nsMathMLmtableOuterFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                                 nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                 const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                 nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  nsAutoString value;
  // we want to return a table that is anchored according to the align attribute

  nsTableOuterFrame::Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
  NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.Height() >= 0, "illegal height for mtable");
  NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.Width() >= 0, "illegal width for mtable");

  // see if the user has set the align attribute on the <mtable>
  int32_t rowIndex = 0;
  eAlign tableAlign = eAlign_axis;
  mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::align, value);
  if (!value.IsEmpty()) {
    ParseAlignAttribute(value, tableAlign, rowIndex);

  // adjustments if there is a specified row from where to anchor the table
  // (conceptually: when there is no row of reference, picture the table as if
  // it is wrapped in a single big fictional row at dy = 0, this way of
  // doing so allows us to have a single code path for all cases).
  nscoord dy = 0;
  WritingMode wm = aDesiredSize.GetWritingMode();
  nscoord blockSize = aDesiredSize.BSize(wm);
  nsIFrame* rowFrame = nullptr;
  if (rowIndex) {
    rowFrame = GetRowFrameAt(rowIndex);
    if (rowFrame) {
      // translate the coordinates to be relative to us and in our writing mode
      nsIFrame* frame = rowFrame;
      LogicalRect rect(wm, frame->GetRect(),
      blockSize = rect.BSize(wm);
      do {
        dy += rect.BStart(wm);
        frame = frame->GetParent();
      } while (frame != this);
  switch (tableAlign) {
    case eAlign_top:
    case eAlign_bottom:
      aDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(dy + blockSize);
    case eAlign_center:
      aDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(dy + blockSize / 2);
    case eAlign_baseline:
      if (rowFrame) {
        // anchor the table on the baseline of the row of reference
        nscoord rowAscent = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetMaxCellAscent();
        if (rowAscent) { // the row has at least one cell with 'vertical-align: baseline'
          aDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(dy + rowAscent);
      // in other situations, fallback to center
      aDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(dy + blockSize / 2);
    case eAlign_axis:
    default: {
      // XXX should instead use style data from the row of reference here ?
      RefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
      nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm),
      nscoord axisHeight;
      GetAxisHeight(aReflowState.rendContext->GetDrawTarget(), fm, axisHeight);
      if (rowFrame) {
        // anchor the table on the axis of the row of reference
        // XXX fallback to baseline because it is a hard problem
        // XXX need to fetch the axis of the row; would need rowalign=axis to work better
        nscoord rowAscent = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetMaxCellAscent();
        if (rowAscent) { // the row has at least one cell with 'vertical-align: baseline'
          aDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(dy + rowAscent);
      // in other situations, fallback to using half of the height
      aDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(dy + blockSize / 2 + axisHeight);

  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent();

  // just make-up a bounding metrics
  mBoundingMetrics = nsBoundingMetrics();
  mBoundingMetrics.ascent = aDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent();
  mBoundingMetrics.descent = aDesiredSize.Height() -
  mBoundingMetrics.width = aDesiredSize.Width();
  mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = 0;
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = aDesiredSize.Width();

  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
nsBlockReflowContext::ReflowBlock(const LogicalRect&  aSpace,
                                  bool                aApplyBStartMargin,
                                  nsCollapsingMargin& aPrevMargin,
                                  nscoord             aClearance,
                                  bool                aIsAdjacentWithBStart,
                                  nsLineBox*          aLine,
                                  nsHTMLReflowState&  aFrameRS,
                                  nsReflowStatus&     aFrameReflowStatus,
                                  nsBlockReflowState& aState)
  mFrame = aFrameRS.frame;
  mWritingMode = aState.mReflowState.GetWritingMode();
  mContainerWidth = aState.mContainerWidth;
  mSpace = aSpace;

  if (!aIsAdjacentWithBStart) {
    aFrameRS.mFlags.mIsTopOfPage = false;  // make sure this is cleared

  if (aApplyBStartMargin) {
    mBStartMargin = aPrevMargin;

    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mOuterReflowState.frame);
    printf(": reflowing ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mFrame);
    printf(" margin => %d, clearance => %d\n", mBStartMargin.get(), aClearance);

    // Adjust the available block size if it's constrained so that the
    // child frame doesn't think it can reflow into its margin area.
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aFrameRS.AvailableBSize()) {
      aFrameRS.AvailableBSize() -= mBStartMargin.get() + aClearance;

  LogicalPoint tPt(mWritingMode);
  // The values of x and y do not matter for floats, so don't bother
  // calculating them. Floats are guaranteed to have their own float
  // manager, so tI and tB don't matter.  mICoord and mBCoord don't
  // matter becacuse they are only used in PlaceBlock, which is not used
  // for floats.
  if (aLine) {
    // Compute inline/block coordinate where reflow will begin. Use the
    // rules from 10.3.3 to determine what to apply. At this point in the
    // reflow auto inline-start/end margins will have a zero value.

    WritingMode frameWM = aFrameRS.GetWritingMode();
    mICoord = tPt.I(mWritingMode) =
      mSpace.IStart(mWritingMode) +
    mBCoord = tPt.B(mWritingMode) = mSpace.BStart(mWritingMode) +
                                    mBStartMargin.get() + aClearance;

    if ((mFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_BLOCK_FLOAT_MGR) == 0)
      aFrameRS.mBlockDelta =
        mOuterReflowState.mBlockDelta + mBCoord - aLine->BStart();

  // Let frame know that we are reflowing it

#ifdef DEBUG
  mMetrics.ISize(mWritingMode) = nscoord(0xdeadbeef);
  mMetrics.BSize(mWritingMode) = nscoord(0xdeadbeef);

  WritingMode oldWM = mOuterReflowState.mFloatManager->Translate(mWritingMode,
  mFrame->Reflow(mPresContext, mMetrics, aFrameRS, aFrameReflowStatus);
  mOuterReflowState.mFloatManager->Untranslate(oldWM, tPt);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (!NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK_BEFORE(aFrameReflowStatus)) {
    if (CRAZY_SIZE(mMetrics.ISize(mWritingMode)) ||
        CRAZY_SIZE(mMetrics.BSize(mWritingMode))) {
      printf("nsBlockReflowContext: ");
      nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mFrame);
      printf(" metrics=%d,%d!\n",
             mMetrics.ISize(mWritingMode), mMetrics.BSize(mWritingMode));
    if ((mMetrics.ISize(mWritingMode) == nscoord(0xdeadbeef)) ||
        (mMetrics.BSize(mWritingMode) == nscoord(0xdeadbeef))) {
      printf("nsBlockReflowContext: ");
      nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mFrame);
      printf(" didn't set i/b %d,%d!\n",
             mMetrics.ISize(mWritingMode), mMetrics.BSize(mWritingMode));

  if (!mFrame->HasOverflowAreas()) {

  if (!NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK_BEFORE(aFrameReflowStatus) ||
      (mFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW)) {
    // If frame is complete and has a next-in-flow, we need to delete
    // them now. Do not do this when a break-before is signaled because
    // the frame is going to get reflowed again (and may end up wanting
    // a next-in-flow where it ends up), unless it is an out of flow frame.
    if (NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aFrameReflowStatus)) {
      nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = mFrame->GetNextInFlow();
      if (nullptr != kidNextInFlow) {
        // Remove all of the childs next-in-flows. Make sure that we ask
        // the right parent to do the removal (it's possible that the
        // parent is not this because we are executing pullup code).
        // Floats will eventually be removed via nsBlockFrame::RemoveFloat
        // which detaches the placeholder from the float.
        nsOverflowContinuationTracker::AutoFinish fini(aState.mOverflowTracker, mFrame);
        kidNextInFlow->GetParent()->DeleteNextInFlowChild(kidNextInFlow, true);
nsBlockReflowContext::ComputeCollapsedBStartMargin(const nsHTMLReflowState& aRS,
                                                   nsCollapsingMargin* aMargin,
                                                   nsIFrame* aClearanceFrame,
                                                   bool* aMayNeedRetry,
                                                   bool* aBlockIsEmpty)
  WritingMode wm = aRS.GetWritingMode();
  WritingMode parentWM = mMetrics.GetWritingMode();

  // Include block-start element of frame's margin
  aMargin->Include(aRS.ComputedLogicalMargin().ConvertTo(parentWM, wm).BStart(parentWM));

  // The inclusion of the block-end margin when empty is done by the caller
  // since it doesn't need to be done by the top-level (non-recursive)
  // caller.

  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aRS.frame);
  printf(": %d => %d\n", aRS.ComputedLogicalMargin().BStart(wm), aMargin->get());

  bool dirtiedLine = false;
  bool setBlockIsEmpty = false;

  // Calculate the frame's generational block-start-margin from its child
  // blocks. Note that if the frame has a non-zero block-start-border or
  // block-start-padding then this step is skipped because it will be a margin
  // root.  It is also skipped if the frame is a margin root for other
  // reasons.
  nsIFrame* frame = DescendIntoBlockLevelFrame(aRS.frame);
  nsPresContext* prescontext = frame->PresContext();
  nsBlockFrame* block = nullptr;
  if (0 == aRS.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding().BStart(wm)) {
    block = nsLayoutUtils::GetAsBlock(frame);
    if (block) {
      bool bStartMarginRoot, unused;
      block->IsMarginRoot(&bStartMarginRoot, &unused);
      if (bStartMarginRoot) {
        block = nullptr;

  // iterate not just through the lines of 'block' but also its
  // overflow lines and the normal and overflow lines of its next in
  // flows. Note that this will traverse some frames more than once:
  // for example, if A contains B and A->nextinflow contains
  // B->nextinflow, we'll traverse B->nextinflow twice. But this is
  // OK because our traversal is idempotent.
  for ( ;block; block = static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(block->GetNextInFlow())) {
    for (int overflowLines = 0; overflowLines <= 1; ++overflowLines) {
      nsBlockFrame::line_iterator line;
      nsBlockFrame::line_iterator line_end;
      bool anyLines = true;
      if (overflowLines) {
        nsBlockFrame::FrameLines* frames = block->GetOverflowLines();
        nsLineList* lines = frames ? &frames->mLines : nullptr;
        if (!lines) {
          anyLines = false;
        } else {
          line = lines->begin();
          line_end = lines->end();
      } else {
        line = block->begin_lines();
        line_end = block->end_lines();
      for (; anyLines && line != line_end; ++line) {
        if (!aClearanceFrame && line->HasClearance()) {
          // If we don't have a clearance frame, then we're computing
          // the collapsed margin in the first pass, assuming that all
          // lines have no clearance. So clear their clearance flags.
          dirtiedLine = true;

        bool isEmpty;
        if (line->IsInline()) {
          isEmpty = line->IsEmpty();
        } else {
          nsIFrame* kid = line->mFirstChild;
          if (kid == aClearanceFrame) {
            dirtiedLine = true;
            goto done;
          // Here is where we recur. Now that we have determined that a
          // generational collapse is required we need to compute the
          // child blocks margin and so in so that we can look into
          // it. For its margins to be computed we need to have a reflow
          // state for it.

          // We may have to construct an extra reflow state here if
          // we drilled down through a block wrapper. At the moment
          // we can only drill down one level so we only have to support
          // one extra reflow state.
          const nsHTMLReflowState* outerReflowState = &aRS;
          if (frame != aRS.frame) {
            NS_ASSERTION(frame->GetParent() == aRS.frame,
                         "Can only drill through one level of block wrapper");
            LogicalSize availSpace = aRS.ComputedSize(frame->GetWritingMode());
            outerReflowState = new nsHTMLReflowState(prescontext,
                                                     aRS, frame, availSpace);
            LogicalSize availSpace =
            nsHTMLReflowState innerReflowState(prescontext,
                                               *outerReflowState, kid,
            // Record that we're being optimistic by assuming the kid
            // has no clearance
            if (kid->StyleDisplay()->mBreakType != NS_STYLE_CLEAR_NONE) {
              *aMayNeedRetry = true;
            if (ComputeCollapsedBStartMargin(innerReflowState, aMargin,
                                             aClearanceFrame, aMayNeedRetry,
                                             &isEmpty)) {
              dirtiedLine = true;
            if (isEmpty) {
              WritingMode innerWM = innerReflowState.GetWritingMode();
              LogicalMargin innerMargin =
                innerReflowState.ComputedLogicalMargin().ConvertTo(parentWM, innerWM);
          if (outerReflowState != &aRS) {
            delete const_cast<nsHTMLReflowState*>(outerReflowState);
        if (!isEmpty) {
          if (!setBlockIsEmpty && aBlockIsEmpty) {
            setBlockIsEmpty = true;
            *aBlockIsEmpty = false;
          goto done;
      if (!setBlockIsEmpty && aBlockIsEmpty) {
        // The first time we reach here is when this is the first block
        // and we have processed all its normal lines.
        setBlockIsEmpty = true;
        // All lines are empty, or we wouldn't be here!
        *aBlockIsEmpty = aRS.frame->IsSelfEmpty();

  if (!setBlockIsEmpty && aBlockIsEmpty) {
    *aBlockIsEmpty = aRS.frame->IsEmpty();
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aRS.frame);
  printf(": => %d\n", aMargin->get());

  return dirtiedLine;
Пример #4
nsColumnSetFrame::ReflowChildren(nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                 const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                 nsReflowStatus&          aStatus,
                                 const ReflowConfig&      aConfig,
                                 bool                     aUnboundedLastColumn,
                                 nsCollapsingMargin*      aBottomMarginCarriedOut,
                                 ColumnBalanceData&       aColData)
  bool allFit = true;
  bool RTL = GetStyleVisibility()->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_RTL;
  bool shrinkingHeightOnly = !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(this) &&
    mLastBalanceHeight > aConfig.mColMaxHeight;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** Doing column reflow pass: mLastBalanceHeight=%d, mColMaxHeight=%d, RTL=%d\n, mBalanceColCount=%d, mColWidth=%d, mColGap=%d\n",
         mLastBalanceHeight, aConfig.mColMaxHeight, RTL, aConfig.mBalanceColCount,
         aConfig.mColWidth, aConfig.mColGap);

  if (mLastBalanceHeight != aConfig.mColMaxHeight) {
    mLastBalanceHeight = aConfig.mColMaxHeight;
    // XXX Seems like this could fire if incremental reflow pushed the column set
    // down so we reflow incrementally with a different available height.
    // We need a way to do an incremental reflow and be sure availableHeight
    // changes are taken account of! Right now I think block frames with absolute
    // children might exit early.
    //NS_ASSERTION(aKidReason != eReflowReason_Incremental,
    //             "incremental reflow should not have changed the balance height");

  // get our border and padding
  const nsMargin &borderPadding = aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding;
  nsRect contentRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
  nsOverflowAreas overflowRects;

  nsIFrame* child = mFrames.FirstChild();
  nsPoint childOrigin = nsPoint(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);
  // For RTL, figure out where the last column's left edge should be. Since the
  // columns might not fill the frame exactly, we need to account for the
  // slop. Otherwise we'll waste time moving the columns by some tiny
  // amount unnecessarily.
  nscoord targetX = borderPadding.left;
  if (RTL) {
    nscoord availWidth = aReflowState.availableWidth;
    if (aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
      availWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
    if (availWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
      childOrigin.x += availWidth - aConfig.mColWidth;
      targetX += aConfig.mExpectedWidthLeftOver;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** childOrigin.x = %d\n", childOrigin.x);
  int columnCount = 0;
  int contentBottom = 0;
  bool reflowNext = false;

  while (child) {
    // Try to skip reflowing the child. We can't skip if the child is dirty. We also can't
    // skip if the next column is dirty, because the next column's first line(s)
    // might be pullable back to this column. We can't skip if it's the last child
    // because we need to obtain the bottom margin. We can't skip
    // if this is the last column and we're supposed to assign unbounded
    // height to it, because that could change the available height from
    // the last time we reflowed it and we should try to pull all the
    // content from its next sibling. (Note that it might be the last
    // column, but not be the last child because the desired number of columns
    // has changed.)
    bool skipIncremental = !aReflowState.ShouldReflowAllKids()
      && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child)
      && child->GetNextSibling()
      && !(aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1)
      && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child->GetNextSibling());
    // If we need to pull up content from the prev-in-flow then this is not just
    // a height shrink. The prev in flow will have set the dirty bit.
    // Check the overflow rect YMost instead of just the child's content height. The child
    // may have overflowing content that cares about the available height boundary.
    // (It may also have overflowing content that doesn't care about the available height
    // boundary, but if so, too bad, this optimization is defeated.)
    // We want scrollable overflow here since this is a calculation that
    // affects layout.
    bool skipResizeHeightShrink = shrinkingHeightOnly
      && child->GetScrollableOverflowRect().YMost() <= aConfig.mColMaxHeight;

    nscoord childContentBottom = 0;
    if (!reflowNext && (skipIncremental || skipResizeHeightShrink)) {
      // This child does not need to be reflowed, but we may need to move it
      MoveChildTo(this, child, childOrigin);
      // If this is the last frame then make sure we get the right status
      nsIFrame* kidNext = child->GetNextSibling();
      if (kidNext) {
        aStatus = (kidNext->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)
                  : NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE;
      } else {
        aStatus = mLastFrameStatus;
      childContentBottom = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBottom(child);
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Skipping child #%d %p (incremental %d, resize height shrink %d): status = %d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child, skipIncremental, skipResizeHeightShrink, aStatus);
    } else {
      nsSize availSize(aConfig.mColWidth, aConfig.mColMaxHeight);
      if (aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1) {
        availSize.height = GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState);
      if (reflowNext)

      nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(PresContext(), aReflowState, child,
                                       availSize, availSize.width,
      kidReflowState.mFlags.mIsTopOfPage = true;
      kidReflowState.mFlags.mTableIsSplittable = false;
      kidReflowState.mFlags.mIsColumnBalancing = aConfig.mBalanceColCount < PR_INT32_MAX;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Reflowing child #%d %p: availHeight=%d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child,availSize.height);

      // Note if the column's next in flow is not being changed by this incremental reflow.
      // This may allow the current column to avoid trying to pull lines from the next column.
      if (child->GetNextSibling() &&
          !(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) &&
        !(child->GetNextSibling()->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
        kidReflowState.mFlags.mNextInFlowUntouched = true;
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(aDesiredSize.mFlags);

      // XXX it would be cool to consult the float manager for the
      // previous block to figure out the region of floats from the
      // previous column that extend into this column, and subtract
      // that region from the new float manager.  So you could stick a
      // really big float in the first column and text in following
      // columns would flow around it.

      // Reflow the frame
      ReflowChild(child, PresContext(), kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                  childOrigin.x + kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.left,
                  childOrigin.y + kidReflowState.mComputedMargin.top,
                  0, aStatus);

      reflowNext = (aStatus & NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW) != 0;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Reflowed child #%d %p: status = %d, desiredSize=%d,%d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child, aStatus, kidDesiredSize.width, kidDesiredSize.height);

      NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("Column::Reflow", aStatus);

      *aBottomMarginCarriedOut = kidDesiredSize.mCarriedOutBottomMargin;
      FinishReflowChild(child, PresContext(), &kidReflowState, 
                        kidDesiredSize, childOrigin.x, childOrigin.y, 0);

      childContentBottom = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBottom(child);
      if (childContentBottom > aConfig.mColMaxHeight) {
        allFit = false;
      if (childContentBottom > availSize.height) {
        aColData.mMaxOverflowingHeight = NS_MAX(childContentBottom,

    contentRect.UnionRect(contentRect, child->GetRect());

    ConsiderChildOverflow(overflowRects, child);
    contentBottom = NS_MAX(contentBottom, childContentBottom);
    aColData.mLastHeight = childContentBottom;
    aColData.mSumHeight += childContentBottom;

    // Build a continuation column if necessary
    nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = child->GetNextInFlow();

      NS_ASSERTION(!kidNextInFlow, "next in flow should have been deleted");
      child = nsnull;
    } else {
      // Make sure that the column has a next-in-flow. If not, we must
      // create one to hold the overflowing stuff, even if we're just
      // going to put it on our overflow list and let *our*
      // next in flow handle it.
      if (!kidNextInFlow) {
                     "We have to create a continuation, but the block doesn't want us to reflow it?");

        // We need to create a continuing column
        nsresult rv = CreateNextInFlow(PresContext(), child, kidNextInFlow);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
          NS_NOTREACHED("Couldn't create continuation");
          child = nsnull;

      // Make sure we reflow a next-in-flow when it switches between being
      // normal or overflow container
        if (!(kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)) {
          aStatus |= NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW;
          reflowNext = true;
      else if (kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER) {
        reflowNext = true;
      if (columnCount >= aConfig.mBalanceColCount) {
        // No more columns allowed here. Stop.
        // Move any of our leftover columns to our overflow list. Our
        // next-in-flow will eventually pick them up.
        const nsFrameList& continuationColumns = mFrames.RemoveFramesAfter(child);
        if (continuationColumns.NotEmpty()) {
          SetOverflowFrames(PresContext(), continuationColumns);
        child = nsnull;

    if (PresContext()->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
      // Stop the loop now while |child| still points to the frame that bailed
      // out.  We could keep going here and condition a bunch of the code in
      // this loop on whether there's an interrupt, or even just keep going and
      // trying to reflow the blocks (even though we know they'll interrupt
      // right after their first line), but stopping now is conceptually the
      // simplest (and probably fastest) thing.

    // Advance to the next column
    child = child->GetNextSibling();

    if (child) {
      if (!RTL) {
        childOrigin.x += aConfig.mColWidth + aConfig.mColGap;
      } else {
        childOrigin.x -= aConfig.mColWidth + aConfig.mColGap;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** NEXT CHILD ORIGIN.x = %d\n", childOrigin.x);

  if (PresContext()->CheckForInterrupt(this) &&
      (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
    // Mark all our kids starting with |child| dirty

    // Note that this is a CheckForInterrupt call, not a HasPendingInterrupt,
    // because we might have interrupted while reflowing |child|, and since
    // we're about to add a dirty bit to |child| we need to make sure that
    // |this| is scheduled to have dirty bits marked on it and its ancestors.
    // Otherwise, when we go to mark dirty bits on |child|'s ancestors we'll
    // bail out immediately, since it'll already have a dirty bit.
    for (; child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
  // If we're doing RTL, we need to make sure our last column is at the left-hand side of the frame.
  if (RTL && childOrigin.x != targetX) {
    contentRect = nsRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
    PRInt32 deltaX = targetX - childOrigin.x;
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
    printf("*** CHILDORIGIN.x = %d, targetX = %d, DELTAX = %d\n", childOrigin.x, targetX, deltaX);
    for (child = mFrames.FirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
      MoveChildTo(this, child, child->GetPosition() + nsPoint(deltaX, 0));
      ConsiderChildOverflow(overflowRects, child);
      contentRect.UnionRect(contentRect, child->GetRect());
  aColData.mMaxHeight = contentBottom;
  contentRect.height = NS_MAX(contentRect.height, contentBottom);
  mLastFrameStatus = aStatus;
  // contentRect included the borderPadding.left,borderPadding.top of the child rects
  contentRect -= nsPoint(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);
  nsSize contentSize = nsSize(contentRect.XMost(), contentRect.YMost());

  // Apply computed and min/max values
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    contentSize.height = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();
  } else {
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight) {
      contentSize.height = NS_MIN(aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight, contentSize.height);
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight) {
      contentSize.height = NS_MAX(aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight, contentSize.height);
  if (aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    contentSize.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  } else {
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth) {
      contentSize.width = NS_MIN(aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth, contentSize.width);
    if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth) {
      contentSize.width = NS_MAX(aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth, contentSize.width);
  aDesiredSize.height = borderPadding.top + contentSize.height +
  aDesiredSize.width = contentSize.width + borderPadding.left + borderPadding.right;
  aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas = overflowRects;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** DONE PASS feasible=%d\n", allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
         && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus));
  return allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
    && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus);
Пример #5
nsMathMLmfencedFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                             nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                             const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                             nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
    nsresult rv;
    aDesiredSize.Width() = aDesiredSize.Height() = 0;
    aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = nsBoundingMetrics();

    int32_t i;
    const nsStyleFont* font = StyleFont();
    nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
    nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm));
    nscoord axisHeight, em;
    GetAxisHeight(*aReflowState.rendContext, fm, axisHeight);
    GetEmHeight(fm, em);
    // leading to be left at the top and the bottom of stretched chars
    nscoord leading = NSToCoordRound(0.2f * em);

    // Reflow children
    // Asking each child to cache its bounding metrics

    // Note that we don't use the base method nsMathMLContainerFrame::Reflow()
    // because we want to stretch our fences, separators and stretchy frames using
    // the *same* initial aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics. If we were to use the base
    // method here, our stretchy frames will be stretched and placed, and we may
    // end up stretching our fences/separators with a different aDesiredSize.
    // XXX The above decision was revisited in bug 121748 and this code can be
    // refactored to use nsMathMLContainerFrame::Reflow() at some stage.

    nsReflowStatus childStatus;
    nsSize availSize(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
    nsIFrame* firstChild = GetFirstPrincipalChild();
    nsIFrame* childFrame = firstChild;
    nscoord ascent = 0, descent = 0;
    if (firstChild || mOpenChar || mCloseChar || mSeparatorsCount > 0) {
        // We use the ASCII metrics to get our minimum height. This way,
        // if we have borders or a background, they will fit better with
        // other elements on the line.
        ascent = fm->MaxAscent();
        descent = fm->MaxDescent();
    while (childFrame) {
        nsHTMLReflowMetrics childDesiredSize(aReflowState.GetWritingMode(),
                                             | NS_REFLOW_CALC_BOUNDING_METRICS);
        nsHTMLReflowState childReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                           childFrame, availSize);
        rv = ReflowChild(childFrame, aPresContext, childDesiredSize,
                         childReflowState, childStatus);
        //NS_ASSERTION(NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(childStatus), "bad status");
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            // Call DidReflow() for the child frames we successfully did reflow.
            DidReflowChildren(firstChild, childFrame);
            return rv;

        SaveReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childDesiredSize,

        nscoord childDescent = childDesiredSize.Height() - childDesiredSize.TopAscent();
        if (descent < childDescent)
            descent = childDescent;
        if (ascent < childDesiredSize.TopAscent())
            ascent = childDesiredSize.TopAscent();

        childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

    // Ask stretchy children to stretch themselves

    nsBoundingMetrics containerSize;
    nsStretchDirection stretchDir = NS_STRETCH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL;

                            0, /* i.e., without embellishments */
                            stretchDir, containerSize);
    childFrame = firstChild;
    while (childFrame) {
        nsIMathMLFrame* mathmlChild = do_QueryFrame(childFrame);
        if (mathmlChild) {
            nsHTMLReflowMetrics childDesiredSize(aReflowState.GetWritingMode());
            // retrieve the metrics that was stored at the previous pass
            GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childDesiredSize,

                                 stretchDir, containerSize, childDesiredSize);
            // store the updated metrics
            SaveReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childDesiredSize,

            nscoord childDescent = childDesiredSize.Height() - childDesiredSize.TopAscent();
            if (descent < childDescent)
                descent = childDescent;
            if (ascent < childDesiredSize.TopAscent())
                ascent = childDesiredSize.TopAscent();
        childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

    // bug 121748: for surrounding fences & separators, use a size that covers everything
                            stretchDir, containerSize);

    // Prepare the opening fence, separators, and closing fence, and
    // adjust the origin of children.

    // we need to center around the axis
    nscoord delta = std::max(containerSize.ascent - axisHeight,
                             containerSize.descent + axisHeight);
    containerSize.ascent = delta + axisHeight;
    containerSize.descent = delta - axisHeight;

    bool isRTL = StyleVisibility()->mDirection;

    // opening fence ...
    ReflowChar(aPresContext, *aReflowState.rendContext, mOpenChar,
               NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX, font->mScriptLevel,
               axisHeight, leading, em, containerSize, ascent, descent, isRTL);
    // separators ...
    for (i = 0; i < mSeparatorsCount; i++) {
        ReflowChar(aPresContext, *aReflowState.rendContext, &mSeparatorsChar[i],
                   NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX, font->mScriptLevel,
                   axisHeight, leading, em, containerSize, ascent, descent, isRTL);
    // closing fence ...
    ReflowChar(aPresContext, *aReflowState.rendContext, mCloseChar,
               NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX, font->mScriptLevel,
               axisHeight, leading, em, containerSize, ascent, descent, isRTL);

    // Adjust the origins of each child.
    // and update our bounding metrics

    i = 0;
    nscoord dx = 0;
    nsBoundingMetrics bm;
    bool firstTime = true;
    nsMathMLChar *leftChar, *rightChar;
    if (isRTL) {
        leftChar = mCloseChar;
        rightChar = mOpenChar;
    } else {
        leftChar = mOpenChar;
        rightChar = mCloseChar;

    if (leftChar) {
        PlaceChar(leftChar, ascent, bm, dx);
        aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = bm;
        firstTime = false;

    if (isRTL) {
        childFrame = this->GetLastChild(nsIFrame::kPrincipalList);
    } else {
        childFrame = firstChild;
    while (childFrame) {
        nsHTMLReflowMetrics childSize(aReflowState.GetWritingMode());
        GetReflowAndBoundingMetricsFor(childFrame, childSize, bm);
        if (firstTime) {
            firstTime = false;
            aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics  = bm;
            aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics += bm;

        FinishReflowChild(childFrame, aPresContext, childSize, nullptr,
                          dx, ascent - childSize.TopAscent(), 0);
        dx += childSize.Width();

        if (i < mSeparatorsCount) {
            PlaceChar(&mSeparatorsChar[isRTL ? mSeparatorsCount - 1 - i : i],
                      ascent, bm, dx);
            aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics += bm;

        if (isRTL) {
            childFrame = childFrame->GetPrevSibling();
        } else {
            childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();

    if (rightChar) {
        PlaceChar(rightChar, ascent, bm, dx);
        if (firstTime)
            aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics  = bm;
            aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics += bm;

    aDesiredSize.Width() = aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics.width;
    aDesiredSize.Height() = ascent + descent;

    SetReference(nsPoint(0, aDesiredSize.TopAscent()));

    // see if we should fix the spacing

    // Finished with these:

    // Set our overflow area

    aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
    NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
    return NS_OK;
Пример #6
nsRangeFrame::ReflowAnonymousContent(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                                     nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                     const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
  // The width/height of our content box, which is the available width/height
  // for our anonymous content:
  nscoord rangeFrameContentBoxWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  nscoord rangeFrameContentBoxHeight = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();
  if (rangeFrameContentBoxHeight == NS_AUTOHEIGHT) {
    rangeFrameContentBoxHeight = 0;

  nsIFrame* trackFrame = mTrackDiv->GetPrimaryFrame();

  if (trackFrame) { // display:none?

    // Position the track:
    // The idea here is that we allow content authors to style the width,
    // height, border and padding of the track, but we ignore margin and
    // positioning properties and do the positioning ourself to keep the center
    // of the track's border box on the center of the nsRangeFrame's content
    // box.

    WritingMode wm = trackFrame->GetWritingMode();
    LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);
    availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
    nsHTMLReflowState trackReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                       trackFrame, availSize);

    // Find the x/y position of the track frame such that it will be positioned
    // as described above. These coordinates are with respect to the
    // nsRangeFrame's border-box.
    nscoord trackX = rangeFrameContentBoxWidth / 2;
    nscoord trackY = rangeFrameContentBoxHeight / 2;

    // Account for the track's border and padding (we ignore its margin):
    trackX -= trackReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left +
                trackReflowState.ComputedWidth() / 2;
    trackY -= trackReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top +
                trackReflowState.ComputedHeight() / 2;

    // Make relative to our border box instead of our content box:
    trackX += aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left;
    trackY += aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top;

    nsReflowStatus frameStatus;
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics trackDesiredSize(aReflowState);
    ReflowChild(trackFrame, aPresContext, trackDesiredSize,
                trackReflowState, trackX, trackY, 0, frameStatus);
               "We gave our child unconstrained height, so it should be complete");
    FinishReflowChild(trackFrame, aPresContext, trackDesiredSize,
                      &trackReflowState, trackX, trackY, 0);

  nsIFrame* thumbFrame = mThumbDiv->GetPrimaryFrame();

  if (thumbFrame) { // display:none?
    WritingMode wm = thumbFrame->GetWritingMode();
    LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);
    availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
    nsHTMLReflowState thumbReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                       thumbFrame, availSize);

    // Where we position the thumb depends on its size, so we first reflow
    // the thumb at {0,0} to obtain its size, then position it afterwards.

    nsReflowStatus frameStatus;
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics thumbDesiredSize(aReflowState);
    ReflowChild(thumbFrame, aPresContext, thumbDesiredSize,
                thumbReflowState, 0, 0, 0, frameStatus);
               "We gave our child unconstrained height, so it should be complete");
    FinishReflowChild(thumbFrame, aPresContext, thumbDesiredSize,
                      &thumbReflowState, 0, 0, 0);
    DoUpdateThumbPosition(thumbFrame, nsSize(aDesiredSize.Width(),

  nsIFrame* rangeProgressFrame = mProgressDiv->GetPrimaryFrame();

  if (rangeProgressFrame) { // display:none?
    WritingMode wm = rangeProgressFrame->GetWritingMode();
    LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);
    availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
    nsHTMLReflowState progressReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                          rangeProgressFrame, availSize);

    // We first reflow the range-progress frame at {0,0} to obtain its
    // unadjusted dimensions, then we adjust it to so that the appropriate edge
    // ends at the thumb.

    nsReflowStatus frameStatus;
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics progressDesiredSize(aReflowState);
    ReflowChild(rangeProgressFrame, aPresContext,
                progressDesiredSize, progressReflowState, 0, 0,
                0, frameStatus);
               "We gave our child unconstrained height, so it should be complete");
    FinishReflowChild(rangeProgressFrame, aPresContext,
                      progressDesiredSize, &progressReflowState, 0, 0, 0);
    DoUpdateRangeProgressFrame(rangeProgressFrame, nsSize(aDesiredSize.Width(),
Пример #7
nsSubDocumentFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                           nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                           const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                           nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);
     ("enter nsSubDocumentFrame::Reflow: maxSize=%d,%d",
      aReflowState.AvailableWidth(), aReflowState.AvailableHeight()));


  NS_ASSERTION(mContent->GetPrimaryFrame() == this,
               "Shouldn't happen");

  // XUL <iframe> or <browser>, or HTML <iframe>, <object> or <embed>
  nsLeafFrame::DoReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);

  // "offset" is the offset of our content area from our frame's
  // top-left corner.
  nsPoint offset = nsPoint(aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left,

  if (mInnerView) {
    const nsMargin& bp = aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding();
    nsSize innerSize(aDesiredSize.Width() - bp.LeftRight(),
                     aDesiredSize.Height() - bp.TopBottom());

    // Size & position the view according to 'object-fit' & 'object-position'.
    nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame();
    IntrinsicSize intrinsSize;
    nsSize intrinsRatio;
    if (subDocRoot) {
      intrinsSize = subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicSize();
      intrinsRatio = subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicRatio();
    nsRect destRect =
      nsLayoutUtils::ComputeObjectDestRect(nsRect(offset, innerSize),
                                           intrinsSize, intrinsRatio,

    nsViewManager* vm = mInnerView->GetViewManager();
    vm->MoveViewTo(mInnerView, destRect.x, destRect.y);
    vm->ResizeView(mInnerView, nsRect(nsPoint(0, 0), destRect.Size()), true);

  if (!ShouldClipSubdocument()) {
    nsIFrame* subdocRootFrame = GetSubdocumentRootFrame();
    if (subdocRootFrame) {
      aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas.UnionWith(subdocRootFrame->GetOverflowAreas() + offset);


  if (!aPresContext->IsPaginated() && !mPostedReflowCallback) {
    mPostedReflowCallback = true;

     ("exit nsSubDocumentFrame::Reflow: size=%d,%d status=%x",
      aDesiredSize.Width(), aDesiredSize.Height(), aStatus));

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
Пример #8
ViewportFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                      nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                      const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                      nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

  // Initialize OUT parameters

  // Because |Reflow| sets mComputedHeight on the child to
  // availableHeight.

  // Set our size up front, since some parts of reflow depend on it
  // being already set.  Note that the computed height may be
  // unconstrained; that's ok.  Consumers should watch out for that.
  SetSize(nsSize(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), aReflowState.ComputedHeight()));
  // Reflow the main content first so that the placeholders of the
  // fixed-position frames will be in the right places on an initial
  // reflow.
  nscoord kidHeight = 0;

  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  if (mFrames.NotEmpty()) {
    // Deal with a non-incremental reflow or an incremental reflow
    // targeted at our one-and-only principal child frame.
    if (aReflowState.ShouldReflowAllKids() ||
        aReflowState.mFlags.mVResize ||
        NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(mFrames.FirstChild())) {
      // Reflow our one-and-only principal child frame
      nsIFrame*           kidFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize;
      nsSize              availableSpace(aReflowState.availableWidth,
      nsHTMLReflowState   kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                         kidFrame, availableSpace);

      // Reflow the frame
      rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                       0, 0, 0, aStatus);
      kidHeight = kidDesiredSize.height;

      FinishReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, nsnull, kidDesiredSize, 0, 0, 0);
    } else {
      kidHeight = mFrames.FirstChild()->GetSize().height;

  NS_ASSERTION(aReflowState.availableWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
               "shouldn't happen anymore");

  // Return the max size as our desired size
  aDesiredSize.width = aReflowState.availableWidth;
  // Being flowed initially at an unconstrained height means we should
  // return our child's intrinsic size.
  aDesiredSize.height = aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE
                          ? aReflowState.ComputedHeight()
                          : kidHeight;

  // Make a copy of the reflow state and change the computed width and height
  // to reflect the available space for the fixed items
  nsHTMLReflowState reflowState(aReflowState);
  nsPoint offset = AdjustReflowStateForScrollbars(&reflowState);
#ifdef DEBUG
  NS_ASSERTION(mFixedContainer.GetChildList().IsEmpty() ||
               (offset.x == 0 && offset.y == 0),
               "We don't handle correct positioning of fixed frames with "
               "scrollbars in odd positions");

  // Just reflow all the fixed-pos frames.
  rv = mFixedContainer.Reflow(this, aPresContext, reflowState, aStatus,
                              PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE, // XXX could be optimized
                              nsnull /* ignore overflow */);

  // If we were dirty then do a repaint
  if (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) {
    nsRect damageRect(0, 0, aDesiredSize.width, aDesiredSize.height);

  // XXX Should we do something to clip our children to this?

  NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("ViewportFrame::Reflow", aStatus);
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
  return rv; 
Пример #9
nsSVGOuterSVGFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                           nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                           const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                           nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);
                  ("enter nsSVGOuterSVGFrame::Reflow: availSize=%d,%d",
                  aReflowState.AvailableWidth(), aReflowState.AvailableHeight()));

  NS_PRECONDITION(mState & NS_FRAME_IN_REFLOW, "frame is not in reflow");


  aDesiredSize.Width()  = aReflowState.ComputedWidth() +
  aDesiredSize.Height() = aReflowState.ComputedHeight() +

  NS_ASSERTION(!GetPrevInFlow(), "SVG can't currently be broken across pages.");

  SVGSVGElement *svgElem = static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(mContent);

  nsSVGOuterSVGAnonChildFrame *anonKid =

  if (mState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
    // Initialize

  // If our SVG viewport has changed, update our content and notify.
  // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/coords.html#ViewportSpace

  svgFloatSize newViewportSize(

  svgFloatSize oldViewportSize = svgElem->GetViewportSize();

  uint32_t changeBits = 0;
  if (newViewportSize != oldViewportSize) {
    // When our viewport size changes, we may need to update the overflow rects
    // of our child frames. This is the case if:
    //  * We have a real/synthetic viewBox (a children-only transform), since
    //    the viewBox transform will change as the viewport dimensions change.
    //  * We do not have a real/synthetic viewBox, but the last time we
    //    reflowed (or the last time UpdateOverflow() was called) we did.
    // We only handle the former case here, in which case we mark all our child
    // frames as dirty so that we reflow them below and update their overflow
    // rects.
    // In the latter case, updating of overflow rects is handled for removal of
    // real viewBox (the viewBox attribute) in AttributeChanged. Synthetic
    // viewBox "removal" (e.g. a document references the same SVG via both an
    // <svg:image> and then as a CSS background image (a synthetic viewBox is
    // used when painting the former, but not when painting the latter)) is
    // handled in SVGSVGElement::FlushImageTransformInvalidation.
    if (svgElem->HasViewBoxOrSyntheticViewBox()) {
      nsIFrame* anonChild = GetFirstPrincipalChild();
      for (nsIFrame* child = anonChild->GetFirstPrincipalChild(); child;
           child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
    changeBits |= COORD_CONTEXT_CHANGED;
  if (mFullZoom != PresContext()->GetFullZoom()) {
    changeBits |= FULL_ZOOM_CHANGED;
    mFullZoom = PresContext()->GetFullZoom();
  if (changeBits) {
  mViewportInitialized = true;

  // Now that we've marked the necessary children as dirty, call
  // ReflowSVG() or ReflowSVGNonDisplayText() on them, depending
  // on whether we are non-display.
  mCallingReflowSVG = true;
  if (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY) {
  } else {
    // Update the mRects and visual overflow rects of all our descendants,
    // including our anonymous wrapper kid:
    anonKid->AddStateBits(mState & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY);
      "We should have one anonymous child frame wrapping our real children");
  mCallingReflowSVG = false;

  // Set our anonymous kid's offset from our border box:

  // Including our size in our overflow rects regardless of the value of
  // 'background', 'border', etc. makes sure that we usually (when we clip to
  // our content area) don't have to keep changing our overflow rects as our
  // descendants move about (see perf comment below). Including our size in our
  // scrollable overflow rect also makes sure that we scroll if we're too big
  // for our viewport.
  // <svg> never allows scrolling to anything outside its mRect (only panning),
  // so we must always keep our scrollable overflow set to our size.
  // With regards to visual overflow, we always clip root-<svg> (see our
  // BuildDisplayList method) regardless of the value of the 'overflow'
  // property since that is per-spec, even for the initial 'visible' value. For
  // that reason there's no point in adding descendant visual overflow to our
  // own when this frame is for a root-<svg>. That said, there's also a very
  // good performance reason for us wanting to avoid doing so. If we did, then
  // the frame's overflow would often change as descendants that are partially
  // or fully outside its rect moved (think animation on/off screen), and that
  // would cause us to do a full NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY reflow and repaint of the
  // entire document tree each such move (see bug 875175).
  // So it's only non-root outer-<svg> that has the visual overflow of its
  // descendants added to its own. (Note that the default user-agent style
  // sheet makes 'hidden' the default value for :not(root(svg)), so usually
  // FinishAndStoreOverflow will still clip this back to the frame's rect.)
  // WARNING!! Keep UpdateBounds below in sync with whatever we do for our
  // overflow rects here! (Again, see bug 875175.)
  if (!mIsRootContent) {
      anonKid->GetVisualOverflowRect() + anonKid->GetPosition());

                  ("exit nsSVGOuterSVGFrame::Reflow: size=%d,%d",
                  aDesiredSize.Width(), aDesiredSize.Height()));
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
Пример #10
nsBlockReflowContext::ComputeCollapsedTopMargin(const nsHTMLReflowState& aRS,
  nsCollapsingMargin* aMargin, nsIFrame* aClearanceFrame,
  PRBool* aMayNeedRetry, PRBool* aBlockIsEmpty)
  // Include frame's top margin

  // The inclusion of the bottom margin when empty is done by the caller
  // since it doesn't need to be done by the top-level (non-recursive)
  // caller.

  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aRS.frame);
  printf(": %d => %d\n", aRS.mComputedMargin.top, aMargin->get());

  PRBool dirtiedLine = PR_FALSE;
  PRBool setBlockIsEmpty = PR_FALSE;

  // Calculate the frame's generational top-margin from its child
  // blocks. Note that if the frame has a non-zero top-border or
  // top-padding then this step is skipped because it will be a margin
  // root.  It is also skipped if the frame is a margin root for other
  // reasons.
  void* bf;
  nsIFrame* frame = DescendIntoBlockLevelFrame(aRS.frame);
  nsPresContext* prescontext = frame->PresContext();
  if (0 == aRS.mComputedBorderPadding.top &&
      NS_SUCCEEDED(frame->QueryInterface(kBlockFrameCID, &bf)) &&
      !nsBlockFrame::BlockIsMarginRoot(frame)) {
    // iterate not just through the lines of 'block' but also its
    // overflow lines and the normal and overflow lines of its next in
    // flows. Note that this will traverse some frames more than once:
    // for example, if A contains B and A->nextinflow contains
    // B->nextinflow, we'll traverse B->nextinflow twice. But this is
    // OK because our traversal is idempotent.
    for (nsBlockFrame* block = static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(frame);
         block; block = static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(block->GetNextInFlow())) {
      for (PRBool overflowLines = PR_FALSE; overflowLines <= PR_TRUE; ++overflowLines) {
        nsBlockFrame::line_iterator line;
        nsBlockFrame::line_iterator line_end;
        PRBool anyLines = PR_TRUE;
        if (overflowLines) {
          nsLineList* lines = block->GetOverflowLines();
          if (!lines) {
            anyLines = PR_FALSE;
          } else {
            line = lines->begin();
            line_end = lines->end();
        } else {
          line = block->begin_lines();
          line_end = block->end_lines();
        for (; anyLines && line != line_end; ++line) {
          if (!aClearanceFrame && line->HasClearance()) {
            // If we don't have a clearance frame, then we're computing
            // the collapsed margin in the first pass, assuming that all
            // lines have no clearance. So clear their clearance flags.
            dirtiedLine = PR_TRUE;
          PRBool isEmpty;
          if (line->IsInline()) {
            isEmpty = line->IsEmpty();
          } else {
            nsIFrame* kid = line->mFirstChild;
            if (kid == aClearanceFrame) {
              dirtiedLine = PR_TRUE;
              goto done;
            // Here is where we recur. Now that we have determined that a
            // generational collapse is required we need to compute the
            // child blocks margin and so in so that we can look into
            // it. For its margins to be computed we need to have a reflow
            // state for it.
            // We may have to construct an extra reflow state here if
            // we drilled down through a block wrapper. At the moment
            // we can only drill down one level so we only have to support
            // one extra reflow state.
            const nsHTMLReflowState* outerReflowState = &aRS;
            if (frame != aRS.frame) {
              NS_ASSERTION(frame->GetParent() == aRS.frame,
                           "Can only drill through one level of block wrapper");
              nsSize availSpace(aRS.ComputedWidth(), aRS.ComputedHeight());
              outerReflowState = new nsHTMLReflowState(prescontext,
                                                       aRS, frame, availSpace);
              if (!outerReflowState)
                goto done;
              nsSize availSpace(outerReflowState->ComputedWidth(),
              nsHTMLReflowState innerReflowState(prescontext,
                                                 *outerReflowState, kid,
              // Record that we're being optimistic by assuming the kid
              // has no clearance
              if (kid->GetStyleDisplay()->mBreakType != NS_STYLE_CLEAR_NONE) {
                *aMayNeedRetry = PR_TRUE;
              if (ComputeCollapsedTopMargin(innerReflowState, aMargin, aClearanceFrame, aMayNeedRetry, &isEmpty)) {
                dirtiedLine = PR_TRUE;
              if (isEmpty)
            if (outerReflowState != &aRS) {
              delete const_cast<nsHTMLReflowState*>(outerReflowState);
          if (!isEmpty) {
            if (!setBlockIsEmpty && aBlockIsEmpty) {
              setBlockIsEmpty = PR_TRUE;
              *aBlockIsEmpty = PR_FALSE;
            goto done;
        if (!setBlockIsEmpty && aBlockIsEmpty) {
          // The first time we reach here is when this is the first block
          // and we have processed all its normal lines.
          setBlockIsEmpty = PR_TRUE;
          // All lines are empty, or we wouldn't be here!
          *aBlockIsEmpty = aRS.frame->IsSelfEmpty();

  if (!setBlockIsEmpty && aBlockIsEmpty) {
    *aBlockIsEmpty = aRS.frame->IsEmpty();
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aRS.frame);
  printf(": => %d\n", aMargin->get());

  return dirtiedLine;
Пример #11
nsInlineFrame::ReflowFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                            const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                            InlineReflowState& irs,
                            nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aMetrics,
                            nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  nsLineLayout* lineLayout = aReflowState.mLineLayout;
  bool inFirstLine = aReflowState.mLineLayout->GetInFirstLine();
  RestyleManager* restyleManager = aPresContext->RestyleManager();
  bool ltr = (NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_LTR == aReflowState.mStyleVisibility->mDirection);
  nscoord leftEdge = 0;
  // Don't offset by our start borderpadding if we have a prev continuation or
  // if we're in a part of an {ib} split other than the first one.
  if (!GetPrevContinuation() && !FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit()) {
    leftEdge = ltr ? aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left
                   : aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().right;
  nscoord availableWidth = aReflowState.AvailableWidth();
               "should no longer use available widths");
  // Subtract off left and right border+padding from availableWidth
  availableWidth -= leftEdge;
  availableWidth -= ltr ? aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().right
                        : aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left;
  lineLayout->BeginSpan(this, &aReflowState, leftEdge,
                        leftEdge + availableWidth, &mBaseline);

  // First reflow our principal children.
  nsIFrame* frame = mFrames.FirstChild();
  bool done = false;
  while (frame) {
    // Check if we should lazily set the child frame's parent pointer.
    if (irs.mSetParentPointer) {
      bool havePrevBlock =
        irs.mLineContainer && irs.mLineContainer->GetPrevContinuation();
      nsIFrame* child = frame;
      do {
        // If our block is the first in flow, then any floats under the pulled
        // frame must already belong to our block.
        if (havePrevBlock) {
          // This has to happen before we update frame's parent; we need to
          // know frame's ancestry under its old block.
          // The blockChildren.ContainsFrame check performed by
          // ReparentFloatsForInlineChild here may be slow, but we can't
          // easily avoid it because we don't know where 'frame' originally
          // came from. If we really really have to optimize this we could
          // cache whether frame->GetParent() is under its containing blocks
          // overflowList or not.
          ReparentFloatsForInlineChild(irs.mLineContainer, child, false);
        if (inFirstLine) {
        // We also need to do the same for |frame|'s next-in-flows that are in
        // the sibling list. Otherwise, if we reflow |frame| and it's complete
        // we'll crash when trying to delete its next-in-flow.
        // This scenario doesn't happen often, but it can happen.
        nsIFrame* nextSibling = child->GetNextSibling();
        child = child->GetNextInFlow();
        if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(child)) {
          while (child != nextSibling && nextSibling) {
            nextSibling = nextSibling->GetNextSibling();
          if (!nextSibling) {
            child = nullptr;
        MOZ_ASSERT(!child || mFrames.ContainsFrame(child));
      } while (child);

      // Fix the parent pointer for ::first-letter child frame next-in-flows,
      // so nsFirstLetterFrame::Reflow can destroy them safely (bug 401042).
      nsIFrame* realFrame = nsPlaceholderFrame::GetRealFrameFor(frame);
      if (realFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::letterFrame) {
        nsIFrame* child = realFrame->GetFirstPrincipalChild();
        if (child) {
          NS_ASSERTION(child->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::textFrame,
                       "unexpected frame type");
          nsIFrame* nextInFlow = child->GetNextInFlow();
          for ( ; nextInFlow; nextInFlow = nextInFlow->GetNextInFlow()) {
            NS_ASSERTION(nextInFlow->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::textFrame,
                         "unexpected frame type");
            if (mFrames.ContainsFrame(nextInFlow)) {
              if (inFirstLine) {
            else {
#ifdef DEBUG              
              // Once we find a next-in-flow that isn't ours none of the
              // remaining next-in-flows should be either.
              for ( ; nextInFlow; nextInFlow = nextInFlow->GetNextInFlow()) {
                             "unexpected letter frame flow");
    MOZ_ASSERT(frame->GetParent() == this);

    if (!done) {
      bool reflowingFirstLetter = lineLayout->GetFirstLetterStyleOK();
      rv = ReflowInlineFrame(aPresContext, aReflowState, irs, frame, aStatus);
      done = NS_FAILED(rv) ||
             NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK(aStatus) || 
             (!reflowingFirstLetter && NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aStatus));
      if (done) {
        if (!irs.mSetParentPointer) {
        // Keep reparenting the remaining siblings, but don't reflow them.
        nsFrameList* pushedFrames = GetOverflowFrames();
        if (pushedFrames && pushedFrames->FirstChild() == frame) {
          // Don't bother if |frame| was pushed to our overflow list.
      } else {
        irs.mPrevFrame = frame;
    frame = frame->GetNextSibling();

  // Attempt to pull frames from our next-in-flow until we can't
  if (!done && GetNextInFlow()) {
    while (true) {
      bool reflowingFirstLetter = lineLayout->GetFirstLetterStyleOK();
      bool isComplete;
      if (!frame) { // Could be non-null if we pulled a first-letter frame and
                    // it created a continuation, since we don't push those.
        frame = PullOneFrame(aPresContext, irs, &isComplete);
      printf("%p pulled up %p\n", this, frame);
      if (nullptr == frame) {
        if (!isComplete) {
          aStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE;
      rv = ReflowInlineFrame(aPresContext, aReflowState, irs, frame, aStatus);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv) ||
          NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK(aStatus) || 
          (!reflowingFirstLetter && NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aStatus))) {
      irs.mPrevFrame = frame;
      frame = frame->GetNextSibling();

  NS_ASSERTION(!NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus) || !GetOverflowFrames(),
               "We can't be complete AND have overflow frames!");

  // If after reflowing our children they take up no area then make
  // sure that we don't either.
  // Note: CSS demands that empty inline elements still affect the
  // line-height calculations. However, continuations of an inline
  // that are empty we force to empty so that things like collapsed
  // whitespace in an inline element don't affect the line-height.
  aMetrics.Width() = lineLayout->EndSpan(this);

  // Compute final width.

  // Make sure to not include our start border and padding if we have a prev
  // continuation or if we're in a part of an {ib} split other than the first
  // one.
  if (!GetPrevContinuation() && !FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit()) {
    aMetrics.Width() += ltr ? aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left
                          : aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().right;

   * We want to only apply the end border and padding if we're the last
   * continuation and either not in an {ib} split or the last part of it.  To
   * be the last continuation we have to be complete (so that we won't get a
   * next-in-flow) and have no non-fluid continuations on our continuation
   * chain.
  if (NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus) &&
      !LastInFlow()->GetNextContinuation() &&
      !FrameIsNonLastInIBSplit()) {
    aMetrics.Width() += ltr ? aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().right
                          : aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left;

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  float inflation = nsLayoutUtils::FontSizeInflationFor(this);
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm), inflation);

  if (fm) {
    // Compute final height of the frame.
    // Do things the standard css2 way -- though it's hard to find it
    // in the css2 spec! It's actually found in the css1 spec section
    // 4.4 (you will have to read between the lines to really see
    // it).
    // The height of our box is the sum of our font size plus the top
    // and bottom border and padding. The height of children do not
    // affect our height.
    aMetrics.Height() = fm->MaxHeight();
  } else {
    NS_WARNING("Cannot get font metrics - defaulting sizes to 0");
    aMetrics.SetTopAscent(aMetrics.Height() = 0);
  aMetrics.SetTopAscent(aMetrics.TopAscent() + aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top);
  aMetrics.Height() += aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top +

  // For now our overflow area is zero. The real value will be
  // computed in |nsLineLayout::RelativePositionFrames|.

  printf(": metrics=%d,%d ascent=%d\n",
         aMetrics.Width(), aMetrics.Height(), aMetrics.TopAscent());

  return rv;
Пример #12
nsVideoFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                     nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aMetrics,
                     const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                     nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aMetrics, aStatus);
                  ("enter nsVideoFrame::Reflow: availSize=%d,%d",
                  aReflowState.availableWidth, aReflowState.availableHeight));

  NS_PRECONDITION(mState & NS_FRAME_IN_REFLOW, "frame is not in reflow");


  aMetrics.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  aMetrics.height = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();

  // stash this away so we can compute our inner area later
  mBorderPadding   = aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding;

  aMetrics.width += mBorderPadding.left + mBorderPadding.right;
  aMetrics.height += mBorderPadding.top + mBorderPadding.bottom;

  // Reflow the child frames. We may have up to two, an image frame
  // which is the poster, and a box frame, which is the video controls.
  for (nsIFrame *child = mFrames.FirstChild();
       child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
    if (child->GetContent() == mPosterImage) {
      // Reflow the poster frame.
      nsImageFrame* imageFrame = static_cast<nsImageFrame*>(child);
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize;
      nsSize availableSize = nsSize(aReflowState.availableWidth,
      nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,

      uint32_t posterHeight, posterWidth;
      nsSize scaledPosterSize(0, 0);
      nsSize computedArea(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), aReflowState.ComputedHeight());
      nsPoint posterTopLeft(0, 0);

      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLImageElement> posterImage = do_QueryInterface(mPosterImage);

      if (ShouldDisplayPoster() && posterHeight && posterWidth) {
        gfxFloat scale =
        gfxSize scaledRatio = gfxSize(scale*posterWidth, scale*posterHeight);
        scaledPosterSize.width = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(static_cast<float>(scaledRatio.width));
        scaledPosterSize.height = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(static_cast<int32_t>(scaledRatio.height));
      posterTopLeft.x = ((computedArea.width - scaledPosterSize.width) / 2) + mBorderPadding.left;
      posterTopLeft.y = ((computedArea.height - scaledPosterSize.height) / 2) + mBorderPadding.top;

      ReflowChild(imageFrame, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                        posterTopLeft.x, posterTopLeft.y, 0, aStatus);
      FinishReflowChild(imageFrame, aPresContext, &kidReflowState, kidDesiredSize,
                        posterTopLeft.x, posterTopLeft.y, 0);
    } else if (child->GetContent() == mVideoControls) {
      // Reflow the video controls frame.
      nsBoxLayoutState boxState(PresContext(), aReflowState.rendContext);
      nsSize size = child->GetSize();
      if (child->GetSize() != size) {
        nsRefPtr<nsRunnable> event = new DispatchResizeToControls(child->GetContent());
    } else if (child->GetContent() == mCaptionDiv) {
      // Reflow to caption div
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize;
      nsSize availableSize = nsSize(aReflowState.availableWidth,
      nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,
      nsSize size(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), aReflowState.ComputedHeight());
      size.width -= kidReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.LeftRight();
      size.height -= kidReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.TopBottom();

      kidReflowState.SetComputedWidth(std::max(size.width, 0));
      kidReflowState.SetComputedHeight(std::max(size.height, 0));

      ReflowChild(child, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                  mBorderPadding.left, mBorderPadding.top, 0, aStatus);
      FinishReflowChild(child, aPresContext,
                        &kidReflowState, kidDesiredSize,
                        mBorderPadding.left, mBorderPadding.top, 0);


                  ("exit nsVideoFrame::Reflow: size=%d,%d",
                  aMetrics.width, aMetrics.height));
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aMetrics);

  return NS_OK;
Пример #13
nsPageContentFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                           nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                           const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                           nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);
  aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;  // initialize out parameter
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  if (GetPrevInFlow() && (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) {
    nsresult rv = aPresContext->PresShell()->FrameConstructor()
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

  // Set our size up front, since some parts of reflow depend on it
  // being already set.  Note that the computed height may be
  // unconstrained; that's ok.  Consumers should watch out for that.
  nsSize  maxSize(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(),
  // A PageContentFrame must always have one child: the canvas frame.
  // Resize our frame allowing it only to be as big as we are
  // XXX Pay attention to the page's border and padding...
  if (mFrames.NotEmpty()) {
    nsIFrame* frame = mFrames.FirstChild();
    nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, frame, maxSize);

    mPD->mPageContentSize = maxSize.width;

    // Reflow the page content area
    rv = ReflowChild(frame, aPresContext, aDesiredSize, kidReflowState, 0, 0, 0, aStatus);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    // The document element's background should cover the entire canvas, so
    // take into account the combined area and any space taken up by
    // absolutely positioned elements
    nsMargin padding(0,0,0,0);

    // XXXbz this screws up percentage padding (sets padding to zero
    // in the percentage padding case)

    // This is for shrink-to-fit, and therefore we want to use the
    // scrollable overflow, since the purpose of shrink to fit is to
    // make the content that ought to be reachable (represented by the
    // scrollable overflow) fit in the page.
    if (frame->HasOverflowAreas()) {
      // The background covers the content area and padding area, so check
      // for children sticking outside the child frame's padding edge
      nscoord xmost = aDesiredSize.ScrollableOverflow().XMost();
      if (xmost > aDesiredSize.width) {
        mPD->mPageContentXMost =
          xmost +
          kidReflowState.mStyleBorder->GetComputedBorderWidth(NS_SIDE_RIGHT) +

    // Place and size the child
    FinishReflowChild(frame, aPresContext, &kidReflowState, aDesiredSize, 0, 0, 0);

    NS_ASSERTION(aPresContext->IsDynamic() || !NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus) ||
                  !frame->GetNextInFlow(), "bad child flow list");

  // Reflow our fixed frames
  nsReflowStatus fixedStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  ReflowAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, fixedStatus);
  NS_ASSERTION(NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(fixedStatus), "fixed frames can be truncated, but not incomplete");

  // Return our desired size
  aDesiredSize.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
    aDesiredSize.height = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();


  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
  return NS_OK;
Пример #14
nsFieldSetFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                        nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                        const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                        nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

                  "Should have a precomputed inline-size!");

  // Initialize OUT parameter

  nsOverflowAreas ocBounds;
  nsReflowStatus ocStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  if (GetPrevInFlow()) {
    ReflowOverflowContainerChildren(aPresContext, aReflowState, ocBounds, 0,

  //------------ Handle Incremental Reflow -----------------
  bool reflowInner;
  bool reflowLegend;
  nsIFrame* legend = GetLegend();
  nsIFrame* inner = GetInner();
  if (aReflowState.ShouldReflowAllKids()) {
    reflowInner = inner != nullptr;
    reflowLegend = legend != nullptr;
  } else {
    reflowInner = inner && NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(inner);
    reflowLegend = legend && NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(legend);

  // We don't allow fieldsets to break vertically. If we did, we'd
  // need logic here to push and pull overflow frames.
  // Since we're not applying our padding in this frame, we need to add it here
  // to compute the available width for our children.
  WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
  WritingMode innerWM = inner ? inner->GetWritingMode() : wm;
  WritingMode legendWM = legend ? legend->GetWritingMode() : wm;
  LogicalSize innerAvailSize = aReflowState.ComputedSizeWithPadding(innerWM);
  LogicalSize legendAvailSize = aReflowState.ComputedSizeWithPadding(legendWM);
  innerAvailSize.BSize(innerWM) = legendAvailSize.BSize(legendWM) =
  NS_ASSERTION(!inner ||
                                           nsLayoutUtils::MIN_ISIZE) <=
               "Bogus availSize.ISize; should be bigger");
  NS_ASSERTION(!legend ||
                                           nsLayoutUtils::MIN_ISIZE) <=
               "Bogus availSize.ISize; should be bigger");

  // get our border and padding
  LogicalMargin border = aReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding() -

  // Figure out how big the legend is if there is one.
  // get the legend's margin
  LogicalMargin legendMargin(wm);
  // reflow the legend only if needed
  Maybe<nsHTMLReflowState> legendReflowState;
  if (legend) {
    legendReflowState.emplace(aPresContext, aReflowState, legend,
  if (reflowLegend) {
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics legendDesiredSize(aReflowState);

    ReflowChild(legend, aPresContext, legendDesiredSize, *legendReflowState,
                wm, LogicalPoint(wm), 0, NS_FRAME_NO_MOVE_FRAME, aStatus);
    printf("  returned (%d, %d)\n",
           legendDesiredSize.Width(), legendDesiredSize.Height());
    // figure out the legend's rectangle
    legendMargin = legend->GetLogicalUsedMargin(wm);
    mLegendRect =
      LogicalRect(wm, 0, 0,
                  legendDesiredSize.ISize(wm) + legendMargin.IStartEnd(wm),
                  legendDesiredSize.BSize(wm) + legendMargin.BStartEnd(wm));
    nscoord oldSpace = mLegendSpace;
    mLegendSpace = 0;
    if (mLegendRect.BSize(wm) > border.BStart(wm)) {
      // center the border on the legend
      mLegendSpace = mLegendRect.BSize(wm) - border.BStart(wm);
    } else {
      mLegendRect.BStart(wm) =
        (border.BStart(wm) - mLegendRect.BSize(wm)) / 2;

    // if the legend space changes then we need to reflow the
    // content area as well.
    if (mLegendSpace != oldSpace && inner) {
      reflowInner = true;

    // We'll move the legend to its proper place later.
    FinishReflowChild(legend, aPresContext, legendDesiredSize,
                      legendReflowState.ptr(), wm, LogicalPoint(wm), 0,
  } else if (!legend) {
    mLegendSpace = 0;
  } else {
    // mLegendSpace and mLegendRect haven't changed, but we need
    // the used margin when placing the legend.
    legendMargin = legend->GetLogicalUsedMargin(wm);

  nscoord containerWidth = (wm.IsVertical() ? mLegendSpace : 0) +
  // reflow the content frame only if needed
  if (reflowInner) {
    nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, inner,
                                     innerAvailSize, -1, -1,
    // Override computed padding, in case it's percentage padding
    kidReflowState.Init(aPresContext, -1, -1, nullptr,
    // Our child is "height:100%" but we actually want its height to be reduced
    // by the amount of content-height the legend is eating up, unless our
    // height is unconstrained (in which case the child's will be too).
    if (aReflowState.ComputedBSize() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
         std::max(0, aReflowState.ComputedBSize() - mLegendSpace));

    if (aReflowState.ComputedMinBSize() > 0) {
      kidReflowState.ComputedMinBSize() =
        std::max(0, aReflowState.ComputedMinBSize() - mLegendSpace);

    if (aReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
      kidReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() =
        std::max(0, aReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() - mLegendSpace);

    nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(kidReflowState,
    // Reflow the frame
    NS_ASSERTION(kidReflowState.ComputedPhysicalMargin() == nsMargin(0,0,0,0),
                 "Margins on anonymous fieldset child not supported!");
    LogicalPoint pt(wm, border.IStart(wm), border.BStart(wm) + mLegendSpace);

    ReflowChild(inner, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                wm, pt, containerWidth, 0, aStatus);

    // update the container width after reflowing the inner frame
    FinishReflowChild(inner, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize,
                      &kidReflowState, wm, pt,
                      containerWidth + kidDesiredSize.Width(), 0);
    NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("FieldSet::Reflow", aStatus);

  if (inner) {
    containerWidth += inner->GetSize().width;

  LogicalRect contentRect(wm);
  if (inner) {
    // We don't support margins on inner, so our content rect is just the
    // inner's border-box. We don't care about container-width at this point,
    // as we'll figure out the actual positioning later.
    contentRect = inner->GetLogicalRect(wm, containerWidth);

  // Our content rect must fill up the available width
  LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.ComputedSizeWithPadding(wm);
  if (availSize.ISize(wm) > contentRect.ISize(wm)) {
    contentRect.ISize(wm) = innerAvailSize.ISize(wm);

  if (legend) {
    // The legend is positioned inline-wards within the inner's content rect
    // (so that padding on the fieldset affects the legend position).
    LogicalRect innerContentRect = contentRect;
    innerContentRect.Deflate(wm, aReflowState.ComputedLogicalPadding());
    // If the inner content rect is larger than the legend, we can align the
    // legend.
    if (innerContentRect.ISize(wm) > mLegendRect.ISize(wm)) {
      int32_t align = static_cast<nsLegendFrame*>
      if (!wm.IsBidiLTR()) {
        if (align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ||
            align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_MOZ_LEFT) {
          align = NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_END;
        } else if (align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ||
                   align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_MOZ_RIGHT) {
          align = NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_DEFAULT;
      switch (align) {
          mLegendRect.IStart(wm) =
            innerContentRect.IEnd(wm) - mLegendRect.ISize(wm);
          // Note: rounding removed; there doesn't seem to be any need
          mLegendRect.IStart(wm) = innerContentRect.IStart(wm) +
            (innerContentRect.ISize(wm) - mLegendRect.ISize(wm)) / 2;
          mLegendRect.IStart(wm) = innerContentRect.IStart(wm);
    } else {
      // otherwise make place for the legend
      mLegendRect.IStart(wm) = innerContentRect.IStart(wm);
      innerContentRect.ISize(wm) = mLegendRect.ISize(wm);
      contentRect.ISize(wm) = mLegendRect.ISize(wm) +

    // place the legend
    LogicalRect actualLegendRect = mLegendRect;
    actualLegendRect.Deflate(wm, legendMargin);
    LogicalPoint actualLegendPos(actualLegendRect.Origin(wm));

    // Note that legend's writing mode may be different from the fieldset's,
    // so we need to convert offsets before applying them to it (bug 1134534).
    LogicalMargin offsets =
        ConvertTo(wm, legendReflowState->GetWritingMode());
    nsHTMLReflowState::ApplyRelativePositioning(legend, wm, offsets,

    legend->SetPosition(wm, actualLegendPos, containerWidth);

  // Return our size and our result.
  LogicalSize finalSize(wm, contentRect.ISize(wm) + border.IStartEnd(wm),
                        mLegendSpace + border.BStartEnd(wm) +
                        (inner ? inner->BSize(wm) : 0));
  aDesiredSize.SetSize(wm, finalSize);

  if (legend) {
    ConsiderChildOverflow(aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas, legend);
  if (inner) {
    ConsiderChildOverflow(aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas, inner);

  // Merge overflow container bounds and status.
  NS_MergeReflowStatusInto(&aStatus, ocStatus);

  FinishReflowWithAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);


  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
/* virtual */ void
nsRubyBaseContainerFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                 nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                                 const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                 nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

  if (!aReflowState.mLineLayout) {
      "No line layout provided to RubyBaseContainerFrame reflow method.");

  // Ask text containers to drain overflows
  AutoRubyTextContainerArray textContainers(this);
  const uint32_t rtcCount = textContainers.Length();
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rtcCount; i++) {

  WritingMode lineWM = aReflowState.mLineLayout->GetWritingMode();
  LogicalSize availSize(lineWM, aReflowState.AvailableISize(),

  // We have a reflow state and a line layout for each RTC.
  // They are conceptually the state of the RTCs, but we don't actually
  // reflow those RTCs in this code. These two arrays are holders of
  // the reflow states and line layouts.
  // Since there are pointers refer to reflow states and line layouts,
  // it is necessary to guarantee that they won't be moved. For this
  // reason, they are wrapped in UniquePtr here.
  nsAutoTArray<UniquePtr<nsHTMLReflowState>, RTC_ARRAY_SIZE> reflowStates;
  nsAutoTArray<UniquePtr<nsLineLayout>, RTC_ARRAY_SIZE> lineLayouts;

  // Begin the line layout for each ruby text container in advance.
  bool hasSpan = false;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rtcCount; i++) {
    nsRubyTextContainerFrame* textContainer = textContainers[i];
    if (textContainer->IsSpanContainer()) {
      hasSpan = true;

    nsHTMLReflowState* reflowState = new nsHTMLReflowState(
      aPresContext, *aReflowState.parentReflowState, textContainer,
      availSize.ConvertTo(textContainer->GetWritingMode(), lineWM));
    nsLineLayout* lineLayout = new nsLineLayout(aPresContext,
                                                reflowState, nullptr,

    // Line number is useless for ruby text
    // XXX nullptr here may cause problem, see comments for
    //     nsLineLayout::mBlockRS and nsLineLayout::AddFloat
    lineLayout->Init(nullptr, reflowState->CalcLineHeight(), -1);
    reflowState->mLineLayout = lineLayout;

    // Border and padding are suppressed on ruby text containers.
    // If the writing mode is vertical-rl, the horizontal position of
    // rt frames will be updated when reflowing this text container,
    // hence leave container size 0 here for now.
    lineLayout->BeginLineReflow(0, 0, reflowState->ComputedISize(),
                                false, false, lineWM, nsSize(0, 0));

  aReflowState.mLineLayout->BeginSpan(this, &aReflowState,
                                      0, aReflowState.AvailableISize(),

  bool allowInitialLineBreak, allowLineBreak;
  GetIsLineBreakAllowed(this, aReflowState.mLineLayout->LineIsBreakable(),
                        &allowInitialLineBreak, &allowLineBreak);

  nscoord isize = 0;
  // Reflow columns excluding any span
  ReflowState reflowState = {
    allowInitialLineBreak, allowLineBreak && !hasSpan,
    textContainers, aReflowState, reflowStates
  isize = ReflowColumns(reflowState, aStatus);
  DebugOnly<nscoord> lineSpanSize = aReflowState.mLineLayout->EndSpan(this);
  aDesiredSize.ISize(lineWM) = isize;
  // When there are no frames inside the ruby base container, EndSpan
  // will return 0. However, in this case, the actual width of the
  // container could be non-zero because of non-empty ruby annotations.
             isize == lineSpanSize || mFrames.IsEmpty());

  // If there exists any span, the columns must either be completely
  // reflowed, or be not reflowed at all.
             NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus) || !hasSpan);
  if (!NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK_BEFORE(aStatus) &&
      NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus) && hasSpan) {
    // Reflow spans
    ReflowState reflowState = {
      false, false, textContainers, aReflowState, reflowStates
    nscoord spanISize = ReflowSpans(reflowState);
    isize = std::max(isize, spanISize);
    if (isize > aReflowState.AvailableISize() &&
        aReflowState.mLineLayout->HasOptionalBreakPosition()) {

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rtcCount; i++) {
    // It happens before the ruby text container is reflowed, and that
    // when it is reflowed, it will just use this size.
    nsRubyTextContainerFrame* textContainer = textContainers[i];
    nsLineLayout* lineLayout = lineLayouts[i].get();

    nscoord rtcISize = lineLayout->GetCurrentICoord();
    // Only span containers and containers with collapsed annotations
    // need reserving isize. For normal ruby text containers, their
    // children will be expanded properly. We only need to expand their
    // own size.
    if (!textContainer->IsSpanContainer()) {
      rtcISize = isize;
    } else if (isize > rtcISize) {
      RubyUtils::SetReservedISize(textContainer, isize - rtcISize);


  // Border and padding are suppressed on ruby base container,
  // create a fake borderPadding for setting BSize.
  WritingMode frameWM = aReflowState.GetWritingMode();
  LogicalMargin borderPadding(frameWM);
  nsLayoutUtils::SetBSizeFromFontMetrics(this, aDesiredSize,
                                         borderPadding, lineWM, frameWM);
Пример #16
nsFirstLetterFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                           nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aMetrics,
                           const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                           nsReflowStatus&          aReflowStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aMetrics, aReflowStatus);

  // Grab overflow list

  nsIFrame* kid = mFrames.FirstChild();

  // Setup reflow state for our child
  WritingMode wm = aReflowState.GetWritingMode();
  LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.AvailableSize();
  const LogicalMargin& bp = aReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();
               "should no longer use unconstrained inline size");
  availSize.ISize(wm) -= bp.IStartEnd(wm);
  if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != availSize.BSize(wm)) {
    availSize.BSize(wm) -= bp.BStartEnd(wm);

  WritingMode lineWM = aMetrics.GetWritingMode();
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidMetrics(lineWM);

  // Reflow the child
  if (!aReflowState.mLineLayout) {
    // When there is no lineLayout provided, we provide our own. The
    // only time that the first-letter-frame is not reflowing in a
    // line context is when its floating.
    WritingMode kidWritingMode = GetWritingMode(kid);
    LogicalSize kidAvailSize = availSize.ConvertTo(kidWritingMode, wm);
    nsHTMLReflowState rs(aPresContext, aReflowState, kid, kidAvailSize);
    nsLineLayout ll(aPresContext, nullptr, &aReflowState, nullptr, nullptr);

    ll.BeginLineReflow(bp.IStart(wm), bp.BStart(wm),
                       availSize.ISize(wm), NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
                       false, true, kidWritingMode,
    rs.mLineLayout = &ll;

    kid->Reflow(aPresContext, kidMetrics, rs, aReflowStatus);


    // In the floating first-letter case, we need to set this ourselves;
    // nsLineLayout::BeginSpan will set it in the other case
    mBaseline = kidMetrics.BlockStartAscent();

    // Place and size the child and update the output metrics
    LogicalSize convertedSize = kidMetrics.Size(lineWM).ConvertTo(wm, lineWM);
    kid->SetRect(nsRect(bp.IStart(wm), bp.BStart(wm),
                        convertedSize.ISize(wm), convertedSize.BSize(wm)));
    kid->DidReflow(aPresContext, nullptr, nsDidReflowStatus::FINISHED);

    convertedSize.ISize(wm) += bp.IStartEnd(wm);
    convertedSize.BSize(wm) += bp.BStartEnd(wm);
    aMetrics.SetSize(wm, convertedSize);
    aMetrics.SetBlockStartAscent(kidMetrics.BlockStartAscent() +

    // Ensure that the overflow rect contains the child textframe's
    // overflow rect.
    // Note that if this is floating, the overline/underline drawable
    // area is in the overflow rect of the child textframe.
    ConsiderChildOverflow(aMetrics.mOverflowAreas, kid);

  else {
    // Pretend we are a span and reflow the child frame
    nsLineLayout* ll = aReflowState.mLineLayout;
    bool          pushedFrame;

      mStyleContext->GetPseudo() == nsCSSPseudoElements::firstLetter);
    ll->BeginSpan(this, &aReflowState, bp.IStart(wm),
                  availSize.ISize(wm), &mBaseline);
    ll->ReflowFrame(kid, aReflowStatus, &kidMetrics, pushedFrame);
    NS_ASSERTION(lineWM.IsVertical() == wm.IsVertical(),
                 "we're assuming we can mix sizes between lineWM and wm "
                 "since we shouldn't have orthogonal writing modes within "
                 "a line.");
    aMetrics.ISize(lineWM) = ll->EndSpan(this) + bp.IStartEnd(wm);

    nsLayoutUtils::SetBSizeFromFontMetrics(this, aMetrics, bp, lineWM, wm);

  if (!NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK_BEFORE(aReflowStatus)) {
    // Create a continuation or remove existing continuations based on
    // the reflow completion status.
    if (NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aReflowStatus)) {
      if (aReflowState.mLineLayout) {
      nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = kid->GetNextInFlow();
      if (kidNextInFlow) {
        // Remove all of the childs next-in-flows
        kidNextInFlow->GetParent()->DeleteNextInFlowChild(kidNextInFlow, true);
    else {
      // Create a continuation for the child frame if it doesn't already
      // have one.
      if (!IsFloating()) {
        // And then push it to our overflow list
        const nsFrameList& overflow = mFrames.RemoveFramesAfter(kid);
        if (overflow.NotEmpty()) {
      } else if (!kid->GetNextInFlow()) {
        // For floating first letter frames (if a continuation wasn't already
        // created for us) we need to put the continuation with the rest of the
        // text that the first letter frame was made out of.
        nsIFrame* continuation;
        CreateContinuationForFloatingParent(aPresContext, kid,
                                            &continuation, true);

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aReflowStatus, aReflowState, aMetrics);
Пример #17
nsVideoFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                     nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aMetrics,
                     const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                     nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aMetrics, aStatus);
                  ("enter nsVideoFrame::Reflow: availSize=%d,%d",
                  aReflowState.availableWidth, aReflowState.availableHeight));

  NS_PRECONDITION(mState & NS_FRAME_IN_REFLOW, "frame is not in reflow");


  aMetrics.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  aMetrics.height = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();

  // stash this away so we can compute our inner area later
  mBorderPadding   = aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding;

  aMetrics.width += mBorderPadding.left + mBorderPadding.right;
  aMetrics.height += mBorderPadding.top + mBorderPadding.bottom;

  // Reflow the child frames. We may have up to two, an image frame
  // which is the poster, and a box frame, which is the video controls.
  for (nsIFrame *child = mFrames.FirstChild();
       child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
    if (child->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::imageFrame) {
      // Reflow the poster frame.
      nsImageFrame* imageFrame = static_cast<nsImageFrame*>(child);
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize;
      nsSize availableSize = nsSize(aReflowState.availableWidth,
      nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,
      if (ShouldDisplayPoster()) {
      } else {
      ReflowChild(imageFrame, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                  mBorderPadding.left, mBorderPadding.top, 0, aStatus);
      FinishReflowChild(imageFrame, aPresContext,
                        &kidReflowState, kidDesiredSize,
                        mBorderPadding.left, mBorderPadding.top, 0);
    } else if (child->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::boxFrame) {
      // Reflow the video controls frame.
      nsBoxLayoutState boxState(PresContext(), aReflowState.rendContext);
  aMetrics.mOverflowArea.SetRect(0, 0, aMetrics.width, aMetrics.height);


  if (mRect.width != aMetrics.width || mRect.height != aMetrics.height) {
    Invalidate(nsRect(0, 0, mRect.width, mRect.height));

                  ("exit nsVideoFrame::Reflow: size=%d,%d",
                  aMetrics.width, aMetrics.height));
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aMetrics);

  return NS_OK;
Пример #18
nsBlockReflowState::nsBlockReflowState(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                       nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                       nsBlockFrame* aFrame,
                                       bool aTopMarginRoot,
                                       bool aBottomMarginRoot,
                                       bool aBlockNeedsFloatManager,
                                       nscoord aConsumedHeight)
  : mBlock(aFrame),
  SetFlag(BRS_ISFIRSTINFLOW, aFrame->GetPrevInFlow() == nullptr);

  const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();

  if (aTopMarginRoot || 0 != aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top) {
  if (aBottomMarginRoot || 0 != aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().bottom) {
    SetFlag(BRS_APPLYTOPMARGIN, true);
  if (aBlockNeedsFloatManager) {
    SetFlag(BRS_FLOAT_MGR, true);
  mFloatManager = aReflowState.mFloatManager;

               "FloatManager should be set in nsBlockReflowState" );
  if (mFloatManager) {
    // Save the coordinate system origin for later.
    mFloatManager->GetTranslation(mFloatManagerX, mFloatManagerY);
    mFloatManager->PushState(&mFloatManagerStateBefore); // never popped

  mReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

  mNextInFlow = static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(mBlock->GetNextInFlow());

  NS_WARN_IF_FALSE(NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.ComputedWidth(),
                   "have unconstrained width; this should only result from "
                   "very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width "
  mContentArea.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();

  // Compute content area height. Unlike the width, if we have a
  // specified style height we ignore it since extra content is
  // managed by the "overflow" property. When we don't have a
  // specified style height then we may end up limiting our height if
  // the availableHeight is constrained (this situation occurs when we
  // are paginated).
  if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.AvailableHeight()) {
    // We are in a paginated situation. The bottom edge is just inside
    // the bottom border and padding. The content area height doesn't
    // include either border or padding edge.
    mBottomEdge = aReflowState.AvailableHeight() - borderPadding.bottom;
    mContentArea.height = std::max(0, mBottomEdge - borderPadding.top);
  else {
    // When we are not in a paginated situation then we always use
    // an constrained height.
    mContentArea.height = mBottomEdge = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
  mContentArea.x = borderPadding.left;
  mY = mContentArea.y = borderPadding.top;

  mPrevChild = nullptr;
  mCurrentLine = aFrame->end_lines();

  mMinLineHeight = aReflowState.CalcLineHeight();
Пример #19
nsBlockReflowState::nsBlockReflowState(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                       nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                       nsBlockFrame* aFrame,
                                       bool aBStartMarginRoot,
                                       bool aBEndMarginRoot,
                                       bool aBlockNeedsFloatManager,
                                       nscoord aConsumedBSize)
  : mBlock(aFrame),
  WritingMode wm = aReflowState.GetWritingMode();
  SetFlag(BRS_ISFIRSTINFLOW, aFrame->GetPrevInFlow() == nullptr);

  nsIFrame::LogicalSides logicalSkipSides =

  // Note that mContainerWidth is the physical width!
  mContainerWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth() + mBorderPadding.LeftRight(wm);

  if ((aBStartMarginRoot && !logicalSkipSides.BStart()) ||
      0 != mBorderPadding.BStart(wm)) {
  if ((aBEndMarginRoot && !logicalSkipSides.BEnd()) ||
      0 != mBorderPadding.BEnd(wm)) {
  if (aBlockNeedsFloatManager) {
    SetFlag(BRS_FLOAT_MGR, true);
  mFloatManager = aReflowState.mFloatManager;

               "FloatManager should be set in nsBlockReflowState" );
  if (mFloatManager) {
    // Save the coordinate system origin for later.
    mFloatManager->GetTranslation(mFloatManagerX, mFloatManagerY);
    mFloatManager->PushState(&mFloatManagerStateBefore); // never popped

  mReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

  mNextInFlow = static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(mBlock->GetNextInFlow());

                   "have unconstrained width; this should only result from "
                   "very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width "
  mContentArea.ISize(wm) = aReflowState.ComputedISize();

  // Compute content area height. Unlike the width, if we have a
  // specified style height we ignore it since extra content is
  // managed by the "overflow" property. When we don't have a
  // specified style height then we may end up limiting our height if
  // the availableHeight is constrained (this situation occurs when we
  // are paginated).
  if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.AvailableBSize()) {
    // We are in a paginated situation. The bottom edge is just inside
    // the bottom border and padding. The content area height doesn't
    // include either border or padding edge.
    mBEndEdge = aReflowState.AvailableBSize() - mBorderPadding.BEnd(wm);
    mContentArea.BSize(wm) = std::max(0, mBEndEdge - mBorderPadding.BStart(wm));
  else {
    // When we are not in a paginated situation then we always use
    // an constrained height.
    mContentArea.BSize(wm) = mBEndEdge = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
  mContentArea.IStart(wm) = mBorderPadding.IStart(wm);
  mBCoord = mContentArea.BStart(wm) = mBorderPadding.BStart(wm);

  mPrevChild = nullptr;
  mCurrentLine = aFrame->end_lines();

  mMinLineHeight = aReflowState.CalcLineHeight();
Пример #20
nsComboboxControlFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext, 
                               nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState, 
                               nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  // Constraints we try to satisfy:

  // 1) Default width of button is the vertical scrollbar size
  // 2) If the width of button is bigger than our width, set width of
  //    button to 0.
  // 3) Default height of button is height of display area
  // 4) Width of display area is whatever is left over from our width after
  //    allocating width for the button.
  // 5) Height of display area is GetHeightOfARow() on the
  //    mListControlFrame.

  if (!mDisplayFrame || !mButtonFrame || !mDropdownFrame) {
    NS_ERROR("Why did the frame constructor allow this to happen?  Fix it!!");

  // Make sure the displayed text is the same as the selected option, bug 297389.
  PRInt32 selectedIndex;
  nsAutoString selectedOptionText;
  if (!mDroppedDown) {
    selectedIndex = mListControlFrame->GetSelectedIndex();
  else {
    // In dropped down mode the "selected index" is the hovered menu item,
    // we want the last selected item which is |mDisplayedIndex| in this case.
    selectedIndex = mDisplayedIndex;
  if (selectedIndex != -1) {
    mListControlFrame->GetOptionText(selectedIndex, selectedOptionText);
  if (mDisplayedOptionText != selectedOptionText) {

  // First reflow our dropdown so that we know how tall we should be.
  ReflowDropdown(aPresContext, aReflowState);

  // Get the width of the vertical scrollbar.  That will be the width of the
  // dropdown button.
  nscoord buttonWidth;
  const nsStyleDisplay *disp = GetStyleDisplay();
  if (IsThemed(disp) && !aPresContext->GetTheme()->ThemeNeedsComboboxDropmarker()) {
    buttonWidth = 0;
  else {
    nsIScrollableFrame* scrollable = do_QueryFrame(mListControlFrame);
    NS_ASSERTION(scrollable, "List must be a scrollable frame");
    buttonWidth =
    if (buttonWidth > aReflowState.ComputedWidth()) {
      buttonWidth = 0;

  mDisplayWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth() - buttonWidth;

  nsresult rv = nsBlockFrame::Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState,

  // Now set the correct width and height on our button.  The width we need to
  // set always, the height only if we had an auto height.
  nsRect buttonRect = mButtonFrame->GetRect();
  // If we have a non-intrinsic computed height, our kids should have sized
  // themselves properly on their own.
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // The display frame is going to be the right height and width at this
    // point. Use its height as the button height.
    nsRect displayRect = mDisplayFrame->GetRect();
    buttonRect.height = displayRect.height;
    buttonRect.y = displayRect.y;
#ifdef DEBUG
  else {
    nscoord buttonHeight = mButtonFrame->GetSize().height;
    nscoord displayHeight = mDisplayFrame->GetSize().height;

    // The button and display area should be equal heights, unless the computed
    // height on the combobox is too small to fit their borders and padding.
    NS_ASSERTION(buttonHeight == displayHeight ||
                 (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() < buttonHeight &&
                  buttonHeight ==
                    mButtonFrame->GetUsedBorderAndPadding().TopBottom()) ||
                 (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() < displayHeight &&
                  displayHeight ==
                 "Different heights?");
  if (GetStyleVisibility()->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_RTL) {
    // Make sure the right edge of the button frame stays where it is now
    buttonRect.x -= buttonWidth - buttonRect.width;
  buttonRect.width = buttonWidth;
  return rv;
Пример #21
nsColumnSetFrame::ChooseColumnStrategy(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
  const nsStyleColumn* colStyle = GetStyleColumn();
  nscoord availContentWidth = GetAvailableContentWidth(aReflowState);
  if (aReflowState.ComputedWidth() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    availContentWidth = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  nscoord colHeight = GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState);
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    colHeight = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();

  nscoord colGap = GetColumnGap(this, colStyle);
  PRInt32 numColumns = colStyle->mColumnCount;

  PRUint32 cnt = 1;
  for (const nsHTMLReflowState* rs = aReflowState.parentReflowState; rs && cnt
    < MAX_NESTED_COLUMN_BALANCING; rs = rs->parentReflowState) {
    if (rs->mFlags.mIsColumnBalancing) {
    numColumns = 1;

  nscoord colWidth;
  if (colStyle->mColumnWidth.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord) {
    colWidth = colStyle->mColumnWidth.GetCoordValue();
    NS_ASSERTION(colWidth >= 0, "negative column width");
    // Reduce column count if necessary to make columns fit in the
    // available width. Compute max number of columns that fit in
    // availContentWidth, satisfying colGap*(maxColumns - 1) +
    // colWidth*maxColumns <= availContentWidth
    if (availContentWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE && colGap + colWidth > 0
        && numColumns > 0) {
      // This expression uses truncated rounding, which is what we
      // want
      PRInt32 maxColumns = (availContentWidth + colGap)/(colGap + colWidth);
      numColumns = NS_MAX(1, NS_MIN(numColumns, maxColumns));
  } else if (numColumns > 0 && availContentWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    nscoord widthMinusGaps = availContentWidth - colGap*(numColumns - 1);
    colWidth = widthMinusGaps/numColumns;
  } else {
    colWidth = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;
  // Take care of the situation where there's only one column but it's
  // still too wide
  colWidth = NS_MAX(1, NS_MIN(colWidth, availContentWidth));

  nscoord expectedWidthLeftOver = 0;

  if (colWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE && availContentWidth != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // distribute leftover space

    // First, determine how many columns will be showing if the column
    // count is auto
    if (numColumns <= 0) {
      // choose so that colGap*(nominalColumnCount - 1) +
      // colWidth*nominalColumnCount is nearly availContentWidth
      // make sure to round down
      if (colGap + colWidth > 0) {
        numColumns = (availContentWidth + colGap)/(colGap + colWidth);
      if (numColumns <= 0) {
        numColumns = 1;

    // Compute extra space and divide it among the columns
    nscoord extraSpace =
      NS_MAX(0, availContentWidth - (colWidth*numColumns + colGap*(numColumns - 1)));
    nscoord extraToColumns = extraSpace/numColumns;
    colWidth += extraToColumns;
    expectedWidthLeftOver = extraSpace - (extraToColumns*numColumns);

  // NOTE that the non-balancing behavior for non-auto computed height
  // is not in the CSS3 columns draft as of 18 January 2001
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // Balancing!
    if (numColumns <= 0) {
      // Hmm, auto column count, column width or available width is unknown,
      // and balancing is required. Let's just use one column then.
      numColumns = 1;
    colHeight = NS_MIN(mLastBalanceHeight, GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState));
  } else {
    // No balancing, so don't limit the column count
    numColumns = PR_INT32_MAX;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::ChooseColumnStrategy: numColumns=%d, colWidth=%d, expectedWidthLeftOver=%d, colHeight=%d, colGap=%d\n",
         numColumns, colWidth, expectedWidthLeftOver, colHeight, colGap);
  ReflowConfig config = { numColumns, colWidth, expectedWidthLeftOver, colGap, colHeight };
  return config;
Пример #22
nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                         nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                         const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                         nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
    // Don't support interruption in columns
    nsPresContext::InterruptPreventer noInterrupts(aPresContext);

    DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

    // Initialize OUT parameter
    aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

    // Our children depend on our block-size if we have a fixed block-size.
    if (aReflowState.ComputedBSize() != NS_AUTOHEIGHT) {
    } else {

#ifdef DEBUG
    nsFrameList::Enumerator oc(GetChildList(kOverflowContainersList));
    for (; !oc.AtEnd(); oc.Next()) {
    nsFrameList::Enumerator eoc(GetChildList(kExcessOverflowContainersList));
    for (; !eoc.AtEnd(); eoc.Next()) {

    nsOverflowAreas ocBounds;
    nsReflowStatus ocStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
    if (GetPrevInFlow()) {
        ReflowOverflowContainerChildren(aPresContext, aReflowState, ocBounds, 0,

    //------------ Handle Incremental Reflow -----------------

    // If inline size is unconstrained, set aForceAuto to true to allow
    // the columns to expand in the inline direction. (This typically
    // happens in orthogonal flows where the inline direction is the
    // container's block direction).
    ReflowConfig config =
                             aReflowState.ComputedISize() == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);

    // If balancing, then we allow the last column to grow to unbounded
    // height during the first reflow. This gives us a way to estimate
    // what the average column height should be, because we can measure
    // the heights of all the columns and sum them up. But don't do this
    // if we have a next in flow because we don't want to suck all its
    // content back here and then have to push it out again!
    nsIFrame* nextInFlow = GetNextInFlow();
    bool unboundedLastColumn = config.mIsBalancing && !nextInFlow;
    nsCollapsingMargin carriedOutBottomMargin;
    ColumnBalanceData colData;
    colData.mHasExcessBSize = false;

    bool feasible = ReflowColumns(aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, config,
                                  unboundedLastColumn, &carriedOutBottomMargin,

    // If we're not balancing, then we're already done, since we should have
    // reflown all of our children, and there is no need for a binary search to
    // determine proper column height.
    if (config.mIsBalancing && !aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
        FindBestBalanceBSize(aReflowState, aPresContext, config, colData,
                             aDesiredSize, carriedOutBottomMargin,
                             unboundedLastColumn, feasible, aStatus);

    if (aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt() &&
            aReflowState.AvailableBSize() == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
        // In this situation, we might be lying about our reflow status, because
        // our last kid (the one that got interrupted) was incomplete.  Fix that.
        aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

                 aReflowState.AvailableBSize() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
                 "Column set should be complete if the available block-size is unconstrained");

    // Merge overflow container bounds and status.
    NS_MergeReflowStatusInto(&aStatus, ocStatus);

    FinishReflowWithAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, false);

    aDesiredSize.mCarriedOutBEndMargin = carriedOutBottomMargin;

    NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
Пример #23
nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                         nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                         const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                         nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  // Don't support interruption in columns
  nsPresContext::InterruptPreventer noInterrupts(aPresContext);

  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

  // Initialize OUT parameter

  // Our children depend on our height if we have a fixed height.
  if (aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_AUTOHEIGHT) {
    NS_ASSERTION(aReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE,
                 "Unexpected mComputedHeight");
  else {

  //------------ Handle Incremental Reflow -----------------

  ReflowConfig config = ChooseColumnStrategy(aReflowState);
  bool isBalancing = config.mBalanceColCount < PR_INT32_MAX;
  // If balancing, then we allow the last column to grow to unbounded
  // height during the first reflow. This gives us a way to estimate
  // what the average column height should be, because we can measure
  // the heights of all the columns and sum them up. But don't do this
  // if we have a next in flow because we don't want to suck all its
  // content back here and then have to push it out again!
  nsIFrame* nextInFlow = GetNextInFlow();
  bool unboundedLastColumn = isBalancing && !nextInFlow;
  nsCollapsingMargin carriedOutBottomMargin;
  ColumnBalanceData colData;
  bool feasible = ReflowChildren(aDesiredSize, aReflowState,
    aStatus, config, unboundedLastColumn, &carriedOutBottomMargin, colData);

  if (isBalancing && !aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
    nscoord availableContentHeight = GetAvailableContentHeight(aReflowState);
    // Termination of the algorithm below is guaranteed because
    // knownFeasibleHeight - knownInfeasibleHeight decreases in every
    // iteration.
    nscoord knownFeasibleHeight = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;
    nscoord knownInfeasibleHeight = 0;
    // We set this flag when we detect that we may contain a frame
    // that can break anywhere (thus foiling the linear decrease-by-one
    // search)
    bool maybeContinuousBreakingDetected = false;

    while (!aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
      nscoord lastKnownFeasibleHeight = knownFeasibleHeight;

      // Record what we learned from the last reflow
      if (feasible) {
        // maxHeight is feasible. Also, mLastBalanceHeight is feasible.
        knownFeasibleHeight = NS_MIN(knownFeasibleHeight, colData.mMaxHeight);
        knownFeasibleHeight = NS_MIN(knownFeasibleHeight, mLastBalanceHeight);

        // Furthermore, no height less than the height of the last
        // column can ever be feasible. (We might be able to reduce the
        // height of a non-last column by moving content to a later column,
        // but we can't do that with the last column.)
        if (mFrames.GetLength() == config.mBalanceColCount) {
          knownInfeasibleHeight = NS_MAX(knownInfeasibleHeight,
                                         colData.mLastHeight - 1);
      } else {
        knownInfeasibleHeight = NS_MAX(knownInfeasibleHeight, mLastBalanceHeight);
        // If a column didn't fit in its available height, then its current
        // height must be the minimum height for unbreakable content in
        // the column, and therefore no smaller height can be feasible.
        knownInfeasibleHeight = NS_MAX(knownInfeasibleHeight,
                                       colData.mMaxOverflowingHeight - 1);

        if (unboundedLastColumn) {
          // The last column is unbounded, so all content got reflowed, so the
          // mColMaxHeight is feasible.
          knownFeasibleHeight = NS_MIN(knownFeasibleHeight,

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow balancing knownInfeasible=%d knownFeasible=%d\n",
             knownInfeasibleHeight, knownFeasibleHeight);

      if (knownInfeasibleHeight >= knownFeasibleHeight - 1) {
        // knownFeasibleHeight is where we want to be

      if (knownInfeasibleHeight >= availableContentHeight) {

      if (lastKnownFeasibleHeight - knownFeasibleHeight == 1) {
        // We decreased the feasible height by one twip only. This could
        // indicate that there is a continuously breakable child frame
        // that we are crawling through.
        maybeContinuousBreakingDetected = true;

      nscoord nextGuess = (knownFeasibleHeight + knownInfeasibleHeight)/2;
      // The constant of 600 twips is arbitrary. It's about two line-heights.
      if (knownFeasibleHeight - nextGuess < 600 &&
          !maybeContinuousBreakingDetected) {
        // We're close to our target, so just try shrinking just the
        // minimum amount that will cause one of our columns to break
        // differently.
        nextGuess = knownFeasibleHeight - 1;
      } else if (unboundedLastColumn) {
        // Make a guess by dividing that into N columns. Add some slop
        // to try to make it on the feasible side.  The constant of
        // 600 twips is arbitrary. It's about two line-heights.
        nextGuess = colData.mSumHeight/config.mBalanceColCount + 600;
        // Sanitize it
        nextGuess = clamped(nextGuess, knownInfeasibleHeight + 1,
                                       knownFeasibleHeight - 1);
      } else if (knownFeasibleHeight == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        // This can happen when we had a next-in-flow so we didn't
        // want to do an unbounded height measuring step. Let's just increase
        // from the infeasible height by some reasonable amount.
        nextGuess = knownInfeasibleHeight*2 + 600;
      // Don't bother guessing more than our height constraint.
      nextGuess = NS_MIN(availableContentHeight, nextGuess);

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow balancing choosing next guess=%d\n", nextGuess);

      config.mColMaxHeight = nextGuess;
      unboundedLastColumn = false;
      feasible = ReflowChildren(aDesiredSize, aReflowState,
                                aStatus, config, false, 
                                &carriedOutBottomMargin, colData);

    if (!feasible && !aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
      // We may need to reflow one more time at the feasible height to
      // get a valid layout.
      bool skip = false;
      if (knownInfeasibleHeight >= availableContentHeight) {
        config.mColMaxHeight = availableContentHeight;
        if (mLastBalanceHeight == availableContentHeight) {
          skip = true;
      } else {
        config.mColMaxHeight = knownFeasibleHeight;
      if (!skip) {
        // If our height is unconstrained, make sure that the last column is
        // allowed to have arbitrary height here, even though we were balancing.
        // Otherwise we'd have to split, and it's not clear what we'd do with
        // that.
        ReflowChildren(aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, config,
                       availableContentHeight == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
                       &carriedOutBottomMargin, colData);

  if (aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt() &&
      aReflowState.availableHeight == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
    // In this situation, we might be lying about our reflow status, because
    // our last kid (the one that got interrupted) was incomplete.  Fix that.
    aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

  // XXXjwir3: This call should be replaced with FinishWithAbsoluteFrames
  //           when bug 724978 is fixed and nsColumnSetFrame is a full absolute
  //           container.

  aDesiredSize.mCarriedOutBottomMargin = carriedOutBottomMargin;

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);

               aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
               "Column set should be complete if the available height is unconstrained");

  return NS_OK;
Пример #24
nsColumnSetFrame::ChooseColumnStrategy(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                       bool aForceAuto = false,
                                       nscoord aFeasibleBSize = NS_INTRINSICSIZE,
                                       nscoord aInfeasibleBSize = 0)
    nscoord knownFeasibleBSize = aFeasibleBSize;
    nscoord knownInfeasibleBSize = aInfeasibleBSize;

    const nsStyleColumn* colStyle = StyleColumn();
    nscoord availContentISize = GetAvailableContentISize(aReflowState);
    if (aReflowState.ComputedISize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        availContentISize = aReflowState.ComputedISize();

    nscoord consumedBSize = GetConsumedBSize();

    // The effective computed height is the height of the current continuation
    // of the column set frame. This should be the same as the computed height
    // if we have an unconstrained available height.
    nscoord computedBSize = GetEffectiveComputedBSize(aReflowState,
    nscoord colBSize = GetAvailableContentBSize(aReflowState);

    if (aReflowState.ComputedBSize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        colBSize = aReflowState.ComputedBSize();
    } else if (aReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        colBSize = std::min(colBSize, aReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize());

    nscoord colGap = GetColumnGap(this, colStyle);
    int32_t numColumns = colStyle->mColumnCount;

    // If column-fill is set to 'balance', then we want to balance the columns.
    const bool isBalancing = colStyle->mColumnFill == NS_STYLE_COLUMN_FILL_BALANCE
                             && !aForceAuto;
    if (isBalancing) {
        const uint32_t MAX_NESTED_COLUMN_BALANCING = 2;
        uint32_t cnt = 0;
        for (const nsHTMLReflowState* rs = aReflowState.parentReflowState;
                rs && cnt < MAX_NESTED_COLUMN_BALANCING; rs = rs->parentReflowState) {
            if (rs->mFlags.mIsColumnBalancing) {
        if (cnt == MAX_NESTED_COLUMN_BALANCING) {
            numColumns = 1;

    nscoord colISize;
    // In vertical writing-mode, "column-width" (inline size) will actually be
    // physical height, but its CSS name is still column-width.
    if (colStyle->mColumnWidth.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord) {
        colISize = colStyle->mColumnWidth.GetCoordValue();
        NS_ASSERTION(colISize >= 0, "negative column width");
        // Reduce column count if necessary to make columns fit in the
        // available width. Compute max number of columns that fit in
        // availContentISize, satisfying colGap*(maxColumns - 1) +
        // colISize*maxColumns <= availContentISize
        if (availContentISize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE && colGap + colISize > 0
                && numColumns > 0) {
            // This expression uses truncated rounding, which is what we
            // want
            int32_t maxColumns =
                         (availContentISize + colGap) / (colGap + colISize));
            numColumns = std::max(1, std::min(numColumns, maxColumns));
    } else if (numColumns > 0 && availContentISize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        nscoord iSizeMinusGaps = availContentISize - colGap * (numColumns - 1);
        colISize = iSizeMinusGaps / numColumns;
    } else {
        colISize = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;
    // Take care of the situation where there's only one column but it's
    // still too wide
    colISize = std::max(1, std::min(colISize, availContentISize));

    nscoord expectedISizeLeftOver = 0;

    if (colISize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE && availContentISize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        // distribute leftover space

        // First, determine how many columns will be showing if the column
        // count is auto
        if (numColumns <= 0) {
            // choose so that colGap*(nominalColumnCount - 1) +
            // colISize*nominalColumnCount is nearly availContentISize
            // make sure to round down
            if (colGap + colISize > 0) {
                numColumns = (availContentISize + colGap) / (colGap + colISize);
                // The number of columns should never exceed kMaxColumnCount.
                numColumns = std::min(nscoord(nsStyleColumn::kMaxColumnCount),
            if (numColumns <= 0) {
                numColumns = 1;

        // Compute extra space and divide it among the columns
        nscoord extraSpace =
            std::max(0, availContentISize - (colISize * numColumns +
                                             colGap * (numColumns - 1)));
        nscoord extraToColumns = extraSpace / numColumns;
        colISize += extraToColumns;
        expectedISizeLeftOver = extraSpace - (extraToColumns * numColumns);

    if (isBalancing) {
        if (numColumns <= 0) {
            // Hmm, auto column count, column width or available width is unknown,
            // and balancing is required. Let's just use one column then.
            numColumns = 1;
        colBSize = std::min(mLastBalanceBSize, colBSize);
    } else {
        // This is the case when the column-fill property is set to 'auto'.
        // No balancing, so don't limit the column count
        numColumns = INT32_MAX;

        // XXX_jwir3: If a page's height is set to 0, we could continually
        //            create continuations, resulting in an infinite loop, since
        //            no progress is ever made. This is an issue with the spec
        //            (css3-multicol, css3-page, and css3-break) that is
        //            unresolved as of 27 Feb 2013. For the time being, we set this
        //            to have a minimum of 1 css px. Once a resolution is made
        //            on what minimum to have for a page height, we may need to
        //            change this value to match the appropriate spec(s).
        colBSize = std::max(colBSize, nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1));

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
    printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::ChooseColumnStrategy: numColumns=%d, colISize=%d,"
           " expectedISizeLeftOver=%d, colBSize=%d, colGap=%d\n",
           numColumns, colISize, expectedISizeLeftOver, colBSize, colGap);
    ReflowConfig config = { numColumns, colISize, expectedISizeLeftOver, colGap,
                            colBSize, isBalancing, knownFeasibleBSize,
                            knownInfeasibleBSize, computedBSize, consumedBSize
    return config;
Пример #25
nsHTMLButtonControlFrame::ReflowButtonContents(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                               nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aButtonDesiredSize,
                                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aButtonReflowState,
                                               nsIFrame* aFirstKid)
  // Buttons have some bonus renderer-determined border/padding,
  // which occupies part of the button's content-box area:
  const nsMargin focusPadding = mRenderer.GetAddedButtonBorderAndPadding();

  nsSize availSize(aButtonReflowState.ComputedWidth(), NS_INTRINSICSIZE);

  // Indent the child inside us by the focus border. We must do this separate
  // from the regular border.
  availSize.width -= focusPadding.LeftRight();
  // See whether out availSize's width is big enough.  If it's smaller than our
  // intrinsic min width, that means that the kid wouldn't really fit; for a
  // better look in such cases we adjust the available width and our left
  // offset to allow the kid to spill left into our padding.
  nscoord xoffset = focusPadding.left +
  nscoord extrawidth = GetMinWidth(aButtonReflowState.rendContext) -
  if (extrawidth > 0) {
    nscoord extraleft = extrawidth / 2;
    nscoord extraright = extrawidth - extraleft;
    NS_ASSERTION(extraright >=0, "How'd that happen?");
    // Do not allow the extras to be bigger than the relevant padding
    extraleft = std::min(extraleft, aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalPadding().left);
    extraright = std::min(extraright, aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalPadding().right);
    xoffset -= extraleft;
    availSize.width += extraleft + extraright;
  availSize.width = std::max(availSize.width,0);
  // Give child a clone of the button's reflow state, with height/width reduced
  // by focusPadding, so that descendants with height:100% don't protrude.
  nsHTMLReflowState adjustedButtonReflowState =
    CloneReflowStateWithReducedContentBox(aButtonReflowState, focusPadding);

  nsHTMLReflowState contentsReflowState(aPresContext,
                                        aFirstKid, availSize);

  nsReflowStatus contentsReflowStatus;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics contentsDesiredSize(aButtonReflowState);
  ReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
              contentsDesiredSize, contentsReflowState,
              focusPadding.top + aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top,
              0, contentsReflowStatus);
             "We gave button-contents frame unconstrained available height, "
             "so it should be complete");

  // Compute the button's content-box height:
  nscoord buttonContentBoxHeight = 0;
  if (aButtonReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // Button has a fixed height -- that's its content-box height.
    buttonContentBoxHeight = aButtonReflowState.ComputedHeight();
  } else {
    // Button is intrinsically sized -- it should shrinkwrap the
    // button-contents' height, plus any focus-padding space:
    buttonContentBoxHeight =
      contentsDesiredSize.Height() + focusPadding.TopBottom();

    // Make sure we obey min/max-height in the case when we're doing intrinsic
    // sizing (we get it for free when we have a non-intrinsic
    // aButtonReflowState.ComputedHeight()).  Note that we do this before
    // adjusting for borderpadding, since mComputedMaxHeight and
    // mComputedMinHeight are content heights.
    buttonContentBoxHeight =

  // Center child vertically in the button
  // (technically, inside of the button's focus-padding area)
  nscoord extraSpace =
    buttonContentBoxHeight - focusPadding.TopBottom() -

  nscoord yoffset = std::max(0, extraSpace / 2);

  // Adjust yoffset to be in terms of the button's frame-rect, instead of
  // its focus-padding rect:
  yoffset += focusPadding.top + aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top;

  // Place the child
  FinishReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
                    contentsDesiredSize, &contentsReflowState,
                    xoffset, yoffset, 0);

  // Make sure we have a useful 'ascent' value for the child
  if (contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() ==
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics::ASK_FOR_BASELINE) {
    WritingMode wm = aButtonReflowState.GetWritingMode();

  // OK, we're done with the child frame.
  // Use what we learned to populate the button frame's reflow metrics.
  //  * Button's height & width are content-box size + border-box contribution:
  aButtonDesiredSize.Width() = aButtonReflowState.ComputedWidth() +

  aButtonDesiredSize.Height() = buttonContentBoxHeight +

  //  * Button's ascent is its child's ascent, plus the child's y-offset
  // within our frame:
  aButtonDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() +

Пример #26
nsColumnSetFrame::ReflowChildren(nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                                 const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                 nsReflowStatus&          aStatus,
                                 const ReflowConfig&      aConfig,
                                 bool                     aUnboundedLastColumn,
                                 nsCollapsingMargin*      aCarriedOutBEndMargin,
                                 ColumnBalanceData&       aColData)
    bool allFit = true;
    WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
    bool isVertical = wm.IsVertical();
    bool isRTL = !wm.IsBidiLTR();
    bool shrinkingBSizeOnly = !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(this) &&
                              mLastBalanceBSize > aConfig.mColMaxBSize;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
    printf("*** Doing column reflow pass: mLastBalanceBSize=%d, mColMaxBSize=%d, RTL=%d\n"
           "    mBalanceColCount=%d, mColISize=%d, mColGap=%d\n",
           mLastBalanceBSize, aConfig.mColMaxBSize, isRTL, aConfig.mBalanceColCount,
           aConfig.mColISize, aConfig.mColGap);


    const bool colBSizeChanged = mLastBalanceBSize != aConfig.mColMaxBSize;

    if (colBSizeChanged) {
        mLastBalanceBSize = aConfig.mColMaxBSize;
        // XXX Seems like this could fire if incremental reflow pushed the column set
        // down so we reflow incrementally with a different available height.
        // We need a way to do an incremental reflow and be sure availableHeight
        // changes are taken account of! Right now I think block frames with absolute
        // children might exit early.
        //NS_ASSERTION(aKidReason != eReflowReason_Incremental,
        //             "incremental reflow should not have changed the balance height");

    // get our border and padding
    LogicalMargin borderPadding = aReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();

    nsRect contentRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
    nsOverflowAreas overflowRects;

    nsIFrame* child = mFrames.FirstChild();
    LogicalPoint childOrigin(wm, borderPadding.IStart(wm),
    // In vertical-rl mode, columns will not be correctly placed if the
    // reflowState's ComputedWidth() is UNCONSTRAINED (in which case we'll get
    // a containerSize.width of zero here). In that case, the column positions
    // will be adjusted later, after our correct contentSize is known.
    nsSize containerSize = aReflowState.ComputedSizeAsContainerIfConstrained();

    // For RTL, since the columns might not fill the frame exactly, we
    // need to account for the slop. Otherwise we'll waste time moving the
    // columns by some tiny amount

    // XXX when all of layout is converted to logical coordinates, we
    //     probably won't need to do this hack any more. For now, we
    //     confine it to the legacy horizontal-rl case
    if (!isVertical && isRTL) {
        nscoord availISize = aReflowState.AvailableISize();
        if (aReflowState.ComputedISize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
            availISize = aReflowState.ComputedISize();
        if (availISize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
            childOrigin.I(wm) = containerSize.width - borderPadding.Left(wm) -
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
            printf("*** childOrigin.iCoord = %d\n", childOrigin.I(wm));

    int columnCount = 0;
    int contentBEnd = 0;
    bool reflowNext = false;

    while (child) {
        // Try to skip reflowing the child. We can't skip if the child is dirty. We also can't
        // skip if the next column is dirty, because the next column's first line(s)
        // might be pullable back to this column. We can't skip if it's the last child
        // because we need to obtain the bottom margin. We can't skip
        // if this is the last column and we're supposed to assign unbounded
        // height to it, because that could change the available height from
        // the last time we reflowed it and we should try to pull all the
        // content from its next sibling. (Note that it might be the last
        // column, but not be the last child because the desired number of columns
        // has changed.)
        bool skipIncremental = !aReflowState.ShouldReflowAllKids()
                               && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child)
                               && child->GetNextSibling()
                               && !(aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1)
                               && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child->GetNextSibling());
        // If we need to pull up content from the prev-in-flow then this is not just
        // a height shrink. The prev in flow will have set the dirty bit.
        // Check the overflow rect YMost instead of just the child's content height. The child
        // may have overflowing content that cares about the available height boundary.
        // (It may also have overflowing content that doesn't care about the available height
        // boundary, but if so, too bad, this optimization is defeated.)
        // We want scrollable overflow here since this is a calculation that
        // affects layout.
        bool skipResizeBSizeShrink = false;
        if (shrinkingBSizeOnly) {
            switch (wm.GetBlockDir()) {
            case WritingMode::eBlockTB:
                if (child->GetScrollableOverflowRect().YMost() <= aConfig.mColMaxBSize) {
                    skipResizeBSizeShrink = true;
            case WritingMode::eBlockLR:
                if (child->GetScrollableOverflowRect().XMost() <= aConfig.mColMaxBSize) {
                    skipResizeBSizeShrink = true;
            case WritingMode::eBlockRL:
                // XXX not sure how to handle this, so for now just don't attempt
                // the optimization
                NS_NOTREACHED("unknown block direction");

        nscoord childContentBEnd = 0;
        if (!reflowNext && (skipIncremental || skipResizeBSizeShrink)) {
            // This child does not need to be reflowed, but we may need to move it
            MoveChildTo(child, childOrigin, wm, containerSize);

            // If this is the last frame then make sure we get the right status
            nsIFrame* kidNext = child->GetNextSibling();
            if (kidNext) {
                aStatus = (kidNext->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)
                          ? NS_FRAME_OVERFLOW_INCOMPLETE
                          : NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE;
            } else {
                aStatus = mLastFrameStatus;
            childContentBEnd = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBEnd(wm, child);
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
            printf("*** Skipping child #%d %p (incremental %d, resize block-size shrink %d): status = %d\n",
                   columnCount, (void*)child, skipIncremental, skipResizeBSizeShrink, aStatus);
        } else {
            LogicalSize availSize(wm, aConfig.mColISize, aConfig.mColMaxBSize);
            if (aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1) {
                availSize.BSize(wm) = GetAvailableContentBSize(aReflowState);

            LogicalSize computedSize = aReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);

            if (reflowNext)

            LogicalSize kidCBSize(wm, availSize.ISize(wm), computedSize.BSize(wm));
            nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(PresContext(), aReflowState, child,
                                             availSize, &kidCBSize);
            kidReflowState.mFlags.mIsTopOfPage = true;
            kidReflowState.mFlags.mTableIsSplittable = false;
            kidReflowState.mFlags.mIsColumnBalancing = aConfig.mBalanceColCount < INT32_MAX;

            // We need to reflow any float placeholders, even if our column height
            // hasn't changed.
            kidReflowState.mFlags.mMustReflowPlaceholders = !colBSizeChanged;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
            printf("*** Reflowing child #%d %p: availHeight=%d\n",
                   columnCount, (void*)child,availSize.BSize(wm));

            // Note if the column's next in flow is not being changed by this incremental reflow.
            // This may allow the current column to avoid trying to pull lines from the next column.
            if (child->GetNextSibling() &&
                    !(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) &&
                    !(child->GetNextSibling()->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
                kidReflowState.mFlags.mNextInFlowUntouched = true;

            nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(wm, aDesiredSize.mFlags);

            // XXX it would be cool to consult the float manager for the
            // previous block to figure out the region of floats from the
            // previous column that extend into this column, and subtract
            // that region from the new float manager.  So you could stick a
            // really big float in the first column and text in following
            // columns would flow around it.

            // Reflow the frame
            LogicalPoint origin(wm,
                                childOrigin.I(wm) +
                                childOrigin.B(wm) +
            ReflowChild(child, PresContext(), kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                        wm, origin, containerSize, 0, aStatus);

            reflowNext = (aStatus & NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW) != 0;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
            printf("*** Reflowed child #%d %p: status = %d, desiredSize=%d,%d CarriedOutBEndMargin=%d\n",
                   columnCount, (void*)child, aStatus, kidDesiredSize.Width(), kidDesiredSize.Height(),

            NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("Column::Reflow", aStatus);

            *aCarriedOutBEndMargin = kidDesiredSize.mCarriedOutBEndMargin;

            FinishReflowChild(child, PresContext(), kidDesiredSize,
                              &kidReflowState, wm, childOrigin, containerSize, 0);

            childContentBEnd = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBEnd(wm, child);
            if (childContentBEnd > aConfig.mColMaxBSize) {
                allFit = false;
            if (childContentBEnd > availSize.BSize(wm)) {
                aColData.mMaxOverflowingBSize = std::max(childContentBEnd,

        contentRect.UnionRect(contentRect, child->GetRect());

        ConsiderChildOverflow(overflowRects, child);
        contentBEnd = std::max(contentBEnd, childContentBEnd);
        aColData.mLastBSize = childContentBEnd;
        aColData.mSumBSize += childContentBEnd;

        // Build a continuation column if necessary
        nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = child->GetNextInFlow();

        if (NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus) && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus)) {
            NS_ASSERTION(!kidNextInFlow, "next in flow should have been deleted");
            child = nullptr;
        } else {
            // Make sure that the column has a next-in-flow. If not, we must
            // create one to hold the overflowing stuff, even if we're just
            // going to put it on our overflow list and let *our*
            // next in flow handle it.
            if (!kidNextInFlow) {
                             "We have to create a continuation, but the block doesn't want us to reflow it?");

                // We need to create a continuing column
                kidNextInFlow = CreateNextInFlow(child);

            // Make sure we reflow a next-in-flow when it switches between being
            // normal or overflow container
            if (NS_FRAME_OVERFLOW_IS_INCOMPLETE(aStatus)) {
                if (!(kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)) {
                    aStatus |= NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW;
                    reflowNext = true;
            else if (kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER) {
                aStatus |= NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW;
                reflowNext = true;

            if ((contentBEnd > aReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() ||
                    contentBEnd > aReflowState.ComputedBSize()) &&
                    aConfig.mBalanceColCount < INT32_MAX) {
                // We overflowed vertically, but have not exceeded the number of
                // columns. We're going to go into overflow columns now, so balancing
                // no longer applies.
                aColData.mHasExcessBSize = true;

            if (columnCount >= aConfig.mBalanceColCount) {
                // No more columns allowed here. Stop.
                aStatus |= NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW;
                // Move any of our leftover columns to our overflow list. Our
                // next-in-flow will eventually pick them up.
                const nsFrameList& continuationColumns = mFrames.RemoveFramesAfter(child);
                if (continuationColumns.NotEmpty()) {
                child = nullptr;

        if (PresContext()->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
            // Stop the loop now while |child| still points to the frame that bailed
            // out.  We could keep going here and condition a bunch of the code in
            // this loop on whether there's an interrupt, or even just keep going and
            // trying to reflow the blocks (even though we know they'll interrupt
            // right after their first line), but stopping now is conceptually the
            // simplest (and probably fastest) thing.

        // Advance to the next column
        child = child->GetNextSibling();

        if (child) {
            childOrigin.I(wm) += aConfig.mColISize + aConfig.mColGap;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
            printf("*** NEXT CHILD ORIGIN.icoord = %d\n", childOrigin.I(wm));

    if (PresContext()->CheckForInterrupt(this) &&
            (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
        // Mark all our kids starting with |child| dirty

        // Note that this is a CheckForInterrupt call, not a HasPendingInterrupt,
        // because we might have interrupted while reflowing |child|, and since
        // we're about to add a dirty bit to |child| we need to make sure that
        // |this| is scheduled to have dirty bits marked on it and its ancestors.
        // Otherwise, when we go to mark dirty bits on |child|'s ancestors we'll
        // bail out immediately, since it'll already have a dirty bit.
        for (; child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {

    aColData.mMaxBSize = contentBEnd;
    LogicalSize contentSize = LogicalSize(wm, contentRect.Size());
    contentSize.BSize(wm) = std::max(contentSize.BSize(wm), contentBEnd);
    mLastFrameStatus = aStatus;

    // Apply computed and min/max values
    if (aConfig.mComputedBSize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        if (aReflowState.AvailableBSize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
            contentSize.BSize(wm) = std::min(contentSize.BSize(wm),
        } else {
            contentSize.BSize(wm) = aConfig.mComputedBSize;
    } else {
        // We add the "consumed" block-size back in so that we're applying
        // constraints to the correct bSize value, then subtract it again
        // after we've finished with the min/max calculation. This prevents us from
        // having a last continuation that is smaller than the min bSize. but which
        // has prev-in-flows, trigger a larger bSize than actually required.
        contentSize.BSize(wm) =
    if (aReflowState.ComputedISize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        contentSize.ISize(wm) = aReflowState.ComputedISize();
    } else {
        contentSize.ISize(wm) =

    contentSize.ISize(wm) += borderPadding.IStartEnd(wm);
    contentSize.BSize(wm) += borderPadding.BStartEnd(wm);
    aDesiredSize.SetSize(wm, contentSize);
    aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas = overflowRects;

    // In vertical-rl mode, make a second pass if necessary to reposition the
    // columns with the correct container width. (In other writing modes,
    // correct containerSize was not required for column positioning so we don't
    // need this fixup.)
    if (wm.IsVerticalRL() && containerSize.width != contentSize.Width(wm)) {
        const nsSize finalContainerSize = aDesiredSize.PhysicalSize();
        for (nsIFrame* child : mFrames) {
            // Get the logical position as set previously using a provisional or
            // dummy containerSize, and reset with the correct container size.
            child->SetPosition(wm, child->GetLogicalPosition(wm, containerSize),

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
    printf("*** DONE PASS feasible=%d\n", allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
           && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus));
    return allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
           && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus);
 * Attempt to place the block frame within the available space.  If
 * it fits, apply inline-dir ("horizontal") positioning (CSS 10.3.3),
 * collapse margins (CSS2 8.3.1). Also apply relative positioning.
nsBlockReflowContext::PlaceBlock(const nsHTMLReflowState&  aReflowState,
                                 bool                      aForceFit,
                                 nsLineBox*                aLine,
                                 nsCollapsingMargin&       aBEndMarginResult,
                                 nsOverflowAreas&          aOverflowAreas,
                                 nsReflowStatus            aReflowStatus)
  // Compute collapsed block-end margin value.
  WritingMode wm = aReflowState.GetWritingMode();
  WritingMode parentWM = mMetrics.GetWritingMode();
  if (NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aReflowStatus)) {
    aBEndMarginResult = mMetrics.mCarriedOutBEndMargin;
      ConvertTo(parentWM, wm).BEnd(parentWM));
  } else {
    // The used bottom-margin is set to zero above a break.

  nscoord backupContainingBlockAdvance = 0;

  // Check whether the block's block-end margin collapses with its block-start
  // margin. See CSS 2.1 section 8.3.1; those rules seem to match
  // nsBlockFrame::IsEmpty(). Any such block must have zero block-size so
  // check that first. Note that a block can have clearance and still
  // have adjoining block-start/end margins, because the clearance goes
  // above the block-start margin.
  // Mark the frame as non-dirty; it has been reflowed (or we wouldn't
  // be here), and we don't want to assert in CachedIsEmpty()
  bool empty = 0 == mMetrics.BSize(parentWM) && aLine->CachedIsEmpty();
  if (empty) {
    // Collapse the block-end margin with the block-start margin that was
    // already applied.

    printf("  ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mOuterReflowState.frame);
    printf(": ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mFrame);
    printf(" -- collapsing block start & end margin together; BStart=%d spaceBStart=%d\n",
           mBCoord, mSpace.BStart(mWritingMode));
    // Section 8.3.1 of CSS 2.1 says that blocks with adjoining
    // "top/bottom" (i.e. block-start/end) margins whose top margin collapses
    // with their parent's top margin should have their top border-edge at the
    // top border-edge of their parent. We actually don't have to do
    // anything special to make this happen. In that situation,
    // nsBlockFrame::ShouldApplyBStartMargin will have returned false,
    // and mBStartMargin and aClearance will have been zero in
    // ReflowBlock.

    // If we did apply our block-start margin, but now we're collapsing it
    // into the block-end margin, we need to back up the containing
    // block's bCoord-advance by our block-start margin so that it doesn't get
    // counted twice. Note that here we're allowing the line's bounds
    // to become different from the block's position; we do this
    // because the containing block will place the next line at the
    // line's BEnd, and it must place the next line at a different
    // point from where this empty block will be.
    backupContainingBlockAdvance = mBStartMargin.get();

  // See if the frame fit. If it's the first frame or empty then it
  // always fits. If the block-size is unconstrained then it always fits,
  // even if there's some sort of integer overflow that makes bCoord +
  // mMetrics.BSize() appear to go beyond the available height.
  if (!empty && !aForceFit &&
      mSpace.BSize(mWritingMode) != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
    nscoord bEnd = mBCoord -
                   backupContainingBlockAdvance + mMetrics.BSize(mWritingMode);
    if (bEnd > mSpace.BEnd(mWritingMode)) {
      // didn't fit, we must acquit.
      mFrame->DidReflow(mPresContext, &aReflowState,
      return false;

                   mICoord, mBCoord - backupContainingBlockAdvance,
                   mMetrics.ISize(mWritingMode), mMetrics.BSize(mWritingMode),

  WritingMode frameWM = mFrame->GetWritingMode();
  LogicalPoint logPos =
    LogicalPoint(mWritingMode, mICoord, mBCoord).
      ConvertTo(frameWM, mWritingMode, mContainerWidth - mMetrics.Width());
  aReflowState.ApplyRelativePositioning(&logPos, mContainerWidth);

  // Now place the frame and complete the reflow process
  nsContainerFrame::FinishReflowChild(mFrame, mPresContext, mMetrics,
                                      &aReflowState, frameWM, logPos,
                                      mContainerWidth, 0);

  aOverflowAreas = mMetrics.mOverflowAreas + mFrame->GetPosition();

  return true;
Пример #28
nsColumnSetFrame::FindBestBalanceBSize(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                       nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                       ReflowConfig& aConfig,
                                       ColumnBalanceData& aColData,
                                       nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                                       nsCollapsingMargin& aOutMargin,
                                       bool& aUnboundedLastColumn,
                                       bool& aRunWasFeasible,
                                       nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
    bool feasible = aRunWasFeasible;

    nsMargin bp = aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding();
    bp.bottom = aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().bottom;

    nscoord availableContentBSize =

    // Termination of the algorithm below is guaranteed because
    // aConfig.knownFeasibleBSize - aConfig.knownInfeasibleBSize decreases in every
    // iteration.

    // We set this flag when we detect that we may contain a frame
    // that can break anywhere (thus foiling the linear decrease-by-one
    // search)
    bool maybeContinuousBreakingDetected = false;

    while (!aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
        nscoord lastKnownFeasibleBSize = aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize;

        // Record what we learned from the last reflow
        if (feasible) {
            // maxBSize is feasible. Also, mLastBalanceBSize is feasible.
            aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize = std::min(aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize,
            aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize = std::min(aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize,

            // Furthermore, no height less than the height of the last
            // column can ever be feasible. (We might be able to reduce the
            // height of a non-last column by moving content to a later column,
            // but we can't do that with the last column.)
            if (mFrames.GetLength() == aConfig.mBalanceColCount) {
                aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize = std::max(aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize,
                                                aColData.mLastBSize - 1);
        } else {
            aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize = std::max(aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize,
            // If a column didn't fit in its available height, then its current
            // height must be the minimum height for unbreakable content in
            // the column, and therefore no smaller height can be feasible.
            aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize = std::max(aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize,
                                            aColData.mMaxOverflowingBSize - 1);

            if (aUnboundedLastColumn) {
                // The last column is unbounded, so all content got reflowed, so the
                // mColMaxBSize is feasible.
                aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize = std::min(aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize,

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
        printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow balancing knownInfeasible=%d knownFeasible=%d\n",
               aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize, aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize);

        if (aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize >= aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize - 1) {
            // aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize is where we want to be

        if (aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize >= availableContentBSize) {

        if (lastKnownFeasibleBSize - aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize == 1) {
            // We decreased the feasible height by one twip only. This could
            // indicate that there is a continuously breakable child frame
            // that we are crawling through.
            maybeContinuousBreakingDetected = true;

        nscoord nextGuess = (aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize + aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize)/2;
        // The constant of 600 twips is arbitrary. It's about two line-heights.
        if (aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize - nextGuess < 600 &&
                !maybeContinuousBreakingDetected) {
            // We're close to our target, so just try shrinking just the
            // minimum amount that will cause one of our columns to break
            // differently.
            nextGuess = aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize - 1;
        } else if (aUnboundedLastColumn) {
            // Make a guess by dividing that into N columns. Add some slop
            // to try to make it on the feasible side.  The constant of
            // 600 twips is arbitrary. It's about two line-heights.
            nextGuess = aColData.mSumBSize/aConfig.mBalanceColCount + 600;
            // Sanitize it
            nextGuess = clamped(nextGuess, aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize + 1,
                                aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize - 1);
        } else if (aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
            // This can happen when we had a next-in-flow so we didn't
            // want to do an unbounded height measuring step. Let's just increase
            // from the infeasible height by some reasonable amount.
            nextGuess = aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize*2 + 600;
        // Don't bother guessing more than our height constraint.
        nextGuess = std::min(availableContentBSize, nextGuess);

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
        printf("*** nsColumnSetFrame::Reflow balancing choosing next guess=%d\n", nextGuess);

        aConfig.mColMaxBSize = nextGuess;

        aUnboundedLastColumn = false;
        feasible = ReflowColumns(aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, aConfig, false,
                                 &aOutMargin, aColData);

        if (!aConfig.mIsBalancing) {
            // Looks like we had excess height when balancing, so we gave up on
            // trying to balance.

    if (aConfig.mIsBalancing && !feasible &&
            !aPresContext->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
        // We may need to reflow one more time at the feasible height to
        // get a valid layout.
        bool skip = false;
        if (aConfig.mKnownInfeasibleBSize >= availableContentBSize) {
            aConfig.mColMaxBSize = availableContentBSize;
            if (mLastBalanceBSize == availableContentBSize) {
                skip = true;
        } else {
            aConfig.mColMaxBSize = aConfig.mKnownFeasibleBSize;
        if (!skip) {
            // If our height is unconstrained, make sure that the last column is
            // allowed to have arbitrary height here, even though we were balancing.
            // Otherwise we'd have to split, and it's not clear what we'd do with
            // that.
            feasible = ReflowColumns(aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, aConfig,
                                     availableContentBSize == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
                                     &aOutMargin, aColData);

    aRunWasFeasible = feasible;
nsMathMLmrootFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                           nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                           const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                           nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  nsSize availSize(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
  nsReflowStatus childStatus;

  aDesiredSize.width = aDesiredSize.height = 0;
  aDesiredSize.ascent = 0;

  nsBoundingMetrics bmSqr, bmBase, bmIndex;
  nsRenderingContext& renderingContext = *aReflowState.rendContext;

  // Reflow Children

  int32_t count = 0;
  nsIFrame* baseFrame = nullptr;
  nsIFrame* indexFrame = nullptr;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics baseSize;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics indexSize;
  nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
  while (childFrame) {
    // ask our children to compute their bounding metrics 
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics childDesiredSize(aDesiredSize.mFlags
                                         | NS_REFLOW_CALC_BOUNDING_METRICS);
    nsHTMLReflowState childReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                       childFrame, availSize);
    rv = ReflowChild(childFrame, aPresContext,
                     childDesiredSize, childReflowState, childStatus);
    //NS_ASSERTION(NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(childStatus), "bad status");
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      // Call DidReflow() for the child frames we successfully did reflow.
      DidReflowChildren(mFrames.FirstChild(), childFrame);
      return rv;
    if (0 == count) {
      // base 
      baseFrame = childFrame;
      baseSize = childDesiredSize;
      bmBase = childDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics;
    else if (1 == count) {
      // index
      indexFrame = childFrame;
      indexSize = childDesiredSize;
      bmIndex = childDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics;
    childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling();
  if (2 != count) {
    // report an error, encourage people to get their markups in order
    rv = ReflowError(renderingContext, aDesiredSize);
    aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
    NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
    // Call DidReflow() for the child frames we successfully did reflow.
    DidReflowChildren(mFrames.FirstChild(), childFrame);
    return rv;

  // Prepare the radical symbol and the overline bar

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm;
  nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fm));

  // For radical glyphs from TeX fonts and some of the radical glyphs from
  // Mathematica fonts, the thickness of the overline can be obtained from the
  // ascent of the glyph.  Most fonts however have radical glyphs above the
  // baseline so no assumption can be made about the meaning of the ascent.
  nscoord ruleThickness, leading, em;
  GetRuleThickness(renderingContext, fm, ruleThickness);

  PRUnichar one = '1';
  nsBoundingMetrics bmOne = renderingContext.GetBoundingMetrics(&one, 1);

  // get the leading to be left at the top of the resulting frame
  // this seems more reliable than using fm->GetLeading() on suspicious fonts
  GetEmHeight(fm, em);
  leading = nscoord(0.2f * em); 

  // Rule 11, App. G, TeXbook
  // psi = clearance between rule and content
  nscoord phi = 0, psi = 0;
  if (NS_MATHML_IS_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags))
    phi = fm->XHeight();
    phi = ruleThickness;
  psi = ruleThickness + phi/4;

  // built-in: adjust clearance psi to emulate \mathstrut using '1' (TexBook, p.131)
  if (bmOne.ascent > bmBase.ascent)
    psi += bmOne.ascent - bmBase.ascent;

  // make sure that the rule appears on on screen
  nscoord onePixel = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);
  if (ruleThickness < onePixel) {
    ruleThickness = onePixel;

  // adjust clearance psi to get an exact number of pixels -- this
  // gives a nicer & uniform look on stacked radicals (bug 130282)
  nscoord delta = psi % onePixel;
  if (delta)
    psi += onePixel - delta; // round up

  // Stretch the radical symbol to the appropriate height if it is not big enough.
  nsBoundingMetrics contSize = bmBase;
  contSize.descent = bmBase.ascent + bmBase.descent + psi;
  contSize.ascent = ruleThickness;

  // height(radical) should be >= height(base) + psi + ruleThickness
  nsBoundingMetrics radicalSize;
  mSqrChar.Stretch(aPresContext, renderingContext,
                   contSize, radicalSize,
  // radicalSize have changed at this point, and should match with
  // the bounding metrics of the char

  // Update the desired size for the container (like msqrt, index is not yet included)
  // the baseline will be that of the base.
  mBoundingMetrics.ascent = bmBase.ascent + psi + ruleThickness;
  mBoundingMetrics.descent = 
           (bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent - mBoundingMetrics.ascent));
  mBoundingMetrics.width = bmSqr.width + bmBase.width;
  mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = bmSqr.leftBearing;
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = bmSqr.width + 
    NS_MAX(bmBase.width, bmBase.rightBearing); // take also care of the rule

  aDesiredSize.ascent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading;
  aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent +
    NS_MAX(baseSize.height - baseSize.ascent,
           mBoundingMetrics.descent + ruleThickness);
  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;

  // Re-adjust the desired size to include the index.
  // the index is raised by some fraction of the height
  // of the radical, see \mroot macro in App. B, TexBook
  nscoord raiseIndexDelta = NSToCoordRound(0.6f * (bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent));
  nscoord indexRaisedAscent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent // top of radical 
    - (bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent) // to bottom of radical
    + raiseIndexDelta + bmIndex.ascent + bmIndex.descent; // to top of raised index

  nscoord indexClearance = 0;
  if (mBoundingMetrics.ascent < indexRaisedAscent) {
    indexClearance = 
      indexRaisedAscent - mBoundingMetrics.ascent; // excess gap introduced by a tall index 
    mBoundingMetrics.ascent = indexRaisedAscent;
    nscoord descent = aDesiredSize.height - aDesiredSize.ascent;
    aDesiredSize.ascent = mBoundingMetrics.ascent + leading;
    aDesiredSize.height = aDesiredSize.ascent + descent;

  nscoord dxIndex, dxSqr;
  GetRadicalXOffsets(bmIndex.width, bmSqr.width, fm, &dxIndex, &dxSqr);

  mBoundingMetrics.width = dxSqr + bmSqr.width + bmBase.width;
  mBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = 
    NS_MIN(dxIndex + bmIndex.leftBearing, dxSqr + bmSqr.leftBearing);
  mBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = dxSqr + bmSqr.width +
    NS_MAX(bmBase.width, bmBase.rightBearing);

  aDesiredSize.width = mBoundingMetrics.width;
  aDesiredSize.mBoundingMetrics = mBoundingMetrics;

  // place the index
  nscoord dx = dxIndex;
  nscoord dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - (indexRaisedAscent + indexSize.ascent - bmIndex.ascent);
  FinishReflowChild(indexFrame, aPresContext, nullptr, indexSize,
                    MirrorIfRTL(aDesiredSize.width, indexSize.width, dx),
                    dy, 0);

  // place the radical symbol and the radical bar
  dx = dxSqr;
  dy = indexClearance + leading; // leave a leading at the top
  mSqrChar.SetRect(nsRect(MirrorIfRTL(aDesiredSize.width, bmSqr.width, dx),
                          dy, bmSqr.width, bmSqr.ascent + bmSqr.descent));
  dx += bmSqr.width;
  mBarRect.SetRect(MirrorIfRTL(aDesiredSize.width, bmBase.width, dx),
                   dy, bmBase.width, ruleThickness);

  // place the base
  dy = aDesiredSize.ascent - baseSize.ascent;
  FinishReflowChild(baseFrame, aPresContext, nullptr, baseSize,
                    MirrorIfRTL(aDesiredSize.width, baseSize.width, dx),
                    dy, 0);

  mReference.x = 0;
  mReference.y = aDesiredSize.ascent;

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
  return NS_OK;
Пример #30
nsVideoFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                     nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aMetrics,
                     const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                     nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aMetrics, aStatus);
                  ("enter nsVideoFrame::Reflow: availSize=%d,%d",
                  aReflowState.AvailableWidth(), aReflowState.AvailableHeight()));

  NS_PRECONDITION(mState & NS_FRAME_IN_REFLOW, "frame is not in reflow");


  aMetrics.Width() = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();
  aMetrics.Height() = aReflowState.ComputedHeight();

  // stash this away so we can compute our inner area later
  mBorderPadding   = aReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding();

  aMetrics.Width() += mBorderPadding.left + mBorderPadding.right;
  aMetrics.Height() += mBorderPadding.top + mBorderPadding.bottom;

  // Reflow the child frames. We may have up to two, an image frame
  // which is the poster, and a box frame, which is the video controls.
  for (nsIFrame *child = mFrames.FirstChild();
       child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
    if (child->GetContent() == mPosterImage) {
      // Reflow the poster frame.
      nsImageFrame* imageFrame = static_cast<nsImageFrame*>(child);
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(aReflowState);
      WritingMode wm = imageFrame->GetWritingMode();
      LogicalSize availableSize = aReflowState.AvailableSize(wm);
      nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,

      nsRect posterRenderRect;
      if (ShouldDisplayPoster()) {
        posterRenderRect =
          nsRect(nsPoint(mBorderPadding.left, mBorderPadding.top),
      ReflowChild(imageFrame, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                  posterRenderRect.x, posterRenderRect.y, 0, aStatus);
      FinishReflowChild(imageFrame, aPresContext,
                        kidDesiredSize, &kidReflowState,
                        posterRenderRect.x, posterRenderRect.y, 0);
    } else if (child->GetContent() == mVideoControls) {
      // Reflow the video controls frame.
      nsBoxLayoutState boxState(PresContext(), aReflowState.rendContext);
      nsSize size = child->GetSize();
      if (child->GetSize() != size) {
        nsRefPtr<nsRunnable> event = new DispatchResizeToControls(child->GetContent());
    } else if (child->GetContent() == mCaptionDiv) {
      // Reflow to caption div
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(aReflowState);
      WritingMode wm = child->GetWritingMode();
      LogicalSize availableSize = aReflowState.AvailableSize(wm);
      nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,
      nsSize size(aReflowState.ComputedWidth(), aReflowState.ComputedHeight());
      size.width -= kidReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().LeftRight();
      size.height -= kidReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().TopBottom();

      kidReflowState.SetComputedWidth(std::max(size.width, 0));
      kidReflowState.SetComputedHeight(std::max(size.height, 0));

      ReflowChild(child, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                  mBorderPadding.left, mBorderPadding.top, 0, aStatus);
      FinishReflowChild(child, aPresContext,
                        kidDesiredSize, &kidReflowState,
                        mBorderPadding.left, mBorderPadding.top, 0);


                  ("exit nsVideoFrame::Reflow: size=%d,%d",
                  aMetrics.Width(), aMetrics.Height()));
  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aMetrics);