() << exit(FatalIOError); } }